path: root/third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorVolumePatch.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 677 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorVolumePatch.h b/third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorVolumePatch.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de86c57f11..0000000000
--- a/third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorVolumePatch.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
-// for linear algebra.
-namespace Eigen {
-/** \class TensorVolumePatch
- * \ingroup CXX11_Tensor_Module
- *
- * \brief Patch extraction specialized for processing of volumetric data.
- * This assumes that the input has a least 4 dimensions ordered as follows:
- * - channels
- * - planes
- * - rows
- * - columns
- * - (optional) additional dimensions such as time or batch size.
- * Calling the volume patch code with patch_planes, patch_rows, and patch_cols
- * is equivalent to calling the regular patch extraction code with parameters
- * d, patch_planes, patch_rows, patch_cols, and 1 for all the additional
- * dimensions.
- */
-namespace internal {
-template<DenseIndex Planes, DenseIndex Rows, DenseIndex Cols, typename XprType>
-struct traits<TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType> > : public traits<XprType>
- typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename XprType::Scalar>::type Scalar;
- typedef traits<XprType> XprTraits;
- typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::type Packet;
- typedef typename XprTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
- typedef typename XprTraits::Index Index;
- typedef typename XprType::Nested Nested;
- typedef typename remove_reference<Nested>::type _Nested;
- static const int NumDimensions = XprTraits::NumDimensions + 1;
- static const int Layout = XprTraits::Layout;
-template<DenseIndex Planes, DenseIndex Rows, DenseIndex Cols, typename XprType>
-struct eval<TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType>, Eigen::Dense>
- typedef const TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType>& type;
-template<DenseIndex Planes, DenseIndex Rows, DenseIndex Cols, typename XprType>
-struct nested<TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType>, 1, typename eval<TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType> >::type>
- typedef TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType> type;
-} // end namespace internal
-template<DenseIndex Planes, DenseIndex Rows, DenseIndex Cols, typename XprType>
-class TensorVolumePatchOp : public TensorBase<TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, XprType>, ReadOnlyAccessors>
- public:
- typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorVolumePatchOp>::Scalar Scalar;
- typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorVolumePatchOp>::Packet Packet;
- typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
- typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
- typedef typename XprType::PacketReturnType PacketReturnType;
- typedef typename Eigen::internal::nested<TensorVolumePatchOp>::type Nested;
- typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorVolumePatchOp>::StorageKind StorageKind;
- typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorVolumePatchOp>::Index Index;
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorVolumePatchOp(const XprType& expr, DenseIndex patch_planes, DenseIndex patch_rows, DenseIndex patch_cols,
- DenseIndex plane_strides, DenseIndex row_strides, DenseIndex col_strides,
- DenseIndex in_plane_strides, DenseIndex in_row_strides, DenseIndex in_col_strides,
- DenseIndex plane_inflate_strides, DenseIndex row_inflate_strides, DenseIndex col_inflate_strides,
- PaddingType padding_type, Scalar padding_value)
- : m_xpr(expr), m_patch_planes(patch_planes), m_patch_rows(patch_rows), m_patch_cols(patch_cols),
- m_plane_strides(plane_strides), m_row_strides(row_strides), m_col_strides(col_strides),
- m_in_plane_strides(in_plane_strides), m_in_row_strides(in_row_strides), m_in_col_strides(in_col_strides),
- m_plane_inflate_strides(plane_inflate_strides), m_row_inflate_strides(row_inflate_strides), m_col_inflate_strides(col_inflate_strides),
- m_padding_explicit(false), m_padding_top_z(0), m_padding_bottom_z(0), m_padding_top(0), m_padding_bottom(0), m_padding_left(0), m_padding_right(0),
- m_padding_type(padding_type), m_padding_value(padding_value) {}
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorVolumePatchOp(const XprType& expr, DenseIndex patch_planes, DenseIndex patch_rows, DenseIndex patch_cols,
- DenseIndex plane_strides, DenseIndex row_strides, DenseIndex col_strides,
