package(default_visibility = ["//tensorflow:internal"]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 exports_files(["LICENSE"]) load( "//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "if_not_windows", "if_windows", "tf_custom_op_library", "tf_custom_op_py_library", "tf_gen_op_libs", "tf_gen_op_wrapper_py", "tf_kernel_library", "tf_py_test", ) py_library( name = "ignite", srcs = [""], srcs_version = "PY2AND3", deps = [ ":dataset_ops", ], ) tf_custom_op_library( name = "", srcs = ["ops/"], deps = [":dataset_kernels"], ) tf_gen_op_libs( op_lib_names = ["dataset_ops"], ) cc_library( name = "dataset_kernels", srcs = [ "kernels/", "kernels/ignite_client.h", "kernels/ignite_byte_swapper.h", "kernels/ignite_plain_client.h", "kernels/ignite_ssl_wrapper.h", "kernels/", "kernels/ignite_binary_object_parser.h", "kernels/", "kernels/ignite_dataset.h", "kernels/", "kernels/ignite_dataset_iterator.h", "kernels/", ] + if_not_windows([ "kernels/", ]) + if_windows([ "kernels/", ]), copts = if_windows([ "-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", ]), deps = [ "//tensorflow/core:framework_headers_lib", "//third_party/eigen3", "@boringssl//:ssl", "@protobuf_archive//:protobuf_headers", ], alwayslink = 1, ) py_library( name = "dataset_ops", srcs = [ "python/ops/", ], srcs_version = "PY2AND3", deps = [ ":ignite_op_loader", "//tensorflow/python:dataset_ops_gen", "//tensorflow/python:util", "//tensorflow/python/data/ops:dataset_ops", "//tensorflow/python/data/util:nest", ], ) tf_gen_op_wrapper_py( name = "gen_dataset_ops", out = "python/ops/", deps = ["//tensorflow/contrib/ignite:dataset_ops_op_lib"], ) tf_kernel_library( name = "dataset_ops_kernels", deps = [ ":dataset_kernels", "//tensorflow/core:framework", ], alwayslink = 1, ) tf_custom_op_py_library( name = "ignite_op_loader", srcs = ["python/ops/"], dso = ["//tensorflow/contrib/"], kernels = [ ":dataset_ops_kernels", "//tensorflow/contrib/ignite:dataset_ops_op_lib", ], srcs_version = "PY2AND3", deps = [ ":gen_dataset_ops", "//tensorflow/contrib/util:util_py", "//tensorflow/python:platform", ], ) # The Apache Ignite servers have to setup before the test and tear down # after the test manually. The docker engine has to be installed. # # To setup Apache Ignite servers: # $ bash ./python/tests/ # # To tear down Apache Ignite servers: # $ bash ./python/tests/ tf_py_test( name = "ignite_dataset_test", srcs = ["python/tests/"], additional_deps = [ ":ignite", "//tensorflow/python:client_testlib", "//tensorflow/python:framework", "//tensorflow/python:framework_test_lib", "//tensorflow/python:platform_test", ], tags = [ "manual", "no_windows", "notap", ], )