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diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/eager/python/examples/notebooks/automatic_differentiation.ipynb b/tensorflow/contrib/eager/python/examples/notebooks/automatic_differentiation.ipynb
index 8fae622e12..446e340118 100644
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"\u003ca target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/docs/blob/master/site/en/tutorials/eager/automatic_differentiation.ipynb\"\u003e\n",
" \u003cimg src=\"https://www.tensorflow.org/images/colab_logo_32px.png\" /\u003eRun in Google Colab\u003c/a\u003e\n",
- "\u003ca target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/site/en/tutorials/eager/automatic_differentiation.ipynb\"\u003e\u003cimg width=32px src=\"https://www.tensorflow.org/images/GitHub-Mark-32px.png\" /\u003eView source on GitHub\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/td\u003e\u003c/table\u003e"
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diff --git a/tensorflow/docs_src/performance/xla/operation_semantics.md b/tensorflow/docs_src/performance/xla/operation_semantics.md
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--- a/tensorflow/docs_src/performance/xla/operation_semantics.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# Operation Semantics
-The following describes the semantics of operations defined in the
-interface. Typically, these operations map one-to-one to operations defined in
-the RPC interface in
-A note on nomenclature: the generalized data type XLA deals with is an
-N-dimensional array holding elements of some uniform type (such as 32-bit
-float). Throughout the documentation, *array* is used to denote an
-arbitrary-dimensional array. For convenience, special cases have more specific
-and familiar names; for example a *vector* is a 1-dimensional array and a
-*matrix* is a 2-dimensional array.
-## AllToAll
-See also
-Alltoall is a collective operation that sends data from all cores to all cores.
-It has two phases:
-1. the scatter phase. On each core, the operand is split into `split_count`
- number of blocks along the `split_dimensions`, and the blocks are scattered
- to all cores, e.g., the ith block is send to the ith core.
-2. the gather phase. Each core concatenates the received blocks along the
- `concat_dimension`.
-The participating cores can be configured by:
-- `replica_groups`: each ReplicaGroup contains a list of replica id. If empty,
- all replicas belong to one group in the order of 0 - (n-1). Alltoall will be
- applied within subgroups in the specified order. For example, replica
- groups = {{1,2,3},{4,5,0}} means, an Alltoall will be applied within replica
- 1, 2, 3, and in the gather phase, the received blocks will be concatenated
- in the order of 1, 2, 3; another Alltoall will be applied within replica 4,
- 5, 0, and the concatenation order is 4, 5, 0.
-- The dimension size of the operand on the split_dimension is divisible by
- split_count.
-- The operand's shape is not tuple.
-<b> `AllToAll(operand, split_dimension, concat_dimension, split_count,
-replica_groups)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------------ | --------------------- | ------------------------------- |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | n dimensional input array |
-| `split_dimension` | `int64` | A value in the interval `[0, |
-: : : n)` that names the dimension :
-: : : along which the operand is :
-: : : split :
-| `concat_dimension` | `int64` | a value in the interval `[0, |
-: : : n)` that names the dimension :
-: : : along which the split blocks :
-: : : are concatenated :
-| `split_count` | `int64` | the number of cores that |
-: : : participate this operation. If :
-: : : `replica_groups` is empty, this :
-: : : should be the number of :
-: : : replicas; otherwise, this :
-: : : should be equal to the number :
-: : : of replicas in each group. :
-| `replica_groups` | `ReplicaGroup` vector | each group contains a list of |
-: : : replica id. :
-Below shows an example of Alltoall.
-XlaBuilder b("alltoall");
-auto x = Parameter(&b, 0, ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {4, 16}), "x");
-AllToAll(x, /*split_dimension=*/1, /*concat_dimension=*/0, /*split_count=*/4);
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="../../images/xla/ops_alltoall.png">
-In this example, there are 4 cores participating the Alltoall. On each core, the
-operand is split into 4 parts along dimension 0, so each part has shape
-f32[4,4]. The 4 parts are scattered to all cores. Then each core concatenates
-the received parts along dimension 1, in the order or core 0-4. So the output on
-each core has shape f32[16,4].
-## BatchNormGrad
-See also
-and [the original batch normalization paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167)
-for a detailed description of the algorithm.
-Calculates gradients of batch norm.
-<b> `BatchNormGrad(operand, scale, mean, variance, grad_output, epsilon, feature_index)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | n dimensional array to be |
-: : : normalized (x) :
-| `scale` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array |
-: : : (\\(\gamma\\)) :
-| `mean` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array (\\(\mu\\)) |
-| `variance` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array |
-: : : (\\(\sigma^2\\)) :
-| `grad_output` | `XlaOp` | Gradients passed to |
-: : : `BatchNormTraining` :
-: : : (\\( \nabla y\\)) :
-| `epsilon` | `float` | Epsilon value (\\(\epsilon\\)) |
-| `feature_index` | `int64` | Index to feature dimension in |
-: : : `operand` :
-For each feature in the feature dimension (`feature_index` is the index for the
-feature dimension in `operand`), the operation calculates the gradients with
-respect to `operand`, `offset` and `scale` across all the other dimensions. The
-`feature_index` must be a valid index for the feature dimension in `operand`.
-The three gradients are defined by the following formulas (assuming a
-4-dimensional tensor as `operand` and with feature dimension index \\(l\\),
-batch size `m` and spatial sizes `w` and `h`):
-\\[ \begin{split} c_l&=
-\left( \nabla y_{ijkl} \frac{x_{ijkl} - \mu_l}{\sigma^2_l+\epsilon} \right)
-\nabla x_{ijkl} &= \frac{\gamma_{l}}{\sqrt{\sigma^2_{l}+\epsilon}}
-\left( \nabla y_{ijkl} - \mathrm{mean}(\nabla y) - c_l (x_{ijkl} - \mu_{l})
-\nabla \gamma_l &= \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^w\sum_{k=1}^h \left( \nabla y_{ijkl}
-\frac{x_{ijkl} - \mu_l}{\sqrt{\sigma^2_{l}+\epsilon}} \right)
-\nabla \beta_l &= \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^w\sum_{k=1}^h \nabla y_{ijkl}
-\end{split} \\]
-The inputs `mean` and `variance` represent moments value
-across batch and spatial dimensions.
-The output type is a tuple of three handles:
-| Outputs | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `grad_operand` | `XlaOp` | gradient with respect to input |
-: : : `operand` (\\( \nabla x\\)) :
-| `grad_scale` | `XlaOp` | gradient with respect to input |
-: : : `scale` (\\( \nabla \gamma\\)) :
-| `grad_offset` | `XlaOp` | gradient with respect to input |
-: : : `offset`(\\( \nabla \beta\\)) :
-## BatchNormInference
-See also
-and [the original batch normalization paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167)
-for a detailed description of the algorithm.
-Normalizes an array across batch and spatial dimensions.
-<b> `BatchNormInference(operand, scale, offset, mean, variance, epsilon, feature_index)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | n dimensional array to be normalized
-`scale` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array
-`offset` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array
-`mean` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array
-`variance` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array
-`epsilon` | `float` | Epsilon value
-`feature_index` | `int64` | Index to feature dimension in `operand`
-For each feature in the feature dimension (`feature_index` is the index for the
-feature dimension in `operand`), the operation calculates the mean and variance
-across all the other dimensions and uses the mean and variance to normalize each
-element in `operand`. The `feature_index` must be a valid index for the feature
-dimension in `operand`.
-`BatchNormInference` is equivalent to calling `BatchNormTraining` without
-computing `mean` and `variance` for each batch. It uses the input `mean` and
-`variance` instead as estimated values. The purpose of this op is to reduce
-latency in inference, hence the name `BatchNormInference`.
-The output is an n-dimensional, normalized array with the same shape as input
-## BatchNormTraining
-See also
-and [`the original batch normalization paper`](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167)
-for a detailed description of the algorithm.
-Normalizes an array across batch and spatial dimensions.
-<b> `BatchNormTraining(operand, scale, offset, epsilon, feature_index)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | n dimensional array to be normalized (x)
-`scale` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array (\\(\gamma\\))
-`offset` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array (\\(\beta\\))
-`epsilon` | `float` | Epsilon value (\\(\epsilon\\))
-`feature_index` | `int64` | Index to feature dimension in `operand`
-For each feature in the feature dimension (`feature_index` is the index for the
-feature dimension in `operand`), the operation calculates the mean and variance
-across all the other dimensions and uses the mean and variance to normalize each
-element in `operand`. The `feature_index` must be a valid index for the feature
-dimension in `operand`.
-The algorithm goes as follows for each batch in `operand` \\(x\\) that
-contains `m` elements with `w` and `h` as the size of spatial dimensions
-(assuming `operand` is an 4 dimensional array):
-- Calculates batch mean \\(\mu_l\\) for each feature `l` in feature dimension:
-\\(\mu_l=\frac{1}{mwh}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^w\sum_{k=1}^h x_{ijkl}\\)
-- Calculates batch variance \\(\sigma^2_l\\):
-\\(\sigma^2_l=\frac{1}{mwh}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^w\sum_{k=1}^h (x_{ijkl} - \mu_l)^2\\)
-- Normalizes, scales and shifts:
-The epsilon value, usually a small number, is added to avoid divide-by-zero errors.
-The output type is a tuple of three `XlaOp`s:
-| Outputs | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------ | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------|
-| `output` | `XlaOp` | n dimensional array with the same |
-: : : shape as input `operand` (y) :
-| `batch_mean` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array (\\(\mu\\)) |
-| `batch_var` | `XlaOp` | 1 dimensional array (\\(\sigma^2\\)) |
-The `batch_mean` and `batch_var` are moments calculated across the batch and
-spatial dimensions using the formulas above.
-## BitcastConvertType
-See also
-Similar to a `tf.bitcast` in TensorFlow, performs an element-wise bitcast
-operation from a data shape to a target shape. The dimensions must match, and
-the conversion is an element-wise one; e.g. `s32` elements become `f32` elements
-via bitcast routine. Bitcast is implemented as a low-level cast, so machines
-with different floating-point representations will give different results.
-<b> `BitcastConvertType(operand, new_element_type)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------------- | --------------- | ---------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T with dims D
-`new_element_type` | `PrimitiveType` | type U
-The dimensions of the operand and the target shape must match. The bit-width of
-the source and destination element types must be equal. The source
-and destination element types must not be tuples.
-## Broadcast
-See also
-Adds dimensions to an array by duplicating the data in the array.
-<b> `Broadcast(operand, broadcast_sizes)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------------ | ------------------- | -------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | The array to duplicate
-`broadcast_sizes` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | The sizes of the new dimensions
-The new dimensions are inserted on the left, i.e. if `broadcast_sizes` has
-values `{a0, ..., aN}` and the operand shape has dimensions `{b0, ..., bM}` then
-the shape of the output has dimensions `{a0, ..., aN, b0, ..., bM}`.
