/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "bookmaker.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkOSPath.h" #define FPRINTF(...) \ if (fDebugOut) { \ SkDebugf(__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ fprintf(fOut, __VA_ARGS__) static void add_ref(const string& leadingSpaces, const string& ref, string* result) { *result += leadingSpaces + ref; } static string preformat(const string& orig) { string result; for (auto c : orig) { if ('<' == c) { result += "<"; } else if ('>' == c) { result += ">"; } else { result += c; } } return result; } static bool all_lower(const string& ref) { for (auto ch : ref) { if (!islower(ch)) { return false; } } return true; } // FIXME: preserve inter-line spaces and don't add new ones string MdOut::addReferences(const char* refStart, const char* refEnd, BmhParser::Resolvable resolvable) { string result; MethodParser t(fRoot ? fRoot->fName : string(), fFileName, refStart, refEnd, fLineCount); bool lineStart = true; string ref; string leadingSpaces; int distFromParam = 99; do { ++distFromParam; const char* base = t.fChar; t.skipWhiteSpace(); const char* wordStart = t.fChar; t.skipToMethodStart(); const char* start = t.fChar; if (wordStart < start) { if (lineStart) { lineStart = false; } else { wordStart = base; } result += string(wordStart, start - wordStart); if ('\n' != result.back()) { while (start > wordStart && '\n' == start[-1]) { result += '\n'; --start; } } } if (lineStart) { lineStart = false; } else { leadingSpaces = string(base, wordStart - base); } t.skipToMethodEnd(); if (base == t.fChar) { if (!t.eof() && '~' == base[0] && !isalnum(base[1])) { t.next(); } else { break; } } if (start >= t.fChar) { continue; } if (!t.eof() && '"' == t.peek() && start > wordStart && '"' == start[-1]) { continue; } ref = string(start, t.fChar - start); if (const Definition* def = this->isDefined(t, ref, BmhParser::Resolvable::kOut != resolvable)) { if (MarkType::kExternal == def->fMarkType) { add_ref(leadingSpaces, ref, &result); continue; } SkASSERT(def->fFiddle.length()); if (!t.eof() && '(' == t.peek() && t.strnchr(')', t.fEnd)) { if (!t.skipToEndBracket(')')) { t.reportError("missing close paren"); return result; } t.next(); string fullRef = string(start, t.fChar - start); // if _2 etc alternates are defined, look for paren match // may ignore () if ref is all lower case // otherwise flag as error int suffix = '2'; bool foundMatch = false; const Definition* altDef = def; while (altDef && suffix <= '9') { if ((foundMatch = altDef->paramsMatch(fullRef, ref))) { def = altDef; ref = fullRef; break; } string altTest = ref + '_'; altTest += suffix++; altDef = this->isDefined(t, altTest, false); } if (suffix > '9') { t.reportError("too many alts"); return result; } if (!foundMatch) { if (!(def = this->isDefined(t, fullRef, BmhParser::Resolvable::kOut != resolvable))) { if (!result.size()) { t.reportError("missing method"); } return result; } ref = fullRef; } } else if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kClone != resolvable && all_lower(ref) && (t.eof() || '(' != t.peek())) { add_ref(leadingSpaces, ref, &result); continue; } result += linkRef(leadingSpaces, def, ref, resolvable); continue; } if (!t.eof() && '(' == t.peek()) { if (!t.skipToEndBracket(')')) { t.reportError("missing close paren"); return result; } t.next(); ref = string(start, t.fChar - start); if (const Definition* def = this->isDefined(t, ref, true)) { SkASSERT(def->fFiddle.length()); result += linkRef(leadingSpaces, def, ref, resolvable); continue; } } // class, struct, and enum start with capitals // methods may start with upper (static) or lower (most) // see if this should have been a findable reference // look for Sk / sk / SK .. if (!ref.compare(0, 2, "Sk") && ref != "Skew" && ref != "Skews" && ref != "Skip" && ref != "Skips") { t.reportError("missed Sk prefixed"); return result; } if (!ref.compare(0, 2, "SK")) { if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kOut != resolvable) { t.reportError("missed SK prefixed"); } return result; } if (!isupper(start[0])) { // TODO: // look for all lowercase w/o trailing parens as mistaken method matches // will also need to see if Example Description matches var in example const Definition* def; if (fMethod && (def = fMethod->hasParam(ref))) { result += linkRef(leadingSpaces, def, ref, resolvable); fLastParam = def; distFromParam = 0; continue; } else if (!fInDescription && ref[0] != '0' && string::npos != ref.find_first_of("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")) { // FIXME: see isDefined(); check to see if fXX is a member of xx.fXX if (('f' != ref[0] && string::npos == ref.find("()")) // || '.' != t.backup(ref.c_str()) && ('k' != ref[0] && string::npos == ref.find("_Private"))) { if ('.' == wordStart[0] && (distFromParam >= 1 && distFromParam <= 16)) { const Definition* paramType = this->findParamType(); if (paramType) { string fullName = paramType->fName + "::" + ref; if (paramType->hasMatch(fullName)) { result += linkRef(leadingSpaces, paramType, ref, resolvable); continue; } } } if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kOut != resolvable) { t.reportError("missed camelCase"); return result; } } } add_ref(leadingSpaces, ref, &result); continue; } auto topicIter = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(ref); if (topicIter != fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end()) { result += linkRef(leadingSpaces, topicIter->second, ref, resolvable); continue; } bool startsSentence = t.sentenceEnd(start); if (!t.eof() && ' ' != t.peek()) { add_ref(leadingSpaces, ref, &result); continue; } if (t.fChar + 1 >= t.fEnd || (!isupper(t.fChar[1]) && startsSentence)) { add_ref(leadingSpaces, ref, &result); continue; } if (isupper(t.fChar[1]) && startsSentence) { TextParser next(t.fFileName, &t.fChar[1], t.fEnd, t.fLineCount); string nextWord(next.fChar, next.wordEnd() - next.fChar); if (this->isDefined(t, nextWord, true)) { add_ref(leadingSpaces, ref, &result); continue; } } const Definition* test = fRoot; do { if (!test->isRoot()) { continue; } for (string prefix : { "_", "::" } ) { const RootDefinition* root = test->asRoot(); string prefixed = root->fName + prefix + ref; if (const Definition* def = root->find(prefixed, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { result += linkRef(leadingSpaces, def, ref, resolvable); goto found; } } } while ((test = test->fParent)); found: if (!test) { if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kOut != resolvable) { t.reportError("undefined reference"); } } } while (!t.eof()); return result; } bool MdOut::buildReferences(const char* docDir, const char* mdFileOrPath) { if (!sk_isdir(mdFileOrPath)) { SkString mdFile = SkOSPath::Basename(mdFileOrPath); SkString bmhFile = SkOSPath::Join(docDir, mdFile.c_str()); bmhFile.remove(bmhFile.size() - 3, 3); bmhFile += ".bmh"; SkString mdPath = SkOSPath::Dirname(mdFileOrPath); if (!this->buildRefFromFile(bmhFile.c_str(), mdPath.c_str())) { SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", mdFileOrPath); return false; } } else { SkOSFile::Iter it(docDir, ".bmh"); for (SkString file; it.next(&file); ) { SkString p = SkOSPath::Join(docDir, file.c_str()); const char* hunk = p.c_str(); if (!SkStrEndsWith(hunk, ".bmh")) { continue; } if (SkStrEndsWith(hunk, "markup.bmh")) { // don't look inside this for now continue; } if (!this->buildRefFromFile(hunk, mdFileOrPath)) { SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", hunk); return false; } } } return true; } bool MdOut::buildStatus(const char* statusFile, const char* outDir) { StatusIter iter(statusFile, ".bmh", StatusFilter::kInProgress); for (string file; iter.next(&file); ) { SkString p = SkOSPath::Join(iter.baseDir().c_str(), file.c_str()); const char* hunk = p.c_str(); if (!this->buildRefFromFile(hunk, outDir)) { SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", hunk); return false; } } return true; } bool MdOut::buildRefFromFile(const char* name, const char* outDir) { fFileName = string(name); string filename(name); if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 4) == ".bmh") { filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4); } size_t start = filename.length(); while (start > 0 && (isalnum(filename[start - 1]) || '_' == filename[start - 1])) { --start; } string match = filename.substr(start); string header = match; filename = match + ".md"; match += ".bmh"; fOut = nullptr; string fullName; vector keys; keys.reserve(fBmhParser.fTopicMap.size()); for (const auto& it : fBmhParser.fTopicMap) { keys.push_back(it.first); } std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end()); for (auto key : keys) { string s(key); auto topicDef = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.at(s); if (topicDef->fParent) { continue; } if (!topicDef->isRoot()) { return this->reportError("expected root topic"); } fRoot = topicDef->asRoot(); if (string::npos == fRoot->fFileName.rfind(match)) { continue; } if (!fOut) { fullName = outDir; if ('/' != fullName.back()) { fullName += '/'; } fullName += filename; fOut = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); if (!fOut) { SkDebugf("could not open output file %s\n", fullName.c_str()); return false; } size_t underscorePos = header.find('_'); if (string::npos != underscorePos) { header.replace(underscorePos, 1, " "); } SkASSERT(string::npos == header.find('_')); FPRINTF("%s", header.c_str()); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("==="); } fPopulators[kClassesAndStructs].fDescription = "embedded struct and class members"; fPopulators[kConstants].fDescription = "enum and enum class, const values"; fPopulators[kConstructors].fDescription = "functions that construct"; fPopulators[kMemberFunctions].fDescription = "static functions and member methods"; fPopulators[kMembers].fDescription = "member values"; fPopulators[kOperators].fDescription = "operator overloading methods"; fPopulators[kRelatedFunctions].fDescription = "similar methods grouped together"; fPopulators[kSubtopics].fDescription = ""; this->populateTables(fRoot); this->markTypeOut(topicDef); } if (fOut) { this->writePending(); fclose(fOut); fflush(fOut); if (this->writtenFileDiffers(filename, fullName)) { fOut = fopen(fullName.c_str(), "wb"); int writtenSize; const char* written = ReadToBuffer(filename, &writtenSize); fwrite(written, 1, writtenSize, fOut); fclose(fOut); fflush(fOut); SkDebugf("wrote updated %s\n", fullName.c_str()); } remove(filename.c_str()); fOut = nullptr; } return true; } bool MdOut::checkParamReturnBody(const Definition* def) const { TextParser paramBody(def); const char* descriptionStart = paramBody.fChar; if (!islower(descriptionStart[0]) && !isdigit(descriptionStart[0])) { paramBody.skipToNonAlphaNum(); string ref = string(descriptionStart, paramBody.fChar - descriptionStart); if (!this->isDefined(paramBody, ref, true)) { string errorStr = MarkType::kReturn == def->fMarkType ? "return" : "param"; errorStr += " description must start with lower case"; paramBody.reportError(errorStr.c_str()); return false; } } if ('.' == paramBody.fEnd[-1]) { paramBody.reportError("make param description a phrase; should not end with period"); return false; } return true; } void MdOut::childrenOut(const Definition* def, const char* start) { const char* end; fLineCount = def->fLineCount; if (def->isRoot()) { fRoot = const_cast(def->asRoot()); } else if (MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType) { fEnumClass = def; } BmhParser::Resolvable resolvable = this->resolvable(def); for (auto& child : def->fChildren) { end = child->fStart; if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kNo != resolvable) { this->resolveOut(start, end, resolvable); } this->markTypeOut(child); start = child->fTerminator; } if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kNo != resolvable) { end = def->fContentEnd; this->resolveOut(start, end, resolvable); } if (MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType) { fEnumClass = nullptr; } } const Definition* MdOut::csParent() const { const Definition* csParent = fRoot->csParent(); if (!csParent) { const Definition* topic = fRoot; while (topic && MarkType::kTopic != topic->fMarkType) { topic = topic->fParent; } for (auto child : topic->fChildren) { if (child->isStructOrClass() || MarkType::kTypedef == child->fMarkType) { csParent = child; break; } } SkASSERT(csParent || string::npos == fRoot->fFileName.find("Sk")); } return csParent; } const Definition* MdOut::findParamType() { SkASSERT(fMethod); TextParser parser(fMethod->fFileName, fMethod->fStart, fMethod->fContentStart, fMethod->fLineCount); string lastFull; do { parser.skipToAlpha(); if (parser.eof()) { return nullptr; } const char* word = parser.fChar; parser.skipFullName(); SkASSERT(!parser.eof()); string name = string(word, parser.fChar - word); if (fLastParam->fName == name) { const Definition* paramType = this->isDefined(parser, lastFull, false); return paramType; } if (isupper(name[0])) { lastFull = name; } } while (true); return nullptr; } const Definition* MdOut::isDefined(const TextParser& parser, const string& ref, bool report) const { auto rootIter = fBmhParser.fClassMap.find(ref); if (rootIter != fBmhParser.fClassMap.end()) { return &rootIter->second; } auto typedefIter = fBmhParser.fTypedefMap.find(ref); if (typedefIter != fBmhParser.fTypedefMap.end()) { return &typedefIter->second; } auto enumIter = fBmhParser.fEnumMap.find(ref); if (enumIter != fBmhParser.fEnumMap.end()) { return &enumIter->second; } auto constIter = fBmhParser.fConstMap.find(ref); if (constIter != fBmhParser.fConstMap.end()) { return &constIter->second; } auto methodIter = fBmhParser.fMethodMap.find(ref); if (methodIter != fBmhParser.fMethodMap.end()) { return &methodIter->second; } auto aliasIter = fBmhParser.fAliasMap.find(ref); if (aliasIter != fBmhParser.fAliasMap.end()) { return aliasIter->second; } for (const auto& external : fBmhParser.fExternals) { if (external.fName == ref) { return &external; } } if (fRoot) { if (ref == fRoot->fName) { return fRoot; } if (const Definition* definition = fRoot->find(ref, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { return definition; } const Definition* test = fRoot; do { if (!test->isRoot()) { continue; } const RootDefinition* root = test->asRoot(); for (auto& leaf : root->fBranches) { if (ref == leaf.first) { return leaf.second; } const Definition* definition = leaf.second->find(ref, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes); if (definition) { return definition; } } for (string prefix : { "::", "_" } ) { string prefixed = root->fName + prefix + ref; if (const Definition* definition = root->find(prefixed, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { return definition; } if (isupper(prefixed[0])) { auto topicIter = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(prefixed); if (topicIter != fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end()) { return topicIter->second; } } } string fiddlePrefixed = root->fFiddle + "_" + ref; auto topicIter = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(fiddlePrefixed); if (topicIter != fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end()) { return topicIter->second; } } while ((test = test->fParent)); } size_t doubleColon = ref.find("::"); if (string::npos != doubleColon) { string className = ref.substr(0, doubleColon); auto classIter = fBmhParser.fClassMap.find(className); if (classIter != fBmhParser.fClassMap.end()) { const RootDefinition& classDef = classIter->second; const Definition* result = classDef.find(ref, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes); if (result) { return result; } } } if (!ref.compare(0, 2, "SK") || !ref.compare(0, 3, "sk_") || (('k' == ref[0] || 'g' == ref[0] || 'f' == ref[0]) && ref.length() > 1 && isupper(ref[1]))) { // try with a prefix if ('k' == ref[0]) { for (auto const& iter : fBmhParser.fEnumMap) { if (iter.second.find(ref, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { return &iter.second; } } if (fEnumClass) { string fullName = fEnumClass->fName + "::" + ref; for (auto child : fEnumClass->fChildren) { if (fullName == child->fName) { return child; } } } if (string::npos != ref.find("_Private")) { return nullptr; } } if ('f' == ref[0]) { // FIXME : find def associated with prior, e.g.: r.fX where 'SkPoint r' was earlier // need to have pushed last resolve on stack to do this // for now, just try to make sure that it's there and error if not if ('.' != parser.backup(ref.c_str())) { parser.reportError("fX member undefined"); return nullptr; } } else { if (report) { parser.reportError("SK undefined"); } return nullptr; } } if (isupper(ref[0])) { auto topicIter = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(ref); if (topicIter != fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end()) { return topicIter->second; } size_t pos = ref.find('_'); if (string::npos != pos) { // see if it is defined by another base class string className(ref, 0, pos); auto classIter = fBmhParser.fClassMap.find(className); if (classIter != fBmhParser.fClassMap.end()) { if (const Definition* definition = classIter->second.find(ref, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { return definition; } } auto enumIter = fBmhParser.fEnumMap.find(className); if (enumIter != fBmhParser.fEnumMap.end()) { if (const Definition* definition = enumIter->second.find(ref, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { return definition; } } if (report) { parser.reportError("_ undefined"); } return nullptr; } } return