path: root/tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema/schema_v2.fbs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema/schema_v2.fbs')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema/schema_v2.fbs b/tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema/schema_v2.fbs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96731c8aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema/schema_v2.fbs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Revision History
+// Version 0: Initial version.
+// Version 1: Add subgraphs to schema.
+// Version 2: Rename operators to conform to NN API.
+namespace tflite;
+// The type of data stored in a tensor.
+enum TensorType : byte {
+ FLOAT32 = 0,
+ FLOAT16 = 1,
+ INT32 = 2,
+ UINT8 = 3,
+ INT64 = 4,
+ STRING = 5,
+// Parameters for converting a quantized tensor back to float. Given a
+// quantized value q, the corresponding float value f should be:
+// f = scale * (q - zero_point)
+table QuantizationParameters {
+ min:[float]; // For importing back into tensorflow.
+ max:[float]; // For importing back into tensorflow.
+ scale:[float];
+ zero_point:[long];
+table Tensor {
+ // The tensor shape. The meaning of each entry is operator-specific but
+ // builtin ops use: [batch size, number of channels, height, width] (That's
+ // Tensorflow's NCHW).
+ shape:[int];
+ type:TensorType;
+ // The data_buffer is an opaque container, with the assumption that the
+ // target device is little-endian. In addition, all builtin operators assume
+ // the memory is ordered such that if `shape` is [4, 3, 2], then index
+ // [i, j, k] maps to data_buffer[i*3*2 + j*3 + k].
+ data_buffer:[ubyte];
+ name:string; // For debugging and importing back into tensorflow.
+ quantization:QuantizationParameters; // Optional.
+// A list of builtin operators. Builtin operators a slighlty faster than custom
+// ones, but not by much. Moreover, while custom operators accept an opaque
+// object containing configuration parameters, builtins have a predetermined
+// set of acceptable options.
+enum BuiltinOperator : byte {
+ ADD = 0,
+ CONV_2D = 3,
+ // DEPTH_TO_SPACE = 5,
+ // DEQUANTIZE = 6,
+ // FLOOR = 8,
+ L2_POOL_2D = 12,
+ LOGISTIC = 14,
+ LSTM = 16,
+ MAX_POOL_2D = 17,
+ // MUL = 18,
+ RELU = 19,
+ // RELU1=20,
+ RELU6 = 21,
+ RESHAPE = 22,
+ RNN = 24,
+ SOFTMAX = 25,
+ SVDF = 27,
+ TANH = 28,
+ // TODO(aselle): Consider rename to CONCATENATE_EMBEDDINGS
+ SKIP_GRAM = 30,
+ CALL = 31,
+ CUSTOM = 32,
+// Options for the builtin operators.
+union BuiltinOptions {
+ Conv2DOptions,
+ DepthwiseConv2DOptions,
+ ConcatEmbeddingsOptions,
+ LSHProjectionOptions,
+ Pool2DOptions,
+ SVDFOptions,
+ RNNOptions,
+ FullyConnectedOptions,
+ SoftmaxOptions,
+ ConcatenationOptions,
+ AddOptions,
+ L2NormOptions,
+ LocalResponseNormalizationOptions,
+ LSTMOptions,
+ ResizeBilinearOptions,
+ CallOptions,
+ ReshapeOptions,
+ SkipGramOptions,
+ SpaceToDepthOptions,
+enum Padding : byte { SAME, VALID }
+enum ActivationFunctionType : byte {
+ NONE = 0,
+ RELU = 1,
+ RELU1 = 2,
+ RELU6 = 3,
+ TANH = 4,
+ SIGN_BIT = 5,
+table Conv2DOptions {
+ padding:Padding;
+ stride_w:int;
+ stride_h:int;
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table Pool2DOptions {
+ padding:Padding;
+ stride_w:int;
+ stride_h:int;
+ filter_width:int;
+ filter_height:int;
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table DepthwiseConv2DOptions {
+ padding:Padding;
+ stride_w:int;
+ stride_h:int;
+ depth_multiplier:int;
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table ConcatEmbeddingsOptions {
+ num_channels:int;
+ num_columns_per_channel:[int];
+ embedding_dim_per_channel:[int]; // This could be inferred from parameters.
+enum LSHProjectionType: byte {
+ UNKNOWN = 0,
+ SPARSE = 1,
+ DENSE = 2,
+table LSHProjectionOptions {
+ type: LSHProjectionType;
+table SVDFOptions {
+ rank:int;
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+// An implementation of TensorFlow RNNCell.
+table RNNOptions {
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+// An implementation of TensorFlow fully_connected (a.k.a Dense) layer.
+table FullyConnectedOptions {
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table SoftmaxOptions {
+ beta: float;
+// An implementation of TensorFlow concat.
+table ConcatenationOptions {
+ axis:int;
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table AddOptions {
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table L2NormOptions {
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+table LocalResponseNormalizationOptions {
+ radius:int;
+ bias:float;
+ alpha:float;
+ beta:float;
+// An implementation of TensorFlow LSTMCell and CoupledInputForgetGateLSTMCell
+table LSTMOptions {
+ fused_activation_function:ActivationFunctionType;
+ cell_clip: float; // Optional, 0.0 means no clipping
+ proj_clip: float; // Optional, 0.0 means no clipping
+table ResizeBilinearOptions {
+ new_height:int;
+ new_width:int;
+// A call operation options
+table CallOptions {
+ // The subgraph index that needs to be called.
+ subgraph:int;
+table ReshapeOptions {
+ new_shape:[int];
+table SkipGramOptions {
+ ngram_size: int;
+ max_skip_size: int;
+ include_all_ngrams: bool;
+table SpaceToDepthOptions {
+ block_size: int;
+// An OperatorCode can be an enum value (BuiltinOperator) if the operator is a
+// builtin, or a string if the operator is custom.
+table OperatorCode {
+ builtin_code:BuiltinOperator;
+ custom_code:string;
+// An operator takes tensors as inputs and outputs. The type of operation being
+// performed is determined by an index into the list of valid OperatorCodes,
+// while the specifics of each operations is configured using builtin_options
+// or custom_options.
+table Operator {
+ // Index into the operator_codes array. Using an integer here avoids
+ // complicate map lookups.
+ opcode_index:int;
+ inputs:[int];
+ outputs:[int];
+ builtin_options:BuiltinOptions;
+ custom_options:[ubyte];
+// The root type, defining a model.
+table SubGraph {
+ // A list of all tensors used in this model.
+ tensors:[Tensor];
+ // Indices of the input tensors.
+ inputs:[int];
+ // Indices of the output tensors.
+ outputs:[int];
+ // All operators, in execution order.
+ operators:[Operator];
+ // Name of subgraph (used for debugging).
+ name:string;
+table Model {
+ // Version of the schema.
+ version:int;
+ // A list of all operator codes used in this model. This is
+ // kept in order because operators carry an index into this
+ // vector.
+ operator_codes:[OperatorCode];
+ // All the subgraphs of the model. The 0th is assumed to be the main
+ // model.
+ subgraphs:[SubGraph];
+ // A description of the model.
+ description:string;
+root_type Model;