/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkOpSegment.h" #include "Test.h" static const SkPoint cubics[][4] = { /* 0 */ {{0, 1}, {2, 6}, {4, 2}, {5, 3}}, /* 1 */ {{10, 234}, {10, 229.581726f}, {13.5817204f, 226}, {18, 226}}, /* 2 */ {{132, 11419}, {130.89543151855469f, 11419}, {130, 11418.1044921875f}, {130, 11417}}, /* 3 */ {{130.04275512695312f, 11417.4130859375f}, {130.23307800292969f, 11418.3193359375f}, {131.03709411621094f, 11419}, {132, 11419}}, /* 4 */ {{0,1}, {0,5}, {4,1}, {6,4}}, /* 5 */ {{1,5}, {4,6}, {1,0}, {4,0}}, /* 6 */ {{0,1}, {0,4}, {5,1}, {6,4}}, /* 7 */ {{0,1}, {1,2}, {1,0}, {6,1}}, /* 8 */ {{0,3}, {0,1}, {2,0}, {1,0}}, /* 9 */ {{189,7}, {189,5.3431458473205566f}, {190.3431396484375f,4}, {192,4}}, /* 10 */ {{0,1}, {1,3}, {1,0}, {6,4}}, /* 11 */ {{0,1}, {2,3}, {2,1}, {4,3}}, /* 12 */ {{1,2}, {3,4}, {1,0}, {3,2}}, }; static const SkPoint quads[][3] = { /* 0 */ {{12.3423996f, 228.342407f}, {10, 230.686295f}, {10, 234}}, /* 1 */ {{304.24319458007812f,591.75677490234375f}, {306,593.51470947265625f}, {306,596}}, }; static const SkPoint lines[][2] = { /* 0 */ {{6, 2}, {2, 4}}, /* 1 */ {{306,617}, {306,590}}, /* 2 */ {{306,596}, {306,617}}, /* 3 */ {{6,4}, {0,1}}, /* 4 */ {{6,1}, {0,1}}, /* 5 */ {{1,0}, {0,3}}, /* 6 */ {{246,4}, {189,4}}, /* 7 */ {{192,4}, {243,4}}, /* 8 */ {{4,3}, {0,1}}, /* 9 */ {{3,2}, {1,2}}, }; struct SortSet { const SkPoint* ptData; int ptCount; double tStart; double tEnd; }; static const SortSet set1[] = { {cubics[0], 4, 0.66666987081928919, 0.875}, {lines[0], 2, 0.574070336, 0.388888889}, {cubics[0], 4, 0.66666987081928919, 0.4050371120499307 }, {lines[0], 2, 0.574070336, 0.9140625}, }; static const SortSet set2[] = { {cubics[0], 4, 0.666666667, 0.875}, {lines[0], 2, 0.574074074, 0.388888889}, {cubics[0], 4, 0.666666667, 0.405037112}, {lines[0], 2, 0.574074074, 0.9140625}, }; static const SortSet set3[] = { {cubics[1], 4, 0, 1}, {quads[0], 3, 1, 0}, }; static const SortSet set4[] = { {cubics[2], 4, 0.812114222, 1}, {cubics[3], 4, 0.0684734759, 0}, }; static const SortSet set5[] = { {lines[1], 2, 0.777777778, 1}, {quads[1], 3, 1, 4.34137342e-06}, {lines[2], 2, 0, 1}, }; static const SortSet set6[] = { {lines[3], 2, 0.407407407, 0.554627832}, {cubics[4], 4, 0.666666667, 0.548022446}, {lines[3], 2, 0.407407407, 0}, {cubics[4], 4, 0.666666667, 1}, }; static const SortSet set7[] = { {cubics[5], 4, 0.545233342, 0.545454545}, {cubics[6], 4, 0.484938134, 0.484805744}, {cubics[5], 4, 0.545233342, 0}, {cubics[6], 4, 0.484938134, 0.545454545}, }; static const SortSet set8[] = { {cubics[7], 4, 0.5, 0.522986744 }, {lines[4], 2, 0.75, 1}, {cubics[7], 4, 0.5, 0}, {lines[4], 2, 0.75, 0.737654321}, }; static const SortSet set9[] = { {cubics[8], 4, 0.4, 1}, {lines[5], 2, 0.36, 0}, {cubics[8], 4, 0.4, 0.394675838}, {lines[5], 2, 0.36, 0.363999782}, }; static const SortSet set10[] = { {lines[6], 2, 0.947368421, 1}, {cubics[9], 4, 1, 0.500000357}, {lines[7], 2, 0, 1}, }; static const SortSet set11[] = { {lines[3], 2, 0.75, 1}, {cubics[10], 4, 0.5, 0.228744269}, {lines[3], 2, 0.75, 0.627112191}, {cubics[10], 4, 0.5, 0.6339746}, }; static const SortSet set12[] = { {cubics[12], 4, 0.5, 1}, {lines[8], 2, 0.5, 1}, {cubics[11], 4, 0.5, 0}, {lines[9], 2, 0.5, 1}, {cubics[12], 4, 0.5, 0}, {lines[8], 2, 0.5, 0}, {cubics[11], 4, 0.5, 1}, {lines[9], 2, 0.5, 0}, }; struct SortSetTests { const SortSet* set; size_t count; }; static