- DenseIndex in_plane_strides, DenseIndex in_row_strides, DenseIndex in_col_strides,
- DenseIndex plane_inflate_strides, DenseIndex row_inflate_strides, DenseIndex col_inflate_strides,
- DenseIndex padding_top_z, DenseIndex padding_bottom_z,
- DenseIndex padding_top, DenseIndex padding_bottom,
- DenseIndex padding_left, DenseIndex padding_right,
- Scalar padding_value)
- : m_xpr(expr), m_patch_planes(patch_planes), m_patch_rows(patch_rows), m_patch_cols(patch_cols),
- m_plane_strides(plane_strides), m_row_strides(row_strides), m_col_strides(col_strides),
- m_in_plane_strides(in_plane_strides), m_in_row_strides(in_row_strides), m_in_col_strides(in_col_strides),
- m_plane_inflate_strides(plane_inflate_strides), m_row_inflate_strides(row_inflate_strides), m_col_inflate_strides(col_inflate_strides),
- m_padding_explicit(true), m_padding_top_z(padding_top_z), m_padding_bottom_z(padding_bottom_z), m_padding_top(padding_top), m_padding_bottom(padding_bottom),
- m_padding_left(padding_left), m_padding_right(padding_right),
- m_padding_type(PADDING_VALID), m_padding_value(padding_value) {}
- DenseIndex patch_planes() const { return m_patch_planes; }
- DenseIndex patch_rows() const { return m_patch_rows; }
- DenseIndex patch_cols() const { return m_patch_cols; }
- DenseIndex plane_strides() const { return m_plane_strides; }
- DenseIndex row_strides() const { return m_row_strides; }
- DenseIndex col_strides() const { return m_col_strides; }
- DenseIndex in_plane_strides() const { return m_in_plane_strides; }
- DenseIndex in_row_strides() const { return m_in_row_strides; }
- DenseIndex in_col_strides() const { return m_in_col_strides; }
- DenseIndex plane_inflate_strides() const { return m_plane_inflate_strides; }
- DenseIndex row_inflate_strides() const { return m_row_inflate_strides; }
- DenseIndex col_inflate_strides() const { return m_col_inflate_strides; }
- bool padding_explicit() const { return m_padding_explicit; }
- DenseIndex padding_top_z() const { return m_padding_top_z; }
- DenseIndex padding_bottom_z() const { return m_padding_bottom_z; }
- DenseIndex padding_top() const { return m_padding_top; }
- DenseIndex padding_bottom() const { return m_padding_bottom; }
- DenseIndex padding_left() const { return m_padding_left; }
- DenseIndex padding_right() const { return m_padding_right; }
- PaddingType padding_type() const { return m_padding_type; }
- Scalar padding_value() const { return m_padding_value; }
- const typename internal::remove_all<typename XprType::Nested>::type&
- expression() const { return m_xpr; }
- protected:
- typename XprType::Nested m_xpr;
- const DenseIndex m_patch_planes;
- const DenseIndex m_patch_rows;
- const DenseIndex m_patch_cols;
- const DenseIndex m_plane_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_row_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_col_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_in_plane_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_in_row_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_in_col_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_plane_inflate_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_row_inflate_strides;
- const DenseIndex m_col_inflate_strides;
- const bool m_padding_explicit;
- const DenseIndex m_padding_top_z;
- const DenseIndex m_padding_bottom_z;
- const DenseIndex m_padding_top;
- const DenseIndex m_padding_bottom;
- const DenseIndex m_padding_left;
- const DenseIndex m_padding_right;
- const PaddingType m_padding_type;
- const Scalar m_padding_value;
-// Eval as rvalue
-template<DenseIndex Planes, DenseIndex Rows, DenseIndex Cols, typename ArgType, typename Device>
-struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, ArgType>, Device>
- typedef TensorVolumePatchOp<Planes, Rows, Cols, ArgType> XprType;
- typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
- static const int NumInputDims = internal::array_size<typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions>::value;
- static const int NumDims = NumInputDims + 1;
- typedef DSizes<Index, NumDims> Dimensions;
- typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename XprType::Scalar>::type Scalar;
- enum {
- IsAligned = false,
- PacketAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PacketAccess,
- BlockAccess = false,
- Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
- CoordAccess = NumDims == 6,
- };
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
- : m_impl(op.expression(), device)
- {
- m_paddingValue = op.padding_value();
- const typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions& input_dims = m_impl.dimensions();
- // Cache a few variables.
