#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Run the given command through LLVM's coverage tools.""" import argparse import json import os import re import shlex import subprocess import sys BUILDTYPE = 'Coverage' OUT_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join('out', BUILDTYPE)) PROFILE_DATA = 'default.profraw' PROFILE_DATA_MERGED = 'prof_merged' def _fix_filename(filename): """Return a filename which we can use to identify the file. The file paths printed by llvm-cov take the form: /path/to/repo/out/dir/../../src/filename.cpp And then they're truncated to 22 characters with leading ellipses: ...../../src/filename.cpp This makes it really tough to determine whether the file actually belongs in the Skia repo. This function strips out the leading junk so that, if the file exists in the repo, the returned string matches the end of some relative path in the repo. This doesn't guarantee correctness, but it's about as close as we can get. """ return filename.split('..')[-1].lstrip('./') def _filter_results(results): """Filter out any results for files not in the Skia repo. We run through the list of checked-in files and determine whether each file belongs in the repo. Unfortunately, llvm-cov leaves us with fragments of the file paths, so we can't guarantee accuracy. See the docstring for _fix_filename for more details. """ all_files = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'ls-files']).splitlines() filtered = [] for percent, filename in results: new_file = _fix_filename(filename) matched = [] for f in all_files: if f.endswith(new_file): matched.append(f) if len(matched) == 1: filtered.append((percent, matched[0])) elif len(matched) > 1: print >> sys.stderr, ('WARNING: multiple matches for %s; skipping:\n\t%s' % (new_file, '\n\t'.join(matched))) print 'Filtered out %d files.' % (len(results) - len(filtered)) return filtered def run_coverage(cmd): """Run the given command and return per-file coverage data. Assumes that the binary has been built using llvm_coverage_build and that LLVM 3.6 or newer is installed. """ binary_path = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, cmd[0]) subprocess.call([binary_path] + cmd[1:]) try: subprocess.check_call( ['llvm-profdata', 'merge', PROFILE_DATA, '-output=%s' % PROFILE_DATA_MERGED]) finally: os.remove(PROFILE_DATA) try: report = subprocess.check_output( ['llvm-cov', 'report', '-instr-profile', PROFILE_DATA_MERGED, binary_path]) finally: os.remove(PROFILE_DATA_MERGED) results = [] for line in report.splitlines()[2:-2]: filename, _, _, cover, _, _ = shlex.split(line) percent = float(cover.split('%')[0]) results.append((percent, filename)) results = _filter_results(results) results.sort() return results def _testname(filename): """Transform the file name into an ingestible test name.""" return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', filename) def _nanobench_json(results, properties, key): """Return the results in JSON format like that produced by nanobench.""" rv = {} # Copy over the properties first, then set the 'key' and 'results' keys, # in order to avoid bad formatting in case the user passes in a properties # dict containing those keys. rv.update(properties) rv['key'] = key rv['results'] = { _testname(f): { 'coverage': { 'percent': percent, 'options': { 'fullname': f, 'dir': os.path.dirname(f), }, }, } for percent, f in results } return rv def _parse_key_value(kv_list): """Return a dict whose key/value pairs are derived from the given list. For example: ['k1', 'v1', 'k2', 'v2'] becomes: {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'} """ if len(kv_list) % 2 != 0: raise Exception('Invalid key/value pairs: %s' % kv_list) rv = {} for i in xrange(len(kv_list) / 2): rv[kv_list[i*2]] = kv_list[i*2+1] return rv def main(): """Run coverage and generate a report.""" # Parse args. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--outResultsFile') parser.add_argument( '--key', metavar='key_or_value', nargs='+', help='key/value pairs identifying this bot.') parser.add_argument( '--properties', metavar='key_or_value', nargs='+', help='key/value pairs representing properties of this build.') args, cmd = parser.parse_known_args() key = _parse_key_value(args.key) properties = _parse_key_value(args.properties) # Run coverage. results = run_coverage(cmd) # Write results. format_results = _nanobench_json(results, properties, key) if args.outResultsFile: with open(args.outResultsFile, 'w') as f: json.dump(format_results, f) else: print json.dumps(format_results, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()