/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkSLCPPCodeGenerator.h" #include "SkSLCompiler.h" #include "SkSLHCodeGenerator.h" namespace SkSL { static bool needs_uniform_var(const Variable& var) { return (var.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) && strcmp(var.fType.fName.c_str(), "colorSpaceXform"); } CPPCodeGenerator::CPPCodeGenerator(const Context* context, const Program* program, ErrorReporter* errors, String name, OutputStream* out) : INHERITED(context, program, errors, out) , fName(std::move(name)) , fFullName(String::printf("Gr%s", fName.c_str())) , fSectionAndParameterHelper(*program, *errors) { fLineEnding = "\\n"; } void CPPCodeGenerator::writef(const char* s, va_list va) { static constexpr int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; va_list copy; va_copy(copy, va); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int length = vsnprintf(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, s, va); if (length < BUFFER_SIZE) { fOut->write(buffer, length); } else { std::unique_ptr heap(new char[length + 1]); vsprintf(heap.get(), s, copy); fOut->write(heap.get(), length); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writef(const char* s, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, s); this->writef(s, va); va_end(va); } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeHeader() { } void CPPCodeGenerator::writePrecisionModifier() { } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeBinaryExpression(const BinaryExpression& b, Precedence parentPrecedence) { if (b.fOperator == Token::PERCENT) { // need to use "%%" instead of "%" b/c the code will be inside of a printf Precedence precedence = GetBinaryPrecedence(b.fOperator); if (precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write("("); } this->writeExpression(*b.fLeft, precedence); this->write(" %% "); this->writeExpression(*b.fRight, precedence); if (precedence >= parentPrecedence) { this->write(")"); } } else { INHERITED::writeBinaryExpression(b, parentPrecedence); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeIndexExpression(const IndexExpression& i) { const Expression& base = *i.fBase; if (base.fKind == Expression::kVariableReference_Kind) { int builtin = ((VariableReference&) base).fVariable.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin; if (SK_TRANSFORMEDCOORDS2D_BUILTIN == builtin) { this->write("%s"); if (i.fIndex->fKind != Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) { fErrors.error(i.fIndex->fPosition, "index into sk_TransformedCoords2D must be an integer literal"); return; } int64_t index = ((IntLiteral&) *i.fIndex).fValue; String name = "sk_TransformedCoords2D_" + to_string(index); fFormatArgs.push_back(name + ".c_str()"); if (fWrittenTransformedCoords.find(index) == fWrittenTransformedCoords.end()) { fExtraEmitCodeCode += " SkSL::String " + name + " = fragBuilder->ensureCoords2D(args.fTransformedCoords[" + to_string(index) + "]);\n"; fWrittenTransformedCoords.insert(index); } return; } else if (SK_TEXTURESAMPLERS_BUILTIN == builtin) { this->write("%s"); if (i.fIndex->fKind != Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) { fErrors.error(i.fIndex->fPosition, "index into sk_TextureSamplers must be an integer literal"); return; } int64_t index = ((IntLiteral&) *i.fIndex).fValue; fFormatArgs.push_back(" fragBuilder->getProgramBuilder()->samplerVariable(" "args.fTexSamplers[" + to_string(index) + "]).c_str()"); return; } } INHERITED::writeIndexExpression(i); } static const char* default_value(const Type& type) { const char* name = type.name().c_str(); if (!strcmp(name, "float")) { return "0.0"; } else if (!strcmp(name, "vec2")) { return "vec2(0.0)"; } else if (!strcmp(name, "vec3")) { return "vec3(0.0)"; } else if (!strcmp(name, "vec4")) { return "vec4(0.0)"; } else if (!strcmp(name, "mat4") || !strcmp(name, "colorSpaceXform")) { return "mat4(1.0)"; } ABORT("unsupported default_value type\n"); } static bool is_private(const Variable& var) { return !(var.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) && !(var.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag) && var.fStorage == Variable::kGlobal_Storage && var.