/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkPictureShader.h" #include "SkArenaAlloc.h" #include "SkBitmap.h" #include "SkBitmapProcShader.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkColorSpaceXformCanvas.h" #include "SkImage.h" #include "SkImageShader.h" #include "SkMatrixUtils.h" #include "SkPicture.h" #include "SkPictureImageGenerator.h" #include "SkReadBuffer.h" #include "SkResourceCache.h" #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU #include "GrCaps.h" #include "GrColorSpaceInfo.h" #include "GrContext.h" #include "GrFragmentProcessor.h" #endif namespace { static unsigned gBitmapSkaderKeyNamespaceLabel; struct BitmapShaderKey : public SkResourceCache::Key { public: BitmapShaderKey(sk_sp colorSpace, uint32_t shaderID, const SkRect& tile, SkShader::TileMode tmx, SkShader::TileMode tmy, const SkSize& scale, SkTransferFunctionBehavior blendBehavior) : fColorSpace(std::move(colorSpace)) , fTile(tile) , fTmx(tmx) , fTmy(tmy) , fScale(scale) , fBlendBehavior(blendBehavior) { static const size_t keySize = sizeof(fColorSpace) + sizeof(fTile) + sizeof(fTmx) + sizeof(fTmy) + sizeof(fScale) + sizeof(fBlendBehavior); // This better be packed. SkASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) * (&fEndOfStruct - (uint32_t*)&fColorSpace) == keySize); this->init(&gBitmapSkaderKeyNamespaceLabel, MakeSharedID(shaderID), keySize); } static uint64_t MakeSharedID(uint32_t shaderID) { uint64_t sharedID = SkSetFourByteTag('p', 's', 'd', 'r'); return (sharedID << 32) | shaderID; } private: // TODO: there are some fishy things about using CS sk_sps in the key: // - false negatives: keys are memcmp'ed, so we don't detect equivalent CSs // (SkColorspace::Equals) // - we're keeping the CS alive, even when the client releases it // // Ideally we'd be using unique IDs or some other weak ref + purge mechanism // when the CS is deleted. sk_sp fColorSpace; SkRect fTile; SkShader::TileMode fTmx, fTmy; SkSize fScale; SkTransferFunctionBehavior fBlendBehavior; SkDEBUGCODE(uint32_t fEndOfStruct;) }; struct BitmapShaderRec : public SkResourceCache::Rec { BitmapShaderRec(const BitmapShaderKey& key, SkShader* tileShader) : fKey(key) , fShader(SkRef(tileShader)) {} BitmapShaderKey fKey; sk_sp fShader; const Key& getKey() const override { return fKey; } size_t bytesUsed() const override { // Just the record overhead -- the actual pixels are accounted by SkImageCacherator. return sizeof(fKey) + sizeof(SkImageShader); } const char* getCategory() const override { return "bitmap-shader"; } SkDiscardableMemory* diagnostic_only_getDiscardable() const override { return nullptr; } static bool Visitor(const SkResourceCache::Rec& baseRec, void* contextShader) { const BitmapShaderRec& rec = static_cast(baseRec); sk_sp* result = reinterpret_cast*>(contextShader); *result = rec.fShader; // The bitmap shader is backed by an image generator, thus it can always re-generate its // pixels if discarded. return true; } }; static int32_t gNextID = 1; uint32_t next_id() { int32_t id; do { id = sk_atomic_inc(&gNextID); } while (id == SK_InvalidGenID); return static_cast(id); } } // namespace SkPictureShader::SkPictureShader(sk_sp picture, TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy, const SkMatrix* localMatrix, const SkRect* tile, sk_sp colorSpace) : INHERITED(localMatrix) , fPicture(std::move(picture)) , fTile(tile ? *tile : fPicture->cullRect()) , fTmx(tmx) , fTmy(tmy) , fColorSpace(std::move(colorSpace)) , fUniqueID(next_id()) , fAddedToCache(false) {} SkPictureShader::~SkPictureShader() { if (fAddedToCache.load()) { SkResourceCache::PostPurgeSharedID(BitmapShaderKey::MakeSharedID(fUniqueID)); } } sk_sp SkPictureShader::Make(sk_sp picture, TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy, const SkMatrix* localMatrix, const SkRect* tile) { if (!picture || picture->cullRect().isEmpty() || (tile && tile->isEmpty())) { return SkShader::MakeEmptyShader(); } return sk_sp(new SkPictureShader(std::move(picture), tmx, tmy, localMatrix, tile, nullptr)); } sk_sp SkPictureShader::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) { SkMatrix