- if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
- m_inputDepth = input_dims[0];
- m_inputPlanes = input_dims[1];
- m_inputRows = input_dims[2];
- m_inputCols = input_dims[3];
- } else {
- m_inputDepth = input_dims[NumInputDims-1];
- m_inputPlanes = input_dims[NumInputDims-2];
- m_inputRows = input_dims[NumInputDims-3];
- m_inputCols = input_dims[NumInputDims-4];
- }
- m_plane_strides = op.plane_strides();
- m_row_strides = op.row_strides();
- m_col_strides = op.col_strides();
- // Input strides and effective input/patch size
- m_in_plane_strides = op.in_plane_strides();
- m_in_row_strides = op.in_row_strides();
- m_in_col_strides = op.in_col_strides();
- m_plane_inflate_strides = op.plane_inflate_strides();
- m_row_inflate_strides = op.row_inflate_strides();
- m_col_inflate_strides = op.col_inflate_strides();
- // The "effective" spatial size after inflating data with zeros.
- m_input_planes_eff = (m_inputPlanes - 1) * m_plane_inflate_strides + 1;
- m_input_rows_eff = (m_inputRows - 1) * m_row_inflate_strides + 1;
- m_input_cols_eff = (m_inputCols - 1) * m_col_inflate_strides + 1;
- m_patch_planes_eff = op.patch_planes() + (op.patch_planes() - 1) * (m_in_plane_strides - 1);
- m_patch_rows_eff = op.patch_rows() + (op.patch_rows() - 1) * (m_in_row_strides - 1);
- m_patch_cols_eff = op.patch_cols() + (op.patch_cols() - 1) * (m_in_col_strides - 1);
- if (op.padding_explicit()) {
- m_outputPlanes = ceil((m_input_planes_eff + op.padding_top_z() + op.padding_bottom_z() - m_patch_planes_eff + 1.f) / static_cast<float>(m_plane_strides));
- m_outputRows = ceil((m_input_rows_eff + op.padding_top() + op.padding_bottom() - m_patch_rows_eff + 1.f) / static_cast<float>(m_row_strides));
- m_outputCols = ceil((m_input_cols_eff + op.padding_left() + op.padding_right() - m_patch_cols_eff + 1.f) / static_cast<float>(m_col_strides));
- m_planePaddingTop = op.padding_top_z();
- m_rowPaddingTop = op.padding_top();
- m_colPaddingLeft = op.padding_left();
- } else {
- // Computing padding from the type
- switch (op.padding_type()) {
- m_outputPlanes = ceil((m_input_planes_eff - m_patch_planes_eff + 1.f) / static_cast<float>(m_plane_strides));
- m_outputRows = ceil((m_input_rows_eff - m_patch_rows_eff + 1.f) / static_cast<float>(m_row_strides));
- m_outputCols = ceil((m_input_cols_eff - m_patch_cols_eff + 1.f) / static_cast<float>(m_col_strides));
- m_planePaddingTop = 0;
- m_rowPaddingTop = 0;
- m_colPaddingLeft = 0;
- break;
- case PADDING_SAME: {
- m_outputPlanes = ceil(m_input_planes_eff / static_cast<float>(m_plane_strides));
- m_outputRows = ceil(m_input_rows_eff / static_cast<float>(m_row_strides));
- m_outputCols = ceil(m_input_cols_eff / static_cast<float>(m_col_strides));
- const Index dz = m_outputPlanes * m_plane_strides + m_patch_planes_eff - 1 - m_input_planes_eff;
- const Index dy = m_outputRows * m_row_strides + m_patch_rows_eff - 1 - m_input_rows_eff;
- const Index dx = m_outputCols * m_col_strides + m_patch_cols_eff - 1 - m_input_cols_eff;
- m_planePaddingTop = dz - dz / 2;
- m_rowPaddingTop = dy - dy / 2;
- m_colPaddingLeft = dx - dx / 2;
- break;
- }
- default:
- eigen_assert(false && "unexpected padding");
- }
- }
- eigen_assert(m_outputRows > 0);
- eigen_assert(m_outputCols > 0);
- eigen_assert(m_outputPlanes > 0);
- // Dimensions for result of extraction.
- if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
- // ColMajor
- // 0: depth
- // 1: patch_planes
- // 2: patch_rows
- // 3: patch_cols
- // 4: number of patches
- // 5 and beyond: anything else (such as batch).
- m_dimensions[0] = input_dims[0];
- m_dimensions[1] = op.patch_planes();
- m_dimensions[2] = op.patch_rows();
- m_dimensions[3] = op.patch_cols();
- m_dimensions[4] = m_outputPlanes * m_outputRows * m_outputCols;
- for (int i = 5; i < NumDims; ++i) {
- m_dimensions[i] = input_dims[i-1];
- }
- } else {
- // RowMajor
- // NumDims-1: depth
- // NumDims-2: patch_planes
- // NumDims-3: patch_rows
- // NumDims-4: patch_cols
- // NumDims-5: number of patches
- // NumDims-6 and beyond: anything else (such as batch).
