path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_client/xla_builder.h
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 2221 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_client/xla_builder.h b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_client/xla_builder.h
index 980e84e40c..ce2a8afd4c 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_client/xla_builder.h
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_client/xla_builder.h
@@ -16,2226 +16,6 @@ limitations under the License.
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <utility>
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/padding.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_computation.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_util.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo.pb.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_opcode.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/status_macros.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/flatset.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/platform/stacktrace.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
-namespace xla {
-class XlaBuilder;
-// This represents an instruction that has been enqueued using the XlaBuilder.
-// This is used to pass to subsequent computations that depends upon the
-// instruction as an operand.
-class XlaOp {
- public:
- XlaOp() : handle_(-1), builder_(nullptr) {
- static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible<XlaOp>::value,
- "XlaOp should be trivially destructible");
- }
- ~XlaOp() = default;
- // Precondition: !IsUninitialized().
- //
- // It's very common to do foo.builder()->bar(). Without this precondition, if
- // foo.builder() is null, the call to bar will segfault at some point possibly
- // deep in the callstack when we finally dereference `this`. The precondition
- // lets us avoid this tricky-to-debug problem.
- XlaBuilder* builder() const {
- CHECK(builder_ != nullptr);
- return builder_;
- }
- // Returns true if the XlaOp represents valid, non-erroneous value.
- bool valid() const { return handle_ >= 0; }
- // Returns true if the XlaOp was created by the XlaOp() constructor and
- // not returned by a builder.
- bool IsUninitialized() const { return builder_ == nullptr; }
- bool IsIdenticalTo(const XlaOp& rhs) const {
- return handle_ == rhs.handle_ && builder_ == rhs.builder_;
- }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const XlaOp& op) {
- out << op.handle();
- return out;
- }
- private:
- explicit XlaOp(XlaBuilder* builder) : handle_(-1), builder_(builder) {}
- XlaOp(int64 handle, XlaBuilder* builder)
- : handle_(handle), builder_(builder) {}
- int64 handle() const { return handle_; }
- friend class XlaBuilder;
- // < 0 means "invalid handle".
- int64 handle_;
- // Not owned. Non-null for any handle returned by XlaBuilder, even if the
- // handle is invalid.
- XlaBuilder* builder_;
-// Arithmetic operator overloads for the XlaOp type.
-XlaOp operator-(const XlaOp& x);
-XlaOp operator+(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator-(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator*(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator/(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator%(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-// Bitwise operator overloads for the XlaOp type.
-XlaOp operator~(const XlaOp& x);
-XlaOp operator&(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator|(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator^(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-XlaOp operator<<(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-// Performs a right arithmetic shift if 'x' is a signed type, otherwise performs
-// a right logical shift.
-XlaOp operator>>(const XlaOp& x, const XlaOp& y);
-// We don't overload the relational operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) because the
-// semantics might be surprising since their result types are usually 'bool'.
-// Further programmers may expect == to be a structural equality.
-// We also choose not to overload any of the mutating operators (e.g., +=, -=)
-// because the semantics might be misleading — XLA computations are immutable.
-// A convenient interface for building up computations.
-// Thread-compatible.
-class XlaBuilder {
- public:
- // computation_name: name to use for the built computation.
- XlaBuilder(const string& computation_name);
- XlaBuilder(const XlaBuilder&) = delete;
- XlaBuilder& operator=(const XlaBuilder&) = delete;
- ~XlaBuilder();
- // Returns the computation name.
- const string& name() const { return name_; }
- // Sets OpMetadata that will be added to all instructions until cleared.
- //
- // OpMetadata is often applied to a series of XLA HLO instructions. As a
- // result, OpMetadata is set on the Computation Builder. All subsequent
- // instructions generated via this Computation Builder will have the same
- // OpMetadata attached until a call to ClearOpMetadata.
- void SetOpMetadata(const OpMetadata& metadata) { metadata_ = metadata; }
- // Clears the HloMetadata state.
- void ClearOpMetadata() { metadata_.Clear(); }
- // Sets an OpSharding that will be attached to all instructions until cleared.
- void SetSharding(const OpSharding& sharding) { sharding_ = sharding; }
- // Clears the sharding. Ops will be sharded according to the default placement
- // policy.
- void ClearSharding() { sharding_ = tensorflow::gtl::nullopt; }
- // Returns the OpSharding that will be attached to all instructions.
- const tensorflow::gtl::optional<OpSharding>& sharding() const {
- return sharding_;
- }
- // Sets the builder to a mode where it will die immediately when an error is
- // encountered, rather than producing it in a deferred fashion when Build() is
- // called (which is the default).
- void set_die_immediately_on_error(bool enabled) {
- die_immediately_on_error_ = enabled;
- }
- // Default dimension numbers used for a 2D convolution.
- static constexpr int64 kConvBatchDimension = 0;
- static constexpr int64 kConvFeatureDimension = 1;
- static constexpr int64 kConvFirstSpatialDimension = 2;
- static constexpr int64 kConvSecondSpatialDimension = 3;
- static constexpr int64 kConvKernelOutputDimension = 0;
- static constexpr int64 kConvKernelInputDimension = 1;
- static constexpr int64 kConvKernelFirstSpatialDimension = 2;
- static constexpr int64 kConvKernelSecondSpatialDimension = 3;
- // Creates a default ConvolutionDimensionNumbers. For a 2D convolution, for
- // the input operand {batch, feature, height, width} = {0, 1, 2, 3} and for
- // the kernel operand
- // {output_feature, input_feature, height, width} = {0, 1, 2, 3}.
- static ConvolutionDimensionNumbers CreateDefaultConvDimensionNumbers(
- int num_spatial_dims = 2);
- // Returns an error if the convolution dimension numbers have conflicts.
- static Status Validate(const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dnum);
- // Returns a new XlaBuilder whose resultant Computation is used only by this
- // XlaBuilder. The sub-XlaBuilder has the same die_immediately_on_error
- // behavior as the parent.
- std::unique_ptr<XlaBuilder> CreateSubBuilder(const string& computation_name);
- // Builds the computation with the requested operations, or returns a non-ok
- // status. Note that all ops that have been enqueued will be moved to the
- // computation being returned.
- StatusOr<XlaComputation> Build();
- // Builds the computation with the requested operations, or notes an error in
- // the parent XlaBuilder and returns an empty computation if building failed.
- // This function is intended to be used where the returned XlaComputation is
- // only used by the parent XlaBuilder and hence further operation on the
- // returned XlaComputation will simply be error'ed out if an error occurred
- // while building this computation. If the built computation is to be used by
- // a XlaBuilder other than the parent XlaBuilder then Build() should be used
- // instead.
- XlaComputation BuildAndNoteError();
- // Returns a subgraph that roots on the given root. If the root is not a
- // compile-time constant (see `IsConstant`), returns an error.
- //
- // This will copy the needed ops/computations to the subgraph.
- StatusOr<XlaComputation> BuildConstantSubGraph(const XlaOp& root_op) const;
- // Returns the first error that was encountered while building the
- // computation. When an error is encountered, by default we return a vacuous
- // XlaOp and inform the user of the error that occurred while
- // building the computation when they make a final call to Build().
- //
- // See also set_die_immediately_on_error().
- Status first_error() const { return first_error_; }
- // Returns the shape of the given op.
- StatusOr<Shape> GetShape(const XlaOp& op) const;
- // Returns the (inferred) result for the current computation's shape.
- StatusOr<ProgramShape> GetProgramShape() const;
- // Reports an error to the builder, by
- // * storing it internally and capturing a backtrace if it's the first error
- // (this deferred value will be produced on the call to
- // Build()/GetShape()/...)
- // * dying if die_immediately_on_error_ is true.
- // Returns an XlaOp with an invalid handle but a valid builder. This value can
- // be returned in place of a value in APIs that return an XlaOp.
- XlaOp ReportError(const Status& error);
- // A helper function that converts a StatusOr<XlaOp> into an XlaOp.
- // If the Status was an error, reports the error to builder and returns an
- // invalid XlaOp handle.
