Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Makes GraphRunner a class to explicitly control it's lifetime.Gravatar Vinu Rajashekhar2017-03-31
* Adds area under precision recall curve for binary and multiclass heads.Gravatar Zakaria Haque2017-03-31
* Add an optional activation function to the OutputProjectionWrapper and InputP...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* Fix issue in installing latest nightly tensorflow pip wheel in ubuntu:16.04-b...Gravatar Shanqing Cai2017-03-31
* Add default saver option to CheckpointSaverHook and improve docstrings.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* tfdbg doc: fix code blocks under numbered bulletsGravatar Shanqing Cai2017-03-31
* Fixes a bug where heads/pre-canned estimators were not exporting proper class...Gravatar Zakaria Haque2017-03-31
* Use a simpler threshold in MultiplyWithoutOverflowGravatar Geoffrey Irving2017-03-31
* [XLA:HLO] Minor fix for Clamp shape inference, and add some tests.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* Migrate trees, models, testutils, and resources libraries to boosted_trees.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* Add a SliceProcessor specialized for const inputs, used if a constant foldingGravatar Yao Zhang2017-03-31
* [tf learn estimators] Bugfix to rnn_common following rollback of RNNCell inst...Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-03-31
* TESTFIX: LinearOperatorFullMatrix placeholder test was not using aGravatar Ian Langmore2017-03-31
* Add more test cases for scalar s32 remainder.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* Only change ._variables_created in template after inner function succeeds.Gravatar Malcolm Reynolds2017-03-31
* Allow variable reuse in function.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* Add more test cases for DivideTwoScalarsS32.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-31
* Rollback of adjust contract change: Breaks backwards compatibility, and is in...Gravatar Martin Wicke2017-03-30
* Adds option to Saver to write relative paths in checkpoint state file.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* tfdbg: fix a bug in graph validation related to tf.while_loopsGravatar Shanqing Cai2017-03-30
* This is to address a long standing issue (probably from day 1 of TensorFlow) ...Gravatar Yuan Yu2017-03-30
* Removing missed print call.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Remove stale documtation about node colocationGravatar Vijay Vasudevan2017-03-30
* Remove 2**40 size limit on TensorShape and harden to overflowGravatar Geoffrey Irving2017-03-30
* Don't add layout transformation for control nodes or nodes that use an outputGravatar Yao Zhang2017-03-30
* [tf distributions] Remove some contrib dependencies in distributions.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-03-30
* Harmonize API signature.Gravatar Patrick Nguyen2017-03-30
* Move all parameters of remote graph execution to NodeDef instead of additiona...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Make the error message issued by ReadVariableOp when attempting to read an un...Gravatar Peter Hawkins2017-03-30
* A small style fix.Gravatar Gunhan Gulsoy2017-03-30
* Updating the Writing Tensorflow Documentation doc to reflect changes in TF1.0...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Print an "autogenerated" message into selective registration headers.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Change vz-line-chart default to off by default since https://github.com/Polym...Gravatar Cassandra Xia2017-03-30
* Fix ReshapeMover to handle scalar operands correctly, particularly for Select.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Fix a bug that the numpy_input_fn pollutes the method arg.Gravatar Jianwei Xie2017-03-30
* [XLA] Remove reversal-of-solely-trivial-dimensions instructions.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Enable snappy.Gravatar Saurabh Saxena2017-03-30
* Revert DynamicRNNEstimator's ability to accept an instance of RNNCell.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-03-30
* Refactor TF-Slim ResNet blocks to use a dictionary for arguments to supportGravatar Jonathan Shen2017-03-30
* [TF:XLA] Refactor TF/XLA operator registration.Gravatar Peter Hawkins2017-03-30
* Copy handle dtype and shape to the placeholders created inside Defun contextGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Use tf.name_scope() instead of deprecated tf.op_scope().Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Make `timeline` build rule public, so other projects can properly depend on it.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Add support for `init_fn` in `evaluation_loop`.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* [TF:XLA] Fix copy-and-paste error in error message for ResourceApplyRMSProp.Gravatar Peter Hawkins2017-03-30
* Initial release of installation guides for Java, C, and Go.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Avoid sampling overhead when no sampled inputs are to be used.Gravatar Adam Roberts2017-03-30
* Add cuda_clang build configuration that allows to use clang as a CUDA compiler.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Fix docstring for get_variable to indent collections correctly.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-03-30
* Add a constant folding pass to grappler.Gravatar Yao Zhang2017-03-29