/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "BenchTimer.h" #include "PictureBenchmark.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkPicture.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTArray.h" #include "picture_utils.h" const int DEFAULT_REPEATS = 100; static void usage(const char* argv0) { SkDebugf("SkPicture benchmarking tool\n"); SkDebugf("\n" "Usage: \n" " %s ...\n" " [--repeat] \n" " [--mode pipe | record | simple | tile width[%] height[%] | unflatten]\n" " [--device bitmap" #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU " | gpu" #endif "]" , argv0); SkDebugf("\n\n"); SkDebugf( " inputDir: A list of directories and files to use as input. Files are\n" " expected to have the .skp extension.\n\n"); SkDebugf( " --mode pipe | record | simple | tile width[%] height[%] | unflatten: Run\n" " in the corresponding mode. Default is simple.\n"); SkDebugf( " pipe, Benchmark SkGPipe rendering.\n"); SkDebugf( " record, Benchmark picture to picture recording.\n"); SkDebugf( " simple, Benchmark a simple rendering.\n"); SkDebugf( " tile width[%] height[%], Benchmark simple rendering using\n" " tiles with the given dimensions.\n"); SkDebugf( " unflatten, Benchmark picture unflattening.\n"); SkDebugf("\n"); SkDebugf( " --device bitmap" #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU " | gpu" #endif ": Use the corresponding device. Default is bitmap.\n"); SkDebugf( " bitmap, Render to a bitmap.\n"); #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU SkDebugf( " gpu, Render to the GPU.\n"); #endif SkDebugf("\n"); SkDebugf( " --repeat: " "Set the number of times to repeat each test." " Default is %i.\n", DEFAULT_REPEATS); } static void run_single_benchmark(const SkString& inputPath, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark& benchmark) { SkFILEStream inputStream; inputStream.setPath(inputPath.c_str()); if (!inputStream.isValid()) { SkDebugf("Could not open file %s\n", inputPath.c_str()); return; } SkPicture picture(&inputStream); SkString filename; sk_tools::get_basename(&filename, inputPath); SkDebugf("running bench [%i %i] %s ", picture.width(), picture.height(), filename.c_str()); benchmark.run(&picture); } static void parse_commandline(int argc, char* const argv[], SkTArray* inputs, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark*& benchmark) { const char* argv0 = argv[0]; char* const* stop = argv + argc; int repeats = DEFAULT_REPEATS; sk_tools::PictureRenderer::SkDeviceTypes deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kBitmap_DeviceType; for (++argv; argv < stop; ++argv) { if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--repeat")) { ++argv; if (argv < stop) { repeats = atoi(*argv); if (repeats < 1) { SkDELETE(benchmark); SkDebugf("--repeat must be given a value > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } else { SkDELETE(benchmark); SkDebugf("Missing arg for --repeat\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--mode")) { SkDELETE(benchmark); ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkDebugf("Missing mode for --mode\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "pipe")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::PipePictureBenchmark); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "record")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::RecordPictureBenchmark); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "simple")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::SimplePictureBenchmark); } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "tile")) { sk_tools::TiledPictureBenchmark* tileBenchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::TiledPictureBenchmark); ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkDebugf("Missing width for --mode tile\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (sk_tools::is_percentage(*argv)) { tileBenchmark->setTileWidthPercentage(atof(*argv)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileWidthPercentage() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkDebugf("--mode tile must be given a width percentage > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } else { tileBenchmark->setTileWidth(atoi(*argv)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileWidth() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkDebugf("--mode tile must be given a width > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkDebugf("Missing height for --mode tile\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (sk_tools::is_percentage(*argv)) { tileBenchmark->setTileHeightPercentage(atof(*argv)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileHeightPercentage() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkDebugf("--mode tile must be given a height percentage > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } else { tileBenchmark->setTileHeight(atoi(*argv)); if (!(tileBenchmark->getTileHeight() > 0)) { SkDELETE(tileBenchmark); SkDebugf("--mode tile must be given a height > 0\n"); exit(-1); } } benchmark = tileBenchmark; } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "unflatten")) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::UnflattenPictureBenchmark); } else { SkDebugf("%s is not a valid mode for --mode\n", *argv); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--device")) { ++argv; if (argv >= stop) { SkDebugf("Missing mode for --deivce\n"); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "bitmap")) { deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kBitmap_DeviceType; } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "gpu")) { deviceType = sk_tools::PictureRenderer::kGPU_DeviceType; } #endif else { SkDebugf("%s is not a valid mode for --device\n", *argv); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } } else if (0 == strcmp(*argv, "--help") || 0 == strcmp(*argv, "-h")) { SkDELETE(benchmark); usage(argv0); exit(0); } else { inputs->push_back(SkString(*argv)); } } if (inputs->count() < 1) { SkDELETE(benchmark); usage(argv0); exit(-1); } if (NULL == benchmark) { benchmark = SkNEW(sk_tools::SimplePictureBenchmark); } benchmark->setRepeats(repeats); benchmark->setDeviceType(deviceType); } static void process_input(const SkString& input, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark& benchmark) { SkOSFile::Iter iter(input.c_str(), "skp"); SkString inputFilename; if (iter.next(&inputFilename)) { do { SkString inputPath; sk_tools::make_filepath(&inputPath, input, inputFilename); run_single_benchmark(inputPath, benchmark); } while(iter.next(&inputFilename)); } else { run_single_benchmark(input, benchmark); } } int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) { SkTArray inputs; sk_tools::PictureBenchmark* benchmark = NULL; parse_commandline(argc, argv, &inputs, benchmark); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.count(); ++i) { process_input(inputs[i], *benchmark); } SkDELETE(benchmark); }