- XlaOp ReportErrorOrReturn(const StatusOr<XlaOp>& op);
- // A helper function that runs a function that returns a StatusOr<XlaOp> and
- // returns an XlaOp.
- XlaOp ReportErrorOrReturn(const std::function<StatusOr<XlaOp>()>& op_creator);
- // Returns true if 'operand' is a compile-time constant. A compile-time
- // constant does not depend on any parameters, or on stateful operators such
- // as `RngNormal` or `Infeed`.
- //
- // This tests whether a computation is a compile-time constant without
- // evaluating the computation.
- StatusOr<bool> IsConstant(const XlaOp& operand) const;
- private:
- // Enqueues a "retrieve parameter value" instruction for a parameter that was
- // passed to the computation.
- XlaOp Parameter(int64 parameter_number, const Shape& shape,
- const string& name);
- // Enqueues a constant with the value of the given literal onto the
- // computation.
- XlaOp ConstantLiteral(const LiteralSlice& literal);
- // Enqueues a constant onto the computation. Methods are templated on the
- // native host type (NativeT) which corresponds to a specific XLA
- // PrimitiveType as given in the following table:
- //
- // Native Type PrimitiveType
- // -----------------------------
- // bool PRED
- // int32 S32
- // int64 S64
- // uint32 U32
- // uint64 U64
- // float F32
- // double F64
- //
- // Note: not all primitive types defined in xla_data.proto have a
- // corresponding native type yet.
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR0(NativeT value);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR1(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values);
- XlaOp ConstantR1(const tensorflow::core::Bitmap& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR2(
- std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(const Array<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantFromArray(const Array<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2DWithLayout(const Array2D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2D(const Array2D<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3DWithLayout(const Array3D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3D(const Array3D<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4DWithLayout(const Array4D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4D(const Array4D<NativeT>& values);
- // Enqueues a rank one constant (vector) onto the computation. The vector has
- // size 'length' and every element has the value 'value'.
- template <typename NativeT>
- XlaOp ConstantR1(int64 length, NativeT value);
- // Adds dimensions to an array by duplicating the data in the array.
- //
- // The new dimensions are inserted on the left, i.e. if
- // broadcast_sizes has values {a0, ..., aN} and the operand shape
- // has dimensions {b0, ..., bM} then the shape of the output has
- // dimensions {a0, ..., aN, b0, ..., bM}.
- //
- // The new dimensions index into copies of the operand, i.e.
- //
- // output[i0, ..., iN, j0, ..., jM] = operand[j0, ..., jM]
- XlaOp Broadcast(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_sizes);
- // Performs in-dimension-style broadcast.
- //
- // Operand specifies the input to be broadcast. "shape" is expected output
- // shape. "broadcast_dimensions" are the dimensions to be broadcasting into.
- // Dimension numbers in broadcast_dimensions map to individual dimensions
- // of the operand, and specify what dimension of the output shape they
- // should be broadcast.
- // e.g.
- // Say operand = [1, 2], i.e., a 1D tensor with 2 elements.
- // and dimension of shape is [2,2].
- // Specifying {1} as brodcast_dimension will generate output
- // [1 , 2]
- // [1 , 2]
- // On the other hand, specifying {0} as broadcast_dimension
- // will generate output
- // [1 , 1]
- // [2 , 2]
- XlaOp BroadcastInDim(
- const XlaOp& operand, const Shape& shape,
- const tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- // Enqueues a pad operation onto the computation that pads the given value on
- // the edges as well as between the elements of the input. padding_config
- // specifies the padding amount for each dimension.
- XlaOp Pad(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& padding_value,
- const PaddingConfig& padding_config);
- // Enqueues an operation onto the computation that flattens the operand based
- // on the dimension order (major/slowest-varying to minor/fastest-varying)
- // given, followed by reshaping it into the shape with the given dimension
- // sizes (also major to minor). Conceptually, this is a limited form of
- // "shape casting".
- XlaOp Reshape(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> new_sizes);
- // Enqueues an operation onto the computation that collapses the operand, from
- // first to last dimension (C order), then reshapes it to the given dimension
- // sizes. Conceptually, this is a limited form of "shape casting".
- XlaOp Reshape(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> new_sizes);
- // Wrapper for Reshape.
- // Enqueues an operation to collapse the provided dimensions; e.g. an
- // operand with dimensions {x=256, y=2, z=2, p=32} can be collapsed to
- // {x=1024, y=32} by collapsing dims {0, 1, 2}. Collapsing dimensions must
- // be a consecutive, in-order subsequence of the operand dimensions.
- //
- // Note that collapsing a single dimension does nothing:
- //
- // {256} collapsing {0} => {256}
- // {1} collapsing {0} => {1}
- //
- // Collapsing multiple dimensions produces a single result dimension:
- //
- // {256, 2} collapsing {0,1} => {512}
- // {256, 2, 3} collapsing {0,1} => {512, 3}
- //
- // This could potentially cause data to be moved -- it provides a more
- // structured form of reshaping than an arbitrary Reshape operation.
- XlaOp Collapse(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
- // Enqueues a slice operation onto the computation that slices the operand
- // from the start indices to the limit indices; e.g.
- //
- // x
- // [ 0 1 2 3 ]
- // y [ 4 5 6 7 ] => slice(start={1, 1}, limit={2, 3}) => [ 5 6 ]
- // [ 8 9 a b ]
- //
- // Note that "limit" means up-to-but-not-including; i.e. [start, limit) in 1D
- // range notation.
- // The strides parameter determines the stride over the slice
- XlaOp Slice(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> start_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> limit_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> strides);
- // Enqueues a slice operation in a given dimension, taking all other
- // dimensions as they are; e.g. if dimno is 1 from start_index 2 to
- // limit_index 4 by 1, and the shape is f32[7,8,9], this call is short-hand
- // for:
- //
- // array[:, 2:4:1, :]
- XlaOp SliceInDim(const XlaOp& operand, int64 start_index, int64 limit_index,
- int64 stride, int64 dimno);
- // Enqueues a slice operation onto the computation that slices the 'operand'
- // from dynamic start indices which are passed in 'start_indices'.
- // The size of the slice in each dimension is passed in 'slice_sizes',
- // which specify the end point of exclusive slice intervals in each
- // dimension [start, start + size).
- // The shape of 'start_indices' must be rank == 1, with dimension size
- // equal to the rank of the 'operand'.
- // Slice index calculations are computed modulo input dimension sizes to
- // prevent dynamic start indices from generating out-of-bound array accesses.
- XlaOp DynamicSlice(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& start_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> slice_sizes);
- // Enqueues a dynamic update slice operation onto the computation, which
- // updates a slice of 'operand' with 'update' at dynamic 'start_indices'.
- // The shape of 'update' determines the shape of the slice of 'operand'
- // which is updated.
- // The indices specified in 'start_indices' specify the offset of the slice
- // of 'operand' which is updated.
- //
- // update = {10, 11} // calculated at runtime.
- // [1 2 3] start = {1, 1} // calculated at runtime. [1 2 3 ]
- // [4 5 6] => DynamicUpdateslice(data, update, start) => [4 10 11]
- // [7 8 9] [7 8 9 ]
- //
- // The shape of 'start_indices' must be rank == 1, with dimension size
- // equal to the rank of the 'operand'.
- // Slice index calculations are computed modulo update dimension sizes to
- // prevent dynamic start indices from generating out-of-bound array accesses.
- XlaOp DynamicUpdateSlice(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& update,
- const XlaOp& start_indices);
- // Enqueues a concatenate instruction onto the computation. 'operands' must
- // have >= 1 entry.
- XlaOp ConcatInDim(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- int64 dimension);
- // Enqueue a tracing operation onto the computation; the computation will emit
- // a logging message with the operand.
- void Trace(const string& tag, const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a conditional-move-like select operation onto the computation;
- // predicated on pred, selects between on_true and on_false.
