/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ // This is a GPU-backend specific test. It relies on static intializers to work #include "SkTypes.h" #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU && SK_ALLOW_STATIC_GLOBAL_INITIALIZERS #include "GrBackendEffectFactory.h" #include "GrContextFactory.h" #include "GrDrawEffect.h" #include "effects/GrConfigConversionEffect.h" #include "gl/GrGpuGL.h" #include "SkChecksum.h" #include "SkRandom.h" #include "Test.h" void GrGLProgramDesc::setRandom(SkRandom* random, const GrGpuGL* gpu, const GrRenderTarget* dstRenderTarget, const GrTexture* dstCopyTexture, const GrEffectStage* stages[], int numColorStages, int numCoverageStages, int currAttribIndex) { int numEffects = numColorStages + numCoverageStages; size_t keyLength = KeyLength(numEffects); fKey.reset(keyLength); *this->atOffset() = static_cast(keyLength); memset(this->header(), 0, kHeaderSize); KeyHeader* header = this->header(); header->fEmitsPointSize = random->nextBool(); header->fPositionAttributeIndex = 0; // if the effects have used up all off the available attributes, // don't try to use color or coverage attributes as input do { header->fColorInput = static_cast( random->nextULessThan(kColorInputCnt)); } while (GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt <= currAttribIndex && kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fColorInput); header->fColorAttributeIndex = (header->fColorInput == kAttribute_ColorInput) ? currAttribIndex++ : -1; do { header->fCoverageInput = static_cast( random->nextULessThan(kColorInputCnt)); } while (GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt <= currAttribIndex && kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fCoverageInput); header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = (header->fCoverageInput == kAttribute_ColorInput) ? currAttribIndex++ : -1; #if GR_GL_EXPERIMENTAL_GS header->fExperimentalGS = gpu->caps()->geometryShaderSupport() && random->nextBool(); #endif header->fDiscardIfZeroCoverage = random->nextBool(); bool useLocalCoords = random->nextBool() && currAttribIndex < GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt; header->fLocalCoordAttributeIndex = useLocalCoords ? currAttribIndex++ : -1; header->fColorEffectCnt = numColorStages; header->fCoverageEffectCnt = numCoverageStages; bool dstRead = false; bool fragPos = false; bool vertexCode = false; int numStages = numColorStages + numCoverageStages; for (int s = 0; s < numStages; ++s) { const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory = (*stages[s]->getEffect())->getFactory(); GrDrawEffect drawEffect(*stages[s], useLocalCoords); this->effectKeys()[s] = factory.glEffectKey(drawEffect, gpu->glCaps()); if ((*stages[s]->getEffect())->willReadDstColor()) { dstRead = true; } if ((*stages[s]->getEffect())->willReadFragmentPosition()) { fragPos = true; } if ((*stages[s]->getEffect())->hasVertexCode()) { vertexCode = true; } } if (dstRead) { header->fDstReadKey = GrGLShaderBuilder::KeyForDstRead(dstCopyTexture, gpu->glCaps()); } else { header->fDstReadKey = 0; } if (fragPos) { header->fFragPosKey = GrGLShaderBuilder::KeyForFragmentPosition(dstRenderTarget, gpu->glCaps()); } else { header->fFragPosKey = 0; } header->fHasVertexCode = vertexCode || useLocalCoords || kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fColorInput || kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fCoverageInput; CoverageOutput coverageOutput; bool illegalCoverageOutput; do { coverageOutput = static_cast(random->nextULessThan(kCoverageOutputCnt)); illegalCoverageOutput = (!gpu->caps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport() && CoverageOutputUsesSecondaryOutput(coverageOutput)) || (!dstRead && kCombineWithDst_CoverageOutput == coverageOutput); } while (illegalCoverageOutput); header->fCoverageOutput = coverageOutput; *this->checksum() = 0; *this->checksum() = SkChecksum::Compute(reinterpret_cast(fKey.get()), keyLength); fInitialized = true; } bool GrGpuGL::programUnitTest(int maxStages) { GrTextureDesc dummyDesc; dummyDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrTextureFlagBit; dummyDesc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig; dummyDesc.fWidth = 34; dummyDesc.fHeight = 18; SkAutoTUnref dummyTexture1(this->createTexture(dummyDesc, NULL, 0)); dummyDesc.fFlags = kNone_GrTextureFlags; dummyDesc.fConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig; dummyDesc.fWidth = 16; dummyDesc.fHeight = 22; SkAutoTUnref dummyTexture2(this->createTexture(dummyDesc, NULL, 0)); static const int NUM_TESTS = 512; SkRandom random; for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TESTS; ++t) { #if 0 GrPrintf("\nTest Program %d\n-------------\n", t); static const int stop = -1; if (t == stop) { int breakpointhere = 9; } #endif GrGLProgramDesc pdesc; int currAttribIndex = 1; // we need to always leave room for position int currTextureCoordSet = 0; int attribIndices[2]; GrTexture* dummyTextures[] = {dummyTexture1.get(), dummyTexture2.get()}; int numStages = random.nextULessThan(maxStages + 1); int numColorStages = random.nextULessThan(numStages + 1); int numCoverageStages = numStages - numColorStages; SkAutoSTMalloc<8, const GrEffectStage*> stages(numStages); bool useFixedFunctionTexturing = this->shouldUseFixedFunctionTexturing(); for (int s = 0; s < numStages;) { SkAutoTUnref effect(GrEffectTestFactory::CreateStage( &random, this->getContext(), *this->caps(), dummyTextures)); int numAttribs = (*effect)->numVertexAttribs(); // If adding this effect would exceed the max attrib count then generate a // new random effect. if (currAttribIndex + numAttribs > GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt) { continue; } // If adding this effect would exceed the max texture coord set count then generate a // new random effect. if (useFixedFunctionTexturing && !(*effect)->hasVertexCode()) { int numTransforms = (*effect)->numTransforms(); if (currTextureCoordSet + numTransforms > this->glCaps().maxFixedFunctionTextureCoords()) { continue; } currTextureCoordSet += numTransforms; } useFixedFunctionTexturing = useFixedFunctionTexturing && !(*effect)->hasVertexCode(); for (int i = 0; i < numAttribs; ++i) { attribIndices[i] = currAttribIndex++; } GrEffectStage* stage = SkNEW_ARGS(GrEffectStage, (effect.get(), attribIndices[0], attribIndices[1])); stages[s] = stage; ++s; } const GrTexture* dstTexture = random.nextBool() ? dummyTextures[0] : dummyTextures[1]; pdesc.setRandom(&random, this, dummyTextures[0]->asRenderTarget(), dstTexture, stages.get(), numColorStages, numCoverageStages, currAttribIndex); SkAutoTUnref program(GrGLProgram::Create(this, pdesc, stages, stages + numColorStages)); for (int s = 0; s < numStages; ++s) { SkDELETE(stages[s]); } if (NULL == program.get()) { return false; } } return true; } DEF_GPUTEST(GLPrograms, reporter, factory) { for (int type = 0; type < GrContextFactory::kLastGLContextType; ++type) { GrContext* context = factory->get(static_cast(type)); if (NULL != context) { GrGpuGL* gpu = static_cast(context->getGpu()); int maxStages = 6; #if SK_ANGLE // Some long shaders run out of temporary registers in the D3D compiler on ANGLE. if (type == GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GLContextType) { maxStages = 3; } #endif REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gpu->programUnitTest(maxStages)); } } } // This is evil evil evil. The linker may throw away whole translation units as dead code if it // thinks none of the functions are called. It will do this even if there are static initializers // in the unit that could pass pointers to functions from the unit out to other translation units! // We force some of the effects that would otherwise be discarded to link here. #include "SkAlphaThresholdFilter.h" #include "SkColorMatrixFilter.h" #include "SkLightingImageFilter.h" #include "SkMagnifierImageFilter.h" void forceLinking(); void forceLinking() { SkLightingImageFilter::CreateDistantLitDiffuse(SkPoint3(0,0,0), 0, 0, 0); SkAlphaThresholdFilter::Create(SkRegion(), .5f, .5f); SkMagnifierImageFilter mag(SkRect::MakeWH(SK_Scalar1, SK_Scalar1), SK_Scalar1); GrConfigConversionEffect::Create(NULL, false, GrConfigConversionEffect::kNone_PMConversion, SkMatrix::I()); SkScalar matrix[20]; SkColorMatrixFilter cmf(matrix); } #endif