- m_dimensions[NumDims-1] = input_dims[NumInputDims-1];
- m_dimensions[NumDims-2] = op.patch_planes();
- m_dimensions[NumDims-3] = op.patch_rows();
- m_dimensions[NumDims-4] = op.patch_cols();
- m_dimensions[NumDims-5] = m_outputPlanes * m_outputRows * m_outputCols;
- for (int i = NumDims-6; i >= 0; --i) {
- m_dimensions[i] = input_dims[i];
- }
- }
- // Strides for the output tensor.
- if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
- m_rowStride = m_dimensions[1];
- m_colStride = m_dimensions[2] * m_rowStride;
- m_patchStride = m_colStride * m_dimensions[3] * m_dimensions[0];
- m_otherStride = m_patchStride * m_dimensions[4];
- } else {
- m_rowStride = m_dimensions[NumDims-2];
- m_colStride = m_dimensions[NumDims-3] * m_rowStride;
- m_patchStride = m_colStride * m_dimensions[NumDims-4] * m_dimensions[NumDims-1];
- m_otherStride = m_patchStride * m_dimensions[NumDims-5];
- }
- // Strides for navigating through the input tensor.
- m_planeInputStride = m_inputDepth;
- m_rowInputStride = m_inputDepth * m_inputPlanes;
- m_colInputStride = m_inputDepth * m_inputRows * m_inputPlanes;
- m_otherInputStride = m_inputDepth * m_inputRows * m_inputCols * m_inputPlanes;
- m_outputPlanesRows = m_outputPlanes * m_outputRows;
- // Fast representations of different variables.
- m_fastOtherStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_otherStride);
- m_fastPatchStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_patchStride);
- m_fastColStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_colStride);
- m_fastRowStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_rowStride);
- m_fastInputRowStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_row_inflate_strides);
- m_fastInputColStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_col_inflate_strides);
- m_fastInputPlaneStride = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_plane_inflate_strides);
- m_fastInputColsEff = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_input_cols_eff);
- m_fastOutputPlanes = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_outputPlanes);
- m_fastOutputPlanesRows = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_outputPlanesRows);
- if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
- m_fastOutputDepth = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_dimensions[0]);
- } else {
- m_fastOutputDepth = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_dimensions[NumDims-1]);
- }
- }
- typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
- typedef typename XprType::PacketReturnType PacketReturnType;
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Dimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dimensions; }
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(Scalar* /*data*/) {
- m_impl.evalSubExprsIfNeeded(NULL);
- return true;
- }
- m_impl.cleanup();
- }
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const
- {
- // Patch index corresponding to the passed in index.
- const Index patchIndex = index / m_fastPatchStride;
- // Spatial offset within the patch. This has to be translated into 3D
- // coordinates within the patch.
- const Index patchOffset = (index - patchIndex * m_patchStride) / m_fastOutputDepth;
- // Batch, etc.
- const Index otherIndex = (NumDims == 5) ? 0 : index / m_fastOtherStride;
- const Index patch3DIndex = (NumDims == 5) ? patchIndex : (index - otherIndex * m_otherStride) / m_fastPatchStride;
- // Calculate column index in the input original tensor.
- const Index colIndex = patch3DIndex / m_fastOutputPlanesRows;
- const Index colOffset = patchOffset / m_fastColStride;
- const Index inputCol = colIndex * m_col_strides + colOffset * m_in_col_strides - m_colPaddingLeft;
- const Index origInputCol = (m_col_inflate_strides == 1) ? inputCol : ((inputCol >= 0) ? (inputCol / m_fastInputColStride) : 0);
- if (inputCol < 0 || inputCol >= m_input_cols_eff ||
- ((m_col_inflate_strides != 1) && (inputCol != origInputCol * m_col_inflate_strides))) {
- return Scalar(m_paddingValue);
- }
- // Calculate row index in the original input tensor.