- XlaOp Select(const XlaOp& pred, const XlaOp& on_true, const XlaOp& on_false);
- // Enqueues a tuple-creation instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Tuple(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> elements);
- // Enqueues a tuple-element-get instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp GetTupleElement(const XlaOp& tuple_data, int64 index);
- // Enqueues an equal-to comparison instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Eq(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a not-equal comparison instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Ne(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a greater-or-equal comparison instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Ge(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a greater-than comparison instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Gt(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a less-than comparison instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Lt(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a less-or-equal comparison instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Le(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a dot instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Dot(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs);
- // Enqueues a general dot instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp DotGeneral(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- const DotDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- // Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, which uses the
- // default convolution dimension numbers.
- XlaOp Conv(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- Padding padding);
- // Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
- // provided padding configuration in the format returned by MakePadding().
- XlaOp ConvWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding);
- // Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
- // provided dimension numbers configuration.
- XlaOp ConvWithGeneralDimensions(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides, Padding padding,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- // Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
- // provided padding configuration as well as the dimension numbers.
- XlaOp ConvGeneral(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- // Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
- // provided padding configuration, dilation factors and dimension numbers.
- XlaOp ConvGeneralDilated(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> lhs_dilation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> rhs_dilation,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- // Enqueues an FFT instruction onto the computation, of the given type and
- // with the given FFT length.
- XlaOp Fft(const XlaOp& operand, FftType fft_type,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> fft_length);
- // Enqueues an infeed instruction onto the computation, which writes data of
- // the given shape to the infeed buffer of the device.
- XlaOp Infeed(const Shape& shape, const string& config = "");
- XlaOp InfeedWithToken(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const string& config = "");
- // Enqueues an outfeed instruction onto the computation. This instruction
- // generates outgoing data transfers for the given data.
- //
- // shape_with_layout communicates the laid out shape that we want to outfeed
- // -- if !ShapeUtil::Compatible(GetShape(operand), shape_with_layout) an error
- // will occur.
- void Outfeed(const XlaOp& operand, const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const string& outfeed_config);
- XlaOp OutfeedWithToken(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const string& outfeed_config);
- // Enqueues a call instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Call(const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands);
- // Enqueues a custom call instruction onto the computation.
- // During code generation, a call instruction is emitted which targets a
- // symbol with the name |call_target_name|. The |operands| are passed to the
- // call instruction. |shape| is the resultant shape.
- XlaOp CustomCall(const string& call_target_name,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const Shape& shape);
- // Enqueues a pseudo-op to represent host-side computation data-dependencies.
- // During code generation, host send and receive operations will be generated
- // to transfer |operands| to the host and a single result of |shape| back to
- // the device. Host send/recv operations are emitted using |channel_name|.
- // Dataflow dependencies and the |cost_estimate_ns| field may be used in HLO
- // instruction scheduling.
- XlaOp HostCompute(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const string& channel_name, int64 cost_estimate_ns,
- const Shape& shape);
- // The following methods enqueue element-wise binary arithmetic operations
- // onto the computation. The shapes of the operands have to match unless one
- // of the operands is a scalar, or an explicit broadcast dimension is given
- // (see g3doc for more details).
- // Enqueues a complex compose instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Complex(const XlaOp& real, const XlaOp& imag,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a complex conjugate instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Conj(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues an add instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Add(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a subtract instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Sub(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a multiply instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Mul(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a divide instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Div(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a remainder instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Rem(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a max instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Max(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues a min instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Min(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Element-wise logical operators
- XlaOp And(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- XlaOp Or(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- XlaOp Xor(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- XlaOp Not(const XlaOp& operand);
- XlaOp ShiftLeft(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- XlaOp ShiftRightArithmetic(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- XlaOp ShiftRightLogical(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Reduces an array among the provided dimensions, given "computation" as a
- // reduction operator.
- XlaOp Reduce(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions_to_reduce);
- // Convenience wrapper around the above that reduces all the dimensions in the
- // operand shape.
- XlaOp ReduceAll(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation);
- // Enqueues a windowed reduce instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp ReduceWindow(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- Padding padding);
- // As ReduceWindow(), but the padding is given in the format
- // returned by MakePadding().
- XlaOp ReduceWindowWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding);
- // Returns the sum of the operand value within each subgroup of replicas. All
- // replicas supply one input to the sum and all replicas receive the resulting
- // sum for each subgroup.
- XlaOp CrossReplicaSum(
- const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> replica_group_ids = {});
- // Enqueues an operation that do an AllReduce of the operand cross cores. Here
- // AllReduce means doing a reduction on the input operand cross cores and then
- // broadcasting the reduction result to those cores. The reduction function is
- // defined by `computation`, which should be a commutative computation on
- // scalars, e.g., add, min, or max. The way that AllReduce is applied is
- // configured by:
- //
- // - `replica_group_ids`: maps replica ids to subgroup ids. If empty, all
- // replicas belong to one group. Allreduce will be applied within subgroups.
- // For example, we have 4 replicas, then replica_group_ids={0,1,0,1} means,
- // replica 0 and 2 are in subgroup 0, replica 1 and 3 are in subgroup 1.
- //
- // - `channel_id`: for Allreduce nodes from different models, if they have the
- // same channel_id, they will be 'Allreduce'd. If empty, Allreduce will not be
- // applied cross models.
- //
- // TODO(b/79737069): Rename this to AllReduce when it's ready to use.
- XlaOp CrossReplicaSum(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> replica_group_ids = {},
- const tensorflow::gtl::optional<ChannelHandle>& channel_id =
- tensorflow::gtl::nullopt);
- // Enqueues an operation that scatters the `source` array to the selected
- // indices of each window.
- XlaOp SelectAndScatter(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& select,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- Padding padding, const XlaOp& source,
- const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& scatter);
- // As SelectAndScatter(), but the padding is given in the format
- // returned by MakePadding().
- XlaOp SelectAndScatterWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& select,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- const XlaOp& source, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& scatter);
- // Enqueues an abs instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Abs(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a atan2 instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Atan2(const XlaOp& y, const XlaOp& x,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues an exp instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Exp(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues an expm1 instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Expm1(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a floor instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Floor(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a ceil instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Ceil(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a round instruction onto the computation, rounding to nearest even
- // with half-way cases rounding away from zero.
- XlaOp Round(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues an log instruction (natural logarithm) onto the computation.
- XlaOp Log(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues an log1p instruction (log(x+1)) onto the computation.
- XlaOp Log1p(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a sign instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Sign(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a count leading zeros instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Clz(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a cosine instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Cos(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a sine instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Sin(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a tanh instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Tanh(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a real-part instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Real(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues an imaginary-part instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Imag(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a lhs^rhs computation onto the computation.
- XlaOp Pow(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
- // Enqueues an operator that tests if the operand's values are finite, i.e.,
- // not Inf or NaN. Defined only for floating-point types. Returns an array of
- // booleans with the same shape where entries are true iff the corresponding
- // entry was NaN.
- XlaOp IsFinite(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a convert instruction onto the computation that changes the
- // element type of the operand array to primitive_type.
- XlaOp ConvertElementType(const XlaOp& operand,
- PrimitiveType new_element_type);
- // Enqueues a no-op instruction onto the computation that changes
- // the element type of the operand array to primitive_type. The
- // bit-widths of the source and destination element types must be
- // identical.
- XlaOp BitcastConvertType(const XlaOp& operand,
- PrimitiveType new_element_type);
- // Enqueues a negate instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Neg(const XlaOp& operand);
- // Enqueues a transpose instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Transpose(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> permutation);
- // Enqueues a reverse instruction onto the computation. The order of the
- // elements in the given dimensions is reversed (i.e., the element at index i
- // is moved to index dimension_size - 1 - i).
- XlaOp Rev(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
- // Enqueues a sort (as increasing order) instruction onto the computation.
- // If only keys are provided:
- // * If the keys are an rank-1 tensor (an array), the result is a sorted array
- // of keys, in ascending order.
- // * If the keys have higher rank, the keys are sorted along the provided
- // dimension. For example, for a rank-2 tensor (a matrix) of keys, a dimension
- // value of 0 will indepenently sort every column, and a dimension value of 1
- // will independently sort each row. If no dimension number is provided, then
- // the last dimension is chosen by default.
