''' Copyright 2011 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ''' import fnmatch import os import re import subprocess PROPERTY_MIMETYPE = 'svn:mime-type' # Status types for GetFilesWithStatus() STATUS_ADDED = 0x01 STATUS_DELETED = 0x02 STATUS_MODIFIED = 0x04 STATUS_NOT_UNDER_SVN_CONTROL = 0x08 class Svn: def __init__(self, directory): """Set up to manipulate SVN control within the given directory. @param directory """ self._directory = directory def _RunCommand(self, args): """Run a command (from self._directory) and return stdout as a single string. @param args a list of arguments """ print 'RunCommand: %s' % args proc = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=self._directory, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode is not 0: raise Exception('command "%s" failed in dir "%s": %s' % (args, self._directory, stderr)) return stdout def Checkout(self, url, path): """Check out a working copy from a repository. Returns stdout as a single string. @param url URL from which to check out the working copy @param path path (within self._directory) where the local copy will be written """ return self._RunCommand(['svn', 'checkout', url, path]) def GetNewFiles(self): """Return a list of files which are in this directory but NOT under SVN control. """ return self.GetFilesWithStatus(STATUS_NOT_UNDER_SVN_CONTROL) def GetNewAndModifiedFiles(self): """Return a list of files in this dir which are newly added or modified, including those that are not (yet) under SVN control. """ return self.GetFilesWithStatus( STATUS_ADDED | STATUS_MODIFIED | STATUS_NOT_UNDER_SVN_CONTROL) def GetFilesWithStatus(self, status): """Return a list of files in this dir with the given SVN status. @param status bitfield combining one or more STATUS_xxx values """ status_types_string = '' if status & STATUS_ADDED: status_types_string += 'A' if status & STATUS_DELETED: status_types_string += 'D' if status & STATUS_MODIFIED: status_types_string += 'M' if status & STATUS_NOT_UNDER_SVN_CONTROL: status_types_string += '\?' status_regex_string = '^[%s].....\s+(.+)$' % status_types_string stdout = self._RunCommand(['svn', 'status']) status_regex = re.compile(status_regex_string, re.MULTILINE) files = status_regex.findall(stdout) return files def AddFiles(self, filenames): """Adds these files to SVN control. @param filenames files to add to SVN control """ self._RunCommand(['svn', 'add'] + filenames) def SetProperty(self, filenames, property_name, property_value): """Sets a svn property for these files. @param filenames files to set property on @param property_name property_name to set for each file @param property_value what to set the property_name to """ if filenames: self._RunCommand( ['svn', 'propset', property_name, property_value] + filenames) def SetPropertyByFilenamePattern(self, filename_pattern, property_name, property_value): """Sets a svn property for all files matching filename_pattern. @param filename_pattern set the property for all files whose names match this Unix-style filename pattern (e.g., '*.jpg') @param property_name property_name to set for each file @param property_value what to set the property_name to """ all_files = os.listdir(self._directory) matching_files = sorted(fnmatch.filter(all_files, filename_pattern)) self.SetProperty(matching_files, property_name, property_value) def ExportBaseVersionOfFile(self, file_within_repo, dest_path): """Retrieves a copy of the base version (what you would get if you ran 'svn revert') of a file within the repository. @param file_within_repo path to the file within the repo whose base version you wish to obtain @param dest_path destination to which to write the base content """ self._RunCommand(['svn', 'export', '--revision', 'BASE', file_within_repo, dest_path])