/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_fusion_optimizer.h" #include #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/defs.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/graphcycles/graphcycles.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/union_find.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_cluster_util.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/shape_refiner.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.pb.h" #include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h" #include "tensorflow/core/grappler/grappler_item.h" #include "tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/custom_graph_optimizer_registry.h" namespace tensorflow { // Is 'node' an operator that consumes only the shape of its input, not the // data itself? static bool IsShapeConsumerOp(const Node& node) { return node.type_string() == "Shape" || node.type_string() == "ShapeN" || node.type_string() == "Rank" || node.type_string() == "Size"; } // Returns true if the op can be decomposed into XLA ops for which // there are fusible elemental implementations. static bool IsXlaFusible(const NodeDef& node) { static const std::unordered_set* elementwise_ops = new std::unordered_set( {// tf2xla/kernels/aggregate_ops.cc "AddN", // tf2xla/kernels/binary_ops.cc "Add", "Sub", "Mul", "Div", "Atan2", "Complex", "FloorDiv", "FloorMod", "BitwiseAnd", "BitwiseOr", "LeftShift", "RightShift", "LogicalAnd", "LogicalOr", "Mod", "Maximum", "Minimum", "RealDiv", "ReciprocalGrad", "RsqrtGrad", "SqrtGrad", "SquaredDifference", "TruncateDiv", "TruncateMod", "Equal", "NotEqual", "Greater", "GreaterEqual", "Less", "LessEqual", "SigmoidGrad", "SoftplusGrad", "SoftsignGrad", "TanhGrad", "Pow", "ApproximateEqual", // tf2xla/kernels/unary_ops.cc "ComplexAbs", "Angle", "Conj", "Abs", "Acos", "Acosh", "Asin", "Asinh", "Atan", "Atanh", "Ceil", "Cos", "Cosh", "Sin", "Exp", "Expm1", "Floor", "IsFinite", "IsInf", "IsNan", "Inv", "Reciprocal", "Log", "Log1p", "Invert", "LogicalNot", "Neg", "Rint", "Round", "Rsqrt", "Sigmoid", "Sign", "Sinh", "Softplus", "Softsign", "Sqrt", "Square", "Tan", "Tanh", "Real", "Imag", // tf2xla/kernels/bcast_ops.cc "BroadcastArgs", "BroadcastGradientArgs", // tf2xla/kernels/bias_ops.cc "BiasAdd", "BiasAddV1", "BiasAddGrad" /*(Reduce)*/, // tf2xla/kernels/cast_op.cc "Cast", // tf2xla/kernels/concat_op.cc "Concat", "ConcatV2", "ConcatOffset", // tf2xla/kernels/const_op.cc "Const", // tf2xla/kernels/elu_op.cc "Elu", "EluGrad", "Selu", "SeluGrad", // tf2xla/kernels/fill_op.cc "Fill", // tf2xla/kernels/identity_op.cc "Identity", "IdentityN", "PreventGradient", "StopGradient", /*"Snapshot",*/ // tf2xla/kernels/index_ops.cc "ArgMax", "ArgMin", // tf2xla/kernels/mirror_pad_op.cc "MirrorPad", // tf2xla/kernels/one_hot_op.cc "OneHot", // tf2xla/kernels/pack_op.cc "Pack", // tf2xla/kernels/pad_op.cc "Pad", "PadV2", // tf2xla/kernels/relu_op.cc "Relu", "Relu6", "ReluGrad", "Relu6Grad", // tf2xla/kernels/reshape_op.cc "Reshape", // tf2xla/kernels/reverse_op.cc "Reverse", "ReverseV2", // tf2xla/kernels/reverse_sequence_op.cc "ReverseSequence", // tf2xla/kernels/shape_op.cc "Shape", "ShapeN", "Rank", "Size", "ExpandDims", "Squeeze", "ZerosLike", "OnesLike", // tf2xla/kernels/slice_op.cc "Slice", // tf2xla/kernels/split_op.cc "Split", "SplitV", // tf2xla/kernels/strided_slice_op.cc "StridedSlice", "StridedSliceGrad", "ResourceStridedSliceAssign", // tf2xla/kernels/tile_ops.cc "Tile", // tf2xla/kernels/transpose_op.cc "Transpose", "InvertPermutation", // tf2xla/kernels/unpack_op.cc "Unpack"}); return elementwise_ops->count(node.op()) > 0; } Status XlaFusionOptimizer::Optimize(grappler::Cluster* cluster, const grappler::GrapplerItem& item, GraphDef* output) { VLOG(2) << "Here at fusion optimizer"; // TODO(hpucha): Implement encapsulation and replacing with XlaLaunch op. // Once that happens, the expected interaction between this optimizer and when // the global_jit_level is set is as follows: Fusion