nullptr; } string MdOut::linkName(const Definition* ref) const { string result = ref->fName; size_t under = result.find('_'); if (string::npos != under) { string classPart = result.substr(0, under); string namePart = result.substr(under + 1, result.length()); if (fRoot && (fRoot->fName == classPart || (fRoot->fParent && fRoot->fParent->fName == classPart))) { result = namePart; } } return result; } // for now, hard-code to html links // def should not include SkXXX_ string MdOut::linkRef(const string& leadingSpaces, const Definition* def, const string& ref, BmhParser::Resolvable resolvable) const { string buildup; const string* str = &def->fFiddle; SkASSERT(str->length() > 0); size_t under = str->find('_'); const Definition* curRoot = fRoot; string classPart = string::npos != under ? str->substr(0, under) : *str; bool classMatch = curRoot->fName == classPart; while (curRoot->fParent) { curRoot = curRoot->fParent; classMatch |= curRoot->fName == classPart; } const Definition* defRoot; const Definition* temp = def; do { defRoot = temp; if (!(temp = temp->fParent)) { break; } classMatch |= temp != defRoot && temp->fName == classPart; } while (true); string namePart = string::npos != under ? str->substr(under + 1, str->length()) : *str; SkASSERT(fRoot); SkASSERT(fRoot->fFileName.length()); if (classMatch) { buildup = "#"; if (*str != classPart && "Sk" == classPart.substr(0, 2)) { buildup += classPart + "_"; } buildup += namePart; } else { string filename = defRoot->asRoot()->fFileName; if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 4) == ".bmh") { filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4); } size_t start = filename.length(); while (start > 0 && (isalnum(filename[start - 1]) || '_' == filename[start - 1])) { --start; } buildup = filename.substr(start) + "#" + (classMatch ? namePart : *str); } if (MarkType::kParam == def->fMarkType) { const Definition* parent = def->fParent; SkASSERT(MarkType::kMethod == parent->fMarkType); buildup = '#' + parent->fFiddle + '_' + ref; } string refOut(ref); std::replace(refOut.begin(), refOut.end(), '_', ' '); if (ref.length() > 2 && islower(ref[0]) && "()" == ref.substr(ref.length() - 2)) { refOut = refOut.substr(0, refOut.length() - 2); } string result = leadingSpaces + "" + refOut + ""; if (BmhParser::Resolvable::kClone == resolvable && MarkType::kMethod == def->fMarkType && def->fCloned && !def->fClone) { bool found = false; string match = def->fName; if ("()" == match.substr(match.length() - 2)) { match = match.substr(0, match.length() - 2); } match += '_'; auto classIter = fBmhParser.fClassMap.find(classPart); if (fBmhParser.fClassMap.end() != classIter) { for (char num = '2'; num <= '9'; ++num) { string clone = match + num; const auto& leafIter = classIter->second.fLeaves.find(clone); if (leafIter != classIter->second.fLeaves.end()) { result += "[" + num + "]"; found = true; } } } if (!found) { SkDebugf(""); // convenient place to set a breakpoint } } return result; } void MdOut::markTypeOut(Definition* def) { string printable = def->printableName(); const char* textStart = def->fContentStart; if (MarkType::kParam != def->fMarkType && MarkType::kConst != def->fMarkType && (!def->fParent || MarkType::kConst != def->fParent->fMarkType) && TableState::kNone != fTableState) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; } switch (def->fMarkType) { case MarkType::kAlias: break; case MarkType::kAnchor: { if (fColumn > 0) { this->writeSpace(); } this->writePending(); TextParser parser(def); const char* start = parser.fChar; parser.skipToEndBracket(" # "); string anchorText(start, parser.fChar - start); parser.skipExact(" # "); string anchorLink(parser.fChar, parser.fEnd - parser.fChar); FPRINTF("%s", anchorLink.c_str(), anchorText.c_str()); } break; case MarkType::kBug: break; case MarkType::kClass: this->mdHeaderOut(1); FPRINTF(" Class %s", this->linkName(def).c_str(), def->fName.c_str()); this->lf(1); break; case MarkType::kCode: this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("
        case MarkType::kColumn:
            if (fInList) {
                FPRINTF("    ");
            } else {
                FPRINTF("| ");
        case MarkType::kComment:
        case MarkType::kConst: {
            if (TableState::kNone == fTableState) {
                fTableState = TableState::kRow;
            if (TableState::kRow == fTableState) {
