/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkPDFMetadata.h" #include "SkPDFTypes.h" #include #ifdef SK_PDF_GENERATE_PDFA #include "SkMD5.h" #endif static SkString pdf_date(const SkTime::DateTime& dt) { int timeZoneMinutes = SkToInt(dt.fTimeZoneMinutes); char timezoneSign = timeZoneMinutes >= 0 ? '+' : '-'; int timeZoneHours = SkTAbs(timeZoneMinutes) / 60; timeZoneMinutes = SkTAbs(timeZoneMinutes) % 60; return SkStringPrintf( "D:%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u%c%02d'%02d'", static_cast(dt.fYear), static_cast(dt.fMonth), static_cast(dt.fDay), static_cast(dt.fHour), static_cast(dt.fMinute), static_cast(dt.fSecond), timezoneSign, timeZoneHours, timeZoneMinutes); } SkPDFObject* SkPDFMetadata::createDocumentInformationDict() const { auto dict = sk_make_sp(); static const char* keys[] = { "Title", "Author", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator"}; for (const char* key : keys) { for (const SkDocument::Attribute& keyValue : fInfo) { if (keyValue.fKey.equals(key)) { dict->insertString(key, keyValue.fValue); } } } dict->insertString("Producer", "Skia/PDF"); if (fCreation) { dict->insertString("CreationDate", pdf_date(*fCreation.get())); } if (fModified) { dict->insertString("ModDate", pdf_date(*fModified.get())); } return dict.release(); } #ifdef SK_PDF_GENERATE_PDFA SkPDFMetadata::UUID SkPDFMetadata::uuid() const { // The main requirement is for the UUID to be unique; the exact // format of the data that will be hashed is not important. SkMD5 md5; const char uuidNamespace[] = "org.skia.pdf\n"; md5.write(uuidNamespace, strlen(uuidNamespace)); SkMSec msec = SkTime::GetMSecs(); md5.write(&msec, sizeof(msec)); SkTime::DateTime dateTime; SkTime::GetDateTime(&dateTime); md5.write(&dateTime, sizeof(dateTime)); if (fCreation) { md5.write(fCreation.get(), sizeof(fCreation)); } if (fModified) { md5.write(fModified.get(), sizeof(fModified)); } for (const auto& kv : fInfo) { md5.write(kv.fKey.c_str(), kv.fKey.size()); md5.write("\037", 1); md5.write(kv.fValue.c_str(), kv.fValue.size()); md5.write("\036", 1); } SkMD5::Digest digest; md5.finish(digest); // See RFC 4122, page 6-7. digest.data[6] = (digest.data[6] & 0x0F) | 0x30; digest.data[8] = (digest.data[6] & 0x3F) | 0x80; static_assert(sizeof(digest) == sizeof(UUID), "uuid_size"); SkPDFMetadata::UUID uuid; memcpy(&uuid, &digest, sizeof(digest)); return uuid; } SkPDFObject* SkPDFMetadata::CreatePdfId(const UUID& doc, const UUID& instance) { // /ID [ <81b14aafa313db63dbd6f981e49f94f4> // <81b14aafa313db63dbd6f981e49f94f4> ] auto array = sk_make_sp(); static_assert(sizeof(UUID) == 16, "uuid_size"); array->appendString( SkString(reinterpret_cast(&doc), sizeof(UUID))); array->appendString( SkString(reinterpret_cast(&instance), sizeof(UUID))); return array.release(); } // Improvement on SkStringPrintf to allow for arbitrarily long output. // TODO: replace SkStringPrintf. static SkString sk_string_printf(const char* format, ...) { #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN va_list args; va_start(args, format); char buffer[1024]; int length = _vsnprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), _TRUNCATE, format, args); va_end(args); if (length >= 0 && length < (int)sizeof(buffer)) { return SkString(buffer, length); } va_start(args, format); length = _vscprintf(format, args); va_end(args); SkString string((size_t)length); va_start(args, format); SkDEBUGCODE(int check = ) _vsnprintf_s(string.writable_str(), length + 1, _TRUNCATE, format, args); va_end(args); SkASSERT(check == length); SkASSERT(string[length] == '\0'); return std::move(string); #else // C99/C++11 standard vsnprintf // TODO: When all compilers support this, remove windows-specific code. va_list args; va_start(args, format); char buffer[1024]; int length = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, args); va_end(args); if (length < 0) { return SkString(); } if (length < (int)sizeof(buffer)) { return SkString(buffer, length); } SkString string((size_t)length); va_start(args, format); SkDEBUGCODE(int check = ) vsnprintf(string.writable_str(), length + 1, format, args); va_end(args); SkASSERT(check == length); SkASSERT(string[length] == '\0'); return std::move(string); #endif } static const SkString get(const SkTArray& info, const char* key) { for (const auto& keyValue : info) { if (keyValue.fKey.equals(key)) { return keyValue.fValue; } } return SkString(); } #define HEXIFY(INPUT_PTR, OUTPUT_PTR, HEX_STRING, BYTE_COUNT) \ do { \ for (int i = 0; i < (BYTE_COUNT); ++i) { \ uint8_t value = *(INPUT_PTR)++; \ *(OUTPUT_PTR)++ = (HEX_STRING)[value >> 4]; \ *(OUTPUT_PTR)++ = (HEX_STRING)[value & 0xF]; \ } \ } while (false) static SkString uuid_to_string(const