-The new dimensions index into copies of the operand, i.e.
-output[i0, ..., iN, j0, ..., jM] = operand[j0, ..., jM]
-For example, if `operand` is a scalar `f32` with value `2.0f`, and
-`broadcast_sizes` is `{2, 3}`, then the result will be an array with shape
-`f32[2, 3]` and all the values in the result will be `2.0f`.
-## Call
-See also
-Invokes a computation with the given arguments.
-<b> `Call(computation, args...)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| `computation` | `XlaComputation` | computation of type `T_0, T_1, ..., |
-: : : T_N -> S` with N parameters of :
-: : : arbitrary type :
-| `args` | sequence of N `XlaOp`s | N arguments of arbitrary type |
-The arity and types of the `args` must match the parameters of the
-`computation`. It is allowed to have no `args`.
-## Clamp
-See also
-Clamps an operand to within the range between a minimum and maximum value.
-<b> `Clamp(min, operand, max)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------- | ------- | ---------------
-`min` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`max` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-Given an operand and minimum and maximum values, returns the operand if it is in
-the range between the minimum and maximum, else returns the minimum value if the
-operand is below this range or the maximum value if the operand is above this
-range. That is, `clamp(a, x, b) = min(max(a, x), b)`.
-All three arrays must be the same shape. Alternatively, as a restricted form of
-[broadcasting](broadcasting.md), `min` and/or `max` can be a scalar of type `T`.
-Example with scalar `min` and `max`:
-let operand: s32[3] = {-1, 5, 9};
-let min: s32 = 0;
-let max: s32 = 6;
-Clamp(min, operand, max) = s32[3]{0, 5, 6};
-## Collapse
-See also
-and the `tf.reshape` operation.
-Collapses dimensions of an array into one dimension.
-<b> `Collapse(operand, dimensions)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------- | -------------- | -----------------------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`dimensions` | `int64` vector | in-order, consecutive subset of T's dimensions.
-Collapse replaces the given subset of the operand's dimensions by a single
-dimension. The input arguments are an arbitrary array of type T and a
-compile-time-constant vector of dimension indices. The dimension indices must be
-an in-order (low to high dimension numbers), consecutive subset of T's
-dimensions. Thus, {0, 1, 2}, {0, 1}, or {1, 2} are all valid dimension sets, but
-{1, 0} or {0, 2} are not. They are replaced by a single new dimension, in the
-same position in the dimension sequence as those they replace, with the new
-dimension size equal to the product of original dimension sizes. The lowest
-dimension number in `dimensions` is the slowest varying dimension (most major)
-in the loop nest which collapses these dimension, and the highest dimension
-number is fastest varying (most minor). See the `tf.reshape` operator
-if more general collapse ordering is needed.
-For example, let v be an array of 24 elements:
-let v = f32[4x2x3] {{{10, 11, 12}, {15, 16, 17}},
- {{20, 21, 22}, {25, 26, 27}},
- {{30, 31, 32}, {35, 36, 37}},
- {{40, 41, 42}, {45, 46, 47}}};
-// Collapse to a single dimension, leaving one dimension.
-let v012 = Collapse(v, {0,1,2});
-then v012 == f32[24] {10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17,
- 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27,
- 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37,
- 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47};
-// Collapse the two lower dimensions, leaving two dimensions.
-let v01 = Collapse(v, {0,1});
-then v01 == f32[4x6] {{10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17},
- {20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27},
- {30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37},
- {40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47}};
-// Collapse the two higher dimensions, leaving two dimensions.
-let v12 = Collapse(v, {1,2});
-then v12 == f32[8x3] {{10, 11, 12},
- {15, 16, 17},
- {20, 21, 22},
- {25, 26, 27},
- {30, 31, 32},
- {35, 36, 37},
- {40, 41, 42},
- {45, 46, 47}};
-## Concatenate
-See also
-Concatenate composes an array from multiple array operands. The array is of the
-same rank as each of the input array operands (which must be of the same rank as
-each other) and contains the arguments in the order that they were specified.
-<b> `Concatenate(operands..., dimension)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ----------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| `operands` | sequence of N `XlaOp` | N arrays of type T with dimensions |
-: : : [L0, L1, ...]. Requires N >= 1. :
-| `dimension` | `int64` | A value in the interval `[0, N)` that |
-: : : names the dimension to be concatenated :
-: : : between the `operands`. :
-With the exception of `dimension` all dimensions must be the same. This is
-because XLA does not support "ragged" arrays. Also note that rank-0 values
-cannot be concatenated (as it's impossible to name the dimension along which the
-concatenation occurs).
-1-dimensional example:
-Concat({{2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}}, 0)
->>> {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
-2-dimensional example:
-let a = {
- {1, 2},
- {3, 4},
- {5, 6},
-let b = {
- {7, 8},
-Concat({a, b}, 0)
->>> {
- {1, 2},
- {3, 4},
- {5, 6},
- {7, 8},
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_concatenate.png">
-## Conditional
-See also
-<b> `Conditional(pred, true_operand, true_computation, false_operand,
-false_computation)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
-------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------
-`pred` | `XlaOp` | Scalar of type `PRED`
-`true_operand` | `XlaOp` | Argument of type `T_0`
-`true_computation` | `XlaComputation` | XlaComputation of type `T_0 -> S`
-`false_operand` | `XlaOp` | Argument of type `T_1`
-`false_computation` | `XlaComputation` | XlaComputation of type `T_1 -> S`
-Executes `true_computation` if `pred` is `true`, `false_computation` if `pred`
-is `false`, and returns the result.
-The `true_computation` must take in a single argument of type `T_0` and will be
-invoked with `true_operand` which must be of the same type. The
-`false_computation` must take in a single argument of type `T_1` and will be
-invoked with `false_operand` which must be of the same type. The type of the
-returned value of `true_computation` and `false_computation` must be the same.
-Note that only one of `true_computation` and `false_computation` will be
-executed depending on the value of `pred`.
-## Conv (convolution)
-See also
-As ConvWithGeneralPadding, but the padding is specified in a short-hand way as
-either SAME or VALID. SAME padding pads the input (`lhs`) with zeroes so that
-the output has the same shape as the input when not taking striding into
-account. VALID padding simply means no padding.
-## ConvWithGeneralPadding (convolution)
-See also
-Computes a convolution of the kind used in neural networks. Here, a convolution
-can be thought of as a n-dimensional window moving across a n-dimensional base
-area and a computation is performed for each possible position of the window.
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------------------- | -------------------- | ----------------------------- |
-| `lhs` | `XlaOp` | rank n+2 array of inputs |
-| `rhs` | `XlaOp` | rank n+2 array of kernel |
-: : : weights :
-| `window_strides` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | n-d array of kernel strides |
-| `padding` | `ArraySlice< | n-d array of (low, high) |
-: : pair<int64, int64>>` : padding :
-| `lhs_dilation` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | n-d lhs dilation factor array |
-| `rhs_dilation` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | n-d rhs dilation factor array |
-| `feature_group_count` | int64 | the number of feature groups |
-Let n be the number of spatial dimensions. The `lhs` argument is a rank n+2
-array describing the base area. This is called the input, even though of course
-the rhs is also an input. In a neural network, these are the input activations.
-The n+2 dimensions are, in this order:
-* `batch`: Each coordinate in this dimension represents an independent input
- for which convolution is carried out.
-* `z/depth/features`: Each (y,x) position in the base area has a vector
- associated to it, which goes into this dimension.
-* `spatial_dims`: Describes the `n` spatial dimensions that define the base
- area that the window moves across.
-The `rhs` argument is a rank n+2 array describing the convolutional
-filter/kernel/window. The dimensions are, in this order:
-* `output-z`: The `z` dimension of the output.
-* `input-z`: The size of this dimension times `feature_group_count` should
- equal the size of the `z` dimension in lhs.
-* `spatial_dims`: Describes the `n` spatial dimensions that define the n-d
- window that moves across the base area.
-The `window_strides` argument specifies the stride of the convolutional window
-in the spatial dimensions. For example, if the stride in the first spatial
-dimension is 3, then the window can only be placed at coordinates where the
-first spatial index is divisible by 3.
-The `padding` argument specifies the amount of zero padding to be applied to the
-base area. The amount of padding can be negative -- the absolute value of
-negative padding indicates the number of elements to remove from the specified
-dimension before doing the convolution. `padding[0]` specifies the padding for
-dimension `y` and `padding[1]` specifies the padding for dimension `x`. Each
-pair has the low padding as the first element and the high padding as the second
-element. The low padding is applied in the direction of lower indices while the
-high padding is applied in the direction of higher indices. For example, if
-`padding[1]` is `(2,3)` then there will be a padding by 2 zeroes on the left and
-by 3 zeroes on the right in the second spatial dimension. Using padding is
-equivalent to inserting those same zero values into the input (`lhs`) before
-doing the convolution.
-The `lhs_dilation` and `rhs_dilation` arguments specify the dilation factor to
-be applied to the lhs and rhs, respectively, in each spatial dimension. If the
-dilation factor in a spatial dimension is d, then d-1 holes are implicitly
-placed between each of the entries in that dimension, increasing the size of the
-array. The holes are filled with a no-op value, which for convolution means
-Dilation of the rhs is also called atrous convolution. For more details, see
-`tf.nn.atrous_conv2d`. Dilation of the lhs is also called transposed
-convolution. For more details, see `tf.nn.conv2d_transpose`.
-The `feature_group_count` argument (default value 1) can be used for grouped
-convolutions. `feature_group_count` needs to be a divisor of both the input and
-the output feature dimension. If `feature_group_count` is greater than 1, it
-means that conceptually the input and output feature dimension and the `rhs`
-output feature dimension are split evenly into `feature_group_count` many
-groups, each group consisting of a consecutive subsequence of features. The
-input feature dimension of `rhs` needs to be equal to the `lhs` input feature
-dimension divided by `feature_group_count` (so it already has the size of a
-group of input features). The i-th groups are used together to compute
-`feature_group_count` many separate convolutions. The results of these
-convolutions are concatenated together in the output feature dimension.
-For depthwise convolution the `feature_group_count` argument would be set to the
-input feature dimension, and the filter would be reshaped from
-`[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier]` to
-`[filter_height, filter_width, 1, in_channels * channel_multiplier]`. For more
-details, see `tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d`.
-The output shape has these dimensions, in this order:
-* `batch`: Same size as `batch` on the input (`lhs`).
-* `z`: Same size as `output-z` on the kernel (`rhs`).
-* `spatial_dims`: One value for each valid placement of the convolutional
- window.
-The valid placements of the convolutional window are determined by the strides
-and the size of the base area after padding.