- const Index rowIndex = (patch3DIndex - colIndex * m_outputPlanesRows) / m_fastOutputPlanes;
- const Index rowOffset = (patchOffset - colOffset * m_colStride) / m_fastRowStride;
- const Index inputRow = rowIndex * m_row_strides + rowOffset * m_in_row_strides - m_rowPaddingTop;
- const Index origInputRow = (m_row_inflate_strides == 1) ? inputRow : ((inputRow >= 0) ? (inputRow / m_fastInputRowStride) : 0);
- if (inputRow < 0 || inputRow >= m_input_rows_eff ||
- ((m_row_inflate_strides != 1) && (inputRow != origInputRow * m_row_inflate_strides))) {
- return Scalar(m_paddingValue);
- }
- // Calculate plane index in the original input tensor.
- const Index planeIndex = (patch3DIndex - m_outputPlanes * (colIndex * m_outputRows + rowIndex));
- const Index planeOffset = patchOffset - colOffset * m_colStride - rowOffset * m_rowStride;
- const Index inputPlane = planeIndex * m_plane_strides + planeOffset * m_in_plane_strides - m_planePaddingTop;
- const Index origInputPlane = (m_plane_inflate_strides == 1) ? inputPlane : ((inputPlane >= 0) ? (inputPlane / m_fastInputPlaneStride) : 0);
- if (inputPlane < 0 || inputPlane >= m_input_planes_eff ||
- ((m_plane_inflate_strides != 1) && (inputPlane != origInputPlane * m_plane_inflate_strides))) {
- return Scalar(m_paddingValue);
- }
- const int depth_index = static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor) ? 0 : NumDims - 1;
- const Index depth = index - (index / m_fastOutputDepth) * m_dimensions[depth_index];
- const Index inputIndex = depth +
- origInputRow * m_rowInputStride +
- origInputCol * m_colInputStride +
- origInputPlane * m_planeInputStride +
- otherIndex * m_otherInputStride;
- return m_impl.coeff(inputIndex);
- }
- template<int LoadMode>
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketReturnType packet(Index index) const
- {
- const Index packetSize = internal::unpacket_traits<PacketReturnType>::size;
- eigen_assert(index+packetSize-1 < dimensions().TotalSize());
- if (m_in_row_strides != 1 || m_in_col_strides != 1 || m_row_inflate_strides != 1 || m_col_inflate_strides != 1 ||
- m_in_plane_strides != 1 || m_plane_inflate_strides != 1) {
- return packetWithPossibleZero(index);
- }
- const Index indices[2] = {index, index + packetSize - 1};
- const Index patchIndex = indices[0] / m_fastPatchStride;
- if (patchIndex != indices[1] / m_fastPatchStride) {
- return packetWithPossibleZero(index);
- }
- const Index otherIndex = (NumDims == 5) ? 0 : indices[0] / m_fastOtherStride;
- eigen_assert(otherIndex == indices[1] / m_fastOtherStride);
- // Find the offset of the element wrt the location of the first element.
- const Index patchOffsets[2] = {(indices[0] - patchIndex * m_patchStride) / m_fastOutputDepth,
- (indices[1] - patchIndex * m_patchStride) / m_fastOutputDepth};
- const Index patch3DIndex = (NumDims == 5) ? patchIndex : (indices[0] - otherIndex * m_otherStride) / m_fastPatchStride;
- eigen_assert(patch3DIndex == (indices[1] - otherIndex * m_otherStride) / m_fastPatchStride);
- const Index colIndex = patch3DIndex / m_fastOutputPlanesRows;
- const Index colOffsets[2] = {
- patchOffsets[0] / m_fastColStride,
- patchOffsets[1] / m_fastColStride};
- // Calculate col indices in the original input tensor.
- const Index inputCols[2] = {
- colIndex * m_col_strides + colOffsets[0] - m_colPaddingLeft,
- colIndex * m_col_strides + colOffsets[1] - m_colPaddingLeft};
- if (inputCols[1] < 0 || inputCols[0] >= m_inputCols) {
- return internal::pset1<PacketReturnType>(Scalar(m_paddingValue));
- }
- if (inputCols[0] != inputCols[1]) {
- return packetWithPossibleZero(index);
- }
- const Index rowIndex = (patch3DIndex - colIndex * m_outputPlanesRows) / m_fastOutputPlanes;
- const Index rowOffsets[2] = {
- (patchOffsets[0] - colOffsets[0] * m_colStride) / m_fastRowStride,
- (patchOffsets[1] - colOffsets[1] * m_colStride) / m_fastRowStride};
- eigen_assert(rowOffsets[0] <= rowOffsets[1]);
- // Calculate col indices in the original input tensor.
