path: root/third_party/nasm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nasm')
4 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nasm/BUILD b/third_party/nasm/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3aec1fce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nasm/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Needed to make this a package.
diff --git a/third_party/nasm/BUILD.bazel b/third_party/nasm/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c68d713946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nasm/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Description:
+# NASM is a portable assembler in the Intel/Microsoft tradition.
+licenses(["notice"]) # BSD 2-clause
+ name = "nasm",
+ srcs = [
+ "asm/assemble.c",
+ "asm/assemble.h",
+ "asm/directbl.c",
+ "asm/directiv.c",
+ "asm/directiv.h",
+ "asm/error.c",
+ "asm/eval.c",
+ "asm/eval.h",
+ "asm/exprdump.c",
+ "asm/exprlib.c",
+ "asm/float.c",
+ "asm/float.h",
+ "asm/labels.c",
+ "asm/listing.c",
+ "asm/listing.h",
+ "asm/nasm.c",
+ "asm/parser.c",
+ "asm/parser.h",
+ "asm/pptok.c",
+ "asm/pptok.h",
+ "asm/pragma.c",
+ "asm/preproc.c",
+ "asm/preproc.h",
+ "asm/preproc-nop.c",
+ "asm/quote.c",
+ "asm/quote.h",
+ "asm/rdstrnum.c",
+ "asm/segalloc.c",
+ "asm/stdscan.c",
+ "asm/stdscan.h",
+ "asm/strfunc.c",
+ "asm/tokens.h",
+ "asm/tokhash.c",
+ "common/common.c",
+ "config/unknown.h",
+ "disasm/disasm.c",
+ "disasm/disasm.h",
+ "disasm/sync.c",
+ "disasm/sync.h",
+ "include/compiler.h",
+ "include/disp8.h",
+ "include/error.h",
+ "include/hashtbl.h",
+ "include/iflag.h",
+ "include/insns.h",
+ "include/labels.h",
+ "include/md5.h",
+ "include/nasm.h",
+ "include/nasmint.h",
+ "include/nasmlib.h",
+ "include/opflags.h",
+ "include/perfhash.h",
+ "include/raa.h",
+ "include/rbtree.h",
+ "include/rdoff.h",
+ "include/saa.h",
+ "include/strlist.h",
+ "include/tables.h",
+ "include/ver.h",
+ "macros/macros.c",
+ "nasmlib/badenum.c",
+ "nasmlib/bsi.c",
+ "nasmlib/crc64.c",
+ "nasmlib/file.c",
+ "nasmlib/file.h",
+ "nasmlib/filename.c",
+ "nasmlib/hashtbl.c",
+ "nasmlib/ilog2.c",
+ "nasmlib/malloc.c",
+ "nasmlib/md5c.c",
+ "nasmlib/mmap.c",
+ "nasmlib/path.c",
+ "nasmlib/perfhash.c",
+ "nasmlib/raa.c",
+ "nasmlib/rbtree.c",
+ "nasmlib/readnum.c",
+ "nasmlib/realpath.c",
+ "nasmlib/saa.c",
+ "nasmlib/srcfile.c",
+ "nasmlib/string.c",
+ "nasmlib/strlist.c",
+ "nasmlib/ver.c",
+ "nasmlib/zerobuf.c",
+ "output/codeview.c",
+ "output/dwarf.h",
+ "output/elf.h",
+ "output/legacy.c",
+ "output/nulldbg.c",
+ "output/nullout.c",
+ "output/outaout.c",
+ "output/outas86.c",
+ "output/outbin.c",
+ "output/outcoff.c",
+ "output/outdbg.c",
+ "output/outelf.c",
+ "output/outelf.h",
+ "output/outform.c",
+ "output/outform.h",
+ "output/outieee.c",
+ "output/outlib.c",
+ "output/outlib.h",
+ "output/outmacho.c",
+ "output/outobj.c",
+ "output/outrdf2.c",
+ "output/pecoff.h",
+ "output/stabs.h",
+ "stdlib/snprintf.c",
+ "stdlib/strlcpy.c",
+ "stdlib/strnlen.c",
+ "stdlib/vsnprintf.c",
+ "version.h",
+ "x86/disp8.c",
+ "x86/iflag.c",
+ "x86/iflaggen.h",
+ "x86/insnsa.c",
+ "x86/insnsb.c",
+ "x86/insnsd.c",
+ "x86/insnsi.h",
+ "x86/insnsn.c",
+ "x86/regdis.c",
+ "x86/regdis.h",
+ "x86/regflags.c",
+ "x86/regs.c",
+ "x86/regs.h",
+ "x86/regvals.c",
+ ] + select({
+ ":windows": ["config/msvc.h"],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ }),
+ copts = select({
+ ":windows": [],
+ "//conditions:default": [
+ "-w",
+ "-std=c99",
+ ],
+ }),
+ defines = select({
+ ":windows": [],
+ "//conditions:default": [
+ ],
+ }),
+ includes = [
+ "asm",
+ "include",
+ "output",
+ "x86",
+ ],
+ visibility = ["@jpeg//:__pkg__"],
+ name = "windows",
+ values = {
+ "cpu": "x64_windows",
+ },
diff --git a/third_party/nasm/BUILD.system b/third_party/nasm/BUILD.system
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10ef8d8832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nasm/BUILD.system
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+licenses(["notice"]) # BSD 2-clause
+ name = "LICENSE",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ name = "nasm",
+ srcs = ["nasm"],
+ visibility = ["@jpeg//:__pkg__"],
diff --git a/third_party/nasm/workspace.bzl b/third_party/nasm/workspace.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d50f6fcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nasm/workspace.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+"""loads the nasm library, used by TF."""
+load("//third_party:repo.bzl", "third_party_http_archive")
+def repo():
+ third_party_http_archive(
+ name = "nasm",
+ urls = [
+ "https://mirror.bazel.build/www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.13.03/nasm-2.13.03.tar.bz2",
+ "http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/nasm/nasm-2.13.03.tar.bz2/sha512/d7a6b4cee8dfd603d8d4c976e5287b5cc542fa0b466ff989b743276a6e28114e64289bf02a7819eca63142a5278aa6eed57773007e5f589e15768e6456a8919d/nasm-2.13.03.tar.bz2",
+ "http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.13.03/nasm-2.13.03.tar.bz2",
+ ],
+ sha256 = "63ec86477ad3f0f6292325fd89e1d93aea2e2fd490070863f17d48f7cd387011",
+ strip_prefix = "nasm-2.13.03",
+ build_file = "//third_party/nasm:BUILD.bazel",
+ system_build_file = "//third_party/nasm:BUILD.system",
+ )