-To describe what a convolution does, consider a 2d convolution, and pick some
-fixed `batch`, `z`, `y`, `x` coordinates in the output. Then `(y,x)` is a
-position of a corner of the window within the base area (e.g. the upper left
-corner, depending on how you interpret the spatial dimensions). We now have a 2d
-window, taken from the base area, where each 2d point is associated to a 1d
-vector, so we get a 3d box. From the convolutional kernel, since we fixed the
-output coordinate `z`, we also have a 3d box. The two boxes have the same
-dimensions, so we can take the sum of the element-wise products between the two
-boxes (similar to a dot product). That is the output value.
-Note that if `output-z` is e.g., 5, then each position of the window produces 5
-values in the output into the `z` dimension of the output. These values differ
-in what part of the convolutional kernel is used - there is a separate 3d box of
-values used for each `output-z` coordinate. So you could think of it as 5
-separate convolutions with a different filter for each of them.
-Here is pseudo-code for a 2d convolution with padding and striding:
-for (b, oz, oy, ox) { // output coordinates
- value = 0;
- for (iz, ky, kx) { // kernel coordinates and input z
- iy = oy*stride_y + ky - pad_low_y;
- ix = ox*stride_x + kx - pad_low_x;
- if ((iy, ix) inside the base area considered without padding) {
- value += input(b, iz, iy, ix) * kernel(oz, iz, ky, kx);
- }
- }
- output(b, oz, oy, ox) = value;
-## ConvertElementType
-See also
-Similar to an element-wise `static_cast` in C++, performs an element-wise
-conversion operation from a data shape to a target shape. The dimensions must
-match, and the conversion is an element-wise one; e.g. `s32` elements become
-`f32` elements via an `s32`-to-`f32` conversion routine.
-<b> `ConvertElementType(operand, new_element_type)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------------- | --------------- | ---------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T with dims D
-`new_element_type` | `PrimitiveType` | type U
-The dimensions of the operand and the target shape must match. The source and
-destination element types must not be tuples.
-A conversion such as `T=s32` to `U=f32` will perform a normalizing int-to-float
-conversion routine such as round-to-nearest-even.
-> Note: The precise float-to-int and visa-versa conversions are currently
-> unspecified, but may become additional arguments to the convert operation in
-> the future. Not all possible conversions have been implemented for all
-let a: s32[3] = {0, 1, 2};
-let b: f32[3] = convert(a, f32);
-then b == f32[3]{0.0, 1.0, 2.0}
-## CrossReplicaSum
-See also
-Computes a sum across replicas.
-<b> `CrossReplicaSum(operand)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------- | ------- | -----------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | Array to sum across replicas.
-| `replica_group_ids` | `int64` vector | Group ID for each replica. |
-The output shape is the same as the input shape. For example, if there are two
-replicas and the operand has the value `(1.0, 2.5)` and `(3.0, 5.25)`
-respectively on the two replicas, then the output value from this op will be
-`(4.0, 7.75)` on both replicas.
-`replica_group_ids` identifies the group ID of each replica. The group ID must
-either be empty (all replicas belong to a single group), or contain the same
-number of elements as the number of replicas. For example, if
-`replica_group_ids` = {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3} has eight replicas, there are
-four subgroups of replica IDs: {0, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 6}, and {3, 7}. The size of
-each subgroup *must* be identical, so, for example, using:
-`replica_group_ids` = {0, 1, 2, 0} for four replicas is invalid.
-Computing the result of CrossReplicaSum requires having one input from each
-replica, so if one replica executes a CrossReplicaSum node more times than
-another, then the former replica will wait forever. Since the replicas are all
-running the same program, there are not a lot of ways for that to happen, but it
-is possible when a while loop's condition depends on data from infeed and the
-data that is infed causes the while loop to iterate more times on one replica
-than another.
-## CustomCall
-See also
-Call a user-provided function within a computation.
-<b> `CustomCall(target_name, args..., shape)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `target_name` | `string` | Name of the function. A call |
-: : : instruction will be emitted which :
-: : : targets this symbol name. :
-| `args` | sequence of N `XlaOp`s | N arguments of arbitrary type, |
-: : : which will be passed to the :
-: : : function. :
-| `shape` | `Shape` | Output shape of the function |
-The function signature is the same, regardless of the arity or type of args:
-extern "C" void target_name(void* out, void** in);
-For example, if CustomCall is used as follows:
-let x = f32[2] {1,2};
-let y = f32[2x3] {{10, 20, 30}, {40, 50, 60}};
-CustomCall("myfunc", {x, y}, f32[3x3])
-Here is an example of an implementation of `myfunc`:
-extern "C" void myfunc(void* out, void** in) {
- float (&x)[2] = *static_cast<float(*)[2]>(in[0]);
- float (&y)[2][3] = *static_cast<float(*)[2][3]>(in[1]);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, x[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, x[1]);
- EXPECT_EQ(10, y[0][0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(20, y[0][1]);
- EXPECT_EQ(30, y[0][2]);
- EXPECT_EQ(40, y[1][0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(50, y[1][1]);
- EXPECT_EQ(60, y[1][2]);
- float (&z)[3][3] = *static_cast<float(*)[3][3]>(out);
- z[0][0] = x[1] + y[1][0];
- // ...
-The user-provided function must not have side-effects and its execution must be
-> Note: The opaque nature of the user-provided function restricts optimization
-> opportunities for the compiler. Try to express your computation in terms of
-> native XLA ops whenever possible; only use CustomCall as a last resort.
-## Dot
-See also
-<b> `Dot(lhs, rhs)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------- | ------- | ---------------
-`lhs` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`rhs` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-The exact semantics of this operation depend on the ranks of the operands:
-| Input | Output | Semantics |
-| ----------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
-| vector [n] `dot` vector | scalar | vector dot product |
-: [n] : : :
-| matrix [m x k] `dot` | vector [m] | matrix-vector |
-: vector [k] : : multiplication :
-| matrix [m x k] `dot` | matrix [m x n] | matrix-matrix |
-: matrix [k x n] : : multiplication :
-The operation performs sum of products over the last dimension of `lhs` and the
-one-before-last dimension of `rhs`. These are the "contracted" dimensions. The
-contracted dimensions of `lhs` and `rhs` must be of the same size. In practice,
-it can be used to perform dot products between vectors, vector/matrix
-multiplications or matrix/matrix multiplications.
-## DotGeneral
-See also
-<b> `DotGeneral(lhs, rhs, dimension_numbers)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
-------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------
-`lhs` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`rhs` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`dimension_numbers` | `DotDimensionNumbers` | array of type T
-As Dot, but allows contracting and batch dimension numbers to be specified for
-both the 'lhs' and 'rhs'.
-| DotDimensionNumbers Fields | Type | Semantics
-| --------- | ----------------------- | ---------------
-| 'lhs_contracting_dimensions' | repeated int64 | 'lhs' contracting dimension numbers |
-| 'rhs_contracting_dimensions' | repeated int64 | 'rhs' contracting dimension numbers |
-| 'lhs_batch_dimensions' | repeated int64 | 'lhs' batch dimension numbers |
-| 'rhs_batch_dimensions' | repeated int64 | 'rhs' batch dimension numbers |
-DotGeneral performs the sum of products over contracting dimensions specified
-in 'dimension_numbers'.
-Associated contracting dimension numbers from the 'lhs' and 'rhs' do not need
-to be the same, but must be listed in the same order in both
-'lhs/rhs_contracting_dimensions' arrays and have the same dimension sizes.
-There must be exactly one contracting dimension on both 'lhs' and 'rhs'.
-Example with contracting dimension numbers:
-lhs = { {1.0, 2.0, 3.0},
- {4.0, 5.0, 6.0} }
-rhs = { {1.0, 1.0, 1.0},
- {2.0, 2.0, 2.0} }
-DotDimensionNumbers dnums;
-DotGeneral(lhs, rhs, dnums) -> { {6.0, 12.0},
- {15.0, 30.0} }
-Associated batch dimension numbers from the 'lhs' and 'rhs' must have the same
-dimension number, must be listed in the same order in both arrays, must
-have the same dimension sizes, and must be ordered before contracting and
-non-contracting/non-batch dimension numbers.
-Example with batch dimension numbers (batch size 2, 2x2 matrices):
-lhs = { { {1.0, 2.0},
- {3.0, 4.0} },
- { {5.0, 6.0},
- {7.0, 8.0} } }
-rhs = { { {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.0, 1.0} },
- { {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.0, 1.0} } }
-DotDimensionNumbers dnums;
-DotGeneral(lhs, rhs, dnums) -> { { {1.0, 2.0},
- {3.0, 4.0} },
- { {5.0, 6.0},
- {7.0, 8.0} } }
-| Input | Output | Semantics |
-| ----------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------- |
-| [b0, m, k] `dot` [b0, k, n] | [b0, m, n] | batch matmul |
-| [b0, b1, m, k] `dot` [b0, b1, k, n] | [b0, b1, m, n] | batch matmul |
-It follows that the resulting dimension number starts with the batch dimension,
-then the 'lhs' non-contracting/non-batch dimension, and finally the 'rhs'
-non-contracting/non-batch dimension.
-## DynamicSlice
-See also
-DynamicSlice extracts a sub-array from the input array at dynamic
-`start_indices`. The size of the slice in each dimension is passed in
-`size_indices`, which specify the end point of exclusive slice intervals in each
-dimension: [start, start + size). The shape of `start_indices` must be rank ==
-1, with dimension size equal to the rank of `operand`.
-<b> `DynamicSlice(operand, start_indices, size_indices)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | N dimensional array of type T |
-| `start_indices` | `XlaOp` | Rank 1 array of N integers |
-: : : containing the starting indices of :
-: : : the slice for each dimension. Value :
-: : : must be greater than or equal to :
-: : : zero. :
-| `size_indices` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | List of N integers containing the |
-: : : slice size for each dimension. Each :
-: : : value must be strictly greater than :
-: : : zero, and start + size must be less :
-: : : than or equal to the size of the :
-: : : dimension to avoid wrapping modulo :
-: : : dimension size. :
-The effective slice indices are computed by applying the following
-transformation for each index `i` in `[1, N)` before performing the slice:
-start_indices[i] = clamp(start_indices[i], 0, operand.dimension_size[i] - size_indices[i])
-This ensures that the extracted slice is always in-bounds with respect to the
-operand array. If the slice is in-bounds before the transformation is applied,
-the transformation has no effect.
-1-dimensional example:
-let a = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}
-let s = {2}
-DynamicSlice(a, s, {2}) produces:
- {2.0, 3.0}
-2-dimensional example:
-let b =
- { {0.0, 1.0, 2.0},
- {3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
- {6.0, 7.0, 8.0},
- {9.0, 10.0, 11.0} }
-let s = {2, 1}
-DynamicSlice(b, s, {2, 2}) produces:
- { { 7.0, 8.0},
- {10.0, 11.0} }
-## DynamicUpdateSlice
-See also
-DynamicUpdateSlice generates a result which is the value of the input array
-`operand`, with a slice `update` overwritten at `start_indices`.