                FPRINTF("  ");
                fTableState = TableState::kColumn;
            FPRINTF("    ",
                    def->fFiddle.c_str(), def->fName.c_str());
            const char* lineEnd = strchr(textStart, '\n');
            SkASSERT(lineEnd < def->fTerminator);
            SkASSERT(lineEnd > textStart);
            SkASSERT((int) (lineEnd - textStart) == lineEnd - textStart);
            FPRINTF("", (int) (lineEnd - textStart), textStart);
            FPRINTF("  ");
        case MarkType::kReturn:
        case MarkType::kSeeAlso:
        case MarkType::kRow:
            if (fInList) {
                FPRINTF("  ");
            } else {
        case MarkType::kStruct:
            fRoot = fRoot->rootParent();
        case MarkType::kTable:
        case MarkType::kPrivate:

void MdOut::mdHeaderOutLF(int depth, int lf) {
    for (int index = 0; index < depth; ++index) {
    FPRINTF(" ");

void MdOut::populateTables(const Definition* def) {
    const Definition* csParent = this->csParent();
    for (auto child : def->fChildren) {
        if (MarkType::kTopic == child->fMarkType || MarkType::kSubtopic == child->fMarkType) {
            bool legacyTopic = fPopulators.end() != fPopulators.find(child->fName);
            if (!legacyTopic && child->fName != kOverview) {
        if (child->isStructOrClass()) {
            if (fClassStack.size() > 0) {
        if (MarkType::kEnum == child->fMarkType || MarkType::kEnumClass == child->fMarkType) {
        if (MarkType::kMember == child->fMarkType) {
        if (MarkType::kMethod != child->fMarkType) {
        if (child->fClone) {
        if (Definition::MethodType::kConstructor == child->fMethodType
                || Definition::MethodType::kDestructor == child->fMethodType) {
        if (Definition::MethodType::kOperator == child->fMethodType) {
        if (csParent && (0 == child->fName.find(csParent->fName + "::Make")
                || 0 == child->fName.find(csParent->fName + "::make"))) {

void MdOut::resolveOut(const char* start, const char* end, BmhParser::Resolvable resolvable) {
    if ((BmhParser::Resolvable::kLiteral == resolvable || fRespectLeadingSpace) && end > start) {
        while ('\n' == *start) {
        const char* spaceStart = start;
        while (' ' == *start) {
        if (start > spaceStart) {
            fIndent = start - spaceStart;
        this->writeBlockTrim(end - start, start);
        if ('\n' == end[-1]) {
        fIndent = 0;
    // FIXME: this needs the markdown character present when the def was defined,
    // not the last markdown character the parser would have seen...
    while (fBmhParser.fMC == end[-1]) {
    if (start >= end) {
    string resolved = this->addReferences(start, end, resolvable);
    if (resolved.length()) {
        TextParser paragraph(fFileName, &*resolved.begin(), &*resolved.end(), fLineCount);
        TextParser original(fFileName, start, end, fLineCount);
        while (!original.eof() && '\n' == original.peek()) {
        while (!paragraph.eof()) {
            const char* contentStart = paragraph.fChar;
            ptrdiff_t lineLength = paragraph.fChar - contentStart;
            if (lineLength) {
                while (lineLength && contentStart[lineLength - 1] <= ' ') {
                string str(contentStart, lineLength);
#if 0
            int linefeeds = 0;
            while (lineLength > 0 && '\n' == contentStart[--lineLength]) {

            if (lineLength > 0) {
            fLinefeeds += linefeeds;
            if (paragraph.eof()) {
            if ('\n' == paragraph.next()) {
                int linefeeds = 1;
                if (!paragraph.eof() && '\n' == paragraph.peek()) {
                    linefeeds = 2;
#if 0
        while (end > start && end[0] == '\n') {

void MdOut::rowOut(const char* name, const string& description) {
    FPRINTF("| ");
    this->resolveOut(name, name + strlen(name), BmhParser::Resolvable::kYes);
    FPRINTF(" | ");
    this->resolveOut(&description.front(), &description.back() + 1, BmhParser::Resolvable::kYes);
    FPRINTF(" |");

void MdOut::subtopicsOut() {
    const Definition* csParent = this->csParent();
    this->rowOut("name", "description");
    this->rowOut("---", "---");
    for (auto item : { kClassesAndStructs, kConstants, kConstructors, kMemberFunctions,
            kMembers, kOperators, kRelatedFunctions } ) {
        for (auto entry : this->populator(item)) {