const SortSetTests tests[] = { { set12, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set12) }, { set11, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set11) }, { set10, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set10) }, { set9, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set9) }, { set8, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set8) }, { set7, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set7) }, { set6, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set6) }, { set2, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set2) }, { set5, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set5) }, { set4, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set4) }, { set3, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set3) }, { set1, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(set1) }, }; static void setup(const SortSet* set, const size_t idx, SkPoint const ** data, SkOpSegment* seg, int* ts) { SkPoint start, end; *data = set[idx].ptData; switch(set[idx].ptCount) { case 2: { seg->addLine(*data, false, false); SkDLine dLine; dLine.set(set[idx].ptData); start = dLine.xyAtT(set[idx].tStart).asSkPoint(); end = dLine.xyAtT(set[idx].tEnd).asSkPoint(); } break; case 3: { seg->addQuad(*data, false, false); SkDQuad dQuad; dQuad.set(set[idx].ptData); start = dQuad.xyAtT(set[idx].tStart).asSkPoint(); end = dQuad.xyAtT(set[idx].tEnd).asSkPoint(); } break; case 4: { seg->addCubic(*data, false, false); SkDCubic dCubic; dCubic.set(set[idx].ptData); start = dCubic.xyAtT(set[idx].tStart).asSkPoint(); end = dCubic.xyAtT(set[idx].tEnd).asSkPoint(); } break; } double tStart = set[idx].tStart; double tEnd = set[idx].tEnd; seg->addT(NULL, start, tStart); seg->addT(NULL, end, tEnd); double tLeft = tStart < tEnd ? 0 : 1; if (tStart != tLeft && tEnd != tLeft) { seg->addT(NULL, set[idx].ptData[0], tLeft); } double tRight = tStart < tEnd ? 1 : 0; if (tStart != tRight && tEnd != tRight) { seg->addT(NULL, set[idx].ptData[set[idx].ptCount - 1], tRight); } int tIndex = 0; do { if (seg->t(tIndex) == set[idx].tStart) { ts[0] = tIndex; } if (seg->t(tIndex) == set[idx].tEnd) { ts[1] = tIndex; } if (seg->t(tIndex) >= 1) { break; } } while (++tIndex); } static void PathOpsAngleTest(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { for (size_t index = 0; index < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(tests); ++index) { const SortSetTests& test = tests[index]; for (size_t idxL = 0; idxL < test.count - 1; ++idxL) { SkOpSegment lesser, greater; int lesserTs[2], greaterTs[2]; const SkPoint* lesserData, * greaterData; const SortSet* set = test.set; setup(set, idxL, &lesserData, &lesser, lesserTs); size_t idxG = idxL + 1; setup(set, idxG, &greaterData, &greater, greaterTs); SkOpAngle first, second; first.set(lesserData, SkPathOpsPointsToVerb(set[idxL].ptCount - 1), &lesser, lesserTs[0], lesserTs[1], lesser.spans()); second.set(greaterData, SkPathOpsPointsToVerb(set[idxG].ptCount - 1), &greater, greaterTs[0], greaterTs[1], greater.spans()); bool compare = first < second; if (!compare) { SkDebugf("%s test[%d]: lesser[%d] > greater[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, index, idxL, idxG); compare = first < second; } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, compare); reporter->bumpTestCount(); } } } #include "TestClassDef.h" DEFINE_TESTCLASS_SHORT(PathOpsAngleTest)