/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "PathOpsTestCommon.h" #include "SkIntersections.h" #include "SkPathOpsCubic.h" #include "SkPathOpsQuad.h" #include "SkReduceOrder.h" #include "Test.h" static struct lineCubic { SkDCubic cubic; SkDQuad quad; int answerCount; SkDPoint answers[2]; } quadCubicTests[] = { {{{{778, 14089}, {778, 14091.208984375}, {776.20916748046875, 14093}, {774, 14093}}}, {{{778, 14089}, {777.99957275390625, 14090.65625}, {776.82843017578125, 14091.828125}}}, 2, {{778, 14089}, {776.82855609581270,14091.828250841330}}}, {{{{1110, 817}, {1110.55225f, 817}, {1111, 817.447693f}, {1111, 818}}}, {{{1110.70715f, 817.292908f}, {1110.41406f, 817.000122f}, {1110, 817}}}, 2, {{1110, 817}, {1110.70715f, 817.292908f}}}, {{{{1110, 817}, {1110.55225f, 817}, {1111, 817.447693f}, {1111, 818}}}, {{{1111, 818}, {1110.99988f, 817.585876f}, {1110.70715f, 817.292908f}}}, 2, {{1110.70715f, 817.292908f}, {1111, 818}}}, {{{{55, 207}, {52.238574981689453, 207}, {50, 204.76142883300781}, {50, 202}}}, {{{55, 207}, {52.929431915283203, 206.99949645996094}, {51.464466094970703, 205.53553771972656}}}, 2, {{55, 207}, {51.464466094970703, 205.53553771972656}}}, {{{{49, 47}, {49, 74.614250183105469}, {26.614250183105469, 97}, {-1, 97}}}, {{{-8.659739592076221e-015, 96.991401672363281}, {20.065492630004883, 96.645187377929688}, {34.355339050292969, 82.355339050292969}}}, 2, {{34.355339050292969,82.355339050292969}, {34.28654835573549, 82.424006509351585}}}, {{{{10,234}, {10,229.58172607421875}, {13.581720352172852,226}, {18,226}}}, {{{18,226}, {14.686291694641113,226}, {12.342399597167969,228.3424072265625}}}, 1, {{18,226}, {0,0}}}, {{{{10,234}, {10,229.58172607421875}, {13.581720352172852,226}, {18,226}}}, {{{12.342399597167969,228.3424072265625}, {10,230.68629455566406}, {10,234}}}, 1, {{10,234}, {0,0}}}, }; static const size_t quadCubicTests_count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(quadCubicTests); static void PathOpsCubicQuadIntersectionTest(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { for (size_t index = 0; index < quadCubicTests_count; ++index) { int iIndex = static_cast<int>(index); const SkDCubic& cubic = quadCubicTests[index].cubic; SkASSERT(ValidCubic(cubic)); const SkDQuad& quad = quadCubicTests[index].quad; SkASSERT(ValidQuad(quad)); SkReduceOrder reduce1; SkReduceOrder reduce2; int order1 = reduce1.reduce(cubic, SkReduceOrder::kNo_Quadratics); int order2 = reduce2.reduce(quad); if (order1 != 4) { SkDebugf("[%d] cubic order=%d\n", iIndex, order1); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0); } if (order2 != 3) { SkDebugf("[%d] quad order=%d\n", iIndex, order2); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0); } SkIntersections i; int roots = i.intersect(cubic, quad); SkASSERT(roots == quadCubicTests[index].answerCount); for (int pt = 0; pt < roots; ++pt) { double tt1 = i[0][pt]; SkDPoint xy1 = cubic.ptAtT(tt1); double tt2 = i[1][pt]; SkDPoint xy2 = quad.ptAtT(tt2); if (!xy1.approximatelyEqual(xy2)) { SkDebugf("%s [%d,%d] x!= t1=%g (%g,%g) t2=%g (%g,%g)\n", __FUNCTION__, iIndex, pt, tt1, xy1.fX, xy1.fY, tt2, xy2.fX, xy2.fY); } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, xy1.approximatelyEqual(xy2)); bool found = false; for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < quadCubicTests[index].answerCount; ++idx2) { found |= quadCubicTests[index].answers[idx2].approximatelyEqual(xy1); } if (!found) { SkDebugf("%s [%d,%d] xy1=(%g,%g) != \n", __FUNCTION__, iIndex, pt, xy1.fX, xy1.fY); } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, found); } reporter->bumpTestCount(); } } #include "TestClassDef.h" DEFINE_TESTCLASS_SHORT(PathOpsCubicQuadIntersectionTest)