- //
- // If both keys and values are provided:
- // * The keys and the values must tensors with the same dimensions. The
- // element types of the tensors may be different.
- // * The result is a tuple that consists of a sorted tensor of keys (along the
- // provided dimension, as above) as the first element, and a tensor with their
- // corresponding values as the second element.
- XlaOp Sort(XlaOp keys,
- tensorflow::gtl::optional<XlaOp> values = tensorflow::gtl::nullopt,
- int64 dimension = -1);
- // Enqueues a clamp instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Clamp(const XlaOp& min, const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& max);
- // Enqueues a map instruction onto the computation.
- XlaOp Map(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> static_operands = {});
- // Enqueues a N(mu, sigma) random number generation instruction onto the
- // computation.
- XlaOp RngNormal(const XlaOp& mu, const XlaOp& sigma, const Shape& shape);
- // Enqueues a U(a, b) random number generation instruction onto the
- // computation. Returns values in the semi-open interval [a, b).
- XlaOp RngUniform(const XlaOp& a, const XlaOp& b, const Shape& shape);
- // Enqueues a while node onto the computation.
- XlaOp While(const XlaComputation& condition, const XlaComputation& body,
- const XlaOp& init);
- // Enqueues a conditional node onto the computation.
- XlaOp Conditional(const XlaOp& predicate, const XlaOp& true_operand,
- const XlaComputation& true_computation,
- const XlaOp& false_operand,
- const XlaComputation& false_computation);
- // Enqueues a ReducePrecision node onto the computation.
- XlaOp ReducePrecision(const XlaOp& operand, const int exponent_bits,
- const int mantissa_bits);
- // Enqueues a Gather node onto the computation.
- XlaOp Gather(const XlaOp& input, const XlaOp& gather_indices,
- const GatherDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_bounds);
- // Enqueues a Send node onto the computation for device-to-device
- // communication, to send the given operand to a Recv instruction that shares
- // the same channel handle.
- void Send(const XlaOp& operand, const ChannelHandle& handle);
- XlaOp SendWithToken(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- // Enqueues a Send node which sends data to the host.
- XlaOp SendToHost(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const Shape& shape_with_layout, const ChannelHandle& handle);
- // Enqueues a Recv node which receives data from the host.
- XlaOp RecvFromHost(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- // Enqueues an AfterAll operation with no operands producing a token-shaped
- // value.
- XlaOp CreateToken();
- // Enqueues an AfterAll operation with no operands producing a token-shaped
- // value.
- XlaOp AfterAll(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> tokens);
- // Enqueues a Recv node onto the computation. The data comes from a Send
- // instruction that shares the same channel handle and its shape must
- // be the same as the given shape.
- XlaOp Recv(const Shape& shape, const ChannelHandle& handle);
- XlaOp RecvWithToken(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- // Normalizes operand across spatial and batch dimensions for each feature.
- //
- // Returns a tuple (normalized, batch_mean, batch_var) where `normalized`
- // is the normalized result and batch_mean and batch_var are the mean and
- // variance, respectively, across batch for the operand.
- XlaOp BatchNormTraining(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& offset, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
- // Normalizes operand across spatial and batch dimensions for each feature.
- //
- // `BatchNormInference` is equivalent to calling `BatchNormTraining` without
- // computing `mean` and `variance` for each batch inside the operation. It
- // uses the input `mean` and `variance` instead as estimated values. The
- // purpose of this op is to reduce latency in inference, hence the name
- // `BatchNormInference`.
- //
- // The output has the same shape as `operand`, and contains the normalized
- // values for each batch.
- XlaOp BatchNormInference(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& offset, const XlaOp& mean,
- const XlaOp& variance, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
- // Calculates the gradients of a batch norm op.
- //
- // The inputs `batch_mean` and `batch_var` represent the mean and variance
- // across the batch.
- //
- // Returns a tuple of three elements:
- // - grad_operand: Gradient with respect to input `operand`
- // - grad_offset: Gradient with respect to input `offset`
- // - grad_scale: Gradient with respect to input `scale`
- XlaOp BatchNormGrad(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& batch_mean, const XlaOp& batch_var,
- const XlaOp& grad_output, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
- StatusOr<XlaOp> AddInstruction(
- HloInstructionProto&& instr, HloOpcode opcode,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands = {});
- void AddCalledComputation(const XlaComputation& computation,
- HloInstructionProto* instr);
- StatusOr<const HloInstructionProto*> LookUpInstruction(const XlaOp& op) const;
- // Internal helper method that does the building for an arbitrary unary op.
- XlaOp UnaryOp(HloOpcode unop, const XlaOp& operand);
- // Internal helper method that does the building for an arbitrary binary op.
- // broadcast_dimensions specifies which dimensions to use for broadcasting
- // when the operation is between tensors of different ranks.
- XlaOp BinaryOp(HloOpcode binop, const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- // Internal helper method that does the building for an arbitrary ternary op.
- XlaOp TernaryOp(HloOpcode triop, const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- const XlaOp& ehs);
- XlaOp RngOp(RandomDistribution distribution,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> parameters,
- const Shape& shape);
- StatusOr<XlaOp> InDimBroadcast(
- const Shape& shape, const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- // Internal helper method that creates a sequence of instructions that
- // performs an explicit broadcast of the operand to the target shape.
- StatusOr<XlaOp> AddBroadcastSequence(const Shape& output_shape,
- const XlaOp& operand);
- // Internal helper method for creating a Reshape op with the already inferred
- // shape.
- StatusOr<XlaOp> Reshape(const Shape& shape, const XlaOp& operand);
- // Returns the (inferred) result for the program shape for the current
- // computation and fills the root_id in the pointer.
- StatusOr<ProgramShape> GetProgramShape(int64* root_id) const;
- // Returns shapes for the operands.
- StatusOr<std::vector<Shape>> GetOperandShapes(
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands) const;
- // A visitor which checks whether an operation is a compile-time constant,
- // meaning that it doesn't depend on any parameters, or on any stateful
- // operation such as `RngNormal` or `Infeed`. The visitor walks the
- // computation starting at a given operation and sets is_constant to false iff
- // a parameter or stateful operation is encountered.
- void IsConstantVisitor(const int64 op_handle, std::set<int64>* visited,
- bool* is_constant) const;
- // Checks bounds for convolution parameters.
- Status VerifyConvolution(
- const Shape& lhs_shape, const Shape& rhs_shape,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers) const;
- // Helper function for creating a Window proto from user-supplied data.
- // Returns error if the user-supplied data was invalid.
- StatusOr<Window> MakeWindow(
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> lhs_dilation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> rhs_dilation) const;
- string name_; // Name to use for the built computation.
- // The first error encountered while building the computation.
- // This is OK until the first error is encountered.
- Status first_error_;
- // The saved stack trace from the point at which the first error occurred.
- tensorflow::SavedStackTrace first_error_backtrace_;
- // The instructions of this computation.
- std::vector<HloInstructionProto> instructions_;
- // The embedded computations used by this computation. Each computation was
- // the entry computation of some XlaComputation, the key is the unique id of
- // that XlaComputation.
- std::map<int64, HloComputationProto> embedded_;
- // The unique parameter numbers.
- tensorflow::gtl::FlatSet<int64> parameter_numbers_;
- // The metadata to attach to each op. This is structured as a "modal"-like
- // operation, in order to simplify client code (and not sprinkle this metadata
- // throughout the TensorFlow op kernel implementations).
- OpMetadata metadata_;
- // Sharding for this operator. This is structured as a "model"-like operation,
- // in order to simplify client code, similar to metadata_.
- tensorflow::gtl::optional<OpSharding> sharding_;
- // Mode bit that indicates whether to die when a first error is encountered.