-The shape of `update` determines the shape of the sub-array of the result which
-is updated.
-The shape of `start_indices` must be rank == 1, with dimension size equal to
-the rank of `operand`.
-<b> `DynamicUpdateSlice(operand, update, start_indices)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | N dimensional array of type T |
-| `update` | `XlaOp` | N dimensional array of type T containing the |
-: : : slice update. Each dimension of update shape :
-: : : must be strictly greater than zero, and start + :
-: : : update must be less than or equal to the operand :
-: : : size for each dimension to avoid generating :
-: : : out-of-bounds update indices. :
-| `start_indices` | `XlaOp` | Rank 1 array of N integers containing the |
-: : : starting indices of the slice for each :
-: : : dimension. Value must be greater than or equal :
-: : : to zero. :
-The effective slice indices are computed by applying the following
-transformation for each index `i` in `[1, N)` before performing the slice:
-start_indices[i] = clamp(start_indices[i], 0, operand.dimension_size[i] - update.dimension_size[i])
-This ensures that the updated slice is always in-bounds with respect to the
-operand array. If the slice is in-bounds before the transformation is applied,
-the transformation has no effect.
-1-dimensional example:
-let a = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}
-let u = {5.0, 6.0}
-let s = {2}
-DynamicUpdateSlice(a, u, s) produces:
- {0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 4.0}
-2-dimensional example:
-let b =
- { {0.0, 1.0, 2.0},
- {3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
- {6.0, 7.0, 8.0},
- {9.0, 10.0, 11.0} }
-let u =
- { {12.0, 13.0},
- {14.0, 15.0},
- {16.0, 17.0} }
-let s = {1, 1}
-DynamicUpdateSlice(b, u, s) produces:
- { {0.0, 1.0, 2.0},
- {3.0, 12.0, 13.0},
- {6.0, 14.0, 15.0},
- {9.0, 16.0, 17.0} }
-## Element-wise binary arithmetic operations
-See also
-A set of element-wise binary arithmetic operations is supported.
-<b> `Op(lhs, rhs)` </b>
-Where `Op` is one of `Add` (addition), `Sub` (subtraction), `Mul`
-(multiplication), `Div` (division), `Rem` (remainder), `Max` (maximum), `Min`
-(minimum), `LogicalAnd` (logical AND), or `LogicalOr` (logical OR).
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------
-`lhs` | `XlaOp` | left-hand-side operand: array of type T
-`rhs` | `XlaOp` | right-hand-side operand: array of type T
-The arguments' shapes have to be either similar or compatible. See the
-[broadcasting](../../performance/xla/broadcasting.md) documentation about what it means for shapes to
-be compatible. The result of an operation has a shape which is the result of
-broadcasting the two input arrays. In this variant, operations between arrays of
-different ranks are *not* supported, unless one of the operands is a scalar.
-When `Op` is `Rem`, the sign of the result is taken from the dividend, and the
-absolute value of the result is always less than the divisor's absolute value.
-Integer division overflow (signed/unsigned division/remainder by zero or signed
-divison/remainder of `INT_SMIN` with `-1`) produces an implementation defined
-An alternative variant with different-rank broadcasting support exists for these
-<b> `Op(lhs, rhs, broadcast_dimensions)` </b>
-Where `Op` is the same as above. This variant of the operation should be used
-for arithmetic operations between arrays of different ranks (such as adding a
-matrix to a vector).
-The additional `broadcast_dimensions` operand is a slice of integers used to
-expand the rank of the lower-rank operand up to the rank of the higher-rank
-operand. `broadcast_dimensions` maps the dimensions of the lower-rank shape to
-the dimensions of the higher-rank shape. The unmapped dimensions of the expanded
-shape are filled with dimensions of size one. Degenerate-dimension broadcasting
-then broadcasts the shapes along these degenerate dimensions to equalize the
-shapes of both operands. The semantics are described in detail on the
-[broadcasting page](../../performance/xla/broadcasting.md).
-## Element-wise comparison operations
-See also
-A set of standard element-wise binary comparison operations is supported. Note
-that standard IEEE 754 floating-point comparison semantics apply when comparing
-floating-point types.
-<b> `Op(lhs, rhs)` </b>
-Where `Op` is one of `Eq` (equal-to), `Ne` (not equal-to), `Ge`
-(greater-or-equal-than), `Gt` (greater-than), `Le` (less-or-equal-than), `Lt`
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------
-`lhs` | `XlaOp` | left-hand-side operand: array of type T
-`rhs` | `XlaOp` | right-hand-side operand: array of type T
-The arguments' shapes have to be either similar or compatible. See the
-[broadcasting](../../performance/xla/broadcasting.md) documentation about what it means for shapes to
-be compatible. The result of an operation has a shape which is the result of
-broadcasting the two input arrays with the element type `PRED`. In this variant,
-operations between arrays of different ranks are *not* supported, unless one of
-the operands is a scalar.
-An alternative variant with different-rank broadcasting support exists for these
-<b> `Op(lhs, rhs, broadcast_dimensions)` </b>
-Where `Op` is the same as above. This variant of the operation should be used
-for comparison operations between arrays of different ranks (such as adding a
-matrix to a vector).
-The additional `broadcast_dimensions` operand is a slice of integers specifying
-the dimensions to use for broadcasting the operands. The semantics are described
-in detail on the [broadcasting page](../../performance/xla/broadcasting.md).
-## Element-wise unary functions
-XlaBuilder supports these element-wise unary functions:
-<b>`Abs(operand)`</b> Element-wise abs `x -> |x|`.
-<b>`Ceil(operand)`</b> Element-wise ceil `x -> ⌈x⌉`.
-<b>`Cos(operand)`</b> Element-wise cosine `x -> cos(x)`.
-<b>`Exp(operand)`</b> Element-wise natural exponential `x -> e^x`.
-<b>`Floor(operand)`</b> Element-wise floor `x -> ⌊x⌋`.
-<b>`IsFinite(operand)`</b> Tests whether each element of `operand` is finite,
-i.e., is not positive or negative infinity, and is not `NaN`. Returns an array
-of `PRED` values with the same shape as the input, where each element is `true`
-if and only if the corresponding input element is finite.
-<b>`Log(operand)`</b> Element-wise natural logarithm `x -> ln(x)`.
-<b>`LogicalNot(operand)`</b> Element-wise logical not `x -> !(x)`.
-<b>`Neg(operand)`</b> Element-wise negation `x -> -x`.
-<b>`Sign(operand)`</b> Element-wise sign operation `x -> sgn(x)` where
-$$\text{sgn}(x) = \begin{cases} -1 & x < 0\\ 0 & x = 0\\ 1 & x > 0 \end{cases}$$
-using the comparison operator of the element type of `operand`.
-<b>`Tanh(operand)`</b> Element-wise hyperbolic tangent `x -> tanh(x)`.
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------- | ------- | ---------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | The operand to the function
-The function is applied to each element in the `operand` array, resulting in an
-array with the same shape. It is allowed for `operand` to be a scalar (rank 0).
-## Gather
-The XLA gather operation stitches together several slices (each slice at a
-potentially different runtime offset) of an input array.
-### General Semantics
-See also
-For a more intuitive description, see the "Informal Description" section below.
-<b> `gather(operand, start_indices, offset_dims, collapsed_slice_dims, slice_sizes, start_index_map)` </b>
-|Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-|----------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------|
-|`operand` | `XlaOp` | The array we’re gathering |
-: : : from. :
-|`start_indices` | `XlaOp` | Array containing the starting |
-: : : indices of the slices we gather.:
-|`index_vector_dim` | `int64` | The dimension in |
-: : : `start_indices` that "contains" :
-: : : the starting indices. See :
-: : : below for a detailed :
-: : : description. :
-|`offset_dims` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | The set of dimensions in the :
-: : : output shape that offset into a :
-: : : array sliced from operand. :
-|`slice_sizes` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | `slice_sizes[i]` is the bounds |
-: : : for the slice on dimension `i`.:
-|`collapsed_slice_dims` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | The set of dimensions in each :
-| : | slice that are collapsed away. :
-| : | These dimensions must have size:
-| : | 1. |
-|`start_index_map` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | A map that describes how to map|
-: : : indices in `start_indices` to :
-: : : to legal indices into operand. :
-For convenience, we label dimensions in the output array not in `offset_dims`
-as `batch_dims`.
-The output is an array of rank `batch_dims.size` + `operand.rank` -
-If `index_vector_dim` is equal to `start_indices.rank` we implicitly consider
-`start_indices` to have a trailing `1` dimension (i.e. if `start_indices` was of
-shape `[6,7]` and `index_vector_dim` is `2` then we implicitly consider the
-shape of `start_indices` to be `[6,7,1]`).
-The bounds for the output array along dimension `i` is computed as follows:
- 1. If `i` is present in `batch_dims` (i.e. is equal to `batch_dims[k]` for
- some `k`) then we pick the corresponding dimension bounds out of
- `start_indices.shape`, skipping `index_vector_dim` (i.e. pick
- `start_indices.shape.dims`[`k`] if `k` < `index_vector_dim` and
- `start_indices.shape.dims`[`k`+`1`] otherwise).
- 2. If `i` is present in `offset_dims` (i.e. equal to `offset_dims`[`k`] for
- some `k`) then we pick the corresponding bound out of `slice_sizes` after
- accounting for `collapsed_slice_dims` (i.e. we pick
- `adjusted_slice_sizes`[`k`] where `adjusted_slice_sizes` is `slice_sizes`
- with the bounds at indices `collapsed_slice_dims` removed).
-Formally, the operand index `In` corresponding to an output index `Out` is
-computed as follows:
- 1. Let `G` = { `Out`[`k`] for `k` in `batch_dims` }. Use `G` to slice out
- vector `S` such that `S`[`i`] = `start_indices`[Combine(`G`, `i`)] where
- Combine(A, b) inserts b at position `index_vector_dim` into A. Note that
- this is well defined even if `G` is empty -- if `G` is empty then `S` =
- `start_indices`.
- 2. Create a starting index, `S`<sub>`in`</sub>, into `operand` using `S` by
- scattering `S` using `start_index_map`. More precisely:
- 1. `S`<sub>`in`</sub>[`start_index_map`[`k`]] = `S`[`k`] if `k` <
- `start_index_map.size`.
- 2. `S`<sub>`in`</sub>[`_`] = `0` otherwise.
- 3. Create an index `O`<sub>`in`</sub> into `operand` by scattering the indices
- at the offset dimensions in `Out` according to the `collapsed_slice_dims`
- set. More precisely:
- 1. `O`<sub>`in`</sub>[`expand_offset_dims`(`k`)] =
- `Out`[`offset_dims`[`k`]] if `k` < `offset_dims.size`
- (`expand_offset_dims` is defined below).
