/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkSLMetalCodeGenerator.h" #include "SkSLCompiler.h" #include "ir/SkSLExpressionStatement.h" #include "ir/SkSLExtension.h" #include "ir/SkSLIndexExpression.h" #include "ir/SkSLModifiersDeclaration.h" #include "ir/SkSLNop.h" #include "ir/SkSLVariableReference.h" namespace SkSL { void MetalCodeGenerator::write(const char* s) { if (!s[0]) { return; } if (fAtLineStart) { for (int i = 0; i < fIndentation; i++) { fOut->writeText(" "); } } fOut->writeText(s); fAtLineStart = false; } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeLine(const char* s) { this->write(s); fOut->writeText(fLineEnding); fAtLineStart = true; } void MetalCodeGenerator::write(const String& s) { this->write(s.c_str()); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeLine(const String& s) { this->writeLine(s.c_str()); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeLine() { this->writeLine(""); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeExtension(const Extension& ext) { this->writeLine("#extension " + ext.fName + " : enable"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeType(const Type& type) { switch (type.kind()) { case Type::kStruct_Kind: for (const Type* search : fWrittenStructs) { if (*search == type) { // already written this->write(type.name()); return; } } fWrittenStructs.push_back(&type); this->writeLine("struct " + type.name() + " {"); fIndentation++; for (const auto& f : type.fields()) { this->writeModifiers(f.fModifiers, false); // sizes (which must be static in structs) are part of the type name here this->writeType(*f.fType); this->writeLine(" " + f.fName + ";"); } fIndentation--; this->write("}"); break; case Type::kVector_Kind: this->writeType(type.componentType()); this->write(to_string(type.columns())); break; default: this->write(type.name()); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeExpression(const Expression& expr, Precedence parentPrecedence) { switch (expr.fKind) { case Expression::kBinary_Kind: this->writeBinaryExpression((BinaryExpression&) expr, parentPrecedence); break; case Expression::kBoolLiteral_Kind: this->writeBoolLiteral((BoolLiteral&) expr); break; case Expression::kConstructor_Kind: this->writeConstructor((Constructor&) expr); break; case Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind: this->writeIntLiteral((IntLiteral&) expr); break; case Expression::kFieldAccess_Kind: this->writeFieldAccess(((FieldAccess&) expr)); break; case Expression::kFloatLiteral_Kind: this->writeFloatLiteral(((FloatLiteral&) expr)); break; case Expression::kFunctionCall_Kind: this->writeFunctionCall((FunctionCall&) expr); break; case Expression::kPrefix_Kind: this->writePrefixExpression((PrefixExpression&) expr, parentPrecedence); break; case Expression::kPostfix_Kind: this->writePostfixExpression((PostfixExpression&) expr, parentPrecedence); break; case Expression::kSetting_Kind: this->writeSetting((Setting&) expr); break; case Expression::kSwizzle_Kind: this->writeSwizzle((Swizzle&) expr); break; case Expression::kVariableReference_Kind: this->writeVariableReference((VariableReference&) expr); break; case Expression::kTernary_Kind: this->writeTernaryExpression((TernaryExpression&) expr, parentPrecedence); break; case Expression::kIndex_Kind: this->writeIndexExpression((IndexExpression&) expr); break; default: ABORT("unsupported expression: %s", expr.description().c_str()); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeFunctionCall(const FunctionCall& c) { if (c.fFunction.fBuiltin && "atan" == c.fFunction.fName && 2 == c.fArguments.size()) { this->write("atan2"); } else { this->write(c.fFunction.fName); } this->write("("); const char* separator = ""; if (this->requirements(c.fFunction) & kInputs_Requirement) { this->write("_in"); separator = ", "; } if (this->requirements(c.fFunction) & kOutputs_Requirement) { this->write(separator); this->write("_out"); separator = ", "; } if (this->requirements(c.fFunction) & kUniforms_Requirement) { this->write(separator); this->write("_uniforms"); separator = ", "; } for (size_t i = 0; i < c.fArguments.size(); ++i) { const Expression& arg = *c.fArguments[i]; this->write(separator); separator = ", "; if (c.fFunction.fParameters[i]->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag) { this->write("&"); } this->writeExpression(arg, kSequence_Precedence); } this->write(")"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeConstructor(const Constructor& c) { this->writeType(c.fType); this->write("("); const char* separator = ""; int scalarCount = 0; for (const auto& arg : c.fArguments) { this->write(separator); separator = ", "; if (Type::kMatrix_Kind == c.fType.kind() && Type::kScalar_Kind == arg->fType.kind()) { // float2x2(float, float, float, float) doesn't work in Metal 1, so we need to merge to // float2x2(float2, float2). if (!scalarCount) { this->writeType(c.fType.componentType()); this->write(to_string(c.fType.rows())); this->write("("); } ++scalarCount; } this->writeExpression(*arg, kSequence_Precedence); if (scalarCount && scalarCount == c.fType.rows()) { this->write(")"); scalarCount = 0; } } this->write(")"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeFragCoord() { this->write("_in.position"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeVariableReference(const VariableReference& ref) { switch (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin) { case SK_FRAGCOLOR_BUILTIN: this->write("sk_FragColor"); break; default: if (Variable::kGlobal_Storage == ref.fVariable.fStorage) { if (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag) { this->write("_in."); } else if (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag) { this->write("_out."); } else if (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) { this->write("_uniforms."); } else { fErrors.error(ref.fVariable.fOffset, "Metal backend does not support global " "variables"); } } this->write(ref.fVariable.fName); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeIndexExpression(const IndexExpression& expr) { this->writeExpression(*expr.fBase, kPostfix_Precedence); this->write("["); this->writeExpression(*expr.fIndex, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->write("]"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeFieldAccess(const FieldAccess& f) { if (FieldAccess::kDefault_OwnerKind == f.fOwnerKind) { this->writeExpression(*f.fBase, kPostfix_Precedence); this->write("."); } switch (f.fBase->fType.fields()[f.fFieldIndex].fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin) { case SK_CLIPDISTANCE_BUILTIN: this->write("gl_ClipDistance"); break; case SK_POSITION_BUILTIN: this->write("_out.position"); break; default: this->write(f.fBase->fType.fields()[f.fFieldIndex].fName); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeSwizzle(const Swizzle& swizzle) { this->writeExpression(*swizzle.fBase, kPostfix_Precedence); this->write("."); for (int c : swizzle.fComponents) { this->write(&("x\0y\0z\0w\0"[c * 2])); } } MetalCodeGenerator::Precedence MetalCodeGenerator::GetBinaryPrecedence(Token::Kind op) { switch (op) { case Token::STAR: // fall through case Token::SLASH: // fall through case Token::PERCENT: return MetalCodeGenerator::kMultiplicative_Precedence; case Token::PLUS: // fall through case Token::MINUS: return MetalCodeGenerator::kAdditive_Precedence; case Token::SHL: // fall through case Token::SHR: return MetalCodeGenerator::kShift_Precedence; case Token::LT: // fall through case Token::GT: // fall through case Token::LTEQ: // fall through case Token::GTEQ: return MetalCodeGenerator::kRelational_Precedence; case Token::EQEQ: // fall through case Token::NEQ: return MetalCodeGenerator::kEquality_Precedence; case Token::BITWISEAND: return MetalCodeGenerator::kBitwiseAnd_Precedence; case Token::BITWISEXOR: return MetalCodeGenerator::kBitwiseXor_Precedence; case Token::BITWISEOR: return MetalCodeGenerator::kBitwiseOr_Precedence; case Token::LOGICALAND: return MetalCodeGenerator::kLogicalAnd_Precedence; case Token::LOGICALXOR: return MetalCodeGenerator::kLogicalXor_Precedence; case Token::LOGICALOR: return MetalCodeGenerator::kLogicalOr_Precedence; case Token::EQ: // fall through case Token::PLUSEQ: // fall through case Token::MINUSEQ: // fall through case Token::STAREQ: // fall through case Token::SLASHEQ: // fall through case Token::PERCENTEQ: // fall through case Token::SHLEQ: // fall through case Token::SHREQ: // fall through case Token::LOGICALANDEQ: // fall through case Token::LOGICALXOREQ: // fall