- bool die_immediately_on_error_ = false;
- XlaBuilder* parent_builder_{nullptr};
- friend XlaOp Parameter(XlaBuilder* builder, int64 parameter_number,
- const Shape& shape, const string& name);
- friend XlaOp ConstantLiteral(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const LiteralSlice& literal);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR0(XlaBuilder* builder, NativeT value);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values);
- friend XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const tensorflow::core::Bitmap& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR2(
- XlaBuilder* builder,
- std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantFromArray(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values);
- template <typename NativeT>
- friend XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder, int64 length, NativeT value);
- friend XlaOp Broadcast(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_sizes);
- friend XlaOp BroadcastInDim(
- const XlaOp& operand, const Shape& shape,
- const tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Pad(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& padding_value,
- const PaddingConfig& padding_config);
- friend XlaOp Reshape(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> new_sizes);
- friend XlaOp Reshape(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> new_sizes);
- friend XlaOp Collapse(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Slice(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> start_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> limit_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> strides);
- friend XlaOp SliceInDim(const XlaOp& operand, int64 start_index,
- int64 limit_index, int64 stride, int64 dimno);
- friend XlaOp DynamicSlice(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& start_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> slice_sizes);
- friend XlaOp DynamicUpdateSlice(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& update,
- const XlaOp& start_indices);
- friend XlaOp ConcatInDim(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- int64 dimension);
- friend void Trace(const string& tag, const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Select(const XlaOp& pred, const XlaOp& on_true,
- const XlaOp& on_false);
- friend XlaOp Tuple(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> elements);
- friend XlaOp GetTupleElement(const XlaOp& tuple_data, int64 index);
- friend XlaOp Eq(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Ne(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Ge(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Gt(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Lt(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Le(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Dot(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs);
- friend XlaOp DotGeneral(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- const DotDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- friend XlaOp Conv(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- Padding padding);
- friend XlaOp ConvWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding);
- friend XlaOp ConvWithGeneralDimensions(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides, Padding padding,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- friend XlaOp ConvGeneral(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- friend XlaOp ConvGeneralDilated(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> lhs_dilation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> rhs_dilation,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
- friend XlaOp Fft(const XlaOp& operand, FftType fft_type,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> fft_length);
- friend XlaOp Infeed(XlaBuilder* builder, const Shape& shape,
- const string& config);
- friend void Outfeed(const XlaOp& operand, const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const string& outfeed_config);
- friend XlaOp Call(XlaBuilder* builder, const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands);
- friend XlaOp CustomCall(XlaBuilder* builder, const string& call_target_name,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const Shape& shape);
- friend XlaOp HostCompute(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const string& channel_name, int64 cost_estimate_ns,
- const Shape& shape);
- friend XlaOp Complex(const XlaOp& real, const XlaOp& imag,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Conj(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Add(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Sub(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Mul(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Div(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Rem(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Max(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Min(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp And(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Or(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Xor(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Not(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp ShiftLeft(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp ShiftRightArithmetic(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp ShiftRightLogical(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Reduce(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions_to_reduce);
- friend XlaOp ReduceAll(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation);
- friend XlaOp ReduceWindow(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides, Padding padding);
- friend XlaOp ReduceWindowWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding);
- friend XlaOp CrossReplicaSum(
- const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> replica_group_ids);
- friend XlaOp CrossReplicaSum(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> replica_group_ids,
- const tensorflow::gtl::optional<ChannelHandle>& channel_id);
- friend XlaOp SelectAndScatter(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& select,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides, Padding padding,
- const XlaOp& source, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& scatter);
- friend XlaOp SelectAndScatterWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& select,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- const XlaOp& source, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& scatter);
- friend XlaOp Abs(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Atan2(const XlaOp& y, const XlaOp& x,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Exp(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Expm1(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Floor(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Ceil(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Round(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Log(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Log1p(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Sign(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Clz(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Cos(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Sin(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Tanh(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Real(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Imag(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Pow(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
- friend XlaOp IsFinite(const XlaOp& operand);
- // TODO(b/64798317): Finish CPU & GPU implementation, then replace xla::Iota
- // in xla/client/lib/numeric.h with this (renamed to xla::Iota).
- friend XlaOp IotaGen(XlaBuilder* builder, PrimitiveType type, int64 size);
- friend XlaOp ConvertElementType(const XlaOp& operand,
- PrimitiveType new_element_type);
- friend XlaOp BitcastConvertType(const XlaOp& operand,
- PrimitiveType new_element_type);
- friend XlaOp Neg(const XlaOp& operand);
- friend XlaOp Transpose(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> permutation);
- friend XlaOp Rev(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
- friend XlaOp Sort(XlaOp keys, tensorflow::gtl::optional<XlaOp> values,
- int64 dimension);
- friend XlaOp Clamp(const XlaOp& min, const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& max);
- friend XlaOp Map(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> static_operands);
- friend XlaOp RngNormal(const XlaOp& mu, const XlaOp& sigma,
- const Shape& shape);
- friend XlaOp RngUniform(const XlaOp& a, const XlaOp& b, const Shape& shape);
- friend XlaOp While(const XlaComputation& condition,
- const XlaComputation& body, const XlaOp& init);
- friend XlaOp Conditional(const XlaOp& predicate, const XlaOp& true_operand,
- const XlaComputation& true_computation,
- const XlaOp& false_operand,
- const XlaComputation& false_computation);
- friend XlaOp ReducePrecision(const XlaOp& operand, const int exponent_bits,
- const int mantissa_bits);
- friend XlaOp Gather(const XlaOp& input, const XlaOp& gather_indices,
- const GatherDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_bounds);
- friend void Send(const XlaOp& operand, const ChannelHandle& handle);
- friend XlaOp Recv(XlaBuilder* builder, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- friend XlaOp BatchNormTraining(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& offset, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
- friend XlaOp BatchNormInference(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& offset, const XlaOp& mean,
- const XlaOp& variance, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
- friend XlaOp BatchNormGrad(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& batch_mean, const XlaOp& batch_var,
- const XlaOp& grad_output, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
- friend XlaOp SendWithToken(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- friend XlaOp RecvWithToken(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- friend XlaOp SendToHost(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- friend XlaOp RecvFromHost(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
- friend XlaOp InfeedWithToken(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const string& config);
- friend XlaOp OutfeedWithToken(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const string& outfeed_config);
- friend XlaOp CreateToken(XlaBuilder* builder);
- friend XlaOp AfterAll(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> tokens);
-// RAII-style object: sets the current sharding assignment in builder on
-// construction, and sets back to the previous assignment on destruction.
-class XlaScopedShardingAssignment {
- public:
- XlaScopedShardingAssignment(xla::XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::optional<OpSharding> sharding)
- : builder_(builder), prev_sharding_(builder->sharding()) {
- SetSharding(sharding);
- }
- XlaScopedShardingAssignment(const XlaScopedShardingAssignment&) = delete;
- XlaScopedShardingAssignment& operator=(const XlaScopedShardingAssignment&) =
- delete;
- ~XlaScopedShardingAssignment() { SetSharding(prev_sharding_); }
- private:
- void SetSharding(const tensorflow::gtl::optional<OpSharding>& sharding) {
- if (sharding.has_value()) {
- builder_->SetSharding(sharding.value());
- } else {
- builder_->ClearSharding();
- }
- }
- xla::XlaBuilder* const builder_;
- tensorflow::gtl::optional<OpSharding> prev_sharding_;
-// Free functions for building XlaOps. The intention is that these will
-// become the public API for building XlaOps rather than calling methods on
-// XlaBuilder directly.
-// Enqueues a "retrieve parameter value" instruction for a parameter that was
-// passed to the computation.
-XlaOp Parameter(XlaBuilder* builder, int64 parameter_number, const Shape& shape,
- const string& name);
-// Enqueues a constant with the value of the given literal onto the
-// computation.
-XlaOp ConstantLiteral(XlaBuilder* builder, const LiteralSlice& literal);
-// Enqueues a constant onto the computation. Methods are templated on the
-// native host type (NativeT) which corresponds to a specific XLA
-// PrimitiveType as given in the following table:
-// Native Type PrimitiveType
-// -----------------------------
-// bool PRED
-// int32 S32
-// int64 S64
-// uint32 U32
-// uint64 U64
-// float F32
-// double F64
-// Note: not all primitive types defined in xla_data.proto have a
-// corresponding native type yet.