- 2. `O`<sub>`in`</sub>[`_`] = `0` otherwise.
- 4. `In` is `O`<sub>`in`</sub> + `S`<sub>`in`</sub> where + is element-wise
- addition.
-`expand_offset_dims` is the monotonic function with domain [`0`, `offset.size`)
-and range [`0`, `operand.rank`) \ `collapsed_slice_dims`. So if, e.g.,
-`offset.size` is `4`, `operand.rank` is `6` and `collapsed_slice_dims` is {`0`,
-`2`} then `expand_offset_dims` is {`0`→`1`, `1`→`3`, `2`→`4`, `3`→`5`}.
-### Informal Description and Examples
-Informally, every index `Out` in the output array corresponds to an element `E`
-in the operand array, computed as follows:
- - We use the batch dimensions in `Out` to look up a starting index from
- `start_indices`.
- - We use `start_index_map` to map the starting index (which may have size less
- than operand.rank) to a "full" starting index into operand.
- - We dynamic-slice out a slice with size `slice_sizes` using the full starting
- index.
- - We reshape the slice by collapsing the `collapsed_slice_dims` dimensions.
- Since all collapsed slice dimensions have to have bound 1 this reshape is
- always legal.
- - We use the offset dimensions in `Out` to index into this slice to get the
- input element, `E`, corresponding to output index `Out`.
-`index_vector_dim` is set to `start_indices.rank` - `1` in all of the
-examples that follow. More interesting values for `index_vector_dim` does not
-change the operation fundamentally, but makes the visual representation more
-To get an intuition on how all of the above fits together, let's look at an
-example that gathers 5 slices of shape `[8,6]` from a `[16,11]` array. The
-position of a slice into the `[16,11]` array can be represented as an index
-vector of shape `S64[2]`, so the set of 5 positions can be represented as a
-`S64[5,2]` array.
-The behavior of the gather operation can then be depicted as an index
-transformation that takes [`G`,`O`<sub>`0`</sub>,`O`<sub>`1`</sub>], an index in
-the output shape, and maps it to an element in the input array in the following
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="../../images/ops_xla_gather_0.svg">
-We first select an (`X`,`Y`) vector from the gather indices array using `G`.
-The element in the output array at index
-[`G`,`O`<sub>`0`</sub>,`O`<sub>`1`</sub>] is then the element in the input
-array at index [`X`+`O`<sub>`0`</sub>,`Y`+`O`<sub>`1`</sub>].
-`slice_sizes` is `[8,6]`, which decides the range of W<sub>`0`</sub> and
-W<sub>`1`</sub>, and this in turn decides the bounds of the slice.
-This gather operation acts as a batch dynamic slice with `G` as the batch
-The gather indices may be multidimensional. For instance, a more general
-version of the example above using a "gather indices" array of shape `[4,5,2]`
-would translate indices like this:
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="../../images/ops_xla_gather_1.svg">
-Again, this acts as a batch dynamic slice `G`<sub>`0`</sub> and
-`G`<sub>`1`</sub> as the batch dimensions. The slice size is still `[8,6]`.
-The gather operation in XLA generalizes the informal semantics outlined above in
-the following ways:
- 1. We can configure which dimensions in the output shape are the offset
- dimensions (dimensions containing `O`<sub>`0`</sub>, `O`<sub>`1`</sub> in
- the last example). The output batch dimensions (dimensions containing
- `G`<sub>`0`</sub>, `G`<sub>`1`</sub> in the last example) are defined to be
- the output dimensions that are not offset dimensions.
- 2. The number of output offset dimensions explicitly present in the output
- shape may be smaller than the input rank. These "missing" dimensions, which
- are listed explicitly as `collapsed_slice_dims`, must have a slice size of
- `1`. Since they have a slice size of `1` the only valid index for them is
- `0` and eliding them does not introduce ambiguity.
- 3. The slice extracted from the "Gather Indices" array ((`X`, `Y`) in the last
- example) may have fewer elements than the input array rank, and an explicit
- mapping dictates how the index should be expanded to have the same rank as
- the input.
-As a final example, we use (2) and (3) to implement `tf.gather_nd`:
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="../../images/ops_xla_gather_2.svg">
-`G`<sub>`0`</sub> and `G`<sub>`1`</sub> are used to slice out a starting index
-from the gather indices array as usual, except the starting index has only one
-element, `X`. Similarly, there is only one output offset index with the value
-`O`<sub>`0`</sub>. However, before being used as indices into the input array,
-these are expanded in accordance to "Gather Index Mapping" (`start_index_map` in
-the formal description) and "Offset Mapping" (`expand_offset_dims` in the formal
-description) into [`0`,`O`<sub>`0`</sub>] and [`X`,`0`] respectively, adding up
-to [`X`,`O`<sub>`0`</sub>]. In other words, the output index
-[`G`<sub>`0`</sub>,`G`<sub>`1`</sub>,`O`<sub>`0`</sub>] maps to the input index
-[`GatherIndices`[`G`<sub>`0`</sub>,`G`<sub>`1`</sub>,`0`],`X`] which gives us
-the semantics for `tf.gather_nd`.
-`slice_sizes` for this case is `[1,11]`. Intuitively this means that every
-index `X` in the gather indices array picks an entire row and the result is the
-concatenation of all these rows.
-## GetTupleElement
-See also
-Indexes into a tuple with a compile-time-constant value.
-The value must be a compile-time-constant so that shape inference can determine
-the type of the resulting value.
-This is analogous to `std::get<int N>(t)` in C++. Conceptually:
-let v: f32[10] = f32[10]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
-let s: s32 = 5;
-let t: (f32[10], s32) = tuple(v, s);
-let element_1: s32 = gettupleelement(t, 1); // Inferred shape matches s32.
-See also `tf.tuple`.
-## Infeed
-See also
-<b> `Infeed(shape)` </b>
-| Argument | Type | Semantics |
-| -------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `shape` | `Shape` | Shape of the data read from the Infeed interface. The |
-: : : layout field of the shape must be set to match the :
-: : : layout of the data sent to the device; otherwise its :
-: : : behavior is undefined. :
-Reads a single data item from the implicit Infeed streaming interface of the
-device, interpreting the data as the given shape and its layout, and returns a
-`XlaOp` of the data. Multiple Infeed operations are allowed in a
-computation, but there must be a total order among the Infeed operations. For
-example, two Infeeds in the code below have a total order since there is a
-dependency between the while loops.
-result1 = while (condition, init = init_value) {
- Infeed(shape)
-result2 = while (condition, init = result1) {
- Infeed(shape)
-Nested tuple shapes are not supported. For an empty tuple shape, the Infeed
-operation is effectively a no-op and proceeds without reading any data from the
-Infeed of the device.
-> Note: We plan to allow multiple Infeed operations without a total order, in
-> which case the compiler will provide information about how the Infeed
-> operations are serialized in the compiled program.
-## Iota
-<b> `Iota()` </b>
-Builds a constant literal on device rather than a potentially large host
-transfer. Creates a rank 1 tensor of values starting at zero and incrementing
-by one.
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------------- | --------------- | ---------------------------
-`type` | `PrimitiveType` | type U
-`size` | `int64` | The number of elements in the tensor.
-## Map
-See also
-<b> `Map(operands..., computation)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ----------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| `operands` | sequence of N `XlaOp`s | N arrays of types T_0..T_{N-1} |
-| `computation` | `XlaComputation` | computation of type `T_0, T_1, |
-: : : ..., T_{N + M -1} -> S` with N :
-: : : parameters of type T and M of :
-: : : arbitrary type :
-| `dimensions` | `int64` array | array of map dimensions |
-Applies a scalar function over the given `operands` arrays, producing an array
-of the same dimensions where each element is the result of the mapped function
-applied to the corresponding elements in the input arrays.
-The mapped function is an arbitrary computation with the restriction that it has
-N inputs of scalar type `T` and a single output with type `S`. The output has
-the same dimensions as the operands except that the element type T is replaced
-with S.
-For example: `Map(op1, op2, op3, computation, par1)` maps `elem_out <-
-computation(elem1, elem2, elem3, par1)` at each (multi-dimensional) index in the
-input arrays to produce the output array.
-## Pad
-See also
-<b> `Pad(operand, padding_value, padding_config)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ---------------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type `T` |
-| `padding_value` | `XlaOp` | scalar of type `T` to fill in the added |
-: : : padding :
-| `padding_config` | `PaddingConfig` | padding amount on both edges (low, |
-: : : high) and between the elements of each :
-: : : dimension :
-Expands the given `operand` array by padding around the array as well as between
-the elements of the array with the given `padding_value`. `padding_config`
-specifies the amount of edge padding and the interior padding for each
-`PaddingConfig` is a repeated field of `PaddingConfigDimension`, which contains
-three fields for each dimension: `edge_padding_low`, `edge_padding_high`, and
-`interior_padding`. `edge_padding_low` and `edge_padding_high` specify the
-amount of padding added at the low-end (next to index 0) and the high-end (next
-to the highest index) of each dimension respectively. The amount of edge padding
-can be negative -- the absolute value of negative padding indicates the number
-of elements to remove from the specified dimension. `interior_padding` specifies
-the amount of padding added between any two elements in each dimension. Interior
-padding occurs logically before edge padding, so in the case of negative edge
-padding elements are removed from the interior-padded operand. This operation is
-a no-op if the edge padding pairs are all (0, 0) and the interior padding values
-are all 0. The figure below shows examples of different `edge_padding` and
-`interior_padding` values for a two-dimensional array.
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_pad.png">
-## Recv
-See also
-<b> `Recv(shape, channel_handle)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ---------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| `shape` | `Shape` | shape of the data to receive |
-| `channel_handle` | `ChannelHandle` | unique identifier for each send/recv pair |
-Receives data of the given shape from a `Send` instruction in another
-computation that shares the same channel handle. Returns a
-XlaOp for the received data.
-The client API of `Recv` operation represents synchronous communication.
-However, the instruction is internally decomposed into 2 HLO instructions
-(`Recv` and `RecvDone`) to enable asynchronous data transfers. See also
-[`HloInstruction::CreateRecv` and `HloInstruction::CreateRecvDone`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_instruction.h).
-<b>`Recv(const Shape& shape, int64 channel_id)`</b>
-Allocates resources required to receive data from a `Send` instruction with the
-same channel_id. Returns a context for the allocated resources, which is used
-by a following `RecvDone` instruction to wait for the completion of the data
-transfer. The context is a tuple of {receive buffer (shape), request identifier
-(U32)} and it can only be used by a `RecvDone` instruction.
-<b> `RecvDone(HloInstruction context)` </b>
-Given a context created by a `Recv` instruction, waits for the data transfer to
-complete and returns the received data.