optimizer will replace // appropriate fusion clusters with XlaLaunch nodes. The remaining graph can // be further compiled where possible via mark_for_compilation_pass. Note that // this might lead to inefficient clustering, and it is best to use either the // fusion optimizer or the global_jit flag, and not combine the two. // Create a Graph out of GraphDef. This is required currently because the // helpers around clustering, encapsulation etc work on graphs. FunctionLibraryDefinition function_library(OpRegistry::Global(), item.graph.library()); Graph graph(function_library); ShapeRefiner shape_refiner(graph.versions(), graph.op_registry()); shape_refiner.set_require_shape_inference_fns(false); shape_refiner.set_disable_constant_propagation(true); ImportGraphDefOptions options; // Graph optimization happens at the late stage of graph execution, when // colocation constraints are already validated previously and the device // placement of nodes has also completed, so there is no need to validate // colocation constraints again. options.validate_colocation_constraints = false; options.validate_shape = false; TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR( ImportGraphDef(options, item.graph, &graph, &shape_refiner)); std::unique_ptr deadness; TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DeadnessAnalysis::Run(graph, &deadness)); // Collect nodes that can be fused via XLA, while ignoring those that // explicitly ask for XLA: (*) nodes that are marked to be compiled // explicitly. (*) nodes assigned to XLA device. OrderedNodeSet compilation_candidates; for (Node* node : graph.op_nodes()) { // If there is a _XlaCompile annotation, ignore the node if it is // true. Nodes are marked with this attr via experimental_jit_scope, and // will be handled by the mark_for_compilation pass. bool compile = false; Status status = GetNodeAttr(node->attrs(), kXlaCompileAttr, &compile); if (status.ok() && compile) { continue; } // If there is already a _XlaCluster annotation, ignore the node. Nodes are // marked with this attr to indicate they are already part of a cluster and // hence ignored. status = GetNodeAttr(node->attrs(), kXlaClusterAttr, &compile); if (status.ok()) { continue; } // If there is an explicit XLA device placement, ignore the node. DeviceType device_type(""); TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DeviceToDeviceType(node->def().device(), &device_type)); if (device_type.type_string().find("XLA") != string::npos) continue; // Assume all fusible ops are registered. // TODO(hpucha): Check for registration if possible. if (!IsXlaFusible(node->def())) { continue; } // XLA does not offer guaranteed aliasing between the input and output of // the XLA cluster so it can't implement the forward-tensor-ref semantic. // Leave such nodes out of XLA clusters. if (HasForwardedRefInput(*node)) { continue; } // If inputs to `node` can have conflicting deadness (i.e. some are alive // and some are dead) then don't compile it. XLA cannot represent the // deadness semantics of these nodes correctly and auto-clustering these // nodes can cause deadness to propagate to nodes that should be live. if (node->IsMerge() || deadness->HasInputsWithMismatchingDeadness(*node)) { continue; } compilation_candidates.insert(node); } if (compilation_candidates.empty()) { VLOG(2) << "No compilable candidates"; *output = item.graph; return Status::OK(); } GraphCycles cycles; TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateCycleDetectionGraph(&graph, &cycles)); TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AdjustCycleDetectionGraphForResourceOps( &graph, &graph.flib_def(), /*resource_ops_to_ignore=*/{}, &cycles)); // TODO(hpucha): Make clustering more robust. There are two known issues that // we need to mitigate: (a) Non-resource variables can cause deadlocks // when clustering changes order of execution. See b/77263461 for a specific // example. (b) Queue operations can also cause deadlocks. See b/77261498 