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR0(XlaBuilder* builder, NativeT value);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values);
-XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder, const tensorflow::core::Bitmap& values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR2(XlaBuilder* builder,
- std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantFromArray(XlaBuilder* builder, const Array<NativeT>& values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values);
-// Enqueues a rank one constant (XlaBuilder* builder, vector) onto the
-// computation. The vector has size 'length' and every element has the value
-// 'value'.
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder, int64 length, NativeT value);
-// Adds dimensions to an array by duplicating the data in the array.
-// The new dimensions are inserted on the left, i.e. if
-// broadcast_sizes has values {a0, ..., aN} and the operand shape
-// has dimensions {b0, ..., bM} then the shape of the output has
-// dimensions {a0, ..., aN, b0, ..., bM}.
-// The new dimensions index into copies of the operand, i.e.
-// output[i0, ..., iN, j0, ..., jM] = operand[j0, ..., jM]
-XlaOp Broadcast(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_sizes);
-// Performs in-dimension-style broadcast.
-// Operand specifies the input to be broadcast. "shape" is expected output
-// shape. "broadcast_dimensions" are the dimensions to be broadcasting into.
-// Dimension numbers in broadcast_dimensions map to individual dimensions
-// of the operand, and specify what dimension of the output shape they
-// should be broadcast.
-// e.g.
-// Say operand = [1, 2], i.e., a 1D tensor with 2 elements.
-// and dimension of shape is [2,2].
-// Specifying {1} as brodcast_dimension will generate output
-// [1 , 2]
-// [1 , 2]
-// On the other hand, specifying {0} as broadcast_dimension
-// will generate output
-// [1 , 1]
-// [2 , 2]
-XlaOp BroadcastInDim(
- const XlaOp& operand, const Shape& shape,
- const tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions);
-// Enqueues a pad operation onto the computation that pads the given value on
-// the edges as well as between the elements of the input. padding_config
-// specifies the padding amount for each dimension.
-XlaOp Pad(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& padding_value,
- const PaddingConfig& padding_config);
-// Enqueues an operation onto the computation that flattens the operand based
-// on the dimension order (major/slowest-varying to minor/fastest-varying)
-// given, followed by reshaping it into the shape with the given dimension
-// sizes (also major to minor). Conceptually, this is a limited form of
-// "shape casting".
-XlaOp Reshape(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> new_sizes);
-// Enqueues an operation onto the computation that collapses the operand, from
-// first to last dimension (C order), then reshapes it to the given dimension
-// sizes. Conceptually, this is a limited form of "shape casting".
-XlaOp Reshape(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> new_sizes);
-// Wrapper for Reshape.
-// Enqueues an operation to collapse the provided dimensions; e.g. an
-// operand with dimensions {x=256, y=2, z=2, p=32} can be collapsed to
-// {x=1024, y=32} by collapsing dims {0, 1, 2}. Collapsing dimensions must
-// be a consecutive, in-order subsequence of the operand dimensions.
-// Note that collapsing a single dimension does nothing:
-// {256} collapsing {0} => {256}
-// {1} collapsing {0} => {1}
-// Collapsing multiple dimensions produces a single result dimension:
-// {256, 2} collapsing {0,1} => {512}
-// {256, 2, 3} collapsing {0,1} => {512, 3}
-// This could potentially cause data to be moved -- it provides a more
-// structured form of reshaping than an arbitrary Reshape operation.
-XlaOp Collapse(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
-// Enqueues a slice operation onto the computation that slices the operand
-// from the start indices to the limit indices; e.g.
-// x
-// [ 0 1 2 3 ]
-// y [ 4 5 6 7 ] => slice(start={1, 1}, limit={2, 3}) => [ 5 6 ]
-// [ 8 9 a b ]
-// Note that "limit" means up-to-but-not-including; i.e. [start, limit) in 1D
-// range notation.
-// The strides parameter determines the stride over the slice
-XlaOp Slice(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> start_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> limit_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> strides);
-// Enqueues a slice operation in a given dimension, taking all other
-// dimensions as they are; e.g. if dimno is 1 from start_index 2 to
-// limit_index 4 by 1, and the shape is f32[7,8,9], this call is short-hand
-// for:
-// array[:, 2:4:1, :]
-XlaOp SliceInDim(const XlaOp& operand, int64 start_index, int64 limit_index,
- int64 stride, int64 dimno);
-// Enqueues a slice operation onto the computation that slices the 'operand'
-// from dynamic start indices which are passed in 'start_indices'.
-// The size of the slice in each dimension is passed in 'slice_sizes',
-// which specify the end point of exclusive slice intervals in each
-// dimension [start, start + size).
-// The shape of 'start_indices' must be rank == 1, with dimension size
-// equal to the rank of the 'operand'.
-// Slice index calculations are computed modulo input dimension sizes to
-// prevent dynamic start indices from generating out-of-bound array accesses.
-XlaOp DynamicSlice(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& start_indices,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> slice_sizes);
-// Enqueues a dynamic update slice operation onto the computation, which
-// updates a slice of 'operand' with 'update' at dynamic 'start_indices'.
-// The shape of 'update' determines the shape of the slice of 'operand'
-// which is updated.
-// The indices specified in 'start_indices' specify the offset of the slice
-// of 'operand' which is updated.
-// update = {10, 11} // calculated at runtime.
-// [1 2 3] start = {1, 1} // calculated at runtime. [1 2 3 ]
-// [4 5 6] => DynamicUpdateslice(data, update, start) => [4 10 11]
-// [7 8 9] [7 8 9 ]
-// The shape of 'start_indices' must be rank == 1, with dimension size
-// equal to the rank of the 'operand'.
-// Slice index calculations are computed modulo update dimension sizes to
-// prevent dynamic start indices from generating out-of-bound array accesses.
-XlaOp DynamicUpdateSlice(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& update,
- const XlaOp& start_indices);
-// Enqueues a concatenate instruction onto the computation. 'operands' must
-// have >= 1 entry.
-XlaOp ConcatInDim(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands, int64 dimension);
-// Enqueue a tracing operation onto the computation; the computation will emit
-// a logging message with the operand.
-void Trace(const string& tag, const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a conditional-move-like select operation onto the computation;
-// predicated on pred, selects between on_true and on_false.
-XlaOp Select(const XlaOp& pred, const XlaOp& on_true, const XlaOp& on_false);
-// Enqueues a tuple-creation instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Tuple(XlaBuilder* builder, tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> elements);
-// Enqueues a tuple-element-get instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp GetTupleElement(const XlaOp& tuple_data, int64 index);
-// Enqueues an equal-to comparison instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Eq(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a not-equal comparison instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Ne(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a greater-or-equal comparison instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Ge(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a greater-than comparison instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Gt(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a less-than comparison instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Lt(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a less-or-equal comparison instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Le(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a dot instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Dot(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs);
-// Enqueues a general dot instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp DotGeneral(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- const DotDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
-// Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, which uses the
-// default convolution dimension numbers.
-XlaOp Conv(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides, Padding padding);
-// Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
-// provided padding configuration in the format returned by MakePadding().
-XlaOp ConvWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding);
-// Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
-// provided dimension numbers configuration.
-XlaOp ConvWithGeneralDimensions(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides, Padding padding,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
-// Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
-// provided padding configuration as well as the dimension numbers.
-XlaOp ConvGeneral(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
-// Enqueues a convolution instruction onto the computation, with the caller
-// provided padding configuration, dilation factors and dimension numbers.
-XlaOp ConvGeneralDilated(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> lhs_dilation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> rhs_dilation,
- const ConvolutionDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers);
-// Enqueues an FFT instruction onto the computation, of the given type and
-// with the given FFT length.
-XlaOp Fft(const XlaOp& operand, FftType fft_type,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> fft_length);
-// Enqueues an infeed instruction onto the computation, which writes data of
-// the given shape to the infeed buffer of the device.
-XlaOp Infeed(XlaBuilder* builder, const Shape& shape,
- const string& config = "");
-// Variant of Infeed which takes a token-shaped operand and produces a
-// two-element tuple containing the data value and a token-shaped value.
