Recurrent Neural Network model. Implements a language modeling network described in that is compatible with (and idiomatic for) eager execution. To run: - Download and extract the Penn Treebank dataset from ```sh tar xvzf simple-examples.tgz -C /tmp ``` - Run: `python --data-dir=/tmp/simple-examples/data` Benchmarks (using synthetic data): ``` # Using eager execution python --benchmarks=. # Using graph execution python --benchmarks=. ``` The above uses the model definition included with the TensorFlow pip package. To build (and run benchmarks) from source: ``` # Using eager execution bazel run -c opt --config=cuda :rnn_ptb_test -- --benchmarks=. # Using graph execution bazel run -c opt --config=cuda :rnn_ptb_graph_test -- --benchmarks=. ``` (Or remove the `--config=cuda` flag for running on CPU instead of GPU). On October 31, 2017, the benchmarks demonstrated slightly better performance (3-6%) for graph execution over eager execution for this particular model when using a single NVIDIA Titan X (Pascal) GPU on a host with an Intel Xeon E5-1650 CPU @ 3.50GHz and a batch size of 32. | Benchmark name | examples/second | | ------------------------------------ | --------------- | | eager_cudnn_train_large_gpu_batch_20 | 938 | | graph_cudnn_train_large_gpu_batch_20 | 971 | | eager_cudnn_train_small_gpu_batch_20 | 2433 | | graph_cudnn_train_small_gpu_batch_20 | 2585 |