            if (entry->csParent() == csParent) {
                string description = fPopulators.find(item)->second.fDescription;
                if (kConstructors == item) {
                    description += " " + csParent->fName;
                this->rowOut(item, description);

void MdOut::subtopicOut(vector& data) {
    const Definition* csParent = this->csParent();
    fRoot = csParent->asRoot();
    this->rowOut("name", "description");
    this->rowOut("---", "---");
    std::map items;
    for (auto entry : data) {
        if (entry->csParent() != csParent) {
        size_t start = entry->fName.find_last_of("::");
        string name = entry->fName.substr(string::npos == start ? 0 : start + 1);
        items[name] = entry;
    for (auto entry : items) {
        const Definition* oneLiner = nullptr;
        for (auto child : entry.second->fChildren) {
            if (MarkType::kLine == child->fMarkType) {
                oneLiner = child;
        this->rowOut(entry.first.c_str(), string(oneLiner->fContentStart,
            oneLiner->fContentEnd - oneLiner->fContentStart));
%s %.*s"); textStart = lineEnd; } break; case MarkType::kDefine: break; case MarkType::kDefinedBy: break; case MarkType::kDeprecated: break; case MarkType::kDescription: fInDescription = true; this->writePending(); FPRINTF("
"); break; case MarkType::kDoxygen: break; case MarkType::kDuration: break; case MarkType::kEnum: case MarkType::kEnumClass: this->mdHeaderOut(2); FPRINTF(" Enum %s", def->fFiddle.c_str(), def->fName.c_str()); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kExample: { this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("Example\n" "\n"); fHasFiddle = true; bool showGpu = false; bool gpuAndCpu = false; const Definition* platform = def->hasChild(MarkType::kPlatform); if (platform) { TextParser platParse(platform); fHasFiddle = !platParse.strnstr("!fiddle", platParse.fEnd); showGpu = platParse.strnstr("gpu", platParse.fEnd); if (showGpu) { gpuAndCpu = platParse.strnstr("cpu", platParse.fEnd); } } if (fHasFiddle) { SkASSERT(def->fHash.length() > 0); FPRINTF("
fHash.c_str()); if (showGpu) { FPRINTF(" gpu=\"true\""); if (gpuAndCpu) { FPRINTF(" cpu=\"true\""); } } FPRINTF(">"); } else { SkASSERT(def->fHash.length() == 0); FPRINTF("
                if (def->fWrapper.length() > 0) {
                    FPRINTF("%s", def->fWrapper.c_str());
                fRespectLeadingSpace = true;
            } break;
        case MarkType::kExperimental:
        case MarkType::kExternal:
        case MarkType::kFile:
        case MarkType::kFormula:
        case MarkType::kFunction:
        case MarkType::kHeight:
        case MarkType::kImage:
        case MarkType::kIn:
        case MarkType::kLegend:
        case MarkType::kLine:
        case MarkType::kLink:
        case MarkType::kList:
            fInList = true;
        case MarkType::kLiteral:
        case MarkType::kMarkChar:
            fBmhParser.fMC = def->fContentStart[0];
        case MarkType::kMember: {
            TextParser tp(def->fFileName, def->fStart, def->fContentStart, def->fLineCount);
            const char* end = tp.trimmedBracketEnd('\n');
            FPRINTF(" %.*s ",
                    def->fFiddle.c_str(), (int) (end - tp.fChar), tp.fChar);
            } break;
        case MarkType::kMethod: {
            string method_name = def->methodName();
            string formattedStr = def->formatFunction();

			FPRINTF("", def->fFiddle.c_str());
			if (!def->isClone()) {
                this->mdHeaderOutLF(2, 1);
                FPRINTF("%s", method_name.c_str());

            // TODO: put in css spec that we can define somewhere else (if markup supports that)
            // TODO: 50em below should match limit = 80 in formatFunction()
            string preformattedStr = preformat(formattedStr);
", preformattedStr.c_str()); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; fMethod = def; } break; case MarkType::kNoExample: break; case MarkType::kOutdent: break; case MarkType::kParam: { if (TableState::kNone == fTableState) { this->mdHeaderOut(3); fprintf(fOut, "Parameters\n" "\n" "
