/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU #include "SkMatrix.h" #include "SkString.h" #include "GrTRecorder.h" #include "Test.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int activeRecorderItems = 0; class IntWrapper { public: IntWrapper() {} IntWrapper(int value) : fValue(value) {} operator int() { return fValue; } private: int fValue; }; static void test_empty_back(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { GrTRecorder recorder(0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, recorder.empty()); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, i == *GrNEW_APPEND_TO_RECORDER(recorder, IntWrapper, (i))); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !recorder.empty()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, i == recorder.back()); } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !recorder.empty()); recorder.reset(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, recorder.empty()); } struct ExtraData { typedef GrTRecorder Recorder; ExtraData(int i) : fData(i) { int* extraData = this->extraData(); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { extraData[j] = i; } ++activeRecorderItems; } ~ExtraData() { --activeRecorderItems; } int* extraData() { return reinterpret_cast(Recorder::GetDataForItem(this)); } int fData; }; static void test_extra_data(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { ExtraData::Recorder recorder(0); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { GrNEW_APPEND_WITH_DATA_TO_RECORDER(recorder, ExtraData, (i), i * sizeof(int)); } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 100 == activeRecorderItems); ExtraData::Recorder::Iter iter(recorder); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, iter.next()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, i == iter->fData); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, i == iter->extraData()[j]); } } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !iter.next()); recorder.reset(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == activeRecorderItems); } enum ClassType { kBase_ClassType, kSubclass_ClassType, kSubSubclass_ClassType, kSubclassExtraData_ClassType, kSubclassEmpty_ClassType, kNumClassTypes }; class Base { public: typedef GrTRecorder Recorder; Base() { fMatrix.reset(); ++activeRecorderItems; } virtual ~Base() { --activeRecorderItems; } virtual ClassType getType() { return kBase_ClassType; } virtual void validate(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) const { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, fMatrix.isIdentity()); } private: SkMatrix fMatrix; }; class Subclass : public Base { public: Subclass() : fString("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet") {} virtual ClassType getType() { return kSubclass_ClassType; } virtual void validate(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) const { Base::validate(reporter); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !strcmp("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", fString.c_str())); } private: SkString fString; }; class SubSubclass : public Subclass { public: SubSubclass() : fInt(1234), fFloat(1.234f) {} virtual ClassType getType() { return kSubSubclass_ClassType; } virtual void validate(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) const { Subclass::validate(reporter); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1234 == fInt); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1.234f == fFloat); } private: int fInt; float fFloat; }; class SubclassExtraData : public Base { public: SubclassExtraData(int length) : fLength(length) { int* data = reinterpret_cast(Recorder::GetDataForItem(this)); for (int i = 0; i < fLength; ++i) { data[i] = 123456789 + 987654321 * i; } } virtual ClassType getType() { return kSubclassExtraData_ClassType; } virtual void validate(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) const { Base::validate(reporter); const int* data = reinterpret_cast(Recorder::GetDataForItem(this)); for (int i = 0; i < fLength; ++i) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 123456789 + 987654321 * i == data[i]); } } private: int fLength; }; class SubclassEmpty : public Base { public: virtual ClassType getType() { return kSubclassEmpty_ClassType; } }; static void test_subclasses(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { class Order { public: Order() { this->reset(); } void reset() { fCurrent = 0; } ClassType next() { fCurrent = 1664525 * fCurrent + 1013904223; return static_cast(fCurrent % kNumClassTypes); } private: uint32_t fCurrent; }; Base::Recorder recorder(1024); Order order; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { switch (order.next()) { case kBase_ClassType: GrNEW_APPEND_TO_RECORDER(recorder, Base, ()); break; case kSubclass_ClassType: GrNEW_APPEND_TO_RECORDER(recorder, Subclass, ()); break; case kSubSubclass_ClassType: GrNEW_APPEND_TO_RECORDER(recorder, SubSubclass, ()); break; case kSubclassExtraData_ClassType: GrNEW_APPEND_WITH_DATA_TO_RECORDER(recorder, SubclassExtraData, (i), sizeof(int) * i); break; case kSubclassEmpty_ClassType: GrNEW_APPEND_TO_RECORDER(recorder, SubclassEmpty, ()); break; default: reporter->reportFailed(SkString("Invalid class type")); break; } } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1000 == activeRecorderItems); order.reset(); Base::Recorder::Iter iter(recorder); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, iter.next()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, order.next() == iter->getType()); iter->validate(reporter); } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !iter.next()); // Don't reset the recorder. It should automatically destruct all its items. } DEF_GPUTEST(GrTRecorder, reporter, factory) { test_empty_back(reporter); test_extra_data(reporter); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == activeRecorderItems); // test_extra_data should call reset(). test_subclasses(reporter); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == activeRecorderItems); // Ensure ~GrTRecorder invokes dtors. } #endif