/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "Viewer.h" #include "GMSlide.h" #include "ImageSlide.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "SampleSlide.h" #include "SKPSlide.h" #include "SkATrace.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkCommandLineFlags.h" #include "SkDashPathEffect.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkImagePriv.h" #include "SkMetaData.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkOSPath.h" #include "SkRandom.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkSurface.h" #include "SkTime.h" using namespace sk_app; Application* Application::Create(int argc, char** argv, void* platformData) { return new Viewer(argc, argv, platformData); } static void on_paint_handler(SkCanvas* canvas, void* userData) { Viewer* vv = reinterpret_cast(userData); return vv->onPaint(canvas); } static bool on_touch_handler(intptr_t owner, Window::InputState state, float x, float y, void* userData) { Viewer* viewer = reinterpret_cast(userData); return viewer->onTouch(owner, state, x, y); } static void on_ui_state_changed_handler(const SkString& stateName, const SkString& stateValue, void* userData) { Viewer* viewer = reinterpret_cast(userData); return viewer->onUIStateChanged(stateName, stateValue); } static DEFINE_bool2(fullscreen, f, true, "Run fullscreen."); static DEFINE_string2(match, m, nullptr, "[~][^]substring[$] [...] of bench name to run.\n" "Multiple matches may be separated by spaces.\n" "~ causes a matching bench to always be skipped\n" "^ requires the start of the bench to match\n" "$ requires the end of the bench to match\n" "^ and $ requires an exact match\n" "If a bench does not match any list entry,\n" "it is skipped unless some list entry starts with ~"); #ifdef SK_VULKAN # define BACKENDS_STR "\"sw\", \"gl\", and \"vk\"" #else # define BACKENDS_STR "\"sw\" and \"gl\"" #endif #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID static DEFINE_string(skps, "/data/local/tmp/skia", "Directory to read skps from."); static DEFINE_string(jpgs, "/data/local/tmp/skia", "Directory to read jpgs from."); #else static DEFINE_string(skps, "skps", "Directory to read skps from."); static DEFINE_string(jpgs, "jpgs", "Directory to read jpgs from."); #endif static DEFINE_string2(backend, b, "sw", "Backend to use. Allowed values are " BACKENDS_STR "."); static DEFINE_bool(atrace, false, "Enable support for using ATrace. ATrace is only supported on Android."); const char *kBackendTypeStrings[sk_app::Window::kBackendTypeCount] = { " [OpenGL]", #ifdef SK_VULKAN " [Vulkan]", #endif " [Raster]" }; static sk_app::Window::BackendType get_backend_type(const char* str) { #ifdef SK_VULKAN if (0 == strcmp(str, "vk")) { return sk_app::Window::kVulkan_BackendType; } else #endif if (0 == strcmp(str, "gl")) { return sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType; } else if (0 == strcmp(str, "sw")) { return sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType; } else { SkDebugf("Unknown backend type, %s, defaulting to sw.", str); return sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType; } } const char* kName = "name"; const char* kValue = "value"; const char* kOptions = "options"; const char* kSlideStateName = "Slide"; const char* kBackendStateName = "Backend"; const char* kSoftkeyStateName = "Softkey"; const char* kSoftkeyHint = "Please select a softkey"; const char* kFpsStateName = "FPS"; const char* kON = "ON"; const char* kOFF = "OFF"; const char* kRefreshStateName = "Refresh"; Viewer::Viewer(int argc, char** argv, void* platformData) : fCurrentMeasurement(0) , fDisplayStats(false) , fRefresh(false) , fBackendType(sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType) , fColorType(kN32_SkColorType) , fColorSpace(nullptr) , fZoomCenterX(0.0f) , fZoomCenterY(0.0f) , fZoomLevel(0.0f) , fZoomScale(SK_Scalar1) { SkGraphics::Init(); memset(fMeasurements, 0, sizeof(fMeasurements)); SkDebugf("Command line arguments: "); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { SkDebugf("%s ", argv[i]); } SkDebugf("\n"); SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv); #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID SetResourcePath("/data/local/tmp/skia"); #endif if (FLAGS_atrace) { SkEventTracer::SetInstance(new SkATrace()); } fBackendType = get_backend_type(FLAGS_backend[0]); fWindow = Window::CreateNativeWindow(platformData); fWindow->attach(fBackendType, DisplayParams()); // register callbacks fCommands.attach(fWindow); fWindow->registerPaintFunc(on_paint_handler, this); fWindow->registerTouchFunc(on_touch_handler, this); fWindow->registerUIStateChangedFunc(on_ui_state_changed_handler, this); // add key-bindings fCommands.addCommand('s', "Overlays", "Toggle stats display", [this]() { this->fDisplayStats = !this->fDisplayStats; fWindow->inval(); }); fCommands.addCommand('c', "Modes", "Cycle color mode", [this]() { if (!fColorSpace) { // Legacy -> sRGB this->setColorMode(kN32_SkColorType, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()); } else if (kN32_SkColorType == fColorType) { // sRGB -> F16 sRGB this->setColorMode(kRGBA_F16_SkColorType, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear()); } else { // F16 sRGB -> Legacy this->setColorMode(kN32_SkColorType, nullptr); } }); fCommands.addCommand(Window::Key::kRight, "Right", "Navigation", "Next slide", [this]() { int previousSlide = fCurrentSlide; fCurrentSlide++; if (fCurrentSlide >= fSlides.count()) { fCurrentSlide = 0; } this->setupCurrentSlide(previousSlide); }); fCommands.addCommand(Window::Key::kLeft, "Left", "Navigation", "Previous slide", [this]() { int previousSlide = fCurrentSlide; fCurrentSlide--; if (fCurrentSlide < 0) { fCurrentSlide = fSlides.count() - 1; } this->setupCurrentSlide(previousSlide); }); fCommands.addCommand(Window::Key::kUp, "Up", "Transform", "Zoom in", [this]() { this->changeZoomLevel(1.f / 32.f); fWindow->inval(); }); fCommands.addCommand(Window::Key::kDown, "Down", "Transform", "Zoom out", [this]() { this->changeZoomLevel(-1.f / 32.f); fWindow->inval(); }); fCommands.addCommand('d', "Modes", "Change rendering backend", [this]() { #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) if (sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType == fBackendType) { fBackendType = sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType; #ifdef SK_VULKAN } else if (sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType == fBackendType) { fBackendType = sk_app::Window::kVulkan_BackendType; #endif } else { fBackendType = sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType; } #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX) // Switching to and from Vulkan is problematic on Linux so disabled for now if (sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType == fBackendType) { fBackendType = sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType; } else if (sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType == fBackendType) { fBackendType = sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType; } #endif fWindow->detach(); #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) && defined(SK_VULKAN) // Switching from OpenGL to Vulkan in the same window is problematic at this point on // Windows, so we just delete the window and recreate it. if (sk_app::Window::kVulkan_BackendType == fBackendType) { delete fWindow; fWindow = Window::CreateNativeWindow(nullptr); // re-register callbacks fCommands.attach(fWindow); fWindow->registerPaintFunc(on_paint_handler, this); fWindow->registerTouchFunc(on_touch_handler, this); fWindow->registerUIStateChangedFunc(on_ui_state_changed_handler, this); } #endif fWindow->attach(fBackendType, DisplayParams()); this->updateTitle(); fWindow->inval(); fWindow->show(); }); // set up slides this->initSlides(); fAnimTimer.run(); // set up first frame fCurrentSlide = 0; setupCurrentSlide(-1); fWindow->show(); } void Viewer::initSlides() { fAllSlideNames = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); const skiagm::GMRegistry* gms(skiagm::GMRegistry::Head()); while (gms) { std::unique_ptr gm(gms->factory()(nullptr)); if (!SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, gm->getName())) { sk_sp slide(new GMSlide(gm.release())); fSlides.push_back(slide); } gms = gms->next(); } // reverse array for (int i = 0; i < fSlides.count()/2; ++i) { sk_sp temp = fSlides[i]; fSlides[i] = fSlides[fSlides.count() - i - 1]; fSlides[fSlides.count() - i - 1] = temp; } // samples const SkViewRegister* reg = SkViewRegister::Head(); while (reg) { sk_sp slide(new SampleSlide(reg->factory())); if (!SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, slide->getName().c_str())) { fSlides.push_back(slide); } reg = reg->next(); } // SKPs for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_skps.count(); i++) { if (SkStrEndsWith(FLAGS_skps[i], ".skp")) { if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, FLAGS_skps[i])) { continue; } SkString path(FLAGS_skps[i]); sk_sp slide(new SKPSlide(SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str()), path)); if (slide) { fSlides.push_back(slide); } } else { SkOSFile::Iter it(FLAGS_skps[i], ".skp"); SkString skpName; while (it.next(&skpName)) { if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, skpName.c_str())) { continue; } SkString path = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_skps[i], skpName.c_str()); sk_sp slide(new SKPSlide(skpName, path)); if (slide) { fSlides.push_back(slide); } } } } // JPGs for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_jpgs.count(); i++) { SkOSFile::Iter it(FLAGS_jpgs[i], ".jpg"); SkString jpgName; while (it.next(&jpgName)) { if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, jpgName.c_str())) { continue; } SkString path = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_jpgs[i], jpgName.c_str()); sk_sp slide(new ImageSlide(jpgName, path)); if (slide) { fSlides.push_back(slide); } } } } Viewer::~Viewer() { fWindow->detach(); delete fWindow; } void Viewer::updateTitle() { SkString title("Viewer: "); title.append(fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->getName()); title.appendf(" %s", sk_tool_utils::colortype_name(fColorType)); // TODO: Find a short string to describe the gamut of the color space? if (fColorSpace) { title.append(" ColorManaged"); } title.append(kBackendTypeStrings[fBackendType]); fWindow->setTitle(title.c_str()); } void Viewer::setupCurrentSlide(int previousSlide) { if (fCurrentSlide == previousSlide) { return; // no change; do nothing } // prepare dimensions for image slides fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->load(SkIntToScalar(fWindow->width()), SkIntToScalar(fWindow->height())); fGesture.reset(); fDefaultMatrix.reset(); fDefaultMatrixInv.reset(); if (fWindow->supportsContentRect() && fWindow->scaleContentToFit()) { const SkRect contentRect = fWindow->getContentRect(); const SkISize slideSize = fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->getDimensions(); const SkRect slideBounds = SkRect::MakeIWH(slideSize.width(), slideSize.height()); if (contentRect.width() > 0 && contentRect.height() > 0) { fDefaultMatrix.setRectToRect(slideBounds, contentRect, SkMatrix::kStart_ScaleToFit); SkAssertResult(fDefaultMatrix.invert(&fDefaultMatrixInv)); } } if (fWindow->supportsContentRect()) { const SkISize slideSize = fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->getDimensions(); SkRect windowRect = fWindow->getContentRect(); fDefaultMatrixInv.mapRect(&windowRect); fGesture.setTransLimit(SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(slideSize.width()), SkIntToScalar(slideSize.height())), windowRect); } this->updateTitle(); this->updateUIState(); if (previousSlide >= 0) { fSlides[previousSlide]->unload(); } fWindow->inval(); } #define MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL 8 #define MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL -8 void Viewer::changeZoomLevel(float delta) { fZoomLevel += delta; if (fZoomLevel > 0) { fZoomLevel = SkMinScalar(fZoomLevel, MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL); fZoomScale = fZoomLevel + SK_Scalar1; } else if (fZoomLevel < 0) { fZoomLevel = SkMaxScalar(fZoomLevel, MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL); fZoomScale = SK_Scalar1 / (SK_Scalar1 - fZoomLevel); } else { fZoomScale = SK_Scalar1; } } SkMatrix Viewer::computeMatrix() { SkMatrix m; m.reset(); if (fZoomLevel) { SkPoint center; //m = this->getLocalMatrix();//.invert(&m); m.mapXY(fZoomCenterX, fZoomCenterY, ¢er); SkScalar cx = center.fX; SkScalar