/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkPDFDevice.h" #include "SkAnnotation.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include "SkClipStack.h" #include "SkData.h" #include "SkDraw.h" #include "SkFontHost.h" #include "SkGlyphCache.h" #include "SkPaint.h" #include "SkPath.h" #include "SkPDFFont.h" #include "SkPDFFormXObject.h" #include "SkPDFGraphicState.h" #include "SkPDFImage.h" #include "SkPDFShader.h" #include "SkPDFStream.h" #include "SkPDFTypes.h" #include "SkPDFUtils.h" #include "SkRect.h" #include "SkString.h" #include "SkTextFormatParams.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include "SkTypes.h" // Utility functions static void emit_pdf_color(SkColor color, SkWStream* result) { SkASSERT(SkColorGetA(color) == 0xFF); // We handle alpha elsewhere. SkScalar colorMax = SkIntToScalar(0xFF); SkPDFScalar::Append( SkScalarDiv(SkIntToScalar(SkColorGetR(color)), colorMax), result); result->writeText(" "); SkPDFScalar::Append( SkScalarDiv(SkIntToScalar(SkColorGetG(color)), colorMax), result); result->writeText(" "); SkPDFScalar::Append( SkScalarDiv(SkIntToScalar(SkColorGetB(color)), colorMax), result); result->writeText(" "); } static SkPaint calculate_text_paint(const SkPaint& paint) { SkPaint result = paint; if (result.isFakeBoldText()) { SkScalar fakeBoldScale = SkScalarInterpFunc(result.getTextSize(), kStdFakeBoldInterpKeys, kStdFakeBoldInterpValues, kStdFakeBoldInterpLength); SkScalar width = SkScalarMul(result.getTextSize(), fakeBoldScale); if (result.getStyle() == SkPaint::kFill_Style) { result.setStyle(SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style); } else { width += result.getStrokeWidth(); } result.setStrokeWidth(width); } return result; } // Stolen from measure_text in SkDraw.cpp and then tweaked. static void align_text(SkDrawCacheProc glyphCacheProc, const SkPaint& paint, const uint16_t* glyphs, size_t len, SkScalar* x, SkScalar* y) { if (paint.getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kLeft_Align) { return; } SkMatrix ident; ident.reset(); SkAutoGlyphCache autoCache(paint, NULL, &ident); SkGlyphCache* cache = autoCache.getCache(); const char* start = reinterpret_cast(glyphs); const char* stop = reinterpret_cast(glyphs + len); SkFixed xAdv = 0, yAdv = 0; // TODO(vandebo): This probably needs to take kerning into account. while (start < stop) { const SkGlyph& glyph = glyphCacheProc(cache, &start, 0, 0); xAdv += glyph.fAdvanceX; yAdv += glyph.fAdvanceY; }; if (paint.getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kLeft_Align) { return; } SkScalar xAdj = SkFixedToScalar(xAdv); SkScalar yAdj = SkFixedToScalar(yAdv); if (paint.getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kCenter_Align) { xAdj = SkScalarHalf(xAdj); yAdj = SkScalarHalf(yAdj); } *x = *x - xAdj; *y = *y - yAdj; } static size_t max_glyphid_for_typeface(const SkTypeface* typeface) { SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* metrics; metrics = SkFontHost::GetAdvancedTypefaceMetrics( SkTypeface::UniqueID(typeface), SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kNo_PerGlyphInfo, NULL, 0); int lastGlyphID = 0; if (metrics) { lastGlyphID = metrics->fLastGlyphID; metrics->unref(); } return lastGlyphID; } typedef SkAutoSTMalloc<128, uint16_t> SkGlyphStorage; static size_t force_glyph_encoding(const SkPaint& paint, const void* text, size_t len, SkGlyphStorage* storage, uint16_t** glyphIDs) { // Make sure we have a glyph id encoding. if (paint.getTextEncoding() != SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding) { size_t numGlyphs = paint.textToGlyphs(text, len, NULL); storage->reset(numGlyphs); paint.textToGlyphs(text, len, storage->get()); *glyphIDs = storage->get(); return numGlyphs; } // For user supplied glyph ids we need to validate them. SkASSERT((len & 1) == 0); size_t numGlyphs = len / 2; const uint16_t* input = reinterpret_cast(const_cast((text))); int