/* * Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkPDFCatalog.h" #include "SkPDFDevice.h" #include "SkPDFPage.h" #include "SkStream.h" SkPDFPage::SkPDFPage(SkPDFDevice* content) : SkPDFDict("Page"), fDevice(content) { } SkPDFPage::~SkPDFPage() {} void SkPDFPage::finalizePage(SkPDFCatalog* catalog, bool firstPage, SkTDArray* resourceObjects) { if (fContentStream.get() == NULL) { insert("Resources", fDevice->getResourceDict()); insert("MediaBox", fDevice->getMediaBox().get()); SkRefPtr content = fDevice->content(); content->unref(); // SkRefPtr and content() both took a reference. fContentStream = new SkPDFStream(content.get()); fContentStream->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference. insert("Contents", new SkPDFObjRef(fContentStream.get()))->unref(); } catalog->addObject(fContentStream.get(), firstPage); fDevice->getResources(resourceObjects, true); } off_t SkPDFPage::getPageSize(SkPDFCatalog* catalog, off_t fileOffset) { SkASSERT(fContentStream.get() != NULL); catalog->setFileOffset(fContentStream.get(), (size_t) fileOffset); return fContentStream->getOutputSize(catalog, true); } void SkPDFPage::emitPage(SkWStream* stream, SkPDFCatalog* catalog) { SkASSERT(fContentStream.get() != NULL); fContentStream->emitObject(stream, catalog, true); } // static void SkPDFPage::GeneratePageTree(const SkTDArray& pages, SkPDFCatalog* catalog, SkTDArray* pageTree, SkPDFDict** rootNode) { // PDF wants a tree describing all the pages in the document. We arbitrary // choose 8 (kNodeSize) as the number of allowed children. The internal // nodes have type "Pages" with an array of children, a parent pointer, and // the number of leaves below the node as "Count." The leaves are passed // into the method, have type "Page" and need a parent pointer. This method // builds the tree bottom up, skipping internal nodes that would have only // one child. static const int kNodeSize = 8; SkRefPtr kidsName = new SkPDFName("Kids"); kidsName->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference. SkRefPtr countName = new SkPDFName("Count"); countName->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference. SkRefPtr parentName = new SkPDFName("Parent"); parentName->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference. // curNodes takes a reference to its items, which it passes to pageTree. SkTDArray curNodes; curNodes.setReserve(pages.count()); for (int i = 0; i < pages.count(); i++) { SkSafeRef(pages[i]); curNodes.push(pages[i]); } // nextRoundNodes passes its references to nodes on to curNodes. SkTDArray nextRoundNodes; nextRoundNodes.setReserve((pages.count() + kNodeSize - 1)/kNodeSize); int treeCapacity = kNodeSize; do { for (int i = 0; i < curNodes.count(); ) { if (i > 0 && i + 1 == curNodes.count()) { nextRoundNodes.push(curNodes[i]); break; } SkPDFDict* newNode = new SkPDFDict("Pages"); SkRefPtr newNodeRef = new SkPDFObjRef(newNode); newNodeRef->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference. SkRefPtr kids = new SkPDFArray; kids->unref(); // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference. kids->reserve(kNodeSize); int count = 0; for (; i < curNodes.count() && count < kNodeSize; i++, count++) { curNodes[i]->insert(parentName.get(), newNodeRef.get()); kids->append(new SkPDFObjRef(curNodes[i]))->unref(); // TODO(vandebo): put the objects in strict access order. // Probably doesn't matter because they are so small. if (curNodes[i] != pages[0]) { pageTree->push(curNodes[i]); // Transfer reference. catalog->addObject(curNodes[i], false); } else { SkSafeUnref(curNodes[i]); catalog->addObject(curNodes[i], true); } } newNode->insert(kidsName.get(), kids.get()); int pageCount = treeCapacity; if (count < kNodeSize) { pageCount = pages.count() % treeCapacity; } newNode->insert(countName.get(), new SkPDFInt(pageCount))->unref(); nextRoundNodes.push(newNode); // Transfer reference. } curNodes = nextRoundNodes; nextRoundNodes.rewind(); treeCapacity *= kNodeSize; } while (curNodes.count() > 1); pageTree->push(curNodes[0]); // Transfer reference. catalog->addObject(curNodes[0], false); if (rootNode) { *rootNode = curNodes[0]; } } const SkTDArray& SkPDFPage::getFontResources() const { return fDevice->getFontResources(); } const SkPDFGlyphSetMap& SkPDFPage::getFontGlyphUsage() const { return fDevice->getFontGlyphUsage(); }