clips = 0 draws = 0 clipPaths = 0 drawPaths = 0 swClipPaths = 0 swDrawPaths = 0 skpsTotal = 0 skpsWithPath = 0 skpsWithSWPath = 0 dofile("/tmp/lua-output") io.write("Number of clips: ", clips, "\n"); io.write("Number of draws: ", draws, "\n"); io.write("Number of clipped paths: ", clipPaths, "\n"); io.write("Number of drawn paths: ", drawPaths, "\n"); io.write("Number of clipped software paths: ", swClipPaths, "\n"); io.write("Number of drawn software paths: ", swDrawPaths, "\n"); io.write("\n") io.write("Number of SKPs total: ", skpsTotal, "\n") io.write("Number of SKPs that draw paths: ", skpsWithPath, "\n") io.write("Number of SKPs that draw SW paths: ", skpsWithSWPath, "\n") io.write("\n") io.write("\n") totalSWPaths = swDrawPaths + swClipPaths totalPaths = drawPaths + clipPaths io.write("Percentage of paths needing software: ", (100*(totalSWPaths / totalPaths)), "\n") io.write("Percentage of draws/clips needing software: ", (100*(totalSWPaths / (draws + clips))), "\n") io.write("\n") io.write("Percentage of SKPs that draw paths: ", (100*(skpsWithPath / skpsTotal)), "\n") io.write("Percentage of SKPs that draw SW paths: ", (100*(skpsWithSWPath / skpsTotal)), "\n")