path: root/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/distributed_training_utils.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/distributed_training_utils.py b/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/distributed_training_utils.py
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index 0000000000..c78e6fe9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/distributed_training_utils.py
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+# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Utilities related to distributed training."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
+from tensorflow.python.keras import backend
+from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks
+from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
+from tensorflow.python.training import distribute as distribute_lib
+from tensorflow.python.util import nest
+def set_weights(distribution_strategy, dist_model, weights):
+ """Sets the weights of the replicated models.
+ The weights of the replicated models are set to the weights of the original
+ model. The weights of the replicated model are Mirrored variables and hence
+ we need to use the `update` call within a DistributionStrategy scope.
+ Args:
+ distribution_strategy: DistributionStrategy used to distribute training
+ and validation.
+ dist_model: The replicated models on the different devices.
+ weights: The weights of the original model.
+ """
+ assign_ops = []
+ for layer in dist_model.layers:
+ num_param = len(layer.weights)
+ layer_weights = weights[:num_param]
+ for sw, w in zip(layer.weights, layer_weights):
+ assign_ops.append(distribution_strategy.unwrap(sw.assign(w)))
+ weights = weights[num_param:]
+ backend.get_session().run(assign_ops)
+def unwrap_values(distribution_strategy, grouped_inputs, grouped_outputs,
+ grouped_updates, grouped_session_args,
+ with_loss_tensor=False):
+ """Unwrap and return the list of values contained in the PerDevice parameters.
+ This function calls `flatten_perdevice_values` to parse each of the input
+ parameters into a list of values on the different devices. If we set
+ `with_loss_tensor` to be True, we also call `reduce` on the list of losses on
+ the different devices to give us one loss tensor.
+ Args:
+ distribution_strategy: DistributionStrategy used to distribute training and
+ validation.
+ grouped_inputs: PerDevice inputs returned from the train or test function
+ that we ran on each device.
+ grouped_outputs: PerDevice outputs returned from the train or test function
+ that we ran on each device.
+ grouped_updates: PerDevice updates returned from the train or test function
+ that we ran on each device.
+ grouped_session_args: PerDevice session args returned from the train or
+ test function that we ran on each device.
+ with_loss_tensor: Boolean that indicates if we need to add the reduced loss
+ tensor as one of the outputs.
+ Returns:
+ Values of each of the PerDevice parameters.
+ """
+ # Unwrap per device values returned from each model's train function.
+ # This will be used to construct the main train function.
+ all_inputs = flatten_perdevice_values(distribution_strategy,
+ grouped_inputs)
+ if with_loss_tensor:
+ # reduce loss tensor before adding it to the list of fetches
+ loss = distribution_strategy.unwrap(
+ distribution_strategy.reduce(distribute_lib.get_loss_reduction(),
+ grouped_outputs[0],
+ destinations='/device:CPU:0'))[0]
+ all_outputs = flatten_perdevice_values(distribution_strategy,
+ grouped_outputs[1:])
+ all_outputs = [loss] + all_outputs
+ else:
+ all_outputs = flatten_perdevice_values(distribution_strategy,
+ grouped_outputs)
+ all_updates = flatten_perdevice_values(distribution_strategy,
+ grouped_updates)
+ all_session_args = {}
+ grouped_feed_dict = grouped_session_args.get('feed_dict')
+ if grouped_feed_dict:
+ all_session_args['feed_dict'] = flatten_perdevice_values(
+ distribution_strategy, grouped_feed_dict)
+ grouped_fetches = grouped_session_args.get('fetches')
+ if grouped_fetches:
+ all_session_args['fetches'] = flatten_perdevice_values(
+ distribution_strategy, grouped_fetches)
+ return all_inputs, all_outputs, all_updates, all_session_args
+def flatten_perdevice_values(distribution_strategy, perdevice_values):
+ """Unwraps and flattens a nest of PerDevice parameters.
+ PerDevice values have one value associated with each device. Each entry in
+ the PerDevice dict has a device `key` and the corresponding value on the
+ device as the `value`. In this function we take a PerDevice value or a list of
+ PerDevice values and return all the values in the PerDevice dict.
+ Args:
+ distribution_strategy: DistributionStrategy used to distribute training and
+ validation.
+ perdevice_values: List of PerDevice object or a single PerDevice object.
+ Returns:
+ List of values of all the PerDevice objects.
+ """
+ # This function takes a PerDevice object or a list of PerDevice objects and
+ # returns all the values associated with it.
+ return [e for flattened in nest.flatten(perdevice_values)
+ for e in distribution_strategy.unwrap(flattened)]
+def validate_callbacks(input_callbacks):
+ """Validate whether given callbacks are supported by DistributionStrategy.
