#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import argparse import BaseHTTPServer import json import os import os.path import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import urllib2 # Grab the script path because that is where all the static assets are SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # Find the tools directory for python imports TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR) # Find the root of the skia trunk for finding skpdiff binary SKIA_ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(TOOLS_DIR) # Find the default location of gm expectations DEFAULT_GM_EXPECTATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(SKIA_ROOT_DIR, 'expectations', 'gm') # Imports from within Skia if TOOLS_DIR not in sys.path: sys.path.append(TOOLS_DIR) GM_DIR = os.path.join(SKIA_ROOT_DIR, 'gm') if GM_DIR not in sys.path: sys.path.append(GM_DIR) import gm_json import jsondiff # A simple dictionary of file name extensions to MIME types. The empty string # entry is used as the default when no extension was given or if the extension # has no entry in this dictionary. MIME_TYPE_MAP = {'': 'application/octet-stream', 'html': 'text/html', 'css': 'text/css', 'png': 'image/png', 'js': 'application/javascript', 'json': 'application/json' } IMAGE_FILENAME_RE = re.compile(gm_json.IMAGE_FILENAME_PATTERN) SKPDIFF_INVOKE_FORMAT = '{} --jsonp=false -o {} -f {} {}' def get_skpdiff_path(user_path=None): """Find the skpdiff binary. @param user_path If none, searches in Release and Debug out directories of the skia root. If set, checks that the path is a real file and returns it. """ skpdiff_path = None possible_paths = [] # Use the user given path, or try out some good default paths. if user_path: possible_paths.append(user_path) else: possible_paths.append(os.path.join(SKIA_ROOT_DIR, 'out', 'Release', 'skpdiff')) possible_paths.append(os.path.join(SKIA_ROOT_DIR, 'out', 'Release', 'skpdiff.exe')) possible_paths.append(os.path.join(SKIA_ROOT_DIR, 'out', 'Debug', 'skpdiff')) possible_paths.append(os.path.join(SKIA_ROOT_DIR, 'out', 'Debug', 'skpdiff.exe')) # Use the first path that actually points to the binary for possible_path in possible_paths: if os.path.isfile(possible_path): skpdiff_path = possible_path break # If skpdiff was not found, print out diagnostic info for the user. if skpdiff_path is None: print('Could not find skpdiff binary. Either build it into the ' + 'default directory, or specify the path on the command line.') print('skpdiff paths tried:') for possible_path in possible_paths: print(' ', possible_path) return skpdiff_path def download_file(url, output_path): """Download the file at url and place it in output_path""" reader = urllib2.urlopen(url) with open(output_path, 'wb') as writer: writer.write(reader.read()) def download_gm_image(image_name, image_path, hash_val): """Download the gm result into the given path. @param image_name The GM file name, for example imageblur_gpu.png. @param image_path Path to place the image. @param hash_val The hash value of the image. """ if hash_val is None: return # Separate the test name from a image name image_match = IMAGE_FILENAME_RE.match(image_name) test_name = image_match.group(1) # Calculate the URL of the requested image image_url = gm_json.CreateGmActualUrl( test_name, gm_json.JSONKEY_HASHTYPE_BITMAP_64BITMD5, hash_val) # Download the image as requested download_file(image_url, image_path) def get_image_set_from_skpdiff(skpdiff_records): """Get the set of all images references in the given records. @param skpdiff_records An array of records, which are dictionary objects. """ expected_set = frozenset([r['baselinePath'] for r in skpdiff_records]) actual_set = frozenset([r['testPath'] for r in skpdiff_records]) return expected_set | actual_set def set_expected_hash_in_json(expected_results_json, image_name, hash_value): """Set the expected hash for the object extracted from expected-results.json. Note that this only work with bitmap-64bitMD5 hash types. @param expected_results_json The Python dictionary with the results to modify. @param image_name The name of the image to set the hash of. @param hash_value The hash to set for the image. """ expected_results = expected_results_json[gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS] if image_name in expected_results: expected_results[image_name][gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS_ALLOWEDDIGESTS][0][1] = hash_value else: expected_results[image_name] = { gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS_ALLOWEDDIGESTS: [ [ gm_json.JSONKEY_HASHTYPE_BITMAP_64BITMD5, hash_value ] ] } def get_head_version(path): """Get the version of the file at the given path stored inside the HEAD of the git repository. It is returned as a string. @param