package(default_visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 load("//tensorflow/contrib/lite:build_def.bzl", "tflite_copts", "gen_selected_ops") exports_files(["LICENSE"]) exports_files(glob([ "testdata/*.bin", "testdata/*.pb", "models/testdata/*", ])) config_setting( name = "mips", values = { "cpu": "mips", }, ) config_setting( name = "mips64", values = { "cpu": "mips64", }, ) cc_library( name = "schema_fbs_version", hdrs = ["version.h"], ) cc_library( name = "arena_planner", srcs = [""], hdrs = ["arena_planner.h"], deps = [ ":context", ":graph_info", ":memory_planner", ":simple_memory_arena", ], ) cc_test( name = "arena_planner_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":arena_planner", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "//tensorflow/core:lib", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Main library. No ops are included here. # TODO(aselle): Resolve problems preventing C99 usage. cc_library( name = "context", srcs = ["context.c"], hdrs = ["context.h"], ) cc_library( name = "graph_info", hdrs = ["graph_info.h"], deps = [":context"], ) cc_library( name = "memory_planner", hdrs = ["memory_planner.h"], deps = [":context"], ) cc_library( name = "simple_memory_arena", srcs = [""], hdrs = ["simple_memory_arena.h"], deps = [":context"], ) cc_library( name = "builtin_op_data", hdrs = [ "builtin_op_data.h", ], ) cc_library( name = "string", hdrs = [ "string.h", ], deps = [ "//tensorflow/core:lib_platform", ], ) # TODO(ahentz): investigate dependency on gemm_support requiring usage of tf_copts. cc_library( name = "framework", srcs = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], hdrs = [ "allocation.h", "context.h", "error_reporter.h", "graph_info.h", "interpreter.h", "model.h", "nnapi_delegate.h", "optional_debug_tools.h", ], copts = tflite_copts(), deps = [ ":arena_planner", ":builtin_op_data", ":context", ":graph_info", ":memory_planner", ":schema_fbs_version", ":simple_memory_arena", ":util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:eigen_support", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:gemm_support", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/nnapi:nnapi_lib", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema:schema_fbs", ], ) cc_library( name = "string_util", srcs = [""], hdrs = ["string_util.h"], deps = [ ":framework", ":string", ], ) cc_test( name = "string_util_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":framework", ":string_util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Test main interpreter cc_test( name = "interpreter_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":framework", ":string_util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels:kernel_util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/kernels/internal:tensor_utils", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema:schema_fbs", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Test graph utils cc_test( name = "graph_info_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":framework", ":string_util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Test arena allocator cc_test( name = "simple_memory_arena_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":simple_memory_arena", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Test model framework. cc_test( name = "model_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], data = [ "testdata/0_subgraphs.bin", "testdata/2_subgraphs.bin", "testdata/empty_model.bin", "testdata/test_model.bin", "testdata/test_model_broken.bin", ], deps = [ ":framework", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Test the C extension API code. cc_test( name = "context_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":framework", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) cc_library( name = "util", srcs = [""], hdrs = ["util.h"], deps = [ ":context", ], ) cc_test( name = "util_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":context", ":util", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing:util", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", ], ) # Test the serialization of a model with optional tensors. # Model tests #cc_library( # name = "models_test_utils", # testonly = 1, # hdrs = ["models/test_utils.h"], # deps = select({ # "//tensorflow:android": [], # "//conditions:default": [ # "@com_google_absl//absl/strings", # "//tensorflow/core:test", # ], # }), #) filegroup( name = "all_files", srcs = glob( ["**/*"], exclude = [ "**/METADATA", "**/OWNERS", "downloads", "examples", "gen", ], ), visibility = ["//tensorflow:__subpackages__"], )