cy = center.fY; m.setTranslate(-cx, -cy); m.postScale(fZoomScale, fZoomScale); m.postTranslate(cx, cy); } m.preConcat(fGesture.localM()); m.preConcat(fGesture.globalM()); return m; } void Viewer::setColorMode(SkColorType colorType, sk_sp colorSpace) { fColorType = colorType; fColorSpace = std::move(colorSpace); // When we're in color managed mode, we tag our window surface as sRGB. If we've switched into // or out of legacy mode, we need to update our window configuration. DisplayParams params = fWindow->getDisplayParams(); if (SkToBool(fColorSpace) != SkToBool(params.fColorSpace)) { params.fColorSpace = fColorSpace ? SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB() : nullptr; fWindow->setDisplayParams(params); } this->updateTitle(); fWindow->inval(); } void Viewer::drawSlide(SkCanvas* canvas) { int count = canvas->save(); if (fWindow->supportsContentRect()) { SkRect contentRect = fWindow->getContentRect(); canvas->clipRect(contentRect); canvas->translate(contentRect.fLeft, contentRect.fTop); } // By default, we render directly into the window's surface/canvas SkCanvas* slideCanvas = canvas; // ... but if we're in F16, or the gamut isn't sRGB, we need to render offscreen sk_sp offscreenSurface = nullptr; if (kRGBA_F16_SkColorType == fColorType || fColorSpace != SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()) { SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(fWindow->width(), fWindow->height(), fColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType, fColorSpace); offscreenSurface = canvas->makeSurface(info); slideCanvas = offscreenSurface->getCanvas(); } slideCanvas->clear(SK_ColorWHITE); slideCanvas->concat(fDefaultMatrix); slideCanvas->concat(computeMatrix()); fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->draw(slideCanvas); // If we rendered offscreen, snap an image and push the results to the window's canvas if (offscreenSurface) { auto slideImage = offscreenSurface->makeImageSnapshot(); // Tag the image with the sRGB gamut, so no further color space conversion happens sk_sp cs = (kRGBA_F16_SkColorType == fColorType) ? SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear() : SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(); auto retaggedImage = SkImageMakeRasterCopyAndAssignColorSpace(slideImage.get(), cs.get()); canvas->drawImage(retaggedImage, 0, 0); } canvas->restoreToCount(count); } void Viewer::onPaint(SkCanvas* canvas) { // Record measurements double startTime = SkTime::GetMSecs(); drawSlide(canvas); if (fDisplayStats) { drawStats(canvas); } fCommands.drawHelp(canvas); fMeasurements[fCurrentMeasurement++] = SkTime::GetMSecs() - startTime; fCurrentMeasurement &= (kMeasurementCount - 1); // fast mod SkASSERT(fCurrentMeasurement < kMeasurementCount); updateUIState(); // Update the FPS } bool Viewer::onTouch(intptr_t owner, Window::InputState state, float x, float y) { void* castedOwner = reinterpret_cast(owner); SkPoint touchPoint = fDefaultMatrixInv.mapXY(x, y); switch (state) { case Window::kUp_InputState: { fGesture.touchEnd(castedOwner); break; } case Window::kDown_InputState: { fGesture.touchBegin(castedOwner, touchPoint.fX, touchPoint.fY); break; } case Window::kMove_InputState: { fGesture.touchMoved(castedOwner, touchPoint.fX, touchPoint.fY); break; } } fWindow->inval(); return true; } void Viewer::drawStats(SkCanvas* canvas) { static const float kPixelPerMS = 2.0f; static const int kDisplayWidth = 130; static const int kDisplayHeight = 100; static const int kDisplayPadding = 10; static const int kGraphPadding = 3; static const SkScalar kBaseMS = 1000.f / 60.f; // ms/frame to hit 60 fps SkISize canvasSize = canvas->getDeviceSize(); SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(SkIntToScalar(canvasSize.fWidth-kDisplayWidth-kDisplayPadding), SkIntToScalar(kDisplayPadding), SkIntToScalar(kDisplayWidth), SkIntToScalar(kDisplayHeight)); SkPaint paint; canvas->save(); if (fWindow->supportsContentRect()) { SkRect contentRect = fWindow->getContentRect(); canvas->clipRect(contentRect); canvas->translate(contentRect.fLeft, contentRect.fTop); } canvas->clipRect(rect); paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); canvas->drawRect(rect, paint); // draw