maxGlyphID = max_glyphid_for_typeface(paint.getTypeface()); size_t validated; for (validated = 0; validated < numGlyphs; ++validated) { if (input[validated] > maxGlyphID) { break; } } if (validated >= numGlyphs) { *glyphIDs = reinterpret_cast(const_cast((text))); return numGlyphs; } // Silently drop anything out of range. storage->reset(numGlyphs); if (validated > 0) { memcpy(storage->get(), input, validated * sizeof(uint16_t)); } for (size_t i = validated; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { storage->get()[i] = input[i]; if (input[i] > maxGlyphID) { storage->get()[i] = 0; } } *glyphIDs = storage->get(); return numGlyphs; } static void set_text_transform(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar textSkewX, SkWStream* content) { // Flip the text about the x-axis to account for origin swap and include // the passed parameters. content->writeText("1 0 "); SkPDFScalar::Append(0 - textSkewX, content); content->writeText(" -1 "); SkPDFScalar::Append(x, content); content->writeText(" "); SkPDFScalar::Append(y, content); content->writeText(" Tm\n"); } // It is important to not confuse GraphicStateEntry with SkPDFGraphicState, the // later being our representation of an object in the PDF file. struct GraphicStateEntry { GraphicStateEntry(); // Compare the fields we care about when setting up a new content entry. bool compareInitialState(const GraphicStateEntry& b); SkMatrix fMatrix; // We can't do set operations on Paths, though PDF natively supports // intersect. If the clip stack does anything other than intersect, // we have to fall back to the region. Treat fClipStack as authoritative. // See http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=221 SkClipStack fClipStack; SkRegion fClipRegion; // When emitting the content entry, we will ensure the graphic state // is set to these values first. SkColor fColor; SkScalar fTextScaleX; // Zero means we don't care what the value is. SkPaint::Style fTextFill; // Only if TextScaleX is non-zero. int fShaderIndex; int fGraphicStateIndex; // We may change the font (i.e. for Type1 support) within a // ContentEntry. This is the one currently in effect, or NULL if none. SkPDFFont* fFont; // In PDF, text size has no default value. It is only valid if fFont is // not NULL. SkScalar fTextSize; }; GraphicStateEntry::GraphicStateEntry() : fColor(SK_ColorBLACK), fTextScaleX(SK_Scalar1), fTextFill(SkPaint::kFill_Style), fShaderIndex(-1), fGraphicStateIndex(-1), fFont(NULL), fTextSize(SK_ScalarNaN) { fMatrix.reset(); } bool GraphicStateEntry::compareInitialState(const GraphicStateEntry& b) { return fColor == b.fColor && fShaderIndex == b.fShaderIndex && fGraphicStateIndex == b.fGraphicStateIndex && fMatrix == b.fMatrix && fClipStack == b.fClipStack && (fTextScaleX == 0 || b.fTextScaleX == 0 || (fTextScaleX == b.fTextScaleX && fTextFill == b.fTextFill)); } class GraphicStackState { public: GraphicStackState(const SkClipStack& existingClipStack, const SkRegion& existingClipRegion, SkWStream* contentStream) : fStackDepth(0), fContentStream(contentStream) { fEntries[0].fClipStack = existingClipStack; fEntries[0].fClipRegion = existingClipRegion; } void updateClip(const SkClipStack& clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkPoint& translation); void updateMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix); void updateDrawingState(const GraphicStateEntry& state); void drainStack(); private: void push(); void pop(); GraphicStateEntry* currentEntry() { return &fEntries[fStackDepth]; } // Conservative limit on save depth, see impl. notes in PDF 1.4 spec. static const int kMaxStackDepth = 12; GraphicStateEntry fEntries[kMaxStackDepth + 1]; int fStackDepth; SkWStream* fContentStream; }; void GraphicStackState::drainStack() { while (fStackDepth) { pop(); } } void GraphicStackState::push() { SkASSERT(fStackDepth < kMaxStackDepth); fContentStream->writeText("q\n"); fStackDepth++; fEntries[fStackDepth] = fEntries[fStackDepth - 1]; } void GraphicStackState::pop() { SkASSERT(fStackDepth > 0); fContentStream->writeText("Q\n"); fStackDepth--; } // This function initializes iter to be an iterator on the "stack" argument // and then skips over the leading entries as specified in prefix. It requires // and asserts that "prefix" will be a prefix to "stack." static void skip_clip_stack_prefix(const SkClipStack& prefix, const SkClipStack& stack, SkClipStack::Iter* iter) { SkClipStack::B2TIter prefixIter(prefix); iter->reset(stack, SkClipStack::Iter::kBottom_IterStart); const SkClipStack::Element* prefixEntry; const SkClipStack::Element* iterEntry; for (prefixEntry = prefixIter.next(); prefixEntry; prefixEntry = prefixIter.next()) { iterEntry = iter->next(); SkASSERT(iterEntry); // Because of SkClipStack does internal intersection, the last clip // entry may differ. if (*prefixEntry != *iterEntry) { SkASSERT(prefixEntry->getOp() == SkRegion::kIntersect_Op); SkASSERT(iterEntry->getOp() == SkRegion::kIntersect_Op); SkASSERT(iterEntry->getType() == prefixEntry->getType()); // back up the iterator by one iter->prev(); prefixEntry = prefixIter.next(); break; } } SkASSERT(prefixEntry == NULL); } static void emit_clip(SkPath* clipPath, SkRect* clipRect, SkWStream* contentStream) { SkASSERT(clipPath || clipRect); SkPath::FillType clipFill; if (clipPath) { SkPDFUtils::EmitPath(*clipPath, SkPaint::kFill_Style, contentStream); clipFill = clipPath->getFillType(); } else { SkPDFUtils::AppendRectangle(*clipRect, contentStream); clipFill = SkPath::kWinding_FillType; } NOT_IMPLEMENTED(clipFill == SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType, false); NOT_IMPLEMENTED(clipFill == SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType, false); if (clipFill == SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType) { contentStream->writeText("W* n\n"); } else { contentStream->writeText("W n\n"); } } // TODO(vandebo): Take advantage of SkClipStack::getSaveCount(), the PDF // graphic state stack, and the fact that we can know all the clips used // on the page to optimize this. void GraphicStackState::updateClip(const SkClipStack& clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkPoint& translation) { if (clipStack == currentEntry()->fClipStack) { return; } while (fStackDepth > 0) { pop(); if (clipStack == currentEntry()->fClipStack) { return; } } push(); // gsState->initialEntry()->fClipStack/Region specifies the clip that has // already been applied. (If this is a top level device, then it specifies // a clip to the content area. If this is a layer, then it specifies // the clip in effect when the layer was created.) There's no need to // reapply that clip; SKCanvas's SkDrawIter will draw anything outside the // initial clip on the parent layer. (This means there's a bug if the user // expands the clip and then uses any xfer mode that uses dst: // http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=228 ) SkClipStack::Iter iter; skip_clip_stack_prefix(fEntries[0].fClipStack, clipStack, &iter); // If the clip stack does anything other than intersect or if it uses // an inverse fill type, we have to fall back to the clip region. bool needRegion = false; const SkClipStack::Element* clipEntry; for (clipEntry = iter.next(); clipEntry; clipEntry = iter.next()) { if (clipEntry->getOp() != SkRegion::kIntersect_Op || clipEntry->isInverseFilled()) { needRegion = true; break; } } if (needRegion) { SkPath clipPath; SkAssertResult(clipRegion.getBoundaryPath(&clipPath)); emit_clip(&clipPath, NULL, fContentStream); } else { skip_clip_stack_prefix(fEntries[0].fClipStack, clipStack, &iter); SkMatrix transform; transform.setTranslate(translation.fX, translation.fY); const SkClipStack::Element* clipEntry; for (clipEntry = iter.next(); clipEntry; clipEntry = iter.next()) { SkASSERT(clipEntry->getOp() == SkRegion::kIntersect_Op); switch (clipEntry->getType()) { case SkClipStack::Element::kRect_Type: { SkRect translatedClip; transform.mapRect(&translatedClip, clipEntry->getRect()); emit_clip(NULL, &translatedClip, fContentStream); break; } case SkClipStack::Element::kPath_Type: { SkPath translatedPath; clipEntry->getPath().transform(transform, &translatedPath); emit_clip(&translatedPath, NULL, fContentStream); break; } default: SkASSERT(false); } } } currentEntry()->fClipStack = clipStack; currentEntry()->fClipRegion = clipRegion; } void GraphicStackState::updateMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) { if (matrix == currentEntry()->fMatrix) { return; } if (currentEntry()->fMatrix.getType() != SkMatrix::kIdentity_Mask) { SkASSERT(fStackDepth > 0); SkASSERT(fEntries[fStackDepth].fClipStack == fEntries[fStackDepth -1].fClipStack); pop(); SkASSERT(currentEntry()->fMatrix.getType() == SkMatrix::kIdentity_Mask); } if (matrix.getType() == SkMatrix::kIdentity_Mask) { return; } push(); SkPDFUtils::AppendTransform(matrix, fContentStream); currentEntry()->fMatrix = matrix; } void GraphicStackState::updateDrawingState(const GraphicStateEntry& state) { // PDF treats a shader as a color, so we only set one or the other. if (state.fShaderIndex >= 0) { if (state.fShaderIndex != currentEntry()->fShaderIndex) { fContentStream->writeText("/Pattern CS /Pattern cs /P"); fContentStream->writeDecAsText(state.fShaderIndex); fContentStream->writeText(" SCN /P"); fContentStream->writeDecAsText(state.fShaderIndex); fContentStream->writeText(" scn\n"); currentEntry()->fShaderIndex = state.fShaderIndex; } } else { if (state.fColor != currentEntry()->fColor || currentEntry()->fShaderIndex >= 0) { emit_pdf_color(state.fColor, fContentStream); fContentStream->writeText("RG "); emit_pdf_color(state.fColor, fContentStream); fContentStream->writeText("rg\n"); currentEntry()->fColor = state.fColor; currentEntry()->fShaderIndex = -1; } } if (state.fGraphicStateIndex != currentEntry()->fGraphicStateIndex) { SkPDFUtils::ApplyGraphicState(state.fGraphicStateIndex, fContentStream); currentEntry()->fGraphicStateIndex = state.fGraphicStateIndex; } if (state.fTextScaleX) { if (state.fTextScaleX != currentEntry()->fTextScaleX) { SkScalar pdfScale = SkScalarMul(state.fTextScaleX, SkIntToScalar(100)); SkPDFScalar::Append(pdfScale, fContentStream); fContentStream->writeText(" Tz\n"); currentEntry()->fTextScaleX = state.fTextScaleX; } if (state.fTextFill != currentEntry()->fTextFill) { SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SkPaint::kFill_Style == 0, enum_must_match_value); SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SkPaint::kStroke_Style == 1, enum_must_match_value); SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style == 2, enum_must_match_value); fContentStream->writeDecAsText(state.fTextFill); fContentStream->writeText(" Tr\n"); currentEntry()->fTextFill = state.fTextFill; } } } SkDevice* SkPDFDevice::onCreateCompatibleDevice(SkBitmap::Config config, int width, int height, bool isOpaque, Usage usage) { SkMatrix initialTransform; initialTransform.reset(); SkISize size = SkISize::Make(width, height); return SkNEW_ARGS(SkPDFDevice, (size, size, initialTransform)); } struct ContentEntry { GraphicStateEntry fState; SkDynamicMemoryWStream fContent; SkTScopedPtr fNext; // If the stack is too deep we could get Stack Overflow. // So we manually destruct the object. ~ContentEntry() { ContentEntry* val = fNext.release(); while (val != NULL) { ContentEntry* valNext = val->fNext.release(); // When the destructor is called, fNext is NULL and exits. delete val; val = valNext; } } }; // A helper class to automatically finish a ContentEntry at the end of a // drawing method and maintain the state needed between set up and finish. class ScopedContentEntry { public: ScopedContentEntry(SkPDFDevice* device, const SkDraw& draw, const SkPaint& paint, bool hasText = false