+ Args:
+ input_callbacks: List of callbacks passed by the user to fit.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If `LearningRateScheduler` or `ReduceLROnPlateau` is one of the
+ callbacks passed.
+ ValueError: If `histogram_freq` or `write_grads` is one of the parameters
+ passed as part of the TensorBoard callback.
+ """
+ if input_callbacks:
+ for callback in input_callbacks:
+ if callback not in [callbacks.TensorBoard, callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau,
+ callbacks.LearningRateScheduler, callbacks.CSVLogger,
+ callbacks.EarlyStopping, callbacks.ModelCheckpoint,
+ callbacks.TerminateOnNaN, callbacks.ProgbarLogger,
+ callbacks.History, callbacks.RemoteMonitor]:
+ logging.warning('Your input callback is not one of the predefined '
+ 'Callbacks that supports DistributionStrategy. You '
+ 'might encounter an error if you access one of the '
+ 'model\'s attributes as part of the callback since '
+ 'these attributes are not set. You can access each of '
+ 'the individual distributed models using the '
+ '`_grouped_model` attribute of your original model.')
+ if isinstance(callback, callbacks.LearningRateScheduler):
+ raise ValueError('LearningRateScheduler callback is not supported with '
+ 'DistributionStrategy.')
+ if isinstance(callback, callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau):
+ raise ValueError('ReduceLROnPlateau callback is not supported with '
+ 'DistributionStrategy.')
+ # If users want to use the TensorBoard callback they cannot use certain
+ # features of the callback that involve accessing model attributes and
+ # running ops.
+ if isinstance(callback, callbacks.TensorBoard):
+ if callback.__getattribute__('histogram_freq'):
+ raise ValueError('histogram_freq in the TensorBoard callback is not '
+ 'supported when using DistributionStrategy.')
+ if callback.__getattribute__('write_grads'):
+ raise ValueError('write_grads in the TensorBoard callback is not '
+ 'supported when using DistributionStrategy.')
+def validate_distributed_dataset_inputs(distribution_strategy, x, y):
+ """Validate all the components of a DistributedValue Dataset input.
+ Args:
+ distribution_strategy: The current DistributionStrategy using to call
+ `fit`/`evaluate`.
+ x: Input Dataset DistributedValue object. For example, when we use
+ `MirroredStrategy` this is a PerDevice object with a tensor for each
+ device set in the dict.
+ y: Target Dataset DistributedValue object. For example, when we use
+ `MirroredStrategy` this is a PerDevice object with a tensor for each
+ device set in the dict.
+ Returns:
+ The unwrapped values list of the x and y DistributedValues inputs.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If x and y do not have support for being evaluated as tensors.
+ or if x and y contain elements that are not tensors or if x and y
+ contain elements that have a shape or dtype mismatch.
+ """
+ # If the input and target used to call the model are not dataset tensors,
+ # we need to raise an error. When using a DistributionStrategy, the input
+ # and targets to a model should be from a `tf.data.Dataset`.
+ # If each element of x and y are not tensors, we cannot standardize and
+ # validate the input and targets.`
+ if not tensor_util.is_tensor(x):
+ raise ValueError('Dataset input to the model should be tensors instead they'
+ ' are of type {}'.format(type(x)))
+ if not tensor_util.is_tensor(y):
+ raise ValueError('Dataset input to the model should be tensors instead they'
+ ' are of type {}'.format(type(y)))
+ # At this point both x and y contain tensors in the `DistributedValues`
+ # structure.
+ x_values = distribution_strategy.unwrap(x)
+ y_values = distribution_strategy.unwrap(y)
+ # Validate that the shape and dtype of all the elements in x are the same.
+ validate_all_tensor_shapes(x, x_values)
+ validate_all_tensor_types(x, x_values)
+ # Similarly for y, we perform the same validation
+ validate_all_tensor_shapes(y, y_values)
+ validate_all_tensor_types(y, y_values)
+ # Return the unwrapped values to avoid calling `unwrap` a second time.
+ return x_values, y_values
+def validate_all_tensor_types(x, x_values):
+ x_dtype = x_values[0].dtype
+ for i in range(1, len(x_values)):
+ if x_dtype != x_values[i].dtype:
+ raise ValueError('Input tensor dtypes do not match for distributed tensor'
+ ' inputs {}'.format(x))
+def validate_all_tensor_shapes(x, x_values):
+ # Validate that the shape of all the elements in x have the same shape
+ x_shape = x_values[0].get_shape().as_list()
+ for i in range(1, len(x_values)):
+ if x_shape != x_values[i].get_shape().as_list():
+ raise ValueError('Input tensor shapes do not match for distributed tensor'
+ ' inputs {}'.format(x))