the 16ms line paint.setColor(SK_ColorLTGRAY); canvas->drawLine(rect.fLeft, rect.fBottom - kBaseMS*kPixelPerMS, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom - kBaseMS*kPixelPerMS, paint); paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawRect(rect, paint); int x = SkScalarTruncToInt(rect.fLeft) + kGraphPadding; const int xStep = 2; const int startY = SkScalarTruncToInt(rect.fBottom); int i = fCurrentMeasurement; do { int endY = startY - (int)(fMeasurements[i] * kPixelPerMS + 0.5); // round to nearest value canvas->drawLine(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(startY), SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(endY), paint); i++; i &= (kMeasurementCount - 1); // fast mod x += xStep; } while (i != fCurrentMeasurement); canvas->restore(); } void Viewer::onIdle() { fAnimTimer.updateTime(); if (fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->animate(fAnimTimer) || fDisplayStats || fRefresh) { fWindow->inval(); } } void Viewer::updateUIState() { // Slide state Json::Value slideState(Json::objectValue); slideState[kName] = kSlideStateName; slideState[kValue] = fSlides[fCurrentSlide]->getName().c_str(); if (fAllSlideNames.size() == 0) { for(auto slide : fSlides) { fAllSlideNames.append(Json::Value(slide->getName().c_str())); } } slideState[kOptions] = fAllSlideNames; // Backend state Json::Value backendState(Json::objectValue); backendState[kName] = kBackendStateName; backendState[kValue] = kBackendTypeStrings[fBackendType]; backendState[kOptions] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); for (auto str : kBackendTypeStrings) { backendState[kOptions].append(Json::Value(str)); } // Softkey state Json::Value softkeyState(Json::objectValue); softkeyState[kName] = kSoftkeyStateName; softkeyState[kValue] = kSoftkeyHint; softkeyState[kOptions] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); softkeyState[kOptions].append(kSoftkeyHint); for (const auto& softkey : fCommands.getCommandsAsSoftkeys()) { softkeyState[kOptions].append(Json::Value(softkey.c_str())); } // FPS state Json::Value fpsState(Json::objectValue); fpsState[kName] = kFpsStateName; double measurement = fMeasurements[ (fCurrentMeasurement + (kMeasurementCount-1)) % kMeasurementCount ]; fpsState[kValue] = SkStringPrintf("%8.3lf ms", measurement).c_str(); fpsState[kOptions] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); Json::Value state(Json::arrayValue); state.append(slideState); state.append(backendState); state.append(softkeyState); state.append(fpsState); fWindow->setUIState(state); } void Viewer::onUIStateChanged(const SkString& stateName, const SkString& stateValue) { // For those who will add more features to handle the state change in this function: // After the change, please call updateUIState no notify the frontend (e.g., Android app). // For example, after slide change, updateUIState is called inside setupCurrentSlide; // after backend change, updateUIState is called in this function. if (stateName.equals(kSlideStateName)) { int previousSlide = fCurrentSlide; fCurrentSlide = 0; for(auto slide : fSlides) { if (slide->getName().equals(stateValue)) { setupCurrentSlide(previousSlide); break; } fCurrentSlide++; } if (fCurrentSlide >= fSlides.count()) { fCurrentSlide = previousSlide; SkDebugf("Slide not found: %s", stateValue.c_str()); } } else if (stateName.equals(kBackendStateName)) { for (int i = 0; i < sk_app::Window::kBackendTypeCount; i++) { if (stateValue.equals(kBackendTypeStrings[i])) { if (fBackendType != i) { fBackendType = (sk_app::Window::BackendType)i; fWindow->detach(); fWindow->attach(fBackendType, DisplayParams()); fWindow->inval(); updateTitle(); updateUIState(); } break; } } } else if (stateName.equals(kSoftkeyStateName)) { if (!stateValue.equals(kSoftkeyHint)) { fCommands.onSoftkey(stateValue); updateUIState(); // This is still needed to reset the value to kSoftkeyHint } } else if (stateName.equals(kRefreshStateName)) { // This state is actually NOT in the UI state. // We use this to allow Android to quickly set bool fRefresh. fRefresh = stateValue.equals(kON); } else { SkDebugf("Unknown stateName: %s", stateName.c_str()); } }