package(default_visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 load("//tensorflow/contrib/lite:build_def.bzl", "tflite_copts") load("//tensorflow/contrib/lite:special_rules.bzl", "tflite_portable_test_suite") tflite_deps_intel = [ "@arm_neon_2_x86_sse", ] HARD_FP_FLAGS_IF_APPLICABLE = select({ "//tensorflow:android_arm": ["-mfloat-abi=softfp"], "//tensorflow:android_arm64": ["-mfloat-abi=softfp"], "//tensorflow:android_armeabi": ["-mfloat-abi=softfp"], "//conditions:default": [], }) NEON_FLAGS_IF_APPLICABLE = select({ ":arm": [ "-O3", "-mfpu=neon", ], ":armeabi-v7a": [ "-O3", "-mfpu=neon", ], ":armv7a": [ "-O3", "-mfpu=neon", ], "//conditions:default": [ "-O3", ], }) cc_library( name = "types", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "compatibility.h", "types.h", ], deps = [ "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", "@com_google_absl//absl/base:core_headers", ], ) cc_library( name = "legacy_types", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "compatibility.h", "legacy_types.h", "types.h", ], deps = [ "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", "@com_google_absl//absl/base:core_headers", ], ) config_setting( name = "arm", values = { "cpu": "arm", }, ) config_setting( name = "arm64-v8a", values = { "cpu": "arm64-v8a", }, ) config_setting( name = "armv7a", values = { "cpu": "armv7a", }, ) config_setting( name = "armeabi-v7a", values = { "cpu": "armeabi-v7a", }, ) config_setting( name = "haswell", values = { "cpu": "haswell", }, ) config_setting( name = "ios_x86_64", values = { "cpu": "ios_x86_64", }, ) config_setting( name = "ios_armv7", values = { "cpu": "ios_armv7", }, ) config_setting( name = "ios_arm64", values = { "cpu": "ios_arm64", }, ) config_setting( name = "k8", values = { "cpu": "k8", }, ) config_setting( name = "x86", values = { "cpu": "x86", }, ) config_setting( name = "x86_64", values = { "cpu": "x86_64", }, ) config_setting( name = "darwin", values = { "cpu": "darwin", }, ) config_setting( name = "darwin_x86_64", values = { "cpu": "darwin_x86_64", }, ) config_setting( name = "freebsd", values = { "cpu": "freebsd", }, ) cc_library( name = "optimized_base", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "common.h", "optimized/depthwiseconv_float.h", "optimized/depthwiseconv_uint8.h", "optimized/depthwiseconv_uint8_3x3_filter.h", "optimized/optimized_ops.h", ], copts = tflite_copts(), deps = [ ":quantization_util", ":strided_slice_logic", ":types", ":reference_base", ":round", ":tensor_utils", "//third_party/eigen3", "@gemmlowp", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", ] + select({ ":haswell": tflite_deps_intel, ":ios_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":k8": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":freebsd": tflite_deps_intel, "//conditions:default": [], }), ) cc_library( name = "legacy_optimized_base", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "common.h", "optimized/depthwiseconv_float.h", "optimized/depthwiseconv_uint8.h", "optimized/depthwiseconv_uint8_3x3_filter.h", "optimized/legacy_optimized_ops.h", "optimized/optimized_ops.h", ], copts = tflite_copts(), deps = [ ":quantization_util", ":strided_slice_logic", ":tensor_utils", ":types", ":legacy_types", ":legacy_reference_base", ":round", "//third_party/eigen3", "@gemmlowp", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", ] + select({ ":haswell": tflite_deps_intel, ":ios_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":k8": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":freebsd": tflite_deps_intel, "//conditions:default": [], }), ) cc_library( name = "optimized", hdrs = [ "optimized/cblas_conv.h", "optimized/cblas_reference.h", "optimized/eigen_spatial_convolutions.h", "optimized/eigen_tensor_reduced_instantiations_oss.h", "optimized/multithreaded_conv.h", # FIXME(petewarden) - This should be removed, since it's a header from the # :tensor dependency below. "tensor.h", ], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":tensor", ":types", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "//third_party/eigen3", ], ) cc_test( name = "tensor_test", srcs = [""], tags = ["no_oss"], deps = [ ":tensor", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) cc_library( name = "round", srcs = [], hdrs = ["round.h"], ) cc_library( name = "quantization_util", srcs = [""], hdrs = [ "compatibility.h", "quantization_util.h", ], deps = [ ":round", ":types", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", ], ) cc_test( name = "quantization_util_test", srcs = [""], tags = ["no_oss"], deps = [ ":quantization_util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) cc_library( name = "strided_slice_logic", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "strided_slice_logic.h", ], deps = [ ":types", ], ) cc_library( name = "reference_base", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "common.h", "reference/depthwiseconv_float.h", "reference/depthwiseconv_uint8.h", "reference/fully_connected.h", "reference/reference_ops.h", "reference/softmax.h", ], deps = [ ":quantization_util", ":round", ":strided_slice_logic", ":types", "@gemmlowp", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", ] + select({ ":haswell": tflite_deps_intel, ":ios_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":k8": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":freebsd": tflite_deps_intel, "//conditions:default": [], }), ) cc_library( name = "legacy_reference_base", srcs = [], hdrs = [ "common.h", "reference/depthwiseconv_float.h", "reference/depthwiseconv_uint8.h", "reference/fully_connected.h", "reference/legacy_reference_ops.h", "reference/reference_ops.h", "reference/softmax.h", ], deps = [ ":quantization_util", ":round", ":strided_slice_logic", ":legacy_types", ":types", "@gemmlowp", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", ] + select({ ":haswell": tflite_deps_intel, ":ios_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":k8": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86": tflite_deps_intel, ":x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin": tflite_deps_intel, ":darwin_x86_64": tflite_deps_intel, ":freebsd": tflite_deps_intel, "//conditions:default": [], }), ) cc_library( name = "tensor", hdrs = [ "tensor.h", "tensor_ctypes.h", ], deps = [ ":types", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", ], ) # Deprecated version of :tensor, kept for backwards compatibility. cc_library( name = "reference", hdrs = [ "tensor.h", "tensor_ctypes.h", ], deps = [ ":types", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", ], ) cc_library( name = "portable_tensor_utils", srcs = [ "reference/", ], hdrs = [ "reference/portable_tensor_utils.h", ], deps = [ ":round", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:activation_functor", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", ], ) cc_library( name = "neon_tensor_utils", srcs = [ "optimized/", "reference/", "reference/portable_tensor_utils.h", ], hdrs = [ "common.h", "compatibility.h", "optimized/cpu_check.h", "optimized/neon_tensor_utils.h", "optimized/tensor_utils_impl.h", ], copts = NEON_FLAGS_IF_APPLICABLE + HARD_FP_FLAGS_IF_APPLICABLE, deps = [ ":cpu_check", ":round", ":types", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:activation_functor", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", "@arm_neon_2_x86_sse", "@gemmlowp", ], ) cc_library( name = "kernel_utils", srcs = [""], hdrs = ["kernel_utils.h"], deps = [ ":tensor_utils", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", ], ) # Audio support classes imported directly from TensorFlow. cc_library( name = "audio_utils", srcs = [ "", "", "", "", ], hdrs = [ "mfcc.h", "mfcc_dct.h", "mfcc_mel_filterbank.h", "spectrogram.h", ], deps = [ "//third_party/fft2d:fft2d_headers", "@fft2d", ], ) cc_library( name = "tensor_utils", srcs = [ "", ], hdrs = [ "common.h", "compatibility.h", "optimized/cpu_check.h", "optimized/neon_tensor_utils.h", "optimized/tensor_utils_impl.h", "reference/portable_tensor_utils.h", "tensor_utils.h", "types.h", ], copts = NEON_FLAGS_IF_APPLICABLE, deps = [ "@com_google_absl//absl/base:core_headers", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "@arm_neon_2_x86_sse", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:op_macros", "@gemmlowp", ] + select({ ":arm": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":arm64-v8a": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":armeabi-v7a": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":armv7a": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":haswell": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":ios_armv7": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":ios_arm64": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":ios_x86_64": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":x86_64": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":x86": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":k8": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":darwin": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], ":darwin_x86_64": [ ":neon_tensor_utils", ], "//conditions:default": [ ":portable_tensor_utils", ], }), ) cc_library( name = "test_util", srcs = [""], hdrs = ["test_util.h"], deps = [ ":types", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite:string", ], ) cc_test( name = "tensor_utils_test", srcs = [""], copts = NEON_FLAGS_IF_APPLICABLE, linkopts = select({ "//tensorflow:android": [ "-fPIE -pie", ], "//conditions:default": [], }), linkstatic = 1, tags = [ "no_oss", "tflite_not_portable_ios", ], deps = [ ":tensor_utils", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/c:c_api_internal", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:test_util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "depthwiseconv_float_test", srcs = [""], tags = ["no_oss"], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":reference_base", ":test_util", ":types", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "depthwiseconv_quantized_test", srcs = [""], tags = [ "no_oss", "tflite_not_portable_ios", ], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":reference_base", ":test_util", ":types", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "resize_bilinear_test", srcs = [""], tags = [ "no_oss", "tflite_not_portable", ], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":reference_base", ":test_util", ":types", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "softmax_quantized_test", timeout = "long", srcs = [ "", ], tags = ["no_oss"], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":quantization_util", ":reference_base", ":test_util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite:string", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "logsoftmax_quantized_test", timeout = "long", srcs = [ "", ], tags = [ "no_oss", "tflite_not_portable", ], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":quantization_util", ":reference_base", ":test_util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite:string", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_test( name = "log_quantized_test", srcs = [""], tags = ["no_oss"], deps = [ ":optimized_base", ":reference_base", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite:string", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_library( name = "cpu_check", hdrs = [ "optimized/cpu_check.h", ], deps = [ ] + select( { "//tensorflow:android": [ "@androidndk//:cpufeatures", ], "//conditions:default": [], }, ), ) cc_test( name = "batch_to_space_nd_test", srcs = [""], tags = ["no_oss"], deps = [ ":optimized_base", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) exports_files(["optimized/eigen_tensor_reduced_instantiations_oss.h"]) tflite_portable_test_suite()