/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "CanvasStateHelpers.h" #include "SkBitmap.h" #include "SkCanvasPriv.h" #include "SkCanvasStateUtils.h" #include "SkClipOpPriv.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include "SkCommandLineFlags.h" #include "SkImageInfo.h" #include "SkPaint.h" #include "SkRRect.h" #include "SkRect.h" #include "SkRegion.h" #include "SkScalar.h" #include "SkTDArray.h" #include "SkTLazy.h" #include "SkTypes.h" #include "Test.h" #include #include class SkCanvasState; // dlopen and the library flag are only used for tests which require this flag. #ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_CLIPTOLAYERFLAG #include DEFINE_string(library, "", "Support library to use for CanvasState test. If empty (the default), " "the test will be run without crossing a library boundary. Otherwise, " "it is expected to be a full path to a shared library file, which will" " be dynamically loaded. Functions from the library will be called to " "test SkCanvasState. Instructions for generating the library are in " "gyp/canvas_state_lib.gyp"); // This class calls dlopen on the library passed in to the command line flag library, and handles // calling dlclose when it goes out of scope. class OpenLibResult { public: // If the flag library was passed to this run of the test, attempt to open it using dlopen and // report whether it succeeded. OpenLibResult(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { if (FLAGS_library.count() == 1) { fHandle = dlopen(FLAGS_library[0], RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, fHandle != nullptr, "Failed to open library!"); } else { fHandle = nullptr; } } // Automatically call dlclose when going out of scope. ~OpenLibResult() { if (fHandle) { dlclose(fHandle); } } // Pointer to the shared library object. void* handle() { return fHandle; } private: void* fHandle; }; DEF_TEST(CanvasState_test_complex_layers, reporter) { const int WIDTH = 400; const int HEIGHT = 400; const int SPACER = 10; SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(SkIntToScalar(SPACER), SkIntToScalar(SPACER), SkIntToScalar(WIDTH-(2*SPACER)), SkIntToScalar((HEIGHT-(2*SPACER)) / 7)); const SkColorType colorTypes[] = { kRGB_565_SkColorType, kN32_SkColorType }; const int layerAlpha[] = { 255, 255, 0 }; const SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags flags[] = { static_cast(SkCanvasPriv::kDontClipToLayer_SaveLayerFlag), 0, static_cast(SkCanvasPriv::kDontClipToLayer_SaveLayerFlag), }; REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(layerAlpha) == sizeof(flags)); bool (*drawFn)(SkCanvasState* state, float l, float t, float r, float b, int32_t s); OpenLibResult openLibResult(reporter); if (openLibResult.handle() != nullptr) { *(void**) (&drawFn) = dlsym(openLibResult.handle(), "complex_layers_draw_from_canvas_state"); } else { drawFn = complex_layers_draw_from_canvas_state; } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, drawFn); if (!drawFn) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colorTypes); ++i) { SkBitmap bitmaps[2]; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { bitmaps[j].allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(WIDTH, HEIGHT, colorTypes[i], kPremul_SkAlphaType)); SkCanvas canvas(bitmaps[j]); canvas.drawColor(SK_ColorRED); for (size_t k = 0; k < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(layerAlpha); ++k) { SkTLazy paint; if (layerAlpha[k] != 0xFF) { paint.init()->setAlpha(layerAlpha[k]); } // draw a rect within the layer's bounds and again outside the layer's bounds canvas.saveLayer(SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec(&rect, paint.getMaybeNull(), flags[k])); if (j) { // Capture from the first Skia. SkCanvasState* state = SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(&canvas); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, state); // And draw to it in the second Skia. bool success = complex_layers_draw_from_canvas_state(state, rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, SPACER); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success); // And release it in the *first* Skia. SkCanvasStateUtils::ReleaseCanvasState(state); } else { // Draw in the first Skia. complex_layers_draw(&canvas, rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, SPACER); } canvas.restore(); // translate the canvas for the next iteration canvas.translate(0, 2*(rect.height() + SPACER)); } } // now we memcmp the two bitmaps REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bitmaps[0].computeByteSize() == bitmaps[1].computeByteSize()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(bitmaps[0].getPixels(), bitmaps[1].getPixels(), bitmaps[0].computeByteSize())); } } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_CLIPTOLAYERFLAG DEF_TEST(CanvasState_test_complex_clips, reporter) { const int WIDTH = 400; const int HEIGHT = 400; const int SPACER = 10; SkIRect layerRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(WIDTH, HEIGHT / 4); layerRect.inset(2*SPACER, 2*SPACER); SkIRect clipRect = layerRect; clipRect.fRight = clipRect.fLeft + (clipRect.width() / 2) - (2*SPACER); clipRect.outset(SPACER, SPACER); SkIRect regionBounds = clipRect; regionBounds.offset(clipRect.width() + (2*SPACER), 0); SkIRect regionInterior = regionBounds; regionInterior.inset(SPACER*3, SPACER*3); SkRegion clipRegion; clipRegion.setRect(regionBounds); clipRegion.op(regionInterior, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); const SkRegion::Op clipOps[] = { SkRegion::kIntersect_Op, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op, SkRegion::kReplace_Op, }; const SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags flags[] = { static_cast(SkCanvasPriv::kDontClipToLayer_SaveLayerFlag), 0, static_cast(SkCanvasPriv::kDontClipToLayer_SaveLayerFlag), }; REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(clipOps) == sizeof(flags)); bool (*drawFn)(SkCanvasState* state, int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b, int32_t clipOp, int32_t regionRects, int32_t* rectCoords); OpenLibResult openLibResult(reporter); if (openLibResult.handle() != nullptr) { *(void**) (&drawFn) = dlsym(openLibResult.handle(), "complex_clips_draw_from_canvas_state"); } else { drawFn = complex_clips_draw_from_canvas_state; } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, drawFn); if (!drawFn) { return; } SkBitmap bitmaps[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { bitmaps[i].allocN32Pixels(WIDTH, HEIGHT); SkCanvas canvas(bitmaps[i]); canvas.drawColor(SK_ColorRED); SkRegion localRegion = clipRegion; SkPaint paint; paint.setAlpha(128); for (size_t j = 0; j < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(flags); ++j) { SkRect layerBounds = SkRect::Make(layerRect); canvas.saveLayer(SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec(&layerBounds, &paint, flags[j])); if (i) { SkCanvasState* state = SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(&canvas); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, state); SkRegion::Iterator iter(localRegion); SkTDArray rectCoords; for (; !iter.done(); iter.next()) { const SkIRect& rect = iter.rect(); *rectCoords.append() = rect.fLeft; *rectCoords.append() = rect.fTop; *rectCoords.append() = rect.fRight; *rectCoords.append() = rect.fBottom; } bool success = drawFn(state, clipRect.fLeft, clipRect.fTop, clipRect.fRight, clipRect.fBottom, clipOps[j], rectCoords.count() / 4, rectCoords.begin()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success); SkCanvasStateUtils::ReleaseCanvasState(state); } else { complex_clips_draw(&canvas, clipRect.fLeft, clipRect.fTop, clipRect.fRight, clipRect.fBottom, clipOps[j], localRegion); } canvas.restore(); // translate the canvas and region for the next iteration canvas.translate(0, SkIntToScalar(2*(layerRect.height() + (SPACER)))); localRegion.translate(0, 2*(layerRect.height() + SPACER)); } } // now we memcmp the two bitmaps REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bitmaps[0].computeByteSize() == bitmaps[1].computeByteSize()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(bitmaps[0].getPixels(), bitmaps[1].getPixels(), bitmaps[0].computeByteSize())); } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEF_TEST(CanvasState_test_soft_clips, reporter) { SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.allocN32Pixels(10, 10); SkCanvas canvas(bitmap); SkRRect roundRect; roundRect.setOval(SkRect::MakeWH(5, 5)); canvas.clipRRect(roundRect, kIntersect_SkClipOp, true); SkCanvasState* state = SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(&canvas); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !state); } DEF_TEST(CanvasState_test_saveLayer_clip, reporter) { #ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_CLIPTOLAYERFLAG static_assert(SkCanvas::kDontClipToLayer_Legacy_SaveLayerFlag == SkCanvasPriv::kDontClipToLayer_SaveLayerFlag, ""); #endif const int WIDTH = 100; const int HEIGHT = 100; const int LAYER_WIDTH = 50; const int LAYER_HEIGHT = 50; SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.allocN32Pixels(WIDTH, HEIGHT); SkCanvas canvas(bitmap); SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(LAYER_WIDTH), SkIntToScalar(LAYER_HEIGHT)); canvas.clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(WIDTH), SkIntToScalar(HEIGHT))); SkIRect devClip; // Check that saveLayer without the kClipToLayer_SaveFlag leaves the clip unchanged. canvas.saveLayer(SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec(&bounds, nullptr, (SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags) SkCanvasPriv::kDontClipToLayer_SaveLayerFlag)); devClip = canvas.getDeviceClipBounds(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, canvas.isClipRect()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, devClip.width() == WIDTH); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, devClip.height() == HEIGHT); canvas.restore(); // Check that saveLayer with the kClipToLayer_SaveFlag sets the clip // stack to the layer bounds. canvas.saveLayer(&bounds, nullptr); devClip = canvas.getDeviceClipBounds(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, canvas.isClipRect()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, devClip.width() == LAYER_WIDTH); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, devClip.height() == LAYER_HEIGHT); canvas.restore(); }