/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkBenchLogger.h" #include "BenchTimer.h" #include "PictureBenchmark.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkPicture.h" #include "SkString.h" #include "picture_utils.h" #include "TimerData.h" namespace sk_tools { PictureBenchmark::PictureBenchmark() : fRepeats(1) , fLogger(NULL) , fRenderer(NULL) , fLogPerIter(false) , fPrintMin(false) , fShowWallTime(false) , fShowTruncatedWallTime(false) , fShowCpuTime(true) , fShowTruncatedCpuTime(false) , fShowGpuTime(false) , fTimeIndividualTiles(false) {} PictureBenchmark::~PictureBenchmark() { SkSafeUnref(fRenderer); } BenchTimer* PictureBenchmark::setupTimer(bool useGLTimer) { #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU if (useGLTimer && fRenderer != NULL && fRenderer->isUsingGpuDevice()) { return SkNEW_ARGS(BenchTimer, (fRenderer->getGLContext())); } #endif return SkNEW_ARGS(BenchTimer, (NULL)); } void PictureBenchmark::logProgress(const char msg[]) { if (fLogger != NULL) { fLogger->logProgress(msg); } } PictureRenderer* PictureBenchmark::setRenderer(sk_tools::PictureRenderer* renderer) { SkRefCnt_SafeAssign(fRenderer, renderer); return renderer; } void PictureBenchmark::run(SkPicture* pict) { SkASSERT(pict); if (NULL == pict) { return; } SkASSERT(fRenderer != NULL); if (NULL == fRenderer) { return; } fRenderer->init(pict); // We throw this away to remove first time effects (such as paging in this program) fRenderer->setup(); fRenderer->render(NULL); fRenderer->resetState(true); bool usingGpu = false; #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU usingGpu = fRenderer->isUsingGpuDevice(); #endif if (fTimeIndividualTiles) { TiledPictureRenderer* tiledRenderer = fRenderer->getTiledRenderer(); SkASSERT(tiledRenderer); if (NULL == tiledRenderer) { return; } int xTiles, yTiles; if (!tiledRenderer->tileDimensions(xTiles, yTiles)) { return; } // Insert a newline so that each tile is reported on its own line (separate from the line // that describes the skp being run). this->logProgress("\n"); int x, y; while (tiledRenderer->nextTile(x, y)) { // There are two timers, which will behave slightly differently: // 1) longRunningTimer, along with perTileTimerData, will time how long it takes to draw // one tile fRepeats times, and take the average. As such, it will not respect thea // logPerIter or printMin options, since it does not know the time per iteration. It // will also be unable to call flush() for each tile. // The goal of this timer is to make up for a system timer that is not precise enough to // measure the small amount of time it takes to draw one tile once. // // 2) perTileTimer, along with perTileTimerData, will record each run separately, and // then take the average. As such, it supports logPerIter and printMin options. // // Although "legal", having two gpu timers running at the same time // seems to cause problems (i.e., INVALID_OPERATIONs) on several // platforms. To work around this, we disable the gpu timer on the // long running timer. SkAutoTDelete longRunningTimer(this->setupTimer()); TimerData longRunningTimerData(tiledRenderer->getPerIterTimeFormat(), tiledRenderer->getNormalTimeFormat()); SkAutoTDelete perTileTimer(this->setupTimer(false)); TimerData perTileTimerData(tiledRenderer->getPerIterTimeFormat(), tiledRenderer->getNormalTimeFormat()); longRunningTimer->start(); for (int i = 0; i < fRepeats; ++i) { perTileTimer->start(); tiledRenderer->drawCurrentTile(); perTileTimer->truncatedEnd(); tiledRenderer->resetState(false); perTileTimer->end(); perTileTimerData.appendTimes(perTileTimer.get(), fRepeats - 1 == i); } longRunningTimer->truncatedEnd(); tiledRenderer->resetState(true); longRunningTimer->end(); longRunningTimerData.appendTimes(longRunningTimer.get(), true); SkString configName = tiledRenderer->getConfigName(); configName.appendf(": tile [%i,%i] out of [%i,%i]", x, y, xTiles, yTiles); SkString result = perTileTimerData.getResult(fLogPerIter, fPrintMin, fRepeats, configName.c_str(), fShowWallTime, fShowTruncatedWallTime, fShowCpuTime, fShowTruncatedCpuTime, usingGpu && fShowGpuTime); result.append("\n"); // TODO(borenet): Turn off per-iteration tile time reporting for now. Avoiding logging the time // for every iteration for each tile cuts down on data file size by a significant amount. Re-enable // this once we're loading the bench data directly into a data store and are no longer generating // SVG graphs. #if 0 this->logProgress(result.c_str()); #endif configName.append(" "); SkString longRunningResult = longRunningTimerData.getResult(false, false, fRepeats, configName.c_str(), fShowWallTime, fShowTruncatedWallTime, fShowCpuTime, fShowTruncatedCpuTime, usingGpu && fShowGpuTime); longRunningResult.append("\n"); this->logProgress(longRunningResult.c_str()); } } else { SkAutoTDelete timer(this->setupTimer()); TimerData timerData(fRenderer->getPerIterTimeFormat(), fRenderer->getNormalTimeFormat()); for (int i = 0; i < fRepeats; ++i) { fRenderer->setup(); timer->start(); fRenderer->render(NULL); timer->truncatedEnd(); // Finishes gl context fRenderer->resetState(true); timer->end(); timerData.appendTimes(timer.get(), fRepeats - 1 == i); } SkString configName = fRenderer->getConfigName(); SkString result = timerData.getResult(fLogPerIter, fPrintMin, fRepeats, configName.c_str(), fShowWallTime, fShowTruncatedWallTime, fShowCpuTime, fShowTruncatedCpuTime, usingGpu && fShowGpuTime); result.append("\n"); this->logProgress(result.c_str()); } fRenderer->end(); } }