lm; buffer.readMatrix(&lm); TileMode mx = (TileMode)buffer.read32(); TileMode my = (TileMode)buffer.read32(); SkRect tile; buffer.readRect(&tile); sk_sp picture; bool didSerialize = buffer.readBool(); if (didSerialize) { picture = SkPicture::MakeFromBuffer(buffer); } return SkPictureShader::Make(picture, mx, my, &lm, &tile); } void SkPictureShader::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const { buffer.writeMatrix(this->getLocalMatrix()); buffer.write32(fTmx); buffer.write32(fTmy); buffer.writeRect(fTile); buffer.writeBool(true); fPicture->flatten(buffer); } // This helper returns two artifacts: // // 1) a cached image shader, which wraps a single picture tile at the given CTM/local matrix // // 2) a tile scale adjustment, to be applied downstream when dispatching createContext(), // appendStages() and asFragmentProcessor() in callers // // The composite local matrix includes the actual local matrix, any inherited/outer local matrix // and a scale component (to mape the actual tile bitmap size -> fTile size). // sk_sp SkPictureShader::refBitmapShader(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkMatrix& localMatrix, SkColorSpace* dstColorSpace, SkVector* scaleAdjust, const int maxTextureSize) const { SkASSERT(fPicture && !fPicture->cullRect().isEmpty()); const SkMatrix m = SkMatrix::Concat(viewMatrix, localMatrix); // Use a rotation-invariant scale SkPoint scale; // // TODO: replace this with decomposeScale() -- but beware LayoutTest rebaselines! // if (!SkDecomposeUpper2x2(m, nullptr, &scale, nullptr)) { // Decomposition failed, use an approximation. scale.set(SkScalarSqrt(m.getScaleX() * m.getScaleX() + m.getSkewX() * m.getSkewX()), SkScalarSqrt(m.getScaleY() * m.getScaleY() + m.getSkewY() * m.getSkewY())); } SkSize scaledSize = SkSize::Make(SkScalarAbs(scale.x() * fTile.width()), SkScalarAbs(scale.y() * fTile.height())); // Clamp the tile size to about 4M pixels static const SkScalar kMaxTileArea = 2048 * 2048; SkScalar tileArea = scaledSize.width() * scaledSize.height(); if (tileArea > kMaxTileArea) { SkScalar clampScale = SkScalarSqrt(kMaxTileArea / tileArea); scaledSize.set(scaledSize.width() * clampScale, scaledSize.height() * clampScale); } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU // Scale down the tile size if larger than maxTextureSize for GPU Path or it should fail on create texture if (maxTextureSize) { if (scaledSize.width() > maxTextureSize || scaledSize.height() > maxTextureSize) { SkScalar downScale = maxTextureSize / SkMaxScalar(scaledSize.width(), scaledSize.height()); scaledSize.set(SkScalarFloorToScalar(scaledSize.width() * downScale), SkScalarFloorToScalar(scaledSize.height() * downScale)); } } #endif const SkISize tileSize = scaledSize.toCeil(); if (tileSize.isEmpty()) { return SkShader::MakeEmptyShader(); } // The actual scale, compensating for rounding & clamping. const SkSize tileScale = SkSize::Make(SkIntToScalar(tileSize.width()) / fTile.width(), SkIntToScalar(tileSize.height()) / fTile.height()); // |fColorSpace| will only be set when using an SkColorSpaceXformCanvas to do pre-draw xforms. // This canvas is strictly for legacy mode. A non-null |dstColorSpace| indicates that we // should perform color correct rendering and xform at draw time. SkASSERT(!fColorSpace || !dstColorSpace); sk_sp keyCS = dstColorSpace ? sk_ref_sp(dstColorSpace) : fColorSpace; SkTransferFunctionBehavior blendBehavior = dstColorSpace ? SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kRespect : SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore; sk_sp tileShader; BitmapShaderKey key(std::move(keyCS), fUniqueID, fTile, fTmx, fTmy, tileScale, blendBehavior); if (!SkResourceCache::Find(key, BitmapShaderRec::Visitor, &tileShader)) { SkMatrix tileMatrix; tileMatrix.setRectToRect(fTile, SkRect::MakeIWH(tileSize.width(), tileSize.height()), SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit); sk_sp tileImage = SkImage::MakeFromGenerator( SkPictureImageGenerator::Make(tileSize, fPicture, &tileMatrix, nullptr, SkImage::BitDepth::kU8, sk_ref_sp(dstColorSpace))); if (!tileImage) { return