var MAX_SWAP_IMG_SIZE = 400; var MAGNIFIER_WIDTH = 200; var MAGNIFIER_HEIGHT = 200; var MAGNIFIER_HALF_WIDTH = MAGNIFIER_WIDTH * 0.5; var MAGNIFIER_HALF_HEIGHT = MAGNIFIER_HEIGHT * 0.5; // TODO add support for a magnified scale factor var MAGNIFIER_SCALE_FACTOR = 2.0; angular.module('diff_viewer', []). directive('imgCompare', function() { // Custom directive for comparing (3-way) images return { restrict: 'E', // The directive can be used as an element name replace: true, // The directive replaces itself with the template template: '', scope: true, link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { var image = new Image(); var canvas = elm[0]; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var magnifyContent = false; var maskCanvas = false; // When the type attribute changes, load the image and then render attrs.$observe('type', function(value) { switch(value) { case "alphaMask": image.src = scope.record.differencePath; maskCanvas = true; break; case "baseline": image.src = scope.record.baselinePath; magnifyContent = true; break; case "test": image.src = scope.record.testPath; magnifyContent = true; break; default: console.log("Unknown type attribute on : " + value); return; } image.onload = function() { // compute the scaled image width/height for image and canvas var divisor = 1; // Make it so the maximum size of an image is MAX_SWAP_IMG_SIZE, // and the images are scaled down in halves. while ((image.width / divisor) > MAX_SWAP_IMG_SIZE) { divisor *= 2; } scope.setImgScaleFactor(1 / divisor); // Set canvas to correct size canvas.width = image.width * scope.imgScaleFactor; canvas.height = image.height * scope.imgScaleFactor; // update the size for non-alphaMask canvas when loading baseline image if (!scope.maskSizeUpdated) { if (!maskCanvas) { scope.updateMaskCanvasSize({width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height}); } scope.maskCanvasSizeUpdated(true); } // render the image onto the canvas scope.renderImage(); } }); // when updatedMaskSize changes, update mask canvas size. scope.$watch('updatedMaskSize', function(updatedSize) { if (!maskCanvas) { return; } canvas.width = updatedSize.width; canvas.height = updatedSize.height; }); // When the magnify attribute changes, render the magnified rect at // the default zoom level. scope.$watch('magnifyCenter', function(magCenter) { if (!magnifyContent) { return; } scope.renderImage(); if (!magCenter) { return; } var magX = magCenter.x - MAGNIFIER_HALF_WIDTH; var magY = magCenter.y - MAGNIFIER_HALF_HEIGHT; var magMaxX = canvas.width - MAGNIFIER_WIDTH; var magMaxY = canvas.height - MAGNIFIER_HEIGHT; var magRect = { x: Math.max(0, Math.min(magX, magMaxX)), y: Math.max(0, Math.min(magY, magMaxY)), width: MAGNIFIER_WIDTH, height: MAGNIFIER_HEIGHT }; var imgRect = { x: (magCenter.x / scope.imgScaleFactor) - MAGNIFIER_HALF_WIDTH, y: (magCenter.y / scope.imgScaleFactor) - MAGNIFIER_HALF_HEIGHT, width: MAGNIFIER_WIDTH, height: MAGNIFIER_HEIGHT }; // draw the magnified image ctx.clearRect(magRect.x, magRect.y, magRect.width, magRect.height); ctx.drawImage(image, imgRect.x, imgRect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height, magRect.x, magRect.y, magRect.width, magRect.height); // draw the outline rect ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(magRect.x, magRect.y, magRect.width, magRect.height); ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; ctx.stroke(); }); // render the image to the canvas. This is often done every frame prior // to any special effects (i.e. magnification). scope.renderImage = function() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); }; // compute a rect (x,y,width,height) that represents the bounding box for // the magnification effect scope.computeMagnifierOutline = function(event) { var scaledWidth = MAGNIFIER_WIDTH * scope.imgScaleFactor; var scaledHeight = MAGNIFIER_HEIGHT * scope.imgScaleFactor; return { x: event.offsetX - (scaledWidth * 0.5), y: event.offsetY - (scaledHeight * 0.5), width: scaledWidth, height: scaledHeight }; }; // event handler for mouse events that triggers the magnification // effect across the 3 images being compared. scope.MagnifyDraw = function(event, startMagnify) { if (startMagnify) { scope.setMagnifierState(true); } else if (!scope.magnifierOn) { return; } scope.renderImage(); // render the magnifier outline rect var rect = scope.computeMagnifierOutline(event);; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // update scope on baseline / test that will cause them to render scope.setMagnifyCenter({x: event.offsetX, y: event.offsetY}); }; // event handler that triggers the end of the magnification effect and // resets all the canvases to their original state. scope.MagnifyEnd = function(event) { scope.renderImage(); // update scope on baseline / test that will cause them to render scope.setMagnifierState(false); scope.setMagnifyCenter(undefined); }; } }; }); function ImageController($scope, $http, $location, $timeout, $parse) { $scope.imgScaleFactor = 1.0; $scope.magnifierOn = false; $scope.magnifyCenter = undefined; $scope.updatedMaskSize = undefined; $scope.maskSizeUpdated = false; $scope.setImgScaleFactor = function(scaleFactor) { $scope.imgScaleFactor = scaleFactor; } $scope.setMagnifierState = function(magnifierOn) { $scope.magnifierOn = magnifierOn; } $scope.setMagnifyCenter = function(magnifyCenter) { $scope.magnifyCenter = magnifyCenter; } $scope.updateMaskCanvasSize = function(updatedSize) { $scope.updatedMaskSize = updatedSize; } $scope.maskCanvasSizeUpdated = function(flag) { $scope.maskSizeUpdated = flag; } } function DiffListController($scope, $http, $location, $timeout, $parse) { // Detect if we are running the web server version of the viewer. If so, we set a flag and // enable some extra functionality of the website for rebaselining. $scope.isDynamic = ($location.protocol() == "http" || $location.protocol() == "https"); // Label each kind of differ for the sort buttons. $scope.differs = [ { "title": "Different Pixels" }, { "title": "Perceptual Difference" } ]; // Puts the records within AngularJS scope $scope.records = SkPDiffRecords.records; // Keep track of the index of the last record to change so that shift clicking knows what range // of records to apply the action to. $scope.lastSelectedIndex = undefined; // Indicates which diff metric is used for sorting $scope.sortIndex = 1; // Called by the sort buttons to adjust the metric used for sorting $scope.setSortIndex = function(idx) { $scope.sortIndex = idx; // Because the index of things has most likely changed, the ranges of shift clicking no // longer make sense from the user's point of view. We reset it to avoid confusion. $scope.lastSelectedIndex = undefined; }; // A predicate for pulling out the number used for sorting $scope.sortingDiffer = function(record) { return record.diffs[$scope.sortIndex].result; }; // Flash status indicator on the page, and then remove it so the style can potentially be // reapplied later. $scope.flashStatus = function(success) { var flashStyle = success ? "success-flash" : "failure-flash"; var flashDurationMillis = success ? 500 : 800; // Store the style in the record. The row will pick up the style this way instead of through // index because index can change with sort order. $scope.statusClass = flashStyle; // The animation cannot be repeated unless the class is removed the element. $timeout(function() { $scope.statusClass = ""; }, flashDurationMillis); }; $scope.selectedRebaseline = function(index, event) { // Retrieve the records in the same order they are displayed. var recordsInOrder = $parse("records | orderBy:sortingDiffer")($scope); // If the user is shift clicking, apply the last tick/untick to all elements in between this // record, and the last one they ticked/unticked. if (event.shiftKey && $scope.lastSelectedIndex !== undefined) { var currentAction = recordsInOrder[index].isRebaselined; var smallerIndex = Math.min($scope.lastSelectedIndex, index); var largerIndex = Math.max($scope.lastSelectedIndex, index); for (var recordIndex = smallerIndex; recordIndex <= largerIndex; recordIndex++) { recordsInOrder[recordIndex].isRebaselined = currentAction; } $scope.lastSelectedIndex = index; } else { $scope.lastSelectedIndex = index; } }; $scope.commitRebaselines = function() { // Gather up all records that have the rebaseline set. var rebaselines = []; for (var recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < $scope.records.length; recordIndex++) { if ($scope.records[recordIndex].isRebaselined) { rebaselines.push($scope.records[recordIndex].testPath); } } $"/commit_rebaselines", { "rebaselines": rebaselines }).success(function(data) { $scope.flashStatus(data.success); }).error(function() { $scope.flashStatus(false); }); }; }