- const Index inputRows[2] = {
- rowIndex * m_row_strides + rowOffsets[0] - m_rowPaddingTop,
- rowIndex * m_row_strides + rowOffsets[1] - m_rowPaddingTop};
- if (inputRows[1] < 0 || inputRows[0] >= m_inputRows) {
- return internal::pset1<PacketReturnType>(Scalar(m_paddingValue));
- }
- if (inputRows[0] != inputRows[1]) {
- return packetWithPossibleZero(index);
- }
- const Index planeIndex = (patch3DIndex - m_outputPlanes * (colIndex * m_outputRows + rowIndex));
- const Index planeOffsets[2] = {
- patchOffsets[0] - colOffsets[0] * m_colStride - rowOffsets[0] * m_rowStride,
- patchOffsets[1] - colOffsets[1] * m_colStride - rowOffsets[1] * m_rowStride};
- eigen_assert(planeOffsets[0] <= planeOffsets[1]);
- const Index inputPlanes[2] = {
- planeIndex * m_plane_strides + planeOffsets[0] - m_planePaddingTop,
- planeIndex * m_plane_strides + planeOffsets[1] - m_planePaddingTop};
- if (inputPlanes[1] < 0 || inputPlanes[0] >= m_inputPlanes) {
- return internal::pset1<PacketReturnType>(Scalar(m_paddingValue));
- }
- if (inputPlanes[0] >= 0 && inputPlanes[1] < m_inputPlanes) {
- // no padding
- const int depth_index = static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor) ? 0 : NumDims - 1;
- const Index depth = index - (index / m_fastOutputDepth) * m_dimensions[depth_index];
- const Index inputIndex = depth +
- inputRows[0] * m_rowInputStride +
- inputCols[0] * m_colInputStride +
- m_planeInputStride * inputPlanes[0] +
- otherIndex * m_otherInputStride;
- return m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(inputIndex);
- }
- return packetWithPossibleZero(index);
- }
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Scalar* data() const { return NULL; }
- const TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>& impl() const { return m_impl; }
- Index planePaddingTop() const { return m_planePaddingTop; }
- Index rowPaddingTop() const { return m_rowPaddingTop; }
- Index colPaddingLeft() const { return m_colPaddingLeft; }
- Index outputPlanes() const { return m_outputPlanes; }
- Index outputRows() const { return m_outputRows; }
- Index outputCols() const { return m_outputCols; }
- Index userPlaneStride() const { return m_plane_strides; }
- Index userRowStride() const { return m_row_strides; }
- Index userColStride() const { return m_col_strides; }
- Index userInPlaneStride() const { return m_in_plane_strides; }
- Index userInRowStride() const { return m_in_row_strides; }
- Index userInColStride() const { return m_in_col_strides; }
- Index planeInflateStride() const { return m_plane_inflate_strides; }
- Index rowInflateStride() const { return m_row_inflate_strides; }
- Index colInflateStride() const { return m_col_inflate_strides; }
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(const array<Index, NumDims>& coords) const
- {
- // ColMajor
- // 0: depth, 1: patch_planes, 2: patch_rows, 3: patch_cols, 4: number of patches, 5: batches
- // RowMajor
- // 0: batches, 1: number of patches, 2: patch_cols , 3: patch_rows, 4: patch_planes, 5: depth
- const Index patch3DIndex = coords[static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor) ? 4 : 1];
- const Index colOffset = coords[static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor) ? 3 : 2];
- const Index rowOffset= coords[static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor) ? 2 : 3];
- const Index planeOffset = coords[static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor) ? 1 : 4];
- array<Index, NumDims-1> inputCoords;
- const Index colIndex = patch3DIndex / m_fastOutputPlanesRows;
- const Index inputCol = colIndex * m_col_strides + colOffset * m_in_col_strides - m_colPaddingLeft;
- const Index origInputCol = (m_col_inflate_strides == 1) ? inputCol : ((inputCol >= 0) ? (inputCol / m_fastInputColStride) : 0);
- if (inputCol < 0 || inputCol >= m_input_cols_eff ||
- ((m_col_inflate_strides != 1) && (inputCol != origInputCol * m_col_inflate_strides))) {
- return Scalar(m_paddingValue);
- }
- const Index rowIndex = (patch3DIndex - colIndex * m_outputPlanesRows) / m_fastOutputPlanes;
- const Index inputRow = rowIndex * m_row_strides + rowOffset * m_in_row_strides - m_rowPaddingTop;
- const Index origInputRow = (m_row_inflate_strides == 1) ? inputRow : ((inputRow >= 0) ? (inputRow / m_fastInputRowStride) : 0);