-## Reduce
-See also
-Applies a reduction function to one or more arrays in parallel.
-<b> `Reduce(operands..., init_values..., computation, dimensions)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
-------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------
-`operands` | Sequence of N `XlaOp` | N arrays of types `T_0, ..., T_N`.
-`init_values` | Sequence of N `XlaOp` | N scalars of types `T_0, ..., T_N`.
-`computation` | `XlaComputation` | computation of type
- : : `T_0, ..., T_N, T_0, ..., T_N -> Collate(T_0, ..., T_N)`
-`dimensions` | `int64` array | unordered array of dimensions to reduce
-* N is required to be greater or equal to 1.
-* All input arrays must have the same dimensions.
-* If `N = 1`, `Collate(T)` is `T`.
-* If `N > 1`, `Collate(T_0, ..., T_N)` is a tuple of `N` elements of type `T`.
-The output of the op is `Collate(Q_0, ..., Q_N)` where `Q_i` is an array of type
-`T_i`, the dimensions of which are described below.
-This operation reduces one or more dimensions of each input array into scalars.
-The rank of each returned array is `rank(operand) - len(dimensions)`.
-`init_value` is the initial value used for every reduction and may be inserted
-anywhere during computation by the back-end. In most cases, `init_value` is an
-identity of the reduction function (for example, 0 for addition). The applied
-`computation` is always passed the `init_value` on the left-hand side.
-The evaluation order of the reduction function is arbitrary and may be
-non-deterministic. Therefore, the reduction function should not be overly
-sensitive to reassociation.
-Some reduction functions like addition are not strictly associative for floats.
-However, if the range of the data is limited, floating-point addition is close
-enough to being associative for most practical uses. It is possible to conceive
-of some completely non-associative reductions, however, and these will produce
-incorrect or unpredictable results in XLA reductions.
-As an example, when reducing across one dimension in a single 1D array with
-values [10, 11, 12, 13], with reduction function `f` (this is `computation`)
-then that could be computed as
-`f(10, f(11, f(12, f(init_value, 13)))`
-but there are also many other possibilities, e.g.
-`f(init_value, f(f(10, f(init_value, 11)), f(f(init_value, 12), f(init_value, 13))))`
-The following is a rough pseudo-code example of how reduction could be
-implemented, using summation as the reduction computation with an initial value
-of 0.
-result_shape <- remove all dims in dimensions from operand_shape
-# Iterate over all elements in result_shape. The number of r's here is equal
-# to the rank of the result
-for r0 in range(result_shape[0]), r1 in range(result_shape[1]), ...:
- # Initialize this result element
- result[r0, r1...] <- 0
- # Iterate over all the reduction dimensions
- for d0 in range(dimensions[0]), d1 in range(dimensions[1]), ...:
- # Increment the result element with the value of the operand's element.
- # The index of the operand's element is constructed from all ri's and di's
- # in the right order (by construction ri's and di's together index over the
- # whole operand shape).
- result[r0, r1...] += operand[ri... di]
-Here's an example of reducing a 2D array (matrix). The shape has rank 2,
-dimension 0 of size 2 and dimension 1 of size 3:
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:35%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_2d_matrix.png">
-Results of reducing dimensions 0 or 1 with an "add" function:
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:35%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_reduce_from_2d_matrix.png">
-Note that both reduction results are 1D arrays. The diagram shows one as column
-and another as row just for visual convenience.
-For a more complex example, here is a 3D array. Its rank is 3, dimension 0 of
-size 4, dimension 1 of size 2 and dimension 2 of size 3. For simplicity, the
-values 1 to 6 are replicated across dimension 0.
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:35%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_reduce_from_3d_matrix.png">
-Similarly to the 2D example, we can reduce just one dimension. If we reduce
-dimension 0, for example, we get a rank-2 array where all values across
-dimension 0 were folded into a scalar:
-| 4 8 12 |
-| 16 20 24 |
-If we reduce dimension 2, we also get a rank-2 array where all values across
-dimension 2 were folded into a scalar:
-| 6 15 |
-| 6 15 |
-| 6 15 |
-| 6 15 |
-Note that the relative order between the remaining dimensions in the input is
-preserved in the output, but some dimensions may get assigned new numbers (since
-the rank changes).
-We can also reduce multiple dimensions. Add-reducing dimensions 0 and 1 produces
-the 1D array `| 20 28 36 |`.
-Reducing the 3D array over all its dimensions produces the scalar `84`.
-When `N > 1`, reduce function application is slightly more complex, as it is
-applied simultaneously to all inputs. For example, consider the following
-reduction function, which can be used to compute the max and the argmax of a
-a 1-D tensor in parallel:
-f: (Float, Int, Float, Int) -> Float, Int
-f(max, argmax, value, index):
- if value >= argmax:
- return (value, index)
- else:
- return (max, argmax)
-For 1-D Input arrays `V = Float[N], K = Int[N]`, and init values
-`I_V = Float, I_K = Int`, the result `f_(N-1)` of reducing across the only
-input dimension is equivalent to the following recursive application:
-f_0 = f(I_V, I_K, V_0, K_0)
-f_1 = f(f_0.first, f_0.second, V_1, K_1)
-f_(N-1) = f(f_(N-2).first, f_(N-2).second, V_(N-1), K_(N-1))
-Applying this reduction to an array of values, and an array of sequential
-indices (i.e. iota), will co-iterate over the arrays, and return a tuple
-containing the maximal value and the matching index.
-## ReducePrecision
-See also
-Models the effect of converting floating-point values to a lower-precision
-format (such as IEEE-FP16) and back to the original format. The number of
-exponent and mantissa bits in the lower-precision format can be specified
-arbitrarily, although all bit sizes may not be supported on all hardware
-<b> `ReducePrecision(operand, mantissa_bits, exponent_bits)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
---------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of floating-point type `T`.
-`exponent_bits` | `int32` | number of exponent bits in lower-precision format
-`mantissa_bits` | `int32` | number of mantissa bits in lower-precision format
-The result is an array of type `T`. The input values are rounded to the nearest
-value representable with the given number of mantissa bits (using "ties to even"
-semantics), and any values that exceed the range specified by the number of
-exponent bits are clamped to positive or negative infinity. `NaN` values are
-retained, although they may be converted to canonical `NaN` values.
-The lower-precision format must have at least one exponent bit (in order to
-distinguish a zero value from an infinity, since both have a zero mantissa), and
-must have a non-negative number of mantissa bits. The number of exponent or
-mantissa bits may exceed the corresponding value for type `T`; the corresponding
-portion of the conversion is then simply a no-op.
-## ReduceWindow
-See also
-Applies a reduction function to all elements in each window of the input
-multi-dimensional array, producing an output multi-dimensional array with the
-same number of elements as the number of valid positions of the window. A
-pooling layer can be expressed as a `ReduceWindow`. Similar to
-[`Reduce`](#reduce), the applied `computation` is always passed the `init_value`
-on the left-hand side.
-<b> `ReduceWindow(operand, init_value, computation, window_dimensions,
-window_strides, padding)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | N dimensional array containing |
-: : : elements of type T. This is the :
-: : : base area on which the window is :
-: : : placed. :
-| `init_value` | `XlaOp` | Starting value for the |
-: : : reduction. See [Reduce](#reduce) :
-: : : for details. :
-| `computation` | `XlaComputation` | Reduction function of type `T, T |
-: : : -> T`, to apply to all elements :
-: : : in each window :
-| `window_dimensions` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | array of integers for window |
-: : : dimension values :
-| `window_strides` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | array of integers for window |
-: : : stride values :
-| `padding` | `Padding` | padding type for window |
-: : : (Padding\:\:kSame or :
-: : : Padding\:\:kValid) :
-Below code and figure shows an example of using `ReduceWindow`. Input is a
-matrix of size [4x6] and both window_dimensions and window_stride_dimensions are
-// Create a computation for the reduction (maximum).
-XlaComputation max;
- XlaBuilder builder(client_, "max");
- auto y = builder.Parameter(0, ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {}), "y");
- auto x = builder.Parameter(1, ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {}), "x");
- builder.Max(y, x);
- max = builder.Build().ConsumeValueOrDie();
-// Create a ReduceWindow computation with the max reduction computation.
-XlaBuilder builder(client_, "reduce_window_2x3");
-auto shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {4, 6});
-auto input = builder.Parameter(0, shape, "input");
- input, *max,
- /*init_val=*/builder.ConstantLiteral(LiteralUtil::MinValue(F32)),
- /*window_dimensions=*/{2, 3},
- /*window_stride_dimensions=*/{2, 3},
- Padding::kValid);
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:35%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_reduce_window.png">
-Stride of 1 in a dimension specifies that the position of a window in the
-dimension is 1 element away from its adjacent window. In order to specify that
-no windows overlap with each other, window_stride_dimensions should be equal to
-window_dimensions. The figure below illustrates the use of two different stride
-values. Padding is applied to each dimension of the input and the calculations
-are the same as though the input came in with the dimensions it has after
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:75%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_reduce_window_stride.png">
-The evaluation order of the reduction function is arbitrary and may be
-non-deterministic. Therefore, the reduction function should not be overly
-sensitive to reassociation. See the discussion about associativity in the
-context of [`Reduce`](#reduce) for more details.
-## Reshape
-See also
-and the [`Collapse`](#collapse) operation.
-Reshapes the dimensions of an array into a new configuration.
-<b> `Reshape(operand, new_sizes)` </b>
-<b> `Reshape(operand, dimensions, new_sizes)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`dimensions` | `int64` vector | order in which dimensions are collapsed
-`new_sizes` | `int64` vector | vector of sizes of new dimensions
-Conceptually, reshape first flattens an array into a one-dimensional vector of
-data values, and then refines this vector into a new shape. The input arguments
-are an arbitrary array of type T, a compile-time-constant vector of dimension
-indices, and a compile-time-constant vector of dimension sizes for the result.
-The values in the `dimension` vector, if given, must be a permutation of all of
-T's dimensions; the default if not given is `{0, ..., rank - 1}`. The order of
-the dimensions in `dimensions` is from slowest-varying dimension (most major) to
-fastest-varying dimension (most minor) in the loop nest which collapses the
-input array into a single dimension. The `new_sizes` vector determines the size
-of the output array. The value at index 0 in `new_sizes` is the size of
-dimension 0, the value at index 1 is the size of dimension 1, and so on. The
-product of the `new_size` dimensions must equal the product of the operand's
-dimension sizes. When refining the collapsed array into the multidimensional
-array defined by `new_sizes`, the dimensions in `new_sizes` are ordered from
-slowest varying (most major) and to fastest varying (most minor).
