/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "Test.h" #include "SkTHashCache.h" // Tests the SkTHashCache class template. struct Tint { uint32_t value; bool operator==(const Tint& rhs) const { return value == rhs.value; } }; class Element { public: bool operator==(const Element& rhs) const { return value == rhs.value && key == rhs.key; } static const Tint& GetKey(const Element& element) { return element.key; } static uint32_t Hash(const Tint& key) { return key.value; } Element(Tint key, int value) : key(key), value(value) { } Tint key; int value; }; typedef SkTHashCache CacheType; DEF_TEST(THashCache, reporter) { Tint k11 = {11}; Element e11(k11, 22); Element e11Collision(k11, 0); // Element e42(4, 2); //Some tests for the class Element REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, Element::GetKey(e11) == k11); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, Element::Hash(k11) == 11); CacheType cache; // Is the cahce correctly initialized ? REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache.size()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, NULL == cache.find(k11)); Element& e11_c = cache.add(e11); // Tests for simple insertion, verifying that the returned element // has the same values as the original one REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache.size()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, NULL != cache.find(k11)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, e11_c == e11); Element& e11Collision_c = cache.add(e11Collision); // Verifying that, in case of collision, the element alerady in the cache is not removed REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, e11Collision_c == e11); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1 == cache.size()); Tint k42 = {42}; Element e42(k42, 2); cache.add(e42); // Can we add more than one element? REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, NULL != cache.find(k11)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, NULL != cache.find(k42)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 2 == cache.size()); cache.reset(); // Does clear do its job? REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == cache.size()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, NULL == cache.find(k11)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, NULL == cache.find(k42)); }