-// Tokens are used for ordering side-effecting operations.
-// TODO(b/110532604): Replace all uses of the non-token form with this variant.
-XlaOp InfeedWithToken(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const string& config = "");
-// Enqueues an outfeed instruction onto the computation. This instruction
-// generates outgoing data transfers for the given data.
-// shape_with_layout communicates the laid out shape that we want to outfeed
-// -- if !ShapeUtil::Compatible(GetShape(operand), shape_with_layout) an error
-// will occur.
-void Outfeed(const XlaOp& operand, const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const string& outfeed_config);
-// Variant of Outfeed which takes a token-shaped operand and produces a
-// token-shaped value. Tokens are used for ordering side-effecting operations.
-// TODO(b/110532604): Replace all uses of the non-token form with this variant.
-XlaOp OutfeedWithToken(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const Shape& shape_with_layout,
- const string& outfeed_config);
-// Enqueues a call instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Call(XlaBuilder* builder, const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands);
-// Enqueues a custom call instruction onto the computation.
-// During code generation, a call instruction is emitted which targets a
-// symbol with the name |call_target_name|. The |operands| are passed to the
-// call instruction. |shape| is the resultant shape.
-XlaOp CustomCall(XlaBuilder* builder, const string& call_target_name,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const Shape& shape);
-// Enqueues a pseudo-op to represent host-side computation data-dependencies.
-// During code generation, host send and receive operations will be generated
-// to transfer |operands| to the host and a single result of |shape| back to
-// the device. Host send/recv operations are emitted using |channel_name|.
-// Dataflow dependencies and the |cost_estimate_ns| field may be used in HLO
-// instruction scheduling.
-XlaOp HostCompute(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const string& channel_name, int64 cost_estimate_ns,
- const Shape& shape);
-// The following methods enqueue element-wise binary arithmetic operations
-// onto the computation. The shapes of the operands have to match unless one
-// of the operands is a scalar, or an explicit broadcast dimension is given
-// (see g3doc for more details).
-// Enqueues a complex compose instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Complex(const XlaOp& real, const XlaOp& imag,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a complex conjugate instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Conj(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues an add instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Add(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a subtract instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Sub(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a multiply instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Mul(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a divide instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Div(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a remainder instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Rem(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a max instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Max(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues a min instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Min(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Element-wise logical operators
-XlaOp And(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-XlaOp Or(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-XlaOp Xor(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-XlaOp Not(const XlaOp& operand);
-XlaOp ShiftLeft(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-XlaOp ShiftRightArithmetic(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-XlaOp ShiftRightLogical(
- const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Reduces an array among the provided dimensions, given "computation" as a
-// reduction operator.
-XlaOp Reduce(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions_to_reduce);
-// Convenience wrapper around the above that reduces all the dimensions in the
-// operand shape.
-XlaOp ReduceAll(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation);
-// Enqueues a windowed reduce instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp ReduceWindow(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- Padding padding);
-// As ReduceWindow(), but the padding is given in the format
-// returned by MakePadding().
-XlaOp ReduceWindowWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding);
-// Returns the sum of the operand value within each subgroup of replicas. All
-// replicas supply one input to the sum and all replicas receive the resulting
-// sum for each subgroup.
-XlaOp CrossReplicaSum(
- const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> replica_group_ids = {});
-// Enqueues an operation that do an AllReduce of the operand cross cores. Here
-// AllReduce means doing a reduction on the input operand cross cores and then
-// broadcasting the reduction result to those cores. The reduction function is
-// defined by `computation`, which should be a commutative computation on
-// scalars, e.g., add, min, or max. The way that AllReduce is applied is
-// configured by:
-// - `replica_group_ids`: maps replica ids to subgroup ids. If empty, all
-// replicas belong to one group. Allreduce will be applied within subgroups.
-// For example, we have 4 replicas, then replica_group_ids={0,1,0,1} means,
-// replica 0 and 2 are in subgroup 0, replica 1 and 3 are in subgroup 1.
-// - `channel_id`: for Allreduce nodes from different models, if they have the
-// same channel_id, they will be 'Allreduce'd. If empty, Allreduce will not be
-// applied cross models.
-// TODO(b/79737069): Rename this to AllReduce when it's ready to use.
-XlaOp CrossReplicaSum(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> replica_group_ids = {},
- const tensorflow::gtl::optional<ChannelHandle>&
- channel_id = tensorflow::gtl::nullopt);
-// Enqueues an operation that scatters the `source` array to the selected
-// indices of each window.
-XlaOp SelectAndScatter(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& select,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- Padding padding, const XlaOp& source,
- const XlaOp& init_value, const XlaComputation& scatter);
-// As SelectAndScatter(), but the padding is given in the format
-// returned by MakePadding().
-XlaOp SelectAndScatterWithGeneralPadding(
- const XlaOp& operand, const XlaComputation& select,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_strides,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<std::pair<int64, int64>> padding,
- const XlaOp& source, const XlaOp& init_value,
- const XlaComputation& scatter);
-// Enqueues an abs instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Abs(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a atan2 instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Atan2(const XlaOp& y, const XlaOp& x,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues an exp instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Exp(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues an expm1 instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Expm1(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a floor instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Floor(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a ceil instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Ceil(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a round instruction onto the computation, rounding to nearest even
-// with half-way cases rounding away from zero.
-XlaOp Round(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues an log instruction (natural logarithm) onto the computation.
-XlaOp Log(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues an log1p instruction (log(x+1)) onto the computation.
-XlaOp Log1p(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a sign instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Sign(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a count leading zeros instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Clz(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a cosine instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Cos(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a sine instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Sin(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a tanh instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Tanh(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a real-part instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Real(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues an imaginary-part instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Imag(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a lhs^rhs computation onto the computation.
-XlaOp Pow(const XlaOp& lhs, const XlaOp& rhs,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> broadcast_dimensions = {});
-// Enqueues an operator that tests if the operand's values are finite, i.e.,
-// not Inf or NaN. Defined only for floating-point types. Returns an array of
-// booleans with the same shape where entries are true iff the corresponding
-// entry was NaN.
-XlaOp IsFinite(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a convert instruction onto the computation that changes the
-// element type of the operand array to primitive_type.
-XlaOp ConvertElementType(const XlaOp& operand, PrimitiveType new_element_type);
-// Enqueues a no-op instruction onto the computation that changes
-// the element type of the operand array to primitive_type. The
-// bit-widths of the source and destination element types must be
-// identical.
-XlaOp BitcastConvertType(const XlaOp& operand, PrimitiveType new_element_type);
-// Enqueues a negate instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Neg(const XlaOp& operand);
-// Enqueues a transpose instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Transpose(const XlaOp& operand,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> permutation);
-// Enqueues a reverse instruction onto the computation. The order of the
-// elements in the given dimensions is reversed (i.e., the element at index i
-// is moved to index dimension_size - 1 - i).
-XlaOp Rev(const XlaOp& operand, tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
-// Enqueues a sort (as increasing order) instruction onto the computation.
-// If only keys are provided:
-// * If the keys are an rank-1 tensor (an array), the result is a sorted array
-// of keys, in ascending order.
-// * If the keys have higher rank, the keys are sorted along the provided
-// dimension. For example, for a rank-2 tensor (a matrix) of keys, a dimension
-// value of 0 will indepenently sort every column, and a dimension value of 1
-// will independently sort each row. If no dimension number is provided, then
-// the last dimension is chosen by default.
-// If both keys and values are provided:
-// * The keys and the values must tensors with the same dimensions. The
-// element types of the tensors may be different.
-// * The result is a tuple that consists of a sorted tensor of keys (along the
-// provided dimension, as above) as the first element, and a tensor with their
-// corresponding values as the second element.
-XlaOp Sort(XlaOp keys,
- tensorflow::gtl::optional<XlaOp> values = tensorflow::gtl::nullopt,
- int64 dimension = -1);
-// Enqueues a clamp instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Clamp(const XlaOp& min, const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& max);
-// Enqueues a map instruction onto the computation.