path The path of the file whose HEAD is returned. It is assumed the path is inside a git repo rooted at SKIA_ROOT_DIR. """ # git-show will not work with absolute paths. This ensures we give it a path # relative to the skia root. This path also has to use forward slashes, even # on windows. git_path = os.path.relpath(path, SKIA_ROOT_DIR).replace('\\', '/') git_show_proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'show', 'HEAD:' + git_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # When invoked outside a shell, git will output the last committed version # of the file directly to stdout. git_version_content, _ = git_show_proc.communicate() return git_version_content class GMInstance: """Information about a GM test result on a specific device: - device_name = the name of the device that rendered it - image_name = the GM test name and config - expected_hash = the current expected hash value - actual_hash = the actual hash value - is_rebaselined = True if actual_hash is what is currently in the expected results file, False otherwise. """ def __init__(self, device_name, image_name, expected_hash, actual_hash, is_rebaselined): self.device_name = device_name self.image_name = image_name self.expected_hash = expected_hash self.actual_hash = actual_hash self.is_rebaselined = is_rebaselined class ExpectationsManager: def __init__(self, expectations_dir, expected_name, updated_name, skpdiff_path): """ @param expectations_dir The directory to traverse for results files. This should resemble expectations/gm in the Skia trunk. @param expected_name The name of the expected result files. These are in the format of expected-results.json. @param updated_name The name of the updated expected result files. Normally this matches --expectations-filename-output for the rebaseline.py tool. @param skpdiff_path The path used to execute the skpdiff command. """ self._expectations_dir = expectations_dir self._expected_name = expected_name self._updated_name = updated_name self._skpdiff_path = skpdiff_path self._generate_gm_comparison() def _generate_gm_comparison(self): """Generate all the data needed to compare GMs: - determine which GMs changed - download the changed images - compare them with skpdiff """ # Get the expectations and compare them with actual hashes self._get_expectations() # Create a temporary file tree that makes sense for skpdiff to operate # on. We take the realpath of the new temp directory because some OSs # (*cough* osx) put the temp directory behind a symlink that gets # resolved later down the pipeline and breaks the image map. image_output_dir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp('skpdiff')) expected_image_dir = os.path.join(image_output_dir, 'expected') actual_image_dir = os.path.join(image_output_dir, 'actual') os.mkdir(expected_image_dir) os.mkdir(actual_image_dir) # Download expected and actual images that differed into the temporary # file tree. self._download_expectation_images(expected_image_dir, actual_image_dir) # Invoke skpdiff with our downloaded images and place its results in the # temporary directory. self._skpdiff_output_path = os.path.join(image_output_dir, 'skpdiff_output.json') skpdiff_cmd = SKPDIFF_INVOKE_FORMAT.format(self._skpdiff_path, self._skpdiff_output_path, expected_image_dir, actual_image_dir) os.system(skpdiff_cmd) self._load_skpdiff_output() def _get_expectations(self): """Fills self._expectations with GMInstance objects for each test whose expectation is different between the following two files: - the local filesystem's updated results file - git's head version of the expected results file """ differ = jsondiff.GMDiffer() self._expectations = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._expectations_dir): for expectation_file in files: # There are many files in the expectations directory. We only # care about expected results. if expectation_file != self._expected_name: continue # Get the name of the results file, and be sure there is an # updated result to compare against. If there is not, there is # no point in diffing this device. expected_file_path = os.path.join(root, self._expected_name) updated_file_path = os.path.join(root, self._updated_name) if not os.path.isfile(updated_file_path): continue # Always get the expected results from git because we may have # changed them in a previous instance of the server. expected_contents = get_head_version(expected_file_path) updated_contents = None with open(updated_file_path, 'rb') as updated_file: updated_contents = updated_file.read() # Read the expected results on disk to determine what we've # already rebaselined. commited_contents = None with open(expected_file_path, 'rb') as expected_file: commited_contents = expected_file.read() # Find all expectations that did not match. expected_diff = differ.GenerateDiffDictFromStrings( expected_contents, updated_contents) # Generate a set of images that have already been rebaselined # onto disk. rebaselined_diff = differ.GenerateDiffDictFromStrings( expected_contents, commited_contents) rebaselined_set = set(rebaselined_diff.keys()) # The name of the device corresponds to the name of the folder # we are in. device_name = os.path.basename(root) # Store old and new versions of the expectation for each GM for image_name, hashes in expected_diff.iteritems(): self._expectations.append( GMInstance(device_name, image_name, hashes['old'], hashes['new'], image_name in rebaselined_set)) def _load_skpdiff_output(self): """Loads the results of skpdiff and annotates them with whether they have already been rebaselined or not. The resulting data is store in self.skpdiff_records.""" self.skpdiff_records = None with open(self._skpdiff_output_path, 'rb') as skpdiff_output_file: self.skpdiff_records = json.load(skpdiff_output_file)['records'] for record in self.skpdiff_records: record['isRebaselined'] = self.image_map[record['baselinePath']][1].is_rebaselined def _download_expectation_images(self, expected_image_dir, actual_image_dir): """Download the expected and actual images for the _expectations array. @param expected_image_dir The directory to download expected images into. @param actual_image_dir The directory to download actual images into. """ image_map = {} # Look through expectations and download their images. for expectation in self._expectations: # Build appropriate paths to download the images into. expected_image_path = os.path.join(expected_image_dir, expectation.device_name + '-' + expectation.image_name) actual_image_path = os.path.join(actual_image_dir, expectation.device_name + '-' + expectation.image_name) print('Downloading %s for device %s' % ( expectation.image_name, expectation.device_name)) # Download images download_gm_image(expectation.image_name, expected_image_path, expectation.expected_hash) download_gm_image(expectation.image_name, actual_image_path, expectation.actual_hash) # Annotate the expectations with where the images were downloaded # to. expectation.expected_image_path = expected_image_path expectation.actual_image_path = actual_image_path # Map the image paths back to the expectations. image_map[expected_image_path] = (False, expectation) image_map[actual_image_path] = (True, expectation) self.image_map = image_map def _set_expected_hash(self, device_name, image_name, hash_value): """Set the expected hash for the image of the given device. This always writes directly to the expected results file of the given device @param device_name The name of the device to write the hash to. @param image_name The name of the image whose hash to set. @param hash_value The value of the hash to set. """ # Retrieve the expected results file as it is in the working tree json_path = os.path.join(self._expectations_dir, device_name, self._expected_name) expectations = gm_json.LoadFromFile(json_path) # Set the specified hash. set_expected_hash_in_json(expectations, image_name, hash_value) # Write it out to disk using gm_json to keep the formatting consistent. gm_json.WriteToFile(expectations, json_path) def commit_rebaselines(self, rebaselines): """Sets the expected results file to use the hashes of the images in the rebaselines list. If a expected result image is not in rebaselines at all, the old hash will be used. @param rebaselines A list of image paths to use the hash of. """ # Reset all expectations to their old hashes because some of them may # have been set to the new hash by a previous call to this function. for expectation in self._expectations: expectation.is_rebaselined = False self._set_expected_hash(expectation.device_name, expectation.image_name, expectation.expected_hash) # Take all the images to rebaseline for image_path in rebaselines: # Get the metadata about the image at the path. is_actual, expectation = self.image_map[image_path] expectation.is_rebaselined = is_actual expectation_hash = expectation.actual_hash if is_actual else\ expectation.expected_hash # Write out that image's hash directly to the expected results file. self._set_expected_hash(expectation.device_name, expectation.image_name, expectation_hash) self._load_skpdiff_output() class SkPDiffHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def send_file(self, file_path): # Grab the extension if there is one extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] if len(extension) >= 1: extension = extension[1:] # Determine the MIME type of the file from its extension mime_type = MIME_TYPE_MAP.get(extension, MIME_TYPE_MAP['']) # Open the file and send it over HTTP if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, 'rb') as