-For example, let v be an array of 24 elements:
-let v = f32[4x2x3] {{{10, 11, 12}, {15, 16, 17}},
- {{20, 21, 22}, {25, 26, 27}},
- {{30, 31, 32}, {35, 36, 37}},
- {{40, 41, 42}, {45, 46, 47}}};
-In-order collapse:
-let v012_24 = Reshape(v, {0,1,2}, {24});
-then v012_24 == f32[24] {10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27,
- 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47};
-let v012_83 = Reshape(v, {0,1,2}, {8,3});
-then v012_83 == f32[8x3] {{10, 11, 12}, {15, 16, 17},
- {20, 21, 22}, {25, 26, 27},
- {30, 31, 32}, {35, 36, 37},
- {40, 41, 42}, {45, 46, 47}};
-Out-of-order collapse:
-let v021_24 = Reshape(v, {1,2,0}, {24});
-then v012_24 == f32[24] {10, 20, 30, 40, 11, 21, 31, 41, 12, 22, 32, 42,
- 15, 25, 35, 45, 16, 26, 36, 46, 17, 27, 37, 47};
-let v021_83 = Reshape(v, {1,2,0}, {8,3});
-then v021_83 == f32[8x3] {{10, 20, 30}, {40, 11, 21},
- {31, 41, 12}, {22, 32, 42},
- {15, 25, 35}, {45, 16, 26},
- {36, 46, 17}, {27, 37, 47}};
-let v021_262 = Reshape(v, {1,2,0}, {2,6,2});
-then v021_262 == f32[2x6x2] {{{10, 20}, {30, 40},
- {11, 21}, {31, 41},
- {12, 22}, {32, 42}},
- {{15, 25}, {35, 45},
- {16, 26}, {36, 46},
- {17, 27}, {37, 47}}};
-As a special case, reshape can transform a single-element array to a scalar and
-vice versa. For example,
-Reshape(f32[1x1] {{5}}, {0,1}, {}) == 5;
-Reshape(5, {}, {1,1}) == f32[1x1] {{5}};
-## Rev (reverse)
-See also
-<b>`Rev(operand, dimensions)`</b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`dimensions` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | dimensions to reverse
-Reverses the order of elements in the `operand` array along the specified
-`dimensions`, generating an output array of the same shape. Each element of the
-operand array at a multidimensional index is stored into the output array at a
-transformed index. The multidimensional index is transformed by reversing the
-index in each dimension to be reversed (i.e., if a dimension of size N is one of
-the reversing dimensions, its index i is transformed into N - 1 - i).
-One use for the `Rev` operation is to reverse the convolution weight array along
-the two window dimensions during the gradient computation in neural networks.
-## RngNormal
-See also
-Constructs an output of a given shape with random numbers generated following
-the $$N(\mu, \sigma)$$ normal distribution. The parameters $$\mu$$ and
-$$\sigma$$, and output shape have to have a floating point elemental type. The
-parameters furthermore have to be scalar valued.
-<b>`RngNormal(mu, sigma, shape)`</b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
-| `mu` | `XlaOp` | Scalar of type T specifying mean of generated |
-: : : numbers :
-| `sigma` | `XlaOp` | Scalar of type T specifying standard deviation of |
-: : : generated numbers :
-| `shape` | `Shape` | Output shape of type T |
-## RngUniform
-See also
-Constructs an output of a given shape with random numbers generated following
-the uniform distribution over the interval $$[a,b)$$. The parameters and output
-element type have to be a boolean type, an integral type or a floating point
-types, and the types have to be consistent. The CPU and GPU backends currently
-only support F64, F32, F16, BF16, S64, U64, S32 and U32. Furthermore, the
-parameters need to be scalar valued. If $$b <= a$$ the result is
-<b>`RngUniform(a, b, shape)`</b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `a` | `XlaOp` | Scalar of type T specifying lower |
-: : : limit of interval :
-| `b` | `XlaOp` | Scalar of type T specifying upper |
-: : : limit of interval :
-| `shape` | `Shape` | Output shape of type T |
-## Scatter
-The XLA scatter operation generates a result which is the value of the input
-tensor `operand`, with several slices (at indices specified by
-`scatter_indices`) updated with the values in `updates` using
-See also
-<b> `scatter(operand, scatter_indices, updates, update_computation, index_vector_dim, update_window_dims, inserted_window_dims, scatter_dims_to_operand_dims)` </b>
-|Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-|`operand` | `XlaOp` | Tensor to be scattered into. |
-|`scatter_indices` | `XlaOp` | Tensor containing the starting |
-: : : indices of the slices that must :
-: : : be scattered to. :
-|`updates` | `XlaOp` | Tensor containing the values that|
-: : : must be used for scattering. :
-|`update_computation`| `XlaComputation` | Computation to be used for |
-: : : combining the existing values in :
-: : : the input tensor and the updates :
-: : : during scatter. This computation :
-: : : should be of type `T, T -> T`. :
-|`index_vector_dim`| `int64` | The dimension in |
-: : : `scatter_indices` that contains :
-: : : the starting indices. :
-|`update_window_dims`| `ArraySlice<int64>` | The set of dimensions in |
-: : : `updates` shape that are _window :
-: : : dimensions_. :
-|`inserted_window_dims`| `ArraySlice<int64>`| The set of _window dimensions_ |
-: : : that must be inserted into :
-: : : `updates` shape. :
-|`scatter_dims_to_operand_dims`| `ArraySlice<int64>` | A dimensions map from |
-: : : the scatter indices to the :
-: : : operand index space. This array :
-: : : is interpreted as mapping `i` to :
-: : : `scatter_dims_to_operand_dims[i]`:
-: : : . It has to be one-to-one and :
-: : : total. :
-If `index_vector_dim` is equal to `scatter_indices.rank` we implicitly consider
-`scatter_indices` to have a trailing `1` dimension.
-We define `update_scatter_dims` of type `ArraySlice<int64>` as the set of
-dimensions in `updates` shape that are not in `update_window_dims`, in ascending
-The arguments of scatter should follow these constraints:
- - `updates` tensor must be of rank `update_window_dims.size +
- scatter_indices.rank - 1`.
- - Bounds of dimension `i` in `updates` must conform to the following:
- - If `i` is present in `update_window_dims` (i.e. equal to
- `update_window_dims`[`k`] for some `k`), then the bound of dimension
- `i` in `updates` must not exceed the corresponding bound of `operand`
- after accounting for the `inserted_window_dims` (i.e.
- `adjusted_window_bounds`[`k`], where `adjusted_window_bounds` contains
- the bounds of `operand` with the bounds at indices
- `inserted_window_dims` removed).
- - If `i` is present in `update_scatter_dims` (i.e. equal to
- `update_scatter_dims`[`k`] for some `k`), then the bound of dimension
- `i` in `updates` must be equal to the corresponding bound of
- `scatter_indices`, skipping `index_vector_dim` (i.e.
- `scatter_indices.shape.dims`[`k`], if `k` < `index_vector_dim` and
- `scatter_indices.shape.dims`[`k+1`] otherwise).
- - `update_window_dims` must be in ascending order, not have any repeating
- dimension numbers, and be in the range `[0, updates.rank)`.
- - `inserted_window_dims` must be in ascending order, not have any
- repeating dimension numbers, and be in the range `[0, operand.rank)`.
- - `scatter_dims_to_operand_dims.size` must be equal to
- `scatter_indices`[`index_vector_dim`], and its values must be in the range
- `[0, operand.rank)`.
-For a given index `U` in the `updates` tensor, the corresponding index `I` in
-the `operand` tensor into which this update has to be applied is computed as
- 1. Let `G` = { `U`[`k`] for `k` in `update_scatter_dims` }. Use `G` to look up
- an index vector `S` in the `scatter_indices` tensor such that `S`[`i`] =
- `scatter_indices`[Combine(`G`, `i`)] where Combine(A, b) inserts b at
- positions `index_vector_dim` into A.
- 2. Create an index `S`<sub>`in`</sub> into `operand` using `S` by scattering
- `S` using the `scatter_dims_to_operand_dims` map. More formally:
- 1. `S`<sub>`in`</sub>[`scatter_dims_to_operand_dims`[`k`]] = `S`[`k`] if
- `k` < `scatter_dims_to_operand_dims.size`.
- 2. `S`<sub>`in`</sub>[`_`] = `0` otherwise.
- 3. Create an index `W`<sub>`in`</sub> into `operand` by scattering the indices
- at `update_window_dims` in `U` according to `inserted_window_dims`.
- More formally:
- 1. `W`<sub>`in`</sub>[`window_dims_to_operand_dims`(`k`)] = `U`[`k`] if
- `k` < `update_window_dims.size`, where `window_dims_to_operand_dims`
- is the monotonic function with domain [`0`, `update_window_dims.size`)
- and range [`0`, `operand.rank`) \\ `inserted_window_dims`. (For
- example, if `update_window_dims.size` is `4`, `operand.rank` is `6`,
- and `inserted_window_dims` is {`0`, `2`} then
- `window_dims_to_operand_dims` is {`0`→`1`, `1`→`3`, `2`→`4`,
- `3`→`5`}).
- 2. `W`<sub>`in`</sub>[`_`] = `0` otherwise.
- 4. `I` is `W`<sub>`in`</sub> + `S`<sub>`in`</sub> where + is element-wise
- addition.
-In summary, the scatter operation can be defined as follows.
- - Initialize `output` with `operand`, i.e. for all indices `O` in the
- `operand` tensor:\
- `output`[`O`] = `operand`[`O`]
- - For every index `U` in the `updates` tensor and the corresponding index `O`
- in the `operand` tensor:\
- `output`[`O`] = `update_computation`(`output`[`O`], `updates`[`U`])
-The order in which updates are applied is non-deterministic. So, when multiple
-indices in `updates` refer to the same index in `operand`, the corresponding
-value in `output` will be non-deterministic.
-Note that the first parameter that is passed into the `update_computation` will
-always be the current value from the `output` tensor and the second parameter
-will always be the value from the `updates` tensor. This is important
-specifically for cases when the `update_computation` is _not commutative_.
-Informally, the scatter op can be viewed as an _inverse_ of the gather op, i.e.
-the scatter op updates the elements in the input that are extracted by the
-corresponding gather op.
-For a detailed informal description and examples, refer to the
-"Informal Description" section under `Gather`.
-## Select
-See also
-Constructs an output array from elements of two input arrays, based on the
-values of a predicate array.
-<b> `Select(pred, on_true, on_false)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
----------- | ------- | ------------------
-`pred` | `XlaOp` | array of type PRED
-`on_true` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-`on_false` | `XlaOp` | array of type T
-The arrays `on_true` and `on_false` must have the same shape. This is also the
-shape of the output array. The array `pred` must have the same dimensionality as
-`on_true` and `on_false`, with the `PRED` element type.
