/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ // TODO(djsollen): Rename this whole package (perhaps to "SkMultiDiffer"). // It's not just for "pdiff" (perceptual diffs)--it's a harness that allows // the execution of an arbitrary set of difference algorithms. // See http://skbug.com/2711 ('rename skpdiff') #include "SkTypes.h" #if SK_SUPPORT_OPENCL #define __NO_STD_VECTOR // Uses cl::vectpr instead of std::vectpr #define __NO_STD_STRING // Uses cl::STRING_CLASS instead of std::string #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) // Note that some macs don't have this header and it can be downloaded from the Khronos registry # include #else # include #endif #endif #include "SkCommandLineFlags.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTDArray.h" #include "SkTaskGroup.h" #include "SkDifferentPixelsMetric.h" #include "SkDiffContext.h" #include "SkImageDiffer.h" #include "SkPMetric.h" #include "skpdiff_util.h" #include "SkForceLinking.h" __SK_FORCE_IMAGE_DECODER_LINKING; // Command line argument definitions go here DEFINE_bool2(list, l, false, "List out available differs"); DEFINE_string2(differs, d, "", "The names of the differs to use or all of them by default"); DEFINE_string2(folders, f, "", "Compare two folders with identical subfile names: "); DEFINE_string2(patterns, p, "", "Use two patterns to compare images: "); DEFINE_string2(output, o, "", "Writes a JSON summary of these diffs to file: "); DEFINE_string(alphaDir, "", "If the differ can generate an alpha mask, write it into directory: "); DEFINE_string(rgbDiffDir, "", "If the differ can generate an image showing the RGB diff at each pixel, write it into directory: "); DEFINE_string(whiteDiffDir, "", "If the differ can generate an image showing every changed pixel in white, write it into directory: "); DEFINE_bool(jsonp, true, "Output JSON with padding"); DEFINE_string(csv, "", "Writes the output of these diffs to a csv file: "); DEFINE_int32(threads, -1, "run N threads in parallel [default is derived from CPUs available]"); DEFINE_bool(longnames, false, "Output image names are a combination of baseline and test names"); #if SK_SUPPORT_OPENCL /// A callback for any OpenCL errors static void CL_CALLBACK error_notify(const char* errorInfo, const void* privateInfoSize, ::size_t cb, void* userData) { SkDebugf("OpenCL error notify: %s\n", errorInfo); exit(1); } /// Creates a device and context with OpenCL static bool init_device_and_context(cl::Device* device, cl::Context* context) { // Query for a platform cl::vector platformList; cl::Platform::get(&platformList); SkDebugf("The number of platforms is %u\n", platformList.size()); // Print some information about the platform for debugging cl::Platform& platform = platformList[0]; cl::STRING_CLASS platformName; platform.getInfo(CL_PLATFORM_NAME, &platformName); SkDebugf("Platform index 0 is named %s\n", platformName.c_str()); // Query for a device cl::vector deviceList; platform.getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, &deviceList); SkDebugf("The number of devices is %u\n", deviceList.size()); // Print some information about the device for debugging *device = deviceList[0]; cl::STRING_CLASS deviceName; device->getInfo(CL_DEVICE_NAME, &deviceName); SkDebugf("Device index 0 is named %s\n", deviceName.c_str()); // Create a CL context and check for all errors cl_int contextErr = CL_SUCCESS; *context = cl::Context(deviceList, NULL, error_notify, NULL, &contextErr); if (contextErr != CL_SUCCESS) { SkDebugf("Context creation failed: %s\n", cl_error_to_string(contextErr)); return false; } return true; } static bool init_cl_diff(SkImageDiffer* differ) { // Setup OpenCL cl::Device device; cl::Context context; if (!init_device_and_context(&device, &context)) { return false; } // Setup our differ of choice SkCLImageDiffer* clDiffer = (SkCLImageDiffer*)differ; return clDiffer->init(device(), context()); } #endif // TODO Find a better home for the diff registry. One possibility is to have the differs self // register. // List here every differ SkDifferentPixelsMetric gDiffPixel; SkPMetric gPDiff; // A null terminated array of pointer to every differ declared above SkImageDiffer* gDiffers[] = { &gDiffPixel, &gPDiff, NULL }; int tool_main(int argc, char * argv[]); int tool_main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // Setup command line parsing SkCommandLineFlags::SetUsage("Compare images using various metrics."); SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv); // Needed by various Skia components SkAutoGraphics ag; SkTaskGroup::Enabler enabled; if (FLAGS_list) { SkDebugf("Available Metrics:\n"); } // Figure which differs the user chose, and optionally print them if the user requests it SkTDArray chosenDiffers; for (int differIndex = 0; gDiffers[differIndex]; differIndex++) { SkImageDiffer* differ = gDiffers[differIndex]; if (FLAGS_list) { SkDebugf(" %s", differ->getName()); SkDebugf("\n"); } // Check if this differ was chosen by any of the flags. Initialize them if they were chosen. if (FLAGS_differs.isEmpty()) { // If no differs were chosen, they all get added if (differ->requiresOpenCL()) { #if SK_SUPPORT_OPENCL init_cl_diff(differ); chosenDiffers.push(differ); #endif } else { chosenDiffers.push(differ); } } else { for (int flagIndex = 0; flagIndex < FLAGS_differs.count(); flagIndex++) { if (SkString(FLAGS_differs[flagIndex]).equals(differ->getName())) { // Initialize OpenCL for the differ if it needs it and support was compiled in. if (differ->requiresOpenCL()) { #if SK_SUPPORT_OPENCL init_cl_diff(differ); chosenDiffers.push(differ); #endif } else { chosenDiffers.push(differ); } break; } } } } // Don't attempt to initialize the differ if we aren't going to use it if (FLAGS_folders.isEmpty() && FLAGS_patterns.isEmpty()) { return 0; } // Validate command line flags if (!FLAGS_folders.isEmpty()) { if (2 != FLAGS_folders.count()) { SkDebugf("Folders flag expects two arguments: \n"); return 1; } } if (!FLAGS_patterns.isEmpty()) { if (2 != FLAGS_patterns.count()) { SkDebugf("Patterns flag expects two arguments: \n"); return 1; } } if (!FLAGS_csv.isEmpty()) { if (1 != FLAGS_csv.count()) { SkDebugf("csv flag expects one argument: \n"); return 1; } } if (!FLAGS_alphaDir.isEmpty()) { if (1 != FLAGS_alphaDir.count()) { SkDebugf("alphaDir flag expects one argument: \n"); return 1; } } if (!FLAGS_rgbDiffDir.isEmpty()) { if (1 != FLAGS_rgbDiffDir.count()) { SkDebugf("rgbDiffDir flag expects one argument: \n"); return 1; } } if (!FLAGS_whiteDiffDir.isEmpty()) { if (1 != FLAGS_whiteDiffDir.count()) { SkDebugf("whiteDiffDir flag expects one argument: \n"); return 1; } } SkDiffContext ctx; ctx.setDiffers(chosenDiffers); ctx.setLongNames(FLAGS_longnames); if (!FLAGS_alphaDir.isEmpty()) { ctx.setAlphaMaskDir(SkString(FLAGS_alphaDir[0])); } if (!FLAGS_rgbDiffDir.isEmpty()) { ctx.setRgbDiffDir(SkString(FLAGS_rgbDiffDir[0])); } if (!FLAGS_whiteDiffDir.isEmpty()) { ctx.setWhiteDiffDir(SkString(FLAGS_whiteDiffDir[0])); } if (FLAGS_threads >= 0) { ctx.setThreadCount(FLAGS_threads); } // Perform a folder diff if one is requested if (!FLAGS_folders.isEmpty()) { ctx.diffDirectories(FLAGS_folders[0], FLAGS_folders[1]); } // Perform a pattern diff if one is requested if (!FLAGS_patterns.isEmpty()) { ctx.diffPatterns(FLAGS_patterns[0], FLAGS_patterns[1]); } // Output to the file specified if (!FLAGS_output.isEmpty()) { SkFILEWStream outputStream(FLAGS_output[0]); ctx.outputRecords(outputStream, FLAGS_jsonp); } if (!FLAGS_csv.isEmpty()) { SkFILEWStream outputStream(FLAGS_csv[0]); ctx.outputCsv(outputStream); } return 0; } #if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { return tool_main(argc, (char**) argv); } #endif