- if (inputRow < 0 || inputRow >= m_input_rows_eff ||
- ((m_row_inflate_strides != 1) && (inputRow != origInputRow * m_row_inflate_strides))) {
- return Scalar(m_paddingValue);
- }
- const Index planeIndex = patch3DIndex - colIndex * m_outputPlanesRows - rowIndex * m_outputRows;
- const Index inputPlane = planeIndex * m_plane_strides + planeOffset * m_in_plane_strides - m_planePaddingTop;
- const Index origInputPlane = (m_plane_inflate_strides == 1) ? inputPlane : ((inputPlane >= 0) ? (inputPlane / m_fastInputPlaneStride) : 0);
- if (inputPlane < 0 || inputPlane >= m_input_planes_eff ||
- ((m_plane_inflate_strides != 1) && (inputPlane != origInputPlane * m_plane_inflate_strides))) {
- return Scalar(m_paddingValue);
- }
- if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
- inputCoords[0] = coords[0]; // depth
- inputCoords[1] = origInputPlane;
- inputCoords[2] = origInputRow;
- inputCoords[3] = origInputCol;
- inputCoords[4] = coords[5]; // batch
- } else {
- inputCoords[4] = coords[5]; // depth
- inputCoords[3] = origInputPlane;
- inputCoords[2] = origInputRow;
- inputCoords[1] = origInputCol;
- inputCoords[0] = coords[0]; // batch
- }
- if (TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::CoordAccess) {
- return m_impl.coeff(inputCoords);
- } else {
- Index inputIndex;
- if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
- inputIndex =
- inputCoords[4] * m_otherInputStride +
- inputCoords[3] * m_colInputStride +
- inputCoords[2] * m_rowInputStride +
- inputCoords[1] * m_planeInputStride +
- inputCoords[0];
- } else {
- inputIndex =
- inputCoords[0] * m_otherInputStride +
- inputCoords[1] * m_colInputStride +
- inputCoords[2] * m_rowInputStride +
- inputCoords[3] * m_planeInputStride +
- inputCoords[4];
- }
- return m_impl.coeff(inputIndex);
- }
- }
- protected:
- EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketReturnType packetWithPossibleZero(Index index) const
- {
- const int packetSize = internal::unpacket_traits<PacketReturnType>::size;
- EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT typename internal::remove_const<CoeffReturnType>::type values[packetSize];
- for (int i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) {
- values[i] = coeff(index+i);
- }
- PacketReturnType rslt = internal::pload<PacketReturnType>(values);
- return rslt;
- }
- Dimensions m_dimensions;
- // Parameters passed to the costructor.
- Index m_plane_strides;
- Index m_row_strides;
- Index m_col_strides;
- Index m_outputPlanes;
- Index m_outputRows;
- Index m_outputCols;
- Index m_planePaddingTop;
- Index m_rowPaddingTop;
- Index m_colPaddingLeft;
- Index m_in_plane_strides;
- Index m_in_row_strides;
- Index m_in_col_strides;
- Index m_plane_inflate_strides;
- Index m_row_inflate_strides;
- Index m_col_inflate_strides;
- // Cached input size.
- Index m_inputDepth;
- Index m_inputPlanes;
- Index m_inputRows;
- Index m_inputCols;
- // Other cached variables.
- Index m_outputPlanesRows;
- // Effective input/patch post-inflation size.
- Index m_input_planes_eff;
- Index m_input_rows_eff;
- Index m_input_cols_eff;
- Index m_patch_planes_eff;
- Index m_patch_rows_eff;
- Index m_patch_cols_eff;
- // Strides for the output tensor.
- Index m_otherStride;
- Index m_patchStride;
- Index m_rowStride;
- Index m_colStride;
- // Strides for the input tensor.
- Index m_planeInputStride;
- Index m_rowInputStride;
- Index m_colInputStride;
- Index m_otherInputStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastOtherStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastPatchStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastColStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastRowStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastInputPlaneStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastInputRowStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastInputColStride;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastInputColsEff;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastOutputPlanesRows;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastOutputPlanes;
- internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index> m_fastOutputDepth;
- Scalar m_paddingValue;
- TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device> m_impl;
-} // end namespace Eigen