nullptr; } if (fColorSpace) { tileImage = tileImage->makeColorSpace(fColorSpace, SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore); } tileShader = tileImage->makeShader(fTmx, fTmy); SkResourceCache::Add(new BitmapShaderRec(key, tileShader.get())); fAddedToCache.store(true); } scaleAdjust->set(1 / tileScale.width(), 1 / tileScale.height()); return tileShader; } bool SkPictureShader::onAppendStages(const StageRec& rec) const { auto lm = this->totalLocalMatrix(rec.fLocalM); SkVector scaleAdjust; // Keep bitmapShader alive by using alloc instead of stack memory auto& bitmapShader = *rec.fAlloc->make>(); bitmapShader = this->refBitmapShader(rec.fCTM, *lm, rec.fDstCS, &scaleAdjust); if (!bitmapShader) { return false; } if (scaleAdjust != SkVector::Make(1, 1)) { lm.writable()->preScale(scaleAdjust.fX, scaleAdjust.fY); } StageRec localRec = rec; localRec.fLocalM = lm->isIdentity() ? nullptr : lm.get(); return as_SB(bitmapShader)->appendStages(localRec); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkShaderBase::Context* SkPictureShader::onMakeContext(const ContextRec& rec, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) const { auto lm = this->totalLocalMatrix(rec.fLocalMatrix); SkVector scaleAdjust; sk_sp bitmapShader = this->refBitmapShader(*rec.fMatrix, *lm, rec.fDstColorSpace, &scaleAdjust); if (!bitmapShader) { return nullptr; } if (scaleAdjust != SkVector::Make(1, 1)) { lm.writable()->preScale(scaleAdjust.fX, scaleAdjust.fY); } ContextRec localRec = rec; localRec.fLocalMatrix = lm->isIdentity() ? nullptr : lm.get(); PictureShaderContext* ctx = alloc->make(*this, localRec, std::move(bitmapShader), alloc); if (nullptr == ctx->fBitmapShaderContext) { ctx = nullptr; } return ctx; } sk_sp SkPictureShader::onMakeColorSpace(SkColorSpaceXformer* xformer) const { sk_sp dstCS = xformer->dst(); if (SkColorSpace::Equals(dstCS.get(), fColorSpace.get())) { return sk_ref_sp(const_cast(this)); } return sk_sp(new SkPictureShader(fPicture, fTmx, fTmy, &this->getLocalMatrix(), &fTile, std::move(dstCS))); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkPictureShader::PictureShaderContext::PictureShaderContext( const SkPictureShader& shader, const ContextRec& rec, sk_sp bitmapShader, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) : INHERITED(shader, rec) , fBitmapShader(std::move(bitmapShader)) { fBitmapShaderContext = as_SB(fBitmapShader)->makeContext(rec, alloc); //if fBitmapShaderContext is null, we are invalid } uint32_t SkPictureShader::PictureShaderContext::getFlags() const { SkASSERT(fBitmapShaderContext); return fBitmapShaderContext->getFlags(); } void SkPictureShader::PictureShaderContext::shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dstC[], int count) { SkASSERT(fBitmapShaderContext); fBitmapShaderContext->shadeSpan(x, y, dstC, count); } void SkPictureShader::toString(SkString* str) const { static const char* gTileModeName[SkShader::kTileModeCount] = { "clamp", "repeat", "mirror" }; str->appendf("PictureShader: [%f:%f:%f:%f] ", fPicture->cullRect().fLeft, fPicture->cullRect().fTop, fPicture->cullRect().fRight, fPicture->cullRect().fBottom); str->appendf("(%s, %s)", gTileModeName[fTmx], gTileModeName[fTmy]); this->INHERITED::toString(str); } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU std::unique_ptr SkPictureShader::asFragmentProcessor( const GrFPArgs& args) const { int maxTextureSize = 0; if (args.fContext) { maxTextureSize = args.fContext->caps()->maxTextureSize(); } auto lm = this->totalLocalMatrix(args.fPreLocalMatrix, args.fPostLocalMatrix); SkVector scaleAdjust; sk_sp bitmapShader(this->refBitmapShader(*args.fViewMatrix,*lm, args.fDstColorSpaceInfo->colorSpace(), &scaleAdjust, maxTextureSize)); if (!bitmapShader) { return nullptr; } if (scaleAdjust != SkVector::Make(1, 1)) { lm.writable()->preScale(scaleAdjust.fX, scaleAdjust.fY); } // We want to *reset* args.fPreLocalMatrix, not compose it. GrFPArgs newArgs(args.fContext, args.fViewMatrix, args.fFilterQuality, args.fDstColorSpaceInfo); newArgs.fPreLocalMatrix = lm.get(); return as_SB(bitmapShader)->asFragmentProcessor(newArgs); } #endif