through case Token::LOGICALOREQ: // fall through case Token::BITWISEANDEQ: // fall through case Token::BITWISEXOREQ: // fall through case Token::BITWISEOREQ: return MetalCodeGenerator::kAssignment_Precedence; case Token::COMMA: return MetalCodeGenerator::kSequence_Precedence; default: ABORT("unsupported binary operator"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeBinaryExpression(const BinaryExpression& b, Precedence parentPrecedence) { Precedence precedence = GetBinaryPrecedence(b.fOperator); if (precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write("("); } if (Compiler::IsAssignment(b.fOperator) && Expression::kVariableReference_Kind == b.fLeft->fKind && Variable::kParameter_Storage == ((VariableReference&) *b.fLeft).fVariable.fStorage && (((VariableReference&) *b.fLeft).fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag)) { // writing to an out parameter. Since we have to turn those into pointers, we have to // dereference it here. this->write("*"); } this->writeExpression(*b.fLeft, precedence); if (b.fOperator != Token::EQ && Compiler::IsAssignment(b.fOperator) && Expression::kSwizzle_Kind == b.fLeft->fKind && !b.fLeft->hasSideEffects()) { // This doesn't compile in Metal: // float4 x = float4(1); // x.xy *= float2x2(...); // with the error message "non-const reference cannot bind to vector element", // but switching it to x.xy = x.xy * float2x2(...) fixes it. We perform this tranformation // as long as the LHS has no side effects, and hope for the best otherwise. this->write(" = "); this->writeExpression(*b.fLeft, kAssignment_Precedence); this->write(" "); String op = Compiler::OperatorName(b.fOperator); ASSERT(op.endsWith("=")); this->write(op.substr(0, op.size() - 1).c_str()); this->write(" "); } else { this->write(String(" ") + Compiler::OperatorName(b.fOperator) + " "); } this->writeExpression(*b.fRight, precedence); if (precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write(")"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeTernaryExpression(const TernaryExpression& t, Precedence parentPrecedence) { if (kTernary_Precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write("("); } this->writeExpression(*t.fTest, kTernary_Precedence); this->write(" ? "); this->writeExpression(*t.fIfTrue, kTernary_Precedence); this->write(" : "); this->writeExpression(*t.fIfFalse, kTernary_Precedence); if (kTernary_Precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write(")"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writePrefixExpression(const PrefixExpression& p, Precedence parentPrecedence) { if (kPrefix_Precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write("("); } this->write(Compiler::OperatorName(p.fOperator)); this->writeExpression(*p.fOperand, kPrefix_Precedence); if (kPrefix_Precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write(")"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writePostfixExpression(const PostfixExpression& p, Precedence parentPrecedence) { if (kPostfix_Precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write("("); } this->writeExpression(*p.fOperand, kPostfix_Precedence); this->write(Compiler::OperatorName(p.fOperator)); if (kPostfix_Precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write(")"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeBoolLiteral(const BoolLiteral& b) { this->write(b.fValue ? "true" : "false"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeIntLiteral(const IntLiteral& i) { if (i.fType == *fContext.fUInt_Type) { this->write(to_string(i.fValue & 0xffffffff) + "u"); } else { this->write(to_string((int32_t) i.fValue)); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeFloatLiteral(const FloatLiteral& f) { this->write(to_string(f.fValue)); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeSetting(const Setting& s) { ABORT("internal error; setting was not folded to a constant during compilation\n"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeFunction(const FunctionDefinition& f) { const char* separator = ""; if ("main" == f.fDeclaration.fName) { switch (fProgram.fKind) { case Program::kFragment_Kind: this->write("fragment half4 _frag"); break; case Program::kVertex_Kind: this->write("vertex Outputs _vert"); break; default: ASSERT(false); } this->write("(Inputs _in [[stage_in]]"); if (-1 != fUniformBuffer) { this->write(", constant Uniforms& _uniforms [[buffer(" + to_string(fUniformBuffer) + ")]]"); } separator = ", "; } else { this->writeType(f.fDeclaration.fReturnType); this->write(" " + f.fDeclaration.fName + "("); if (this->requirements(f.fDeclaration) & kInputs_Requirement) { this->write("Inputs _in"); separator = ", "; } if (this->requirements(f.fDeclaration) & kOutputs_Requirement) { this->write(separator); this->write("thread Outputs& _out"); separator = ", "; } if (this->requirements(f.fDeclaration) & kUniforms_Requirement) { this->write(separator); this->write("Uniforms _uniforms"); separator = ", "; } } for (const auto& param : f.fDeclaration.fParameters) { this->write(separator); separator = ", "; this->writeModifiers(param->fModifiers, false); std::vector sizes; const Type* type = ¶m->fType; while (Type::kArray_Kind == type->kind()) { sizes.push_back(type->columns()); type = &type->componentType(); } this->writeType(*type); if (param->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag) { this->write("*"); } this->write(" " + param->fName); for (int s : sizes) { if (s <= 0) { this->write("[]"); } else { this->write("[" + to_string(s) + "]"); } } } this->writeLine(") {"); ASSERT(!fProgram.fSettings.fFragColorIsInOut); if ("main" == f.fDeclaration.fName) { switch (fProgram.fKind) { case Program::kFragment_Kind: this->writeLine(" half4 sk_FragColor;"); break; case Program::kVertex_Kind: this->writeLine(" Outputs _out;"); break; default: ASSERT(false); } } fFunctionHeader = ""; OutputStream* oldOut = fOut; StringStream buffer; fOut = &buffer; fIndentation++; this->writeStatements(((Block&) *f.fBody).fStatements); if ("main" == f.fDeclaration.fName) { switch (fProgram.fKind) { case Program::kFragment_Kind: this->writeLine("return sk_FragColor;"); break; case Program::kVertex_Kind: this->writeLine("return _out;"); break; default: ASSERT(false); } } fIndentation--; this->writeLine("}"); fOut = oldOut; this->write(fFunctionHeader); this->write(buffer.str()); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeModifiers(const Modifiers& modifiers, bool globalContext) { if (modifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag) { this->write("thread "); } if (modifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kConst_Flag) { this->write("const "); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeInterfaceBlock(const InterfaceBlock& intf) { if ("sk_PerVertex" == intf.fTypeName) { return; } this->writeModifiers(intf.fVariable.fModifiers, true); this->writeLine(intf.fTypeName + " {"); fIndentation++; const Type* structType = &intf.fVariable.fType; while (Type::kArray_Kind == structType->kind()) { structType = &structType->componentType(); } for (const auto& f : structType->fields()) { this->writeModifiers(f.fModifiers, false); this->writeType(*f.fType); this->writeLine(" " + f.fName + ";"); } fIndentation--; this->write("}"); if (intf.fInstanceName.size()) { this->write(" "); this->write(intf.fInstanceName); for (const auto& size : intf.fSizes) { this->write("["); if (size) { this->writeExpression(*size, kTopLevel_Precedence); } this->write("]"); } } this->writeLine(";"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeVarInitializer(const Variable& var, const Expression& value) { this->writeExpression(value, kTopLevel_Precedence); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeVarDeclarations(const VarDeclarations& decl, bool global) { ASSERT(decl.fVars.size() > 0); bool wroteType = false; for (const auto& stmt : decl.fVars) { VarDeclaration& var = (VarDeclaration&) *stmt; if (var.fVar->fModifiers.fFlags & (Modifiers::kIn_Flag | Modifiers::kOut_Flag | Modifiers::kUniform_Flag)) { ASSERT(global); continue; } if (wroteType) { this->write(", "); } else { this->writeModifiers(var.fVar->fModifiers, global); this->writeType(decl.fBaseType); this->write(" "); wroteType = true; } this->write(var.fVar->fName); for (const auto& size : var.fSizes) { this->write("["); if (size) { this->writeExpression(*size, kTopLevel_Precedence); } this->write("]"); } if (var.fValue) { this->write(" = "); this->writeVarInitializer(*var.fVar, *var.fValue); } if (!fFoundImageDecl && var.fVar->fType == *fContext.fImage2D_Type) { if (fProgram.fSettings.fCaps->imageLoadStoreExtensionString()) { fHeader.writeText("#extension "); fHeader.writeText(fProgram.fSettings.fCaps->imageLoadStoreExtensionString()); fHeader.writeText(" : require\n"); } fFoundImageDecl = true; } } if (wroteType) { this->write(";"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeStatement(const Statement& s) { switch (s.fKind) { case Statement::kBlock_Kind: this->writeBlock((Block&) s); break; case Statement::kExpression_Kind: this->writeExpression(*((ExpressionStatement&) s).fExpression, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->write(";"); break; case Statement::kReturn_Kind: this->writeReturnStatement((ReturnStatement&) s); break; case Statement::kVarDeclarations_Kind: this->writeVarDeclarations(*((VarDeclarationsStatement&) s).fDeclaration, false); break; case Statement::kIf_Kind: this->writeIfStatement((IfStatement&) s); break; case Statement::kFor_Kind: this->writeForStatement((ForStatement&) s); break; case Statement::kWhile_Kind: this->writeWhileStatement((WhileStatement&) s); break; case Statement::kDo_Kind: this->writeDoStatement((DoStatement&) s); break; case Statement::kSwitch_Kind: this->writeSwitchStatement((SwitchStatement&) s); break; case Statement::kBreak_Kind: this->write("break;"); break; case Statement::kContinue_Kind: this->write("continue;"); break; case Statement::kDiscard_Kind: this->write("discard;"); break; case Statement::kNop_Kind: this->write(";"); break; default: ABORT("unsupported statement: %s", s.description().c_str()); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeStatements(const std::vector>& statements) { for (const auto& s : statements) { if (!s->isEmpty()) { this->writeStatement(*s); this->writeLine(); } } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeBlock(const Block& b) { this->writeLine("{"); fIndentation++; this->writeStatements(b.fStatements); fIndentation--; this->write("}"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeIfStatement(const IfStatement& stmt) { this->write("if ("); this->writeExpression(*stmt.fTest, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->write(") "); this->writeStatement(*stmt.fIfTrue); if (stmt.fIfFalse) { this->write(" else "); this->writeStatement(*stmt.fIfFalse); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeForStatement(const ForStatement& f) { this->write("for ("); if (f.fInitializer && !f.fInitializer->isEmpty()) { this->writeStatement(*f.fInitializer); } else { this->write("; "); } if (f.fTest) { this->writeExpression(*f.fTest, kTopLevel_Precedence); } this->write("; "); if (f.fNext) { this->writeExpression(*f.fNext, kTopLevel_Precedence); } this->write(") "); this->writeStatement(*f.fStatement); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeWhileStatement(const WhileStatement& w) { this->write("while ("); this->writeExpression(*w.fTest, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->write(") "); this->writeStatement(*w.fStatement); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeDoStatement(const DoStatement& d) { this->write("do "); this->writeStatement(*d.fStatement); this->write(" while ("); this->writeExpression(*d.fTest, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->write(");"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeSwitchStatement(const SwitchStatement& s) { this->write("switch ("); this->writeExpression(*s.fValue, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->writeLine(") {"); fIndentation++; for (const auto& c : s.fCases) { if (c->fValue) { this->write("case "); this->writeExpression(*c->fValue, kTopLevel_Precedence); this->writeLine(":"); } else { this->writeLine("default:"); } fIndentation++; for (const auto& stmt : c->fStatements) { this->writeStatement(*stmt); this->writeLine(); } fIndentation--; } fIndentation--; this->write("}"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeReturnStatement(const ReturnStatement& r) { this->write("return"); if (r.fExpression) { this->write(" "); this->writeExpression(*r.fExpression, kTopLevel_Precedence); } this->write(";"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeHeader() { this->write("#include \n"); this->write("#include \n"); this->write("using namespace metal;\n"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeUniformStruct() { for (const auto& e : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == e->fKind) { VarDeclarations& decls = (VarDeclarations&) *e; if (!decls.fVars.size()) { continue; } const Variable& first = *((VarDeclaration&) *decls.fVars[0]).fVar; if (first.