for // example. struct Cluster { // Identifies the node that represents this cluster in the cycle detection // graph. int representative = -1; }; // Each compilation candidate belongs to a cluster. The cluster's // representative names the node in the 'cycles' graph that represents the // cluster. std::vector> clusters(graph.num_node_ids()); std::deque*> worklist; for (Node* node : compilation_candidates) { Cluster& cluster = clusters[node->id()].Get(); cluster.representative = node->id(); worklist.push_back(&clusters[node->id()]); } // Repeatedly contract edges between clusters that are on the same device, // provided the contraction would not create a cycle. This is a simplified // version of the clustering in mark_for_compilation_pass that also deals with // nodes that are explicitly tagged to be compiled/clustered. while (!worklist.empty()) { int from = worklist.front()->Get().representative; worklist.pop_front(); Node* node_from = graph.FindNodeId(from); if (node_from->IsControlFlow()) { // Control flow nodes aren't compilation candidates and should never // appear. return errors::Internal( "Found control flow node in clustering worklist: ", node_from->type_string()); } for (int to : cycles.Successors(from)) { if (to >= graph.num_node_ids()) { // Node is a "frame" node that is present only in the cycle detection // graph. No clustering is possible. continue; } Node* node_to = graph.FindNodeId(to); if (compilation_candidates.find(node_to) == compilation_candidates.cend()) { continue; } // Do not cluster across devices. if (node_from->def().device() != node_to->def().device()) { VLOG(2) << "Devices " << node_from->def().device() << " " << node_to->def().device(); VLOG(2) << "Device names " << node_from->assigned_device_name() << " " << node_to->assigned_device_name(); continue; } // Ops that consume shapes cannot be the root of a cluster. This is an // optimization. if (clusters[from].Size() == 1 && IsShapeConsumerOp(*node_from)) { continue; } // If contracting the edge would create a cycle, bail out. // However, just because we can't merge the clusters now does not mean // we won't be able to merge them in the future. // e.g., if we have edges 1->2, 2->3 and 1->3, we cannot contract edge // 1->3. But if we first contract 1->2 then we can later contract 1->3. if (!cycles.ContractEdge(from, to)) continue; // Merge the clusters. ContractEdge uses 'from' as the number of the // merged node, so make sure 'from' is the chosen representative. clusters[from].Merge(&clusters[to]); worklist.push_back(&clusters[from]); break; } } // Count the number of non-trivial elements in each cluster. std::vector effective_cluster_sizes(graph.num_node_ids()); for (const Node* n : compilation_candidates) { int cluster = clusters[n->id()].Get().representative; // Identity nodes will be removed if the node gets marked for compilation. // Therefore we don't want to count them towards the effective cluster size. if (n->def().op() != "Identity") { effective_cluster_sizes[cluster]++; } } const int min_cluster_size = 2; int num_clusters = 0; for (auto size : effective_cluster_sizes) { if (size >= min_cluster_size) { VLOG(3) << "Cluster " << num_clusters << " " << size; num_clusters++; } } // Names for each cluster. std::unordered_map cluster_names; // Sequence number generator to ensure clusters have unique names. static std::atomic cluster_sequence_num; for (Node* n : compilation_candidates) { int cluster = clusters[n->id()].Get().representative; // Compile if this is a cluster of >= min_cluster_size compilable operators. if (effective_cluster_sizes[cluster] >= min_cluster_size) { string& name = cluster_names[cluster]; if (name.empty()) { name = absl::StrCat("cluster_", cluster_sequence_num++); } n->AddAttr(kXlaClusterAttr, name); VLOG(3) << "Assigning node " << n->name() << " to cluster " << name; } } graph.ToGraphDef(output); return Status::OK(); } REGISTER_GRAPH_OPTIMIZER_AS(XlaFusionOptimizer, "xla-fusion"); } // namespace tensorflow