/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "Test.h" #include "SkRecord.h" #include "SkRecordOpts.h" #include "SkRecorder.h" #include "SkRecords.h" #include "SkXfermode.h" static const int W = 1920, H = 1080; // If the command we're reading is a U, set ptr to it, otherwise set it to NULL. template struct ReadAs { explicit ReadAs(const U** ptr) : ptr(ptr), type(SkRecords::Type(~0)) {} const U** ptr; SkRecords::Type type; void operator()(const U& r) { *ptr = &r; type = U::kType; } template void operator()(const T&) { *ptr = NULL; type = U::kType; } }; // Assert that the ith command in record is of type T, and return it. template static const T* assert_type(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRecord& record, unsigned index) { const T* ptr = NULL; ReadAs reader(&ptr); record.visit(index, reader); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, T::kType == reader.type); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, ptr != NULL); return ptr; } DEF_TEST(RecordOpts_Culling, r) { SkRecord record; SkRecorder recorder(SkRecorder::kWriteOnly_Mode, &record, W, H); recorder.drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(1000, 10000), SkPaint()); recorder.pushCull(SkRect::MakeWH(100, 100)); recorder.drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(10, 10), SkPaint()); recorder.drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(30, 30), SkPaint()); recorder.pushCull(SkRect::MakeWH(5, 5)); recorder.drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(1, 1), SkPaint()); recorder.popCull(); recorder.popCull(); SkRecordAnnotateCullingPairs(&record); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 6 == assert_type(r, record, 1)->skip); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 2 == assert_type(r, record, 4)->skip); } static void draw_pos_text(SkCanvas* canvas, const char* text, bool constantY) { const size_t len = strlen(text); SkAutoTMalloc pos(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { pos[i].fX = (SkScalar)i; pos[i].fY = constantY ? SK_Scalar1 : (SkScalar)i; } canvas->drawPosText(text, len, pos, SkPaint()); } DEF_TEST(RecordOpts_StrengthReduction, r) { SkRecord record; SkRecorder recorder(SkRecorder::kWriteOnly_Mode, &record, W, H); // We can convert a drawPosText into a drawPosTextH when all the Ys are the same. draw_pos_text(&recorder, "This will be reduced to drawPosTextH.", true); draw_pos_text(&recorder, "This cannot be reduced to drawPosTextH.", false); SkRecordReduceDrawPosTextStrength(&record); assert_type(r, record, 0); assert_type(r, record, 1); } DEF_TEST(RecordOpts_TextBounding, r) { SkRecord record; SkRecorder recorder(SkRecorder::kWriteOnly_Mode, &record, W, H); // First, get a drawPosTextH. Here's a handy way. Its text size will be the default (12). draw_pos_text(&recorder, "This will be reduced to drawPosTextH.", true); SkRecordReduceDrawPosTextStrength(&record); const SkRecords::DrawPosTextH* original = assert_type(r, record, 0); // This should wrap the original DrawPosTextH with minY and maxY. SkRecordBoundDrawPosTextH(&record); const SkRecords::BoundedDrawPosTextH* bounded = assert_type(r, record, 0); const SkPaint defaults; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bounded->base == original); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bounded->minY <= SK_Scalar1 - defaults.getTextSize()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bounded->maxY >= SK_Scalar1 + defaults.getTextSize()); } DEF_TEST(RecordOpts_SingleNoopSaveRestore, r) { SkRecord record; SkRecorder recorder(SkRecorder::kWriteOnly_Mode, &record, W, H); recorder.save(); recorder.clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(200, 200)); recorder.restore(); SkRecordNoopSaveRestores(&record); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assert_type(r, record, i); } } DEF_TEST(RecordOpts_NoopSaveRestores, r) { SkRecord record; SkRecorder recorder(SkRecorder::kWriteOnly_Mode, &record, W, H); // The second pass will clean up this pair after the first pass noops all the innards. recorder.save(); // A simple pointless pair of save/restore. recorder.save(); recorder.restore(); // As long as we don't draw in there, everything is a noop. recorder.save(); recorder.clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(200, 200)); recorder.clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(100, 100)); recorder.restore(); recorder.restore(); // These will be kept (though some future optimization might noop the save and restore). recorder.save(); recorder.drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(200, 200), SkPaint()); recorder.restore(); SkRecordNoopSaveRestores(&record); for (unsigned index = 0; index < 8; index++) { assert_type(r, record, index); } assert_type(r, record, 8); assert_type(r, record, 9); assert_type(r, record, 10); } static void assert_savelayer_restore(skiatest::Reporter* r, SkRecord* record, unsigned i, bool shouldBeNoOped) { SkRecordNoopSaveLayerDrawRestores(record); if (shouldBeNoOped) { assert_type(r, *record, i); assert_type(r, *record, i+2); } else { assert_type(r, *record, i); assert_type(r, *record, i+2); } } DEF_TEST(RecordOpts_NoopSaveLayerDrawRestore, r) { SkRecord record; SkRecorder recorder(SkRecorder::kWriteOnly_Mode, &record, W, H); SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeWH(100, 200); SkRect draw = SkRect::MakeWH(50, 60); SkPaint goodLayerPaint, badLayerPaint, worseLayerPaint; goodLayerPaint.setColor(0x03000000); // Only alpha. badLayerPaint.setColor( 0x03040506); // Not only alpha. worseLayerPaint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode); // Any effect will do. SkPaint goodDrawPaint, badDrawPaint; goodDrawPaint.setColor(0xFF020202); // Opaque. badDrawPaint.setColor( 0x0F020202); // Not opaque. // No change: optimization can't handle bounds. recorder.saveLayer(&bounds, NULL); recorder.drawRect(draw, goodDrawPaint); recorder.restore(); assert_savelayer_restore(r, &record, 0, false); // SaveLayer/Restore removed: no bounds + no paint = no point. recorder.saveLayer(NULL, NULL); recorder.drawRect(draw, goodDrawPaint); recorder.restore(); assert_savelayer_restore(r, &record, 3, true); // TODO(mtklein): test case with null draw paint // No change: layer paint isn't alpha-only. recorder.saveLayer(NULL, &badLayerPaint); recorder.drawRect(draw, goodDrawPaint); recorder.restore(); assert_savelayer_restore(r, &record, 6, false); // No change: layer paint has an effect. recorder.saveLayer(NULL, &worseLayerPaint); recorder.drawRect(draw, goodDrawPaint); recorder.restore(); assert_savelayer_restore(r, &record, 9, false); // No change: draw paint isn't opaque. recorder.saveLayer(NULL, &goodLayerPaint); recorder.drawRect(draw, badDrawPaint); recorder.restore(); assert_savelayer_restore(r, &record, 12, false); // SaveLayer/Restore removed: we can fold in the alpha! recorder.saveLayer(NULL, &goodLayerPaint); recorder.drawRect(draw, goodDrawPaint); recorder.restore(); assert_savelayer_restore(r, &record, 15, true); const SkRecords::DrawRect* drawRect = assert_type(r, record, 16); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, drawRect != NULL); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, drawRect->paint.getColor() == 0x03020202); }