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) { if (-1 == fUniformBuffer) { this->write("struct Uniforms {\n"); fUniformBuffer = first.fModifiers.fLayout.fSet; if (-1 == fUniformBuffer) { fErrors.error(decls.fOffset, "Metal uniforms must have 'layout(set=...)'"); } } else if (first.fModifiers.fLayout.fSet != fUniformBuffer) { if (-1 == fUniformBuffer) { fErrors.error(decls.fOffset, "Metal backend requires all uniforms to have " "the same 'layout(set=...)'"); } } this->write(" "); this->writeType(first.fType); this->write(" "); for (const auto& stmt : decls.fVars) { VarDeclaration& var = (VarDeclaration&) *stmt; this->write(var.fVar->fName); } this->write(";\n"); } } } if (-1 != fUniformBuffer) { this->write("};\n"); } } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeInputStruct() { this->write("struct Inputs {\n"); if (Program::kFragment_Kind == fProgram.fKind) { this->write(" float4 position [[position]];\n"); } for (const auto& e : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == e->fKind) { VarDeclarations& decls = (VarDeclarations&) *e; if (!decls.fVars.size()) { continue; } const Variable& first = *((VarDeclaration&) *decls.fVars[0]).fVar; if (first.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag && -1 == first.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin) { this->write(" "); this->writeType(first.fType); this->write(" "); for (const auto& stmt : decls.fVars) { VarDeclaration& var = (VarDeclaration&) *stmt; this->write(var.fVar->fName); if (-1 != var.fVar->fModifiers.fLayout.fLocation) { this->write(" [[attribute(" + to_string(var.fVar->fModifiers.fLayout.fLocation) + ")]]"); } } this->write(";\n"); } } } this->write("};\n"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeOutputStruct() { this->write("struct Outputs {\n"); this->write(" float4 position [[position]];\n"); for (const auto& e : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == e->fKind) { VarDeclarations& decls = (VarDeclarations&) *e; if (!decls.fVars.size()) { continue; } const Variable& first = *((VarDeclaration&) *decls.fVars[0]).fVar; if (first.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag && -1 == first.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin) { this->write(" "); this->writeType(first.fType); this->write(" "); for (const auto& stmt : decls.fVars) { VarDeclaration& var = (VarDeclaration&) *stmt; this->write(var.fVar->fName); } this->write(";\n"); } } } this->write("};\n"); } void MetalCodeGenerator::writeProgramElement(const ProgramElement& e) { switch (e.fKind) { case ProgramElement::kExtension_Kind: break; case ProgramElement::kVar_Kind: { VarDeclarations& decl = (VarDeclarations&) e; if (decl.fVars.size() > 0) { int builtin = ((VarDeclaration&) *decl.fVars[0]).fVar->fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin; if (-1 == builtin) { // normal var this->writeVarDeclarations(decl, true); this->writeLine(); } else if (SK_FRAGCOLOR_BUILTIN == builtin) { // ignore } } break; } case ProgramElement::kInterfaceBlock_Kind: this->writeInterfaceBlock((InterfaceBlock&) e); break; case ProgramElement::kFunction_Kind: this->writeFunction((FunctionDefinition&) e); break; case ProgramElement::kModifiers_Kind: this->writeModifiers(((ModifiersDeclaration&) e).fModifiers, true); this->writeLine(";"); break; default: printf("%s\n", e.description().c_str()); ABORT("unsupported program element"); } } MetalCodeGenerator::Requirements MetalCodeGenerator::requirements(const Expression& e) { switch (e.fKind) { case Expression::kFunctionCall_Kind: { const FunctionCall& f = (const FunctionCall&) e; Requirements result = this->requirements(f.fFunction); for (const auto& e : f.fArguments) { result |= this->requirements(*e); } return result; } case Expression::kConstructor_Kind: { const Constructor& c = (const Constructor&) e; Requirements result = kNo_Requirements; for (const auto& e : c.fArguments) { result |= this->requirements(*e); } return