SkPDFMetadata::UUID& uuid) { // 8-4-4-4-12 char buffer[36]; // [32 + 4] static const char gHex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; SkASSERT(strlen(gHex) == 16); char* ptr = buffer; const uint8_t* data = uuid.fData; HEXIFY(data, ptr, gHex, 4); *ptr++ = '-'; HEXIFY(data, ptr, gHex, 2); *ptr++ = '-'; HEXIFY(data, ptr, gHex, 2); *ptr++ = '-'; HEXIFY(data, ptr, gHex, 2); *ptr++ = '-'; HEXIFY(data, ptr, gHex, 6); SkASSERT(ptr == buffer + 36); SkASSERT(data == uuid.fData + 16); return SkString(buffer, 36); } #undef HEXIFY namespace { class PDFXMLObject final : public SkPDFObject { public: PDFXMLObject(SkString xml) : fXML(std::move(xml)) {} void emitObject(SkWStream* stream, const SkPDFObjNumMap& omap, const SkPDFSubstituteMap& smap) const override { SkPDFDict dict("Metadata"); dict.insertName("Subtype", "XML"); dict.insertInt("Length", fXML.size()); dict.emitObject(stream, omap, smap); static const char streamBegin[] = " stream\n"; stream->write(streamBegin, strlen(streamBegin)); // Do not compress this. The standard requires that a // program that does not understand PDF can grep for // "write(fXML.c_str(), fXML.size()); static const char streamEnd[] = "\nendstream"; stream->write(streamEnd, strlen(streamEnd)); } private: const SkString fXML; }; } // namespace static int count_xml_escape_size(const SkString& input) { int extra = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) { if (input[i] == '&') { extra += 4; // strlen("&") - strlen("&") } else if (input[i] == '<') { extra += 3; // strlen("<") - strlen("<") } } return extra; } const SkString escape_xml(const SkString& input, const char* before = nullptr, const char* after = nullptr) { if (input.size() == 0) { return input; } // "&" --> "&" and "<" --> "<" // text is assumed to be in UTF-8 // all strings are xml content, not attribute values. size_t beforeLen = before ? strlen(before) : 0; size_t afterLen = after ? strlen(after) : 0; int extra = count_xml_escape_size(input); SkString output(input.size() + extra + beforeLen + afterLen); char* out = output.writable_str(); if (before) { strncpy(out, before, beforeLen); out += beforeLen; } static const char kAmp[] = "&"; static const char kLt[] = "<"; for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) { if (input[i] == '&') { strncpy(out, kAmp, strlen(kAmp)); out += strlen(kAmp); } else if (input[i] == '<') { strncpy(out, kLt, strlen(kLt)); out += strlen(kLt); } else { *out++ = input[i]; } } if (after) { strncpy(out, after, afterLen); out += afterLen; } // Validate that we haven't written outside of our string. SkASSERT(out == &output.writable_str()[output.size()]); *out = '\0'; return std::move(output); } SkPDFObject* SkPDFMetadata::createXMPObject(const UUID& doc, const UUID& instance) const { static const char templateString[] = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "2\n" "B\n" "%s" // ModifyDate "%s" // CreateDate "%s" // MetadataDate "%s" // xmp:CreatorTool "application/pdf\n" "%s" // dc:title "%s" // dc:description "%s" // author "%s" // keywords "uuid:%s\n" "uuid:%s\n" "Skia/PDF\n" "%s" // pdf:Keywords "\n" "\n" "\n" // Note: the standard suggests 4k of padding. "\n"; SkString creationDate; SkString modificationDate; SkString metadataDate; if (fCreation) { SkString tmp; fCreation->toISO8601(&tmp); SkASSERT(0 == count_xml_escape_size(tmp)); // YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[+|-]ZZ:ZZ; no need to escape creationDate = sk_string_printf("%s\n", tmp.c_str()); } if (fModified) { SkString tmp; fModified->toISO8601(&tmp); SkASSERT(0 == count_xml_escape_size(tmp)); modificationDate = sk_string_printf( "%s\n", tmp.c_str()); metadataDate = sk_string_printf( "%s\n", tmp.c_str()); } SkString title = escape_xml(get(fInfo, "Title"), "", "\n"); SkString author = escape_xml(get(fInfo, "Author"), "", "\n"); // TODO: in theory, XMP can support multiple authors. Split on a delimiter? SkString subject = escape_xml(get(fInfo, "Subject"), "", "\n"); SkString keywords1 = escape_xml(get(fInfo, "Keywords"), "", "\n"); SkString keywords2 = escape_xml(get(fInfo, "Keywords"), "", "\n"); // TODO: in theory, keywords can be a list too. SkString creator = escape_xml(get(fInfo, "Creator"), "", "\n"); SkString documentID = uuid_to_string(doc); // no need to escape SkASSERT(0 == count_xml_escape_size(documentID)); SkString instanceID = uuid_to_string(instance); SkASSERT(0 == count_xml_escape_size(instanceID)); return new PDFXMLObject(sk_string_printf( templateString, modificationDate.c_str(), creationDate.c_str(), metadataDate.c_str(), creator.c_str(), title.c_str(), subject.c_str(), author.c_str(), keywords1.c_str(), documentID.c_str(), instanceID.c_str(), keywords2.c_str())); } #endif // SK_PDF_GENERATE_PDFA