-XlaOp Map(XlaBuilder* builder, tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> operands,
- const XlaComputation& computation,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> static_operands = {});
-// Enqueues a N(mu, sigma) random number generation instruction onto the
-// computation.
-XlaOp RngNormal(const XlaOp& mu, const XlaOp& sigma, const Shape& shape);
-// Enqueues a U(a, b) random number generation instruction onto the
-// computation. Returns values in the semi-open interval [a, b).
-XlaOp RngUniform(const XlaOp& a, const XlaOp& b, const Shape& shape);
-// Enqueues a while node onto the computation.
-XlaOp While(const XlaComputation& condition, const XlaComputation& body,
- const XlaOp& init);
-// Enqueues a conditional node onto the computation.
-XlaOp Conditional(const XlaOp& predicate, const XlaOp& true_operand,
- const XlaComputation& true_computation,
- const XlaOp& false_operand,
- const XlaComputation& false_computation);
-// Enqueues a ReducePrecision node onto the computation.
-XlaOp ReducePrecision(const XlaOp& operand, const int exponent_bits,
- const int mantissa_bits);
-// Enqueues a Gather node onto the computation.
-XlaOp Gather(const XlaOp& input, const XlaOp& gather_indices,
- const GatherDimensionNumbers& dimension_numbers,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> window_bounds);
-// Enqueues a Send node onto the computation for device-to-device
-// communication. This operation sends the given operand to
-// a Recv instruction in a different computation that shares the same channel
-// handle.
-void Send(const XlaOp& operand, const ChannelHandle& handle);
-// Variant of Send which takes a token-shaped operand and produces a
-// token-shaped value. Tokens are used for ordering side-effecting operations.
-// TODO(b/110532604): Replace all uses of the non-token form with this variant.
-XlaOp SendWithToken(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
-// Enqueues a Recv node onto the computation for device-to-device
-// communication. The data comes from a Send instruction in a different
-// computation that shares the same channel handle and its shape must be the
-// same as the given shape.
-XlaOp Recv(XlaBuilder* builder, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
-// Variant of Recv which takes a token-shaped operand and produces a two-element
-// tuple containing the data value and a token-shaped value. Tokens are used
-// for ordering side-effecting operations.
-// TODO(b/110532604): Replace all uses of the non-token form with this variant.
-XlaOp RecvWithToken(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
-// Enqueues a Send node which transfers data from the device to the host. The
-// 'shape_with_layout' argument defines the layout of the data transferred; its
-// shape must be compatible with the shape of the operand. The operand must be
-// array-shaped.
-// TODO(b/111544877): Support tuple shapes.
-XlaOp SendToHost(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& token,
- const Shape& shape_with_layout, const ChannelHandle& handle);
-// Enqueues a Recv node which transfers data from the host to the device. The
-// given shape must contain a layout and must be an array.
-// TODO(b/111544877): Support tuple shapes.
-XlaOp RecvFromHost(const XlaOp& token, const Shape& shape,
- const ChannelHandle& handle);
-// Enqueues an operation (AfterAll) with no operands that produces a
-// token-shaped value. Tokens are used for ordering side-effecting operations.
-// This is a separate method from AfterAll to facility the removal of
-// operand-less AfterAll instructions.
-// TODO(b/110532604): Remove this function when all tokens are derived from a
-// single token generated or passed into the entry computation.
-XlaOp CreateToken(XlaBuilder* builder);
-// Enqueues an AfterAll instruction which produces a token-shaped value and
-// takes a variadic number of token-shaped operands. The number of operands must
-// be greater than zero. Used for joining tokens.
-XlaOp AfterAll(XlaBuilder* builder, tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<XlaOp> tokens);
-// Normalizes operand across spatial and batch dimensions for each feature.
-// Returns a tuple (normalized, batch_mean, batch_var) where `normalized`
-// is the normalized result and batch_mean and batch_var are the mean and
-// variance, respectively, across batch for the operand.
-XlaOp BatchNormTraining(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& offset, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
-// Normalizes operand across spatial and batch dimensions for each feature.
-// `BatchNormInference` is equivalent to calling `BatchNormTraining` without
-// computing `mean` and `variance` for each batch inside the operation. It
-// uses the input `mean` and `variance` instead as estimated values. The
-// purpose of this op is to reduce latency in inference, hence the name
-// `BatchNormInference`.
-// The output has the same shape as `operand`, and contains the normalized
-// values for each batch.
-XlaOp BatchNormInference(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& offset, const XlaOp& mean,
- const XlaOp& variance, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
-// Calculates the gradients of a batch norm op.
-// The inputs `batch_mean` and `batch_var` represent the mean and variance
-// across the batch.
-// Returns a tuple of three elements:
-// - grad_operand: Gradient with respect to input `operand`
-// - grad_offset: Gradient with respect to input `offset`
-// - grad_scale: Gradient with respect to input `scale`
-XlaOp BatchNormGrad(const XlaOp& operand, const XlaOp& scale,
- const XlaOp& batch_mean, const XlaOp& batch_var,
- const XlaOp& grad_output, float epsilon,
- int64 feature_index);
-// Implementation details below this point.
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR0(NativeT value) {
- return ConstantLiteral(*LiteralUtil::CreateR0<NativeT>(value));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR1(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(*LiteralUtil::CreateR1<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR1(int64 length, NativeT value) {
- Literal literal(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(
- primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>(), {length}));
- literal.PopulateWithValue(value);
- return ConstantLiteral(literal);
-inline XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR1(const tensorflow::core::Bitmap& values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(*LiteralUtil::CreateR1(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR2(
- std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(*LiteralUtil::CreateR2<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(const Array<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantLiteral(
- *LiteralUtil::CreateFromArrayWithLayout<NativeT>(values, layout));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantFromArray(const Array<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(*LiteralUtil::CreateFromArray<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR2FromArray2DWithLayout(
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values, const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantLiteral(
- *LiteralUtil::CreateFromArrayWithLayout<NativeT>(values, layout));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR2FromArray2D(const Array2D<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(*LiteralUtil::CreateR2FromArray2D<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR3FromArray3DWithLayout(
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values, const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantLiteral(
- *LiteralUtil::CreateR3FromArray3DWithLayout<NativeT>(values, layout));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR3FromArray3D(const Array3D<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantFromArray(values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR4FromArray4DWithLayout(
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values, const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(values, layout);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp XlaBuilder::ConstantR4FromArray4D(const Array4D<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantFromArray(values);
-// Free function template implementations.
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR0(XlaBuilder* builder, NativeT value) {
- return ConstantLiteral(builder, *LiteralUtil::CreateR0<NativeT>(value));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder,
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(builder, *LiteralUtil::CreateR1<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder, int64 length, NativeT value) {
- Literal literal(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(
- primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>(), {length}));
- literal.PopulateWithValue(value);
- return ConstantLiteral(builder, literal);
-inline XlaOp ConstantR1(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const tensorflow::core::Bitmap& values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(builder, *LiteralUtil::CreateR1(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR2(XlaBuilder* builder,
- std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(builder, *LiteralUtil::CreateR2<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantLiteral(
- builder,
- *LiteralUtil::CreateFromArrayWithLayout<NativeT>(values, layout));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantFromArray(XlaBuilder* builder, const Array<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(builder,
- *LiteralUtil::CreateFromArray<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantLiteral(
- builder,
- *LiteralUtil::CreateFromArrayWithLayout<NativeT>(values, layout));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR2FromArray2D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array2D<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantLiteral(builder,
- *LiteralUtil::CreateR2FromArray2D<NativeT>(values));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantLiteral(
- builder,
- *LiteralUtil::CreateR3FromArray3DWithLayout<NativeT>(values, layout));
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR3FromArray3D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array3D<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantFromArray(builder, values);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4DWithLayout(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values,
- const Layout& layout) {
- return ConstantFromArrayWithLayout(builder, values, layout);
-template <typename NativeT>
-XlaOp ConstantR4FromArray4D(XlaBuilder* builder,
- const Array4D<NativeT>& values) {
- return ConstantFromArray(builder, values);
-} // namespace xla
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_builder.h"