result; } case Expression::kFieldAccess_Kind: return this->requirements(*((const FieldAccess&) e).fBase); case Expression::kSwizzle_Kind: return this->requirements(*((const Swizzle&) e).fBase); case Expression::kBinary_Kind: { const BinaryExpression& b = (const BinaryExpression&) e; return this->requirements(*b.fLeft) | this->requirements(*b.fRight); } case Expression::kIndex_Kind: { const IndexExpression& idx = (const IndexExpression&) e; return this->requirements(*idx.fBase) | this->requirements(*idx.fIndex); } case Expression::kPrefix_Kind: return this->requirements(*((const PrefixExpression&) e).fOperand); case Expression::kPostfix_Kind: return this->requirements(*((const PostfixExpression&) e).fOperand); case Expression::kTernary_Kind: { const TernaryExpression& t = (const TernaryExpression&) e; return this->requirements(*t.fTest) | this->requirements(*t.fIfTrue) | this->requirements(*t.fIfFalse); } case Expression::kVariableReference_Kind: { const VariableReference& v = (const VariableReference&) e; Requirements result = kNo_Requirements; if (v.fVariable.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin == SK_FRAGCOORD_BUILTIN) { result = kInputs_Requirement; } else if (Variable::kGlobal_Storage == v.fVariable.fStorage) { if (v.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag) { result = kInputs_Requirement; } else if (v.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag) { result = kOutputs_Requirement; } else if (v.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) { result = kUniforms_Requirement; } } return result; } default: return kNo_Requirements; } } MetalCodeGenerator::Requirements MetalCodeGenerator::requirements(const Statement& s) { switch (s.fKind) { case Statement::kBlock_Kind: { Requirements result = kNo_Requirements; for (const auto& child : ((const Block&) s).fStatements) { result |= this->requirements(*child); } return result; } case Statement::kExpression_Kind: return this->requirements(*((const ExpressionStatement&) s).fExpression); case Statement::kReturn_Kind: { const ReturnStatement& r = (const ReturnStatement&) s; if (r.fExpression) { return this->requirements(*r.fExpression); } return kNo_Requirements; } case Statement::kIf_Kind: { const IfStatement& i = (const IfStatement&) s; return this->requirements(*i.fTest) | this->requirements(*i.fIfTrue) | (i.fIfFalse && this->requirements(*i.fIfFalse)); } case Statement::kFor_Kind: { const ForStatement& f = (const ForStatement&) s; return this->requirements(*f.fInitializer) | this->requirements(*f.fTest) | this->requirements(*f.fNext) | this->requirements(*f.fStatement); } case Statement::kWhile_Kind: { const WhileStatement& w = (const WhileStatement&) s; return this->requirements(*w.fTest) | this->requirements(*w.fStatement); } case Statement::kDo_Kind: { const DoStatement& d = (const DoStatement&) s; return this->requirements(*d.fTest) | this->requirements(*d.fStatement); } case Statement::kSwitch_Kind: { const SwitchStatement& sw = (const SwitchStatement&) s; Requirements result = this->requirements(*sw.fValue); for (const auto& c : sw.fCases) { for (const auto& st : c->fStatements) { result |= this->requirements(*st); } } return result; } default: return kNo_Requirements; } } MetalCodeGenerator::Requirements MetalCodeGenerator::requirements(const FunctionDeclaration& f) { if (f.fBuiltin) { return kNo_Requirements; } auto found = fRequirements.find(&f); if (found == fRequirements.end()) { for (const auto& e : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kFunction_Kind == e->fKind) { const FunctionDefinition& def = (const FunctionDefinition&) *e; if (&def.fDeclaration == &f) { Requirements reqs = this->requirements(*def.fBody); fRequirements[&f] = reqs; return reqs; } } } } return found->second; } bool MetalCodeGenerator::generateCode() { OutputStream* rawOut = fOut; fOut = &fHeader; fProgramKind = fProgram.fKind; this->writeHeader(); this->writeUniformStruct(); this->writeInputStruct(); if (Program::kVertex_Kind == fProgram.fKind) { this->writeOutputStruct(); } StringStream body; fOut = &body; for (const auto& e : fProgram.fElements) { this->writeProgramElement(*e); } fOut = rawOut; write_stringstream(fHeader, *rawOut); write_stringstream(body, *rawOut); return true; } }