" ); this->lf(1); fTableState = TableState::kRow; } if (TableState::kRow == fTableState) { FPRINTF(" "); this->lf(1); fTableState = TableState::kColumn; } TextParser paramParser(def->fFileName, def->fStart, def->fContentStart, def->fLineCount); paramParser.skipWhiteSpace(); SkASSERT(paramParser.startsWith("#Param")); paramParser.next(); // skip hash paramParser.skipToNonAlphaNum(); // skip Param paramParser.skipSpace(); const char* paramName = paramParser.fChar; paramParser.skipToSpace(); string paramNameStr(paramName, (int) (paramParser.fChar - paramName)); if (!this->checkParamReturnBody(def)) { return; } string refNameStr = def->fParent->fFiddle + "_" + paramNameStr; fprintf(fOut, " "); this->lf(1); } break; case MarkType::kSeeAlso: this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("See Also"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kSet: break; case MarkType::kStdOut: { TextParser code(def); this->mdHeaderOut(4); fprintf(fOut, "Example Output\n" "\n" "~~~~"); this->lfAlways(1); code.skipSpace(); while (!code.eof()) { const char* end = code.trimmedLineEnd(); FPRINTF("%.*s\n", (int) (end - code.fChar), code.fChar); code.skipToLineStart(); } FPRINTF("~~~~"); this->lf(2); } break; case MarkType::kStruct: fRoot = def->asRoot(); this->mdHeaderOut(1); FPRINTF(" Struct %s", def->fFiddle.c_str(), def->fName.c_str()); this->lf(1); break; case MarkType::kSubstitute: break; case MarkType::kSubtopic: this->mdHeaderOut(2); FPRINTF(" %s", def->fName.c_str(), printable.c_str()); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kTable: this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kTemplate: break; case MarkType::kText: break; case MarkType::kTime: break; case MarkType::kToDo: break; case MarkType::kTopic: this->mdHeaderOut(1); FPRINTF(" %s", this->linkName(def).c_str(), printable.c_str()); this->lf(1); break; case MarkType::kTrack: // don't output children return; case MarkType::kTypedef: break; case MarkType::kUnion: break; case MarkType::kVolatile: break; case MarkType::kWidth: break; default: SkDebugf("fatal error: MarkType::k%s unhandled in %s()\n", fBmhParser.fMaps[(int) def->fMarkType].fName, __func__); SkASSERT(0); // handle everything break; } this->childrenOut(def, textStart); switch (def->fMarkType) { // post child work, at least for tables case MarkType::kAnchor: if (fColumn > 0) { this->writeSpace(); } break; case MarkType::kCode: this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kColumn: if (fInList) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(1); } else { FPRINTF(" "); } break; case MarkType::kDescription: this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); fInDescription = false; break; case MarkType::kEnum: case MarkType::kEnumClass: this->lfAlways(2); break; case MarkType::kExample: this->writePending(); if (fHasFiddle) { FPRINTF(""); } else { this->lfAlways(1); if (def->fWrapper.length() > 0) { FPRINTF("}"); this->lfAlways(1); } FPRINTF(""); } this->lf(2); fRespectLeadingSpace = false; break; case MarkType::kLink: this->writeString(""); this->writeSpace(); break; case MarkType::kList: fInList = false; this->writePending(); FPRINTF("
%s ", refNameStr.c_str(), paramNameStr.c_str()); } break; case MarkType::kPlatform: break; case MarkType::kPopulate: { SkASSERT(MarkType::kSubtopic == def->fParent->fMarkType); string name = def->fParent->fName; if (kSubtopics == name) { this->subtopicsOut(); } else { SkASSERT(kClassesAndStructs == name || kConstants == name || kConstructors == name || kMemberFunctions == name || kMembers == name || kOperators == name || kRelatedFunctions == name); this->subtopicOut(this->populator(name.c_str())); } } break; case MarkType::kPrivate: break; case MarkType::kReturn: this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("Return Value"); if (!this->checkParamReturnBody(def)) { return; } this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kRow: if (fInList) { FPRINTF("
"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kLegend: { SkASSERT(def->fChildren.size() == 1); const Definition* row = def->fChildren[0]; SkASSERT(MarkType::kRow == row->fMarkType); size_t columnCount = row->fChildren.size(); SkASSERT(columnCount > 0); this->writePending(); for (size_t index = 0; index < columnCount; ++index) { FPRINTF("| --- "); } FPRINTF(" |"); this->lf(1); } break; case MarkType::kMethod: fMethod = nullptr; this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("---"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kConst: case MarkType::kParam: SkASSERT(TableState::kColumn == fTableState); fTableState = TableState::kRow; this->writePending(); FPRINTF("