sending_file: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', mime_type) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(sending_file.read()) else: self.send_error(404) def serve_if_in_dir(self, dir_path, file_path): # Determine if the file exists relative to the given dir_path AND exists # under the dir_path. This is to prevent accidentally serving files # outside the directory intended using symlinks, or '../'. real_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir_path, file_path)) if os.path.commonprefix([real_path, dir_path]) == dir_path: if os.path.isfile(real_path): self.send_file(real_path) return True return False def do_GET(self): # Simple rewrite rule of the root path to 'viewer.html' if self.path == '' or self.path == '/': self.path = '/viewer.html' # The [1:] chops off the leading '/' file_path = self.path[1:] # Handle skpdiff_output.json manually because it is was processed by the # server when it was started and does not exist as a file. if file_path == 'skpdiff_output.json': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', MIME_TYPE_MAP['json']) self.end_headers() # Add JSONP padding to the JSON because the web page expects it. It # expects it because it was designed to run with or without a web # server. Without a web server, the only way to load JSON is with # JSONP. skpdiff_records = self.server.expectations_manager.skpdiff_records self.wfile.write('var SkPDiffRecords = ') json.dump({'records': skpdiff_records}, self.wfile) self.wfile.write(';') return # Attempt to send static asset files first. if self.serve_if_in_dir(SCRIPT_DIR, file_path): return # WARNING: Serving any file the user wants is incredibly insecure. Its # redeeming quality is that we only serve gm files on a white list. if self.path in self.server.image_set: self.send_file(self.path) return # If no file to send was found, just give the standard 404 self.send_error(404) def do_POST(self): if self.path == '/commit_rebaselines': content_length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) request_data = json.loads(self.rfile.read(content_length)) rebaselines = request_data['rebaselines'] self.server.expectations_manager.commit_rebaselines(rebaselines) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write('{"success":true}') return # If the we have no handler for this path, give em' the 404 self.send_error(404) def run_server(expectations_manager, port=8080): # It's important to parse the results file so that we can make a set of # images that the web page might request. skpdiff_records = expectations_manager.skpdiff_records image_set = get_image_set_from_skpdiff(skpdiff_records) # Do not bind to interfaces other than localhost because the server will # attempt to serve files relative to the root directory as a last resort # before 404ing. This means all of your files can be accessed from this # server, so DO NOT let this server listen to anything but localhost. server_address = ('', port) http_server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(server_address, SkPDiffHandler) http_server.image_set = image_set http_server.expectations_manager = expectations_manager print('Navigate thine browser to: http://{}:{}/'.format(*server_address)) http_server.serve_forever() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', metavar='PORT', type=int, default=8080, help='port to bind the server to; ' + 'defaults to %(default)s', ) parser.add_argument('--expectations-dir', metavar='EXPECTATIONS_DIR', default=DEFAULT_GM_EXPECTATIONS_DIR, help='path to the gm expectations; ' + 'defaults to %(default)s' ) parser.add_argument('--expected', metavar='EXPECTATIONS_FILE_NAME', default='expected-results.json', help='the file name of the expectations JSON; ' + 'defaults to %(default)s' ) parser.add_argument('--updated', metavar='UPDATED_FILE_NAME', default='updated-results.json', help='the file name of the updated expectations JSON;' + ' defaults to %(default)s' ) parser.add_argument('--skpdiff-path', metavar='SKPDIFF_PATH', default=None, help='the path to the skpdiff binary to use; ' + 'defaults to out/Release/skpdiff or out/Default/skpdiff' ) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) # Convert args into a python dict # Make sure we have access to an skpdiff binary skpdiff_path = get_skpdiff_path(args['skpdiff_path']) if skpdiff_path is None: sys.exit(1) # Print out the paths of things for easier debugging print('script dir :', SCRIPT_DIR) print('tools dir :', TOOLS_DIR) print('root dir :', SKIA_ROOT_DIR) print('expectations dir :', args['expectations_dir']) print('skpdiff path :', skpdiff_path) expectations_manager = ExpectationsManager(args['expectations_dir'], args['expected'], args['updated'], skpdiff_path) run_server(expectations_manager, port=args['port']) if __name__ == '__main__': main()