`tf.contrib.data` API ===================== NOTE: The `tf.contrib.data` module has been deprecated. Use `tf.data` instead, or `tf.data.experimental` for the experimental transformations previously hosted in this module. We are continuing to support existing code using the `tf.contrib.data` APIs in the current version of TensorFlow, but will eventually remove support. The non-experimental `tf.data` APIs are subject to backwards compatibility guarantees. Porting your code to `tf.data` ------------------------------ The `tf.contrib.data.Dataset` class has been renamed to `tf.data.Dataset`, and the `tf.contrib.data.Iterator` class has been renamed to `tf.data.Iterator`. Most code can be ported by removing `.contrib` from the names of the classes. However, there are some small differences, which are outlined below. The arguments accepted by the `Dataset.map()` transformation have changed: * `dataset.map(..., num_threads=T)` is now `dataset.map(num_parallel_calls=T)`. * `dataset.map(..., output_buffer_size=B)` is now `dataset.map(...).prefetch(B)`. Some transformations have been removed from `tf.data.Dataset`, and you must instead apply them using `Dataset.apply()` transformation. The full list of changes is as follows: * `dataset.dense_to_sparse_batch(...)` is now `dataset.apply(tf.data.experimental.dense_to_sparse_batch(...)`. * `dataset.enumerate(...)` is now `dataset.apply(tf.data.experimental.enumerate_dataset(...))`. * `dataset.group_by_window(...)` is now `dataset.apply(tf.data.experimental.group_by_window(...))`. * `dataset.ignore_errors()` is now `dataset.apply(tf.data.experimental.ignore_errors())`. * `dataset.unbatch()` is now `dataset.apply(tf.contrib.data.unbatch())`. The `Dataset.make_dataset_resource()` and `Iterator.dispose_op()` methods have been removed from the API. Please open a GitHub issue if you have a need for either of these.