# Labels for TensorFlow LabeledTensor is a library for adding semantically meaningful dimension and coordinate labels to tensors in Tensorflow. LabeledTensor was inspired by [xarray](http://xarray.pydata.org) and [pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org), projects that adds labels to NumPy array. ## Data model `LabeledTensor` is an immutable object consisting of two components: - `tensor`: the `tf.Tensor` object containing the labeled tensor's data. - `axes`: an OrderedDict-like object with keys given by axis names (e.g., ``"channel"``) and values given by `Axis` objects. `Axis` objects keep track of the size of a dimension and, optionally, coordinate labels along that axis (e.g., `("red", "green", "blue")`) in the form of a tuple stored in `Axis.labels`. Operations on `LabeledTensors` use, preserve and transform axis names and labels. ## Quick start Try out the following snippet in a script or Jupyter notebook: import tensorflow as tf lt = tf.contrib.labeled_tensor # Create two LabeledTensors: raw_image = tf.ones((299, 299, 3)) axes = ['row', 'column', ('channel', ['red', 'green', 'blue'])] image = lt.LabeledTensor(raw_image, axes) assert image.tensor is raw_image weights = lt.LabeledTensor(tf.constant([0.1, 0.3, 0.6]), [image.axes['channel']]) # Examples of valid operations: lt.transpose(image, ['column', 'row', 'channel']) lt.reshape(image, ['row', 'column'], ['pixel']) lt.concat([image, image], 'row') lt.reduce_sum(image, ['channel']) lt.select(image, {'channel': 'red'}) lt.cast(image / 256.0, tf.uint8) image * weights lt.matmul(image[0, :, :], weights) tf.cos(image) # automatically converts to tf.Tensor ## Adding a custom op LabeledTensor has wrappers for [quite a few](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/contrib/labeled_tensor/__init__.py) TensorFlow ops. To easily add your own, you can use the `define_unary_op`, `define_binary_op` and `define_reduce_op` functions, e.g., log = lt.define_unary_op('log', tf.log) ## Questions Please reach out to the authors: - Stephan Hoyer (shoyer@google.com, github.com/shoyer) - Eric Christiansen (ericmc@google.com, github.com/emchristiansen)