workspace(name = "org_tensorflow") http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_closure", sha256 = "4be8a887f6f38f883236e77bb25c2da10d506f2bf1a8e5d785c0f35574c74ca4", strip_prefix = "rules_closure-aac19edc557aec9b603cd7ffe359401264ceff0d", urls = [ "", # 2017-05-10 "", ], ) load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure:defs.bzl", "closure_repositories") closure_repositories() load("//tensorflow:workspace.bzl", "tf_workspace") # Uncomment and update the paths in these entries to build the Android demo. #android_sdk_repository( # name = "androidsdk", # api_level = 23, # # Ensure that you have the build_tools_version below installed in the # # SDK manager as it updates periodically. # build_tools_version = "25.0.2", # # Replace with path to Android SDK on your system # path = "", #) # # Android NDK r12b is recommended (higher may cause issues with Bazel) #android_ndk_repository( # name="androidndk", # path="", # # This needs to be 14 or higher to compile TensorFlow. # # Note that the NDK version is not the API level. # api_level=14) # Please add all new TensorFlow dependencies in workspace.bzl. tf_workspace() new_http_archive( name = "inception5h", build_file = "models.BUILD", sha256 = "d13569f6a98159de37e92e9c8ec4dae8f674fbf475f69fe6199b514f756d4364", urls = [ "", "", ], ) new_http_archive( name = "mobile_multibox", build_file = "models.BUILD", sha256 = "859edcddf84dddb974c36c36cfc1f74555148e9c9213dedacf1d6b613ad52b96", urls = [ "", "", ], ) new_http_archive( name = "stylize", build_file = "models.BUILD", sha256 = "3d374a730aef330424a356a8d4f04d8a54277c425e274ecb7d9c83aa912c6bfa", urls = [ "", "", ], )