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin == -1; } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeRuntimeValue(const Type& type, const String& cppCode) { if (type == *fContext.fFloat_Type) { this->write("%f"); fFormatArgs.push_back(cppCode); } else if (type == *fContext.fInt_Type) { this->write("%d"); fFormatArgs.push_back(cppCode); } else if (type == *fContext.fBool_Type) { this->write("%s"); fFormatArgs.push_back("(" + cppCode + " ? \"true\" : \"false\")"); } else if (type == *fContext.fVec2_Type) { this->write("vec2(%f, %f)"); fFormatArgs.push_back(cppCode + ".fX"); fFormatArgs.push_back(cppCode + ".fY"); } else { printf("%s\n", type.name().c_str()); ABORT("unsupported runtime value type\n"); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeVarInitializer(const Variable& var, const Expression& value) { if (is_private(var)) { this->writeRuntimeValue(var.fType, var.fName); } else { this->writeExpression(value, kTopLevel_Precedence); } } String CPPCodeGenerator::getSamplerHandle(const Variable& var) { int samplerCount = 0; for (const auto param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.getParameters()) { if (&var == param) { return "args.fTexSamplers[" + to_string(samplerCount) + "]"; } if (param->fType.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) { ++samplerCount; } } ABORT("should have found sampler in parameters\n"); } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeVariableReference(const VariableReference& ref) { switch (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin) { case SK_INCOLOR_BUILTIN: this->write("%s"); fFormatArgs.push_back(String("args.fInputColor ? args.fInputColor : \"vec4(1)\"")); break; case SK_OUTCOLOR_BUILTIN: this->write("%s"); fFormatArgs.push_back(String("args.fOutputColor")); break; default: if (ref.fVariable.fType.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) { this->write("%s"); fFormatArgs.push_back("fragBuilder->getProgramBuilder()->samplerVariable(" + this->getSamplerHandle(ref.fVariable) + ").c_str()"); return; } if (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) { this->write("%s"); String name = ref.fVariable.fName; String var; if (ref.fVariable.fType == *fContext.fColorSpaceXform_Type) { ASSERT(fNeedColorSpaceHelper); var = String::printf("fColorSpaceHelper.isValid() ? " "args.fUniformHandler->getUniformCStr(" "fColorSpaceHelper.gamutXformUniform()) : \"%s\"", default_value(ref.fVariable.fType)); } else { var = String::printf("args.fUniformHandler->getUniformCStr(%sVar)", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name.c_str()).c_str()); } String code; if (ref.fVariable.fModifiers.fLayout.fWhen.size()) { code = String::printf("%sVar.isValid() ? %s : \"%s\"", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name.c_str()).c_str(), var.c_str(), default_value(ref.fVariable.fType)); } else { code = var; } fFormatArgs.push_back(code); } else if (SectionAndParameterHelper::IsParameter(ref.fVariable)) { const char* name = ref.fVariable.fName.c_str(); this->writeRuntimeValue(ref.fVariable.fType, String::printf("_outer.%s()", name).c_str()); } else { this->write(ref.fVariable.fName.c_str()); } } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeIfStatement(const IfStatement& s) { if (s.fIsStatic) { this->write("@"); } INHERITED::writeIfStatement(s); } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeSwitchStatement(const SwitchStatement& s) { if (s.fIsStatic) { this->write("@"); } INHERITED::writeSwitchStatement(s); } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeFunctionCall(const FunctionCall& c) { if (c.fFunction.fBuiltin && c.fFunction.fName == "COLORSPACE") { String tmpVar = "_tmpVar" + to_string(++fVarCount); fFunctionHeader += "vec4 " + tmpVar + ";"; ASSERT(c.fArguments.size() == 2); this->write("%s"); fFormatArgs.push_back("fColorSpaceHelper.isValid() ? \"(" + tmpVar + " = \" : \"\""); this->writeExpression(*c.fArguments[0], kTopLevel_Precedence); ASSERT(c.fArguments[1]->fKind == Expression::kVariableReference_Kind); String xform("args.fUniformHandler->getUniformCStr(fColorSpaceHelper.gamutXformUniform())"); this->write("%s"); fFormatArgs.push_back("fColorSpaceHelper.isValid() ? SkStringPrintf(\", vec4(clamp((%s * vec4(" + tmpVar + ".rgb, 1.0)).rgb, 0.0, " + tmpVar + ".a), " + tmpVar + ".a))\", " + xform + ").c_str() : \"\""); return; } INHERITED::writeFunctionCall(c); if (c.fFunction.fBuiltin && c.fFunction.fName == "texture") { this->write(".