# Description: # The Boost library collection (http://www.boost.org) # # Most Boost libraries are header-only, in which case you only need to depend # on :boost. If you need one of the libraries that has a separately-compiled # implementation, depend on the appropriate libs rule. # This is only needed for Avro. package(default_visibility = ["@avro_archive//:__subpackages__"]) licenses(["notice"]) # Boost software license cc_library( name = "boost", hdrs = glob([ "boost/**/*.hpp", "boost/**/*.h", "boost/**/*.ipp", ]), includes = ["."], ) cc_library( name = "filesystem", srcs = glob(["libs/filesystem/src/*.cpp"]), deps = [ ":boost", ":system", ], ) cc_library( name = "iostreams", srcs = glob(["libs/iostreams/src/*.cpp"]), deps = [ ":boost", "@bzip2_archive//:bz2lib", "@zlib_archive//:zlib", ], ) cc_library( name = "program_options", srcs = glob(["libs/program_options/src/*.cpp"]), deps = [":boost"], ) cc_library( name = "system", srcs = glob(["libs/system/src/*.cpp"]), deps = [":boost"], )