path: root/third_party/py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/py')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl b/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl
index 157834df4b..1ee9c071ad 100644
--- a/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl
+++ b/third_party/py/BUILD.tpl
@@ -4,42 +4,14 @@ package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "python_headers",
- hdrs = select({
- "windows" : [
- "python_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "python_include",
- ],
- }),
- includes = select({
- "windows" : [
- "python_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "python_include",
- ],
- }),
+ hdrs = [":python_include"],
+ includes = ["python_include"],
name = "numpy_headers",
- hdrs = select({
- "windows" : [
- "numpy_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "numpy_include",
- ],
- }),
- includes = select({
- "windows" : [
- "numpy_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "numpy_include",
- ],
- }),
+ hdrs = [":numpy_include"],
+ includes = ["numpy_include"],
diff --git a/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl b/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl
index b2d0e250e7..b4a98af7b6 100644
--- a/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl
+++ b/third_party/py/python_configure.bzl
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ def _python_configure_warning(msg):
"""Output warning message during auto configuration."""
yellow = "\033[1;33m"
no_color = "\033[0m"
- print("\n%sPython Configuration Warning:%s %s\n" % (yellow, no_color, msg))
+ print("%sPython Configuration Warning:%s %s" % (yellow, no_color, msg))
def _python_configure_fail(msg):
"""Output failure message when auto configuration fails."""
red = "\033[0;31m"
no_color = "\033[0m"
- fail("\n%sPython Configuration Error:%s %s\n" % (red, no_color, msg))
+ fail("%sPython Configuration Error:%s %s\n" % (red, no_color, msg))
def _get_env_var(repository_ctx, name, default = None, enable_warning = True):
@@ -82,51 +82,27 @@ def _execute(repository_ctx, cmdline, error_msg=None, error_details=None,
return result
-def _symlink_genrule_for_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir, dest_dir, genrule_name):
- """returns a genrule to symlink all files in a directory."""
- # Get the list of files under this directory
- find_result = None
+def _read_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir):
+ """Returns a string with all files in a directory.
+ Finds all files inside a directory, traversing subfolders and following
+ symlinks. The returned string contains the full path of all files
+ separated by line breaks.
+ """
if _is_windows(repository_ctx):
+ src_dir = src_dir.replace("/", "\\")
find_result = _execute(
- repository_ctx,
- ["cmd.exe", "/c", "dir", src_dir.replace("/", "\\"), "/b", "/s",
- "/a-d"],
+ repository_ctx, ["cmd.exe", "/c", "dir", src_dir, "/b", "/s", "/a-d"],
- # src_files will be used to compute BUILD rules, where path must use
- # forward slashes.
- src_files = find_result.stdout.replace("\\", "/").splitlines()
- # Create a list with the src_dir stripped to use for outputs.
- fwdslashes_src_dir = src_dir.replace("\\", "/")
- dest_files = [e.replace(fwdslashes_src_dir, "") for e in src_files]
+ # src_files will be used in genrule.outs where the paths must
+ # use forward slashes.
+ result = find_result.stdout.replace("\\", "/")
find_result = _execute(
repository_ctx, ["find", src_dir, "-follow", "-type", "f"],
- # Create a list with the src_dir stripped to use for outputs.
- dest_files = find_result.stdout.replace(src_dir, '').splitlines()
- src_files = find_result.stdout.splitlines()
- command = []
- command_windows = []
- outs = []
- outs_windows = []
- for i in range(len(dest_files)):
- if dest_files[i] != "":
- command.append('ln -s ' + src_files[i] + ' $(@D)/' +
- dest_dir + dest_files[i])
- # ln -sf is actually implemented as copying in msys since creating
- # symbolic links is privileged on Windows. But copying is too slow, so
- # invoke mklink to create junctions on Windows.
- command_windows.append('mklink /J ' + src_files[i] + ' $(@D)/' +
- dest_dir + dest_files[i])
- outs.append(' "' + dest_dir + dest_files[i] + '",')
- outs_windows.append(' "' + dest_dir + '_windows' +
- dest_files[i] + '",')
- genrule = _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, ' && '.join(command),
- '\n'.join(outs))
- genrule_windows = _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name + '_windows',
- "cmd /c \"" + ' && '.join(command_windows) + "\"",
- '\n'.join(outs_windows))
- return genrule + '\n' + genrule_windows
+ result = find_result.stdout
+ return result
def _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, command, outs):
@@ -144,11 +120,43 @@ def _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, command, outs):
' cmd = """\n' +
command +
' """,\n' +
- ' visibility = ["//visibility:private"],' +
- ')\n'
+ ')\n\n'
+def _norm_path(path):
+ """Returns a path with '/' and remove the trailing slash."""
+ path = path.replace("\\", "/")
+ if path[-1] == "/":
+ path = path[:-1]
+ return path
+def _symlink_genrule_for_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir, dest_dir, genrule_name):
+ """Returns a genrule to symlink(or copy if on Windows) a set of files.
+ """
+ src_dir = _norm_path(src_dir)
+ dest_dir = _norm_path(dest_dir)
+ files = _read_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir)
+ # Create a list with the src_dir stripped to use for outputs.
+ dest_files = files.replace(src_dir, '').splitlines()
+ src_files = files.splitlines()
+ command = []
+ outs = []
+ for i in range(len(dest_files)):
+ if dest_files[i] != "":
+ # If we have only one file to link we do not want to use the dest_dir, as
+ # $(@D) will include the full path to the file.
+ dest = '$(@D)/' + dest_dir + dest_files[i] if len(dest_files) != 1 else '$(@D)/' + dest_files[i]
+ # On Windows, symlink is not supported, so we just copy all the files.
+ cmd = 'cp -f' if _is_windows(repository_ctx) else 'ln -s'
+ command.append(cmd + ' "%s" "%s"' % (src_files[i] , dest))
+ outs.append(' "' + dest_dir + dest_files[i] + '",')
+ genrule = _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, " && ".join(command),
+ "\n".join(outs))
+ return genrule
def _get_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_bin):
"""Gets the python lib path."""
print_lib = ("<<END\n" +
@@ -232,9 +240,13 @@ def _create_local_python_repository(repository_ctx):
# If local checks were requested, the python and numpy include will be auto
# detected on the host config (using _PYTHON_BIN_PATH).
if repository_ctx.attr.local_checks:
- python_bin = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _PYTHON_BIN_PATH)
+ # TODO(nlopezgi): The default argument here is a workaround until
+ # bazelbuild/bazel#3057 is resolved.
+ python_bin = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _PYTHON_BIN_PATH,
+ "/usr/bin/python")
_check_python_bin(repository_ctx, python_bin)
- python_lib = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _PYTHON_LIB_PATH, _get_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_bin))
+ python_lib = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _PYTHON_LIB_PATH,
+ _get_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_bin))
_check_python_lib(repository_ctx, python_lib)
python_include = _get_python_include(repository_ctx, python_bin)
numpy_include = _get_numpy_include(repository_ctx, python_bin) + '/numpy'