%s"); ASSERT(c.fArguments.size() >= 1); ASSERT(c.fArguments[0]->fKind == Expression::kVariableReference_Kind); String sampler = this->getSamplerHandle(((VariableReference&) *c.fArguments[0]).fVariable); fFormatArgs.push_back("fragBuilder->getProgramBuilder()->samplerSwizzle(" + sampler + ").c_str()"); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeFunction(const FunctionDefinition& f) { if (f.fDeclaration.fName == "main") { fFunctionHeader = ""; OutputStream* oldOut = fOut; StringStream buffer; fOut = &buffer; for (const auto& s : ((Block&) *f.fBody).fStatements) { this->writeStatement(*s); this->writeLine(); } fOut = oldOut; this->write(fFunctionHeader); this->write(buffer.str()); } else { INHERITED::writeFunction(f); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeSetting(const Setting& s) { static constexpr const char* kPrefix = "sk_Args."; if (!strncmp(s.fName.c_str(), kPrefix, strlen(kPrefix))) { const char* name = s.fName.c_str() + strlen(kPrefix); this->writeRuntimeValue(s.fType, HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } else { this->write(s.fName.c_str()); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeSection(const char* name, const char* prefix) { const Section* s = fSectionAndParameterHelper.getSection(name); if (s) { this->writef("%s%s", prefix, s->fText.c_str()); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeProgramElement(const ProgramElement& p) { if (p.fKind == ProgramElement::kSection_Kind) { return; } if (p.fKind == ProgramElement::kVar_Kind) { const VarDeclarations& decls = (const VarDeclarations&) p; if (!decls.fVars.size()) { return; } const Variable& var = *((VarDeclaration&) *decls.fVars[0]).fVar; if (var.fModifiers.fFlags & (Modifiers::kIn_Flag | Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) || -1 != var.fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin) { return; } } INHERITED::writeProgramElement(p); } void CPPCodeGenerator::addUniform(const Variable& var) { if (!needs_uniform_var(var)) { return; } const char* precision; if (var.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kHighp_Flag) { precision = "kHigh_GrSLPrecision"; } else if (var.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kMediump_Flag) { precision = "kMedium_GrSLPrecision"; } else if (var.fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kLowp_Flag) { precision = "kLow_GrSLPrecision"; } else { precision = "kDefault_GrSLPrecision"; } const char* type; if (var.fType == *fContext.fFloat_Type) { type = "kFloat_GrSLType"; } else if (var.fType == *fContext.fVec2_Type) { type = "kVec2f_GrSLType"; } else if (var.fType == *fContext.fVec4_Type) { type = "kVec4f_GrSLType"; } else if (var.fType == *fContext.fMat4x4_Type || var.fType == *fContext.fColorSpaceXform_Type) { type = "kMat44f_GrSLType"; } else { ABORT("unsupported uniform type: %s %s;\n", var.fType.name().c_str(), var.fName.c_str()); } if (var.fModifiers.fLayout.fWhen.size()) { this->writef(" if (%s) {\n ", var.fModifiers.fLayout.fWhen.c_str()); } const char* name = var.fName.c_str(); this->writef(" %sVar = args.fUniformHandler->addUniform(kFragment_GrShaderFlag, %s, " "%s, \"%s\");\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str(), type, precision, name); if (var.fModifiers.fLayout.fWhen.size()) { this->write(" }\n"); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writePrivateVars() { for (const auto& p : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == p->fKind) { const VarDeclarations* decls = (const VarDeclarations*) p.get(); for (const auto& raw : decls->fVars) { VarDeclaration& decl = (VarDeclaration&) *raw; if (is_private(*decl.fVar)) { this->writef("%s %s;\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldType(decl.fVar->fType).c_str(), decl.fVar->fName.c_str()); } } } } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writePrivateVarValues() { for (const auto& p : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == p->fKind) { const VarDeclarations* decls = (const VarDeclarations*) p.get(); for (const auto& raw : decls->fVars) { VarDeclaration& decl = (VarDeclaration&) *raw; if (is_private(*decl.fVar) && decl.fValue) { this->writef("%s = %s;\n", decl.fVar->fName.c_str(), decl.fValue->description().c_str()); } } } } } bool CPPCodeGenerator::writeEmitCode(std::vector& uniforms) { this->write(" void emitCode(EmitArgs& args) override {\n" " GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder* fragBuilder = args.fFragBuilder;\n"); this->writef(" const %s& _outer = args.fFp.cast<%s>();\n" " (void) _outer;\n", fFullName.c_str(), fFullName.c_str()); this->writePrivateVarValues(); for (const auto u : uniforms) { this->addUniform(*u); if (u->fType == *fContext.fColorSpaceXform_Type) { if (fNeedColorSpaceHelper) { fErrors.error(u->fPosition, "only a single ColorSpaceXform is supported"); } fNeedColorSpaceHelper = true; this->writef(" fColorSpaceHelper.emitCode(args.fUniformHandler, " "_outer.