-For each element `P` of `pred`, the corresponding element of the output array is
-taken from `on_true` if the value of `P` is `true`, and from `on_false` if the
-value of `P` is `false`. As a restricted form of [broadcasting]
-(broadcasting.md), `pred` can be a scalar of type `PRED`. In this case, the
-output array is taken wholly from `on_true` if `pred` is `true`, and from
-`on_false` if `pred` is `false`.
-Example with non-scalar `pred`:
-let pred: PRED[4] = {true, false, false, true};
-let v1: s32[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
-let v2: s32[4] = {100, 200, 300, 400};
-Select(pred, v1, v2) = s32[4]{1, 200, 300, 4};
-Example with scalar `pred`:
-let pred: PRED = true;
-let v1: s32[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
-let v2: s32[4] = {100, 200, 300, 400};
-Select(pred, v1, v2) = s32[4]{1, 2, 3, 4};
-Selections between tuples are supported. Tuples are considered to be scalar
-types for this purpose. If `on_true` and `on_false` are tuples (which must have
-the same shape!) then `pred` has to be a scalar of type `PRED`.
-## SelectAndScatter
-See also
-This operation can be considered as a composite operation that first computes
-`ReduceWindow` on the `operand` array to select an element from each window, and
-then scatters the `source` array to the indices of the selected elements to
-construct an output array with the same shape as the operand array. The binary
-`select` function is used to select an element from each window by applying it
-across each window, and it is called with the property that the first
-parameter's index vector is lexicographically less than the second parameter's
-index vector. The `select` function returns `true` if the first parameter is
-selected and returns `false` if the second parameter is selected, and the
-function must hold transitivity (i.e., if `select(a, b)` and `select(b, c)` are
-`true`, then `select(a, c)` is also `true`) so that the selected element does
-not depend on the order of the elements traversed for a given window.
-The function `scatter` is applied at each selected index in the output array. It
-takes two scalar parameters:
-1. Current value at the selected index in the output array
-2. The scatter value from `source` that applies to the selected index
-It combines the two parameters and returns a scalar value that's used to update
-the value at the selected index in the output array. Initially, all indices of
-the output array are set to `init_value`.
-The output array has the same shape as the `operand` array and the `source`
-array must have the same shape as the result of applying a `ReduceWindow`
-operation on the `operand` array. `SelectAndScatter` can be used to
-backpropagate the gradient values for a pooling layer in a neural network.
-<b>`SelectAndScatter(operand, select, window_dimensions, window_strides,
-padding, source, init_value, scatter)`</b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ------------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | array of type T over which the |
-: : : windows slide :
-| `select` | `XlaComputation` | binary computation of type `T, T |
-: : : -> PRED`, to apply to all :
-: : : elements in each window; returns :
-: : : `true` if the first parameter is :
-: : : selected and returns `false` if :
-: : : the second parameter is selected :
-| `window_dimensions` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | array of integers for window |
-: : : dimension values :
-| `window_strides` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | array of integers for window |
-: : : stride values :
-| `padding` | `Padding` | padding type for window |
-: : : (Padding\:\:kSame or :
-: : : Padding\:\:kValid) :
-| `source` | `XlaOp` | array of type T with the values |
-: : : to scatter :
-| `init_value` | `XlaOp` | scalar value of type T for the |
-: : : initial value of the output :
-: : : array :
-| `scatter` | `XlaComputation` | binary computation of type `T, T |
-: : : -> T`, to apply each scatter :
-: : : source element with its :
-: : : destination element :
-The figure below shows examples of using `SelectAndScatter`, with the `select`
-function computing the maximal value among its parameters. Note that when the
-windows overlap, as in the figure (2) below, an index of the `operand` array may
-be selected multiple times by different windows. In the figure, the element of
-value 9 is selected by both of the top windows (blue and red) and the binary
-addition `scatter` function produces the output element of value 8 (2 + 6).
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%"
- src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_scatter_to_selected_window_element.png">
-The evaluation order of the `scatter` function is arbitrary and may be
-non-deterministic. Therefore, the `scatter` function should not be overly
-sensitive to reassociation. See the discussion about associativity in the
-context of [`Reduce`](#reduce) for more details.
-## Send
-See also
-<b> `Send(operand, channel_handle)` </b>
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
----------------- | --------------- | -----------------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | data to send (array of type T)
-`channel_handle` | `ChannelHandle` | unique identifier for each send/recv pair
-Sends the given operand data to a `Recv` instruction in another computation
-that shares the same channel handle. Does not return any data.
-Similar to the `Recv` operation, the client API of `Send` operation represents
-synchronous communication, and is internally decomposed into 2 HLO instructions
-(`Send` and `SendDone`) to enable asynchronous data transfers. See also
-[`HloInstruction::CreateSend` and `HloInstruction::CreateSendDone`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_instruction.h).
-<b>`Send(HloInstruction operand, int64 channel_id)`</b>
-Initiates an asynchronous transfer of the operand to the resources allocated by
-the `Recv` instruction with the same channel id. Returns a context, which is
-used by a following `SendDone` instruction to wait for the completion of the
-data transfer. The context is a tuple of {operand (shape), request identifier
-(U32)} and it can only be used by a `SendDone` instruction.
-<b> `SendDone(HloInstruction context)` </b>
-Given a context created by a `Send` instruction, waits for the data transfer to
-complete. The instruction does not return any data.
-<b> Scheduling of channel instructions </b>
-The execution order of the 4 instructions for each channel (`Recv`, `RecvDone`,
-`Send`, `SendDone`) is as below.
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:70%" src="../../images/send_recv_order.png">
-* `Recv` happens before `Send`
-* `Send` happens before `RecvDone`
-* `Recv` happens before `RecvDone`
-* `Send` happens before `SendDone`
-When the backend compilers generate a linear schedule for each computation that
-communicates via channel instructions, there must not be cycles across the
-computations. For example, below schedules lead to deadlocks.
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="../../images/send_recv_schedule.png">
-## Slice
-See also
-Slicing extracts a sub-array from the input array. The sub-array is of the same
-rank as the input and contains the values inside a bounding box within the input
-array where the dimensions and indices of the bounding box are given as
-arguments to the slice operation.
-<b> `Slice(operand, start_indices, limit_indices)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| --------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| `operand` | `XlaOp` | N dimensional array of type T |
-| `start_indices` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | List of N integers containing the |
-: : : starting indices of the slice for :
-: : : each dimension. Values must be :
-: : : greater than or equal to zero. :
-| `limit_indices` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | List of N integers containing the |
-: : : ending indices (exclusive) for the :
-: : : slice for each dimension. Each value :
-: : : must be greater than or equal to the :
-: : : respective `start_indices` value for :
-: : : the dimension and less than or equal :
-: : : to the size of the dimension. :
-1-dimensional example:
-let a = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}
-Slice(a, {2}, {4}) produces:
- {2.0, 3.0}
-2-dimensional example:
-let b =
- { {0.0, 1.0, 2.0},
- {3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
- {6.0, 7.0, 8.0},
- {9.0, 10.0, 11.0} }
-Slice(b, {2, 1}, {4, 3}) produces:
- { { 7.0, 8.0},
- {10.0, 11.0} }
-## Sort
-See also
-There are two versions of the Sort instruction: a single-operand and a
-two-operand version.
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------ | ------- | --------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | The operand to sort.
-`dimension` | `int64` | The dimension along which to sort.
-Sorts the elements in the operand in ascending order along the provided
-dimension. For example, for a rank-2 (matrix) operand, a `dimension` value of 0
-will sort each column independently, and a `dimension` value of 1 will sort each
-row independently. If the operand's elements have floating point type, and the
-operand contains NaN elements, the order of elements in the output is
-<b>`Sort(key, value)`</b>
-Sorts both the key and the value operands. The keys are sorted as in the
-single-operand version. The values are sorted according to the order of their
-corresponding keys. For example, if the inputs are `keys = [3, 1]` and
-`values = [42, 50]`, then the output of the sort is the tuple
-`{[1, 3], [50, 42]}`.
-The sort is not guaranteed to be stable, that is, if the keys array contains
-duplicates, the order of their corresponding values may not be preserved.
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
------------ | ------- | -------------------
-`keys` | `XlaOp` | The sort keys.
-`values` | `XlaOp` | The values to sort.
-`dimension` | `int64` | The dimension along which to sort.
-The `keys` and `values` must have the same dimensions, but may have different
-element types.
-## Transpose
-See also the `tf.reshape` operation.
-Arguments | Type | Semantics
-------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------
-`operand` | `XlaOp` | The operand to transpose.
-`permutation` | `ArraySlice<int64>` | How to permute the dimensions.
-Permutes the operand dimensions with the given permutation, so
-`∀ i . 0 ≤ i < rank ⇒ input_dimensions[permutation[i]] = output_dimensions[i]`.
-This is the same as Reshape(operand, permutation,
- Permute(permutation, operand.shape.dimensions)).
-## Tuple
-See also
-A tuple containing a variable number of data handles, each of which has its own
-This is analogous to `std::tuple` in C++. Conceptually:
-let v: f32[10] = f32[10]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
-let s: s32 = 5;
-let t: (f32[10], s32) = tuple(v, s);
-Tuples can be deconstructed (accessed) via the [`GetTupleElement`]
-(#gettupleelement) operation.
-## While
-See also
-<b> `While(condition, body, init)` </b>
-| Arguments | Type | Semantics |
-| ----------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `condition` | `XlaComputation` | XlaComputation of type `T -> PRED` which |
-: : : defines the termination condition of the :
-: : : loop. :
-| `body` | `XlaComputation` | XlaComputation of type `T -> T` which |
-: : : defines the body of the loop. :
-| `init` | `T` | Initial value for the parameter of |
-: : : `condition` and `body`. :
-Sequentially executes the `body` until the `condition` fails. This is similar to
-a typical while loop in many other languages except for the differences and
-restrictions listed below.
-* A `While` node returns a value of type `T`, which is the result from the
- last execution of the `body`.
-* The shape of the type `T` is statically determined and must be the same
- across all iterations.
-The T parameters of the computations are initialized with the `init` value in
-the first iteration and are automatically updated to the new result from `body`
-in each subsequent iteration.
-One main use case of the `While` node is to implement the repeated execution of
-training in neural networks. Simplified pseudocode is shown below with a graph
-that represents the computation. The code can be found in
-The type `T` in this example is a `Tuple` consisting of an `int32` for the
-iteration count and a `vector[10]` for the accumulator. For 1000 iterations, the
-loop keeps adding a constant vector to the accumulator.
-// Pseudocode for the computation.
-init = {0, zero_vector[10]} // Tuple of int32 and float[10].
-result = init;
-while (result(0) < 1000) {
- iteration = result(0) + 1;
- new_vector = result(1) + constant_vector[10];
- result = {iteration, new_vector};
-<div style="width:95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
- <img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/ops_while.png">