/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkWidget.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkShader.h" #include "SkInterpolator.h" #include "SkTime.h" SkProgressView::SkProgressView(uint32_t flags) : SkView(flags), fOnShader(NULL), fOffShader(NULL) { fValue = 0; fMax = 0; fInterp = NULL; fDoInterp = false; } SkProgressView::~SkProgressView() { delete fInterp; SkSafeUnref(fOnShader); SkSafeUnref(fOffShader); } void SkProgressView::setMax(U16CPU max) { if (fMax != max) { fMax = SkToU16(max); if (fValue > 0) this->inval(NULL); } } void SkProgressView::setValue(U16CPU value) { if (fValue != value) { if (fDoInterp) { if (fInterp) delete fInterp; fInterp = new SkInterpolator(1, 2); SkScalar x = (SkScalar)(fValue << 8); fInterp->setKeyFrame(0, SkTime::GetMSecs(), &x, 0); x = (SkScalar)(value << 8); fInterp->setKeyFrame(1, SkTime::GetMSecs() + 333, &x); } fValue = SkToU16(value); this->inval(NULL); } } void SkProgressView::onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { if (fMax == 0) return; SkFixed percent; if (fInterp) { SkScalar x; if (fInterp->timeToValues(SkTime::GetMSecs(), &x) == SkInterpolator::kFreezeEnd_Result) { delete fInterp; fInterp = NULL; } percent = (SkFixed)x; // now its 16.8 percent = SkMax32(0, SkMin32(percent, fMax << 8)); // now its pinned percent = SkFixedDiv(percent, fMax << 8); // now its 0.16 this->inval(NULL); } else { U16CPU value = SkMax32(0, SkMin32(fValue, fMax)); percent = SkFixedDiv(value, fMax); } SkRect r; SkPaint p; r.set(0, 0, this->width(), this->height()); p.setAntiAlias(true); r.fRight = r.fLeft + SkScalarMul(r.width(), SkFixedToScalar(percent)); p.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); p.setColor(SK_ColorDKGRAY); p.setShader(fOnShader); canvas->drawRect(r, p); p.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE); p.setShader(fOffShader); r.fLeft = r.fRight; r.fRight = this->width() - SK_Scalar1; if (r.width() > 0) canvas->drawRect(r, p); } #include "SkImageDecoder.h" static SkShader* inflate_shader(const char file[]) { SkBitmap bm; return SkImageDecoder::DecodeFile(file, &bm) ? SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(bm, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode) : NULL; } void SkProgressView::onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node) { this->INHERITED::onInflate(dom, node); const char* s; SkASSERT(fOnShader == NULL); SkASSERT(fOffShader == NULL); if ((s = dom.findAttr(node, "src-on")) != NULL) fOnShader = inflate_shader(s); if ((s = dom.findAttr(node, "src-off")) != NULL) fOffShader = inflate_shader(s); (void)dom.findBool(node, "do-interp", &fDoInterp); }