%s().get());\n", u->fName.c_str()); } } this->writeSection(EMIT_CODE_SECTION); OutputStream* old = fOut; StringStream mainBuffer; fOut = &mainBuffer; bool result = INHERITED::generateCode(); fOut = old; this->writef("%s fragBuilder->codeAppendf(\"%s\"", fExtraEmitCodeCode.c_str(), mainBuffer.str().c_str()); for (const auto& s : fFormatArgs) { this->writef(", %s", s.c_str()); } this->write(");\n" " }\n"); return result; } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeSetData(std::vector& uniforms) { const char* fullName = fFullName.c_str(); const Section* section = fSectionAndParameterHelper.getSection(SET_DATA_SECTION); const char* pdman = section ? section->fArgument.c_str() : "pdman"; this->writef(" void onSetData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& %s, " "const GrFragmentProcessor& _proc) override {\n", pdman); bool wroteProcessor = false; for (const auto u : uniforms) { if (u->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag) { if (!wroteProcessor) { this->writef(" const %s& _outer = _proc.cast<%s>();\n", fullName, fullName); wroteProcessor = true; this->writef(" {\n"); } const char* name = u->fName.c_str(); if (u->fType == *fContext.fVec4_Type) { this->writef(" const SkRect %sValue = _outer.%s();\n" " %s.set4fv(%sVar, 1, (float*) &%sValue);\n", name, name, pdman, HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str(), name); } else if (u->fType == *fContext.fMat4x4_Type) { this->writef(" float %sValue[16];\n" " _outer.%s().asColMajorf(%sValue);\n" " %s.setMatrix4f(%sVar, %sValue);\n", name, name, name, pdman, HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str(), name); } else if (u->fType == *fContext.fColorSpaceXform_Type) { ASSERT(fNeedColorSpaceHelper); this->writef(" if (fColorSpaceHelper.isValid()) {\n" " fColorSpaceHelper.setData(%s, _outer.%s().get());\n" " }\n", pdman, name); } else { this->writef(" %s.set1f(%sVar, _outer.%s());\n", pdman, HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str(), name); } } } if (wroteProcessor) { this->writef(" }\n"); } if (section) { for (const auto& p : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == p->fKind) { const VarDeclarations* decls = (const VarDeclarations*) p.get(); for (const auto& raw : decls->fVars) { VarDeclaration& decl = (VarDeclaration&) *raw; if (needs_uniform_var(*decl.fVar)) { const char* name = decl.fVar->fName.c_str(); this->writef(" UniformHandle& %s = %sVar;\n" " (void) %s;\n", name, HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str(), name); } else if (SectionAndParameterHelper::IsParameter(*decl.fVar)) { const char* name = decl.fVar->fName.c_str(); if (!wroteProcessor) { this->writef(" const %s& _outer = _proc.cast<%s>();\n", fullName, fullName); wroteProcessor = true; } this->writef(" auto %s = _outer.%s();\n" " (void) %s;\n", name, name, name); } } } } this->writeSection(SET_DATA_SECTION); } this->write(" }\n"); } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeTest() { const Section* test = fSectionAndParameterHelper.getSection(TEST_CODE_SECTION); if (test) { this->writef("GR_DEFINE_FRAGMENT_PROCESSOR_TEST(%s);\n" "#if GR_TEST_UTILS\n" "sk_sp %s::TestCreate(GrProcessorTestData* %s) {\n", fFullName.c_str(), fFullName.c_str(), test->fArgument.c_str()); this->writeSection(TEST_CODE_SECTION); this->write("}\n" "#endif\n"); } } void CPPCodeGenerator::writeGetKey() { this->writef("void %s::onGetGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps& caps, " "GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const {\n", fFullName.c_str()); for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.getParameters()) { const char* name = param->fName.c_str(); if (param->fType == *fContext.fColorSpaceXform_Type) { this->writef(" b->add32(GrColorSpaceXform::XformKey(%s.get()));\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); continue; } if (param->fModifiers.fLayout.fKey != Layout::kNo_Key && (param->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag)) { fErrors.error(param->fPosition, "layout(key) may not be specified on uniforms"); } switch (param->fModifiers.fLayout.fKey) { case Layout::kKey_Key: if (param->fType == *fContext.fMat4x4_Type) { ABORT("no automatic key handling for mat4\n"); } else if (param->fType == *fContext.fVec2_Type) { this->writef(" b->add32(%s.fX);\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); this->writef(" b->add32(%s.fY);\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } else if (param->fType == *fContext.fVec4_Type) { this->writef(" b->add32(%s.x());\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); this->writef(" b->add32(%s.y());\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); this->writef(" b->add32(%s.width());\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); this->writef(" b->add32(%s.height());\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } else { this->writef(" b->add32(%s);\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } break; case Layout::kIdentity_Key: if (param->fType.kind() != Type::kMatrix_Kind) { fErrors.error(param->fPosition, "layout(key=identity) requires matrix type"); } this->writef(" b->add32(%s.isIdentity() ? 1 : 0);\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); break; case Layout::kNo_Key: break; } } this->write("}\n"); } bool CPPCodeGenerator::generateCode() { std::vector uniforms; for (const auto& p : fProgram.fElements) { if (ProgramElement::kVar_Kind == p->fKind) { const VarDeclarations* decls = (const VarDeclarations*) p.get(); for (const auto& raw : decls->fVars) { VarDeclaration& decl = (VarDeclaration&) *raw; if ((decl.fVar->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kUniform_Flag) && decl.fVar->fType.kind() != Type::kSampler_Kind) { uniforms.push_back(decl.fVar); } } } } const char* baseName = fName.c_str(); const char* fullName = fFullName.c_str(); this->writef(kFragmentProcessorHeader, fullName); this->writef("#include \"%s.h\"\n" "#if SK_SUPPORT_GPU\n", fullName); this->writeSection(CPP_SECTION); this->writef("#include \"glsl/GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper.h\"\n" "#include \"glsl/GrGLSLFragmentProcessor.h\"\n" "#include \"glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h\"\n" "#include \"glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h\"\n" "#include \"SkSLCPP.h\"\n" "#include \"SkSLUtil.h\"\n" "class GrGLSL%s : public GrGLSLFragmentProcessor {\n" "public:\n" " GrGLSL%s() {}\n", baseName, baseName); bool result = this->writeEmitCode(uniforms); this->write("private:\n"); this->writeSetData(uniforms); this->writePrivateVars(); for (const auto& u : uniforms) { const char* name = u->fName.c_str(); if (needs_uniform_var(*u) && !(u->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag)) { this->writef(" UniformHandle %sVar;\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } } for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.getParameters()) { const char* name = param->fName.c_str(); if (needs_uniform_var(*param)) { this->writef(" UniformHandle %sVar;\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } } if (fNeedColorSpaceHelper) { this->write(" GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper fColorSpaceHelper;\n"); } this->writef("};\n" "GrGLSLFragmentProcessor* %s::onCreateGLSLInstance() const {\n" " return new GrGLSL%s();\n" "}\n", fullName, baseName); this->writeGetKey(); this->writef("bool %s::onIsEqual(const GrFragmentProcessor& other) const {\n" " const %s& that = other.cast<%s>();\n" " (void) that;\n", fullName, fullName, fullName); for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.getParameters()) { const char* name = param->fName.c_str(); this->writef(" if (%s != that.%s) return false;\n", HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str(), HCodeGenerator::FieldName(name).c_str()); } this->write(" return true;\n" "}\n"); this->writeTest(); this->writeSection(CPP_END_SECTION); this->write("#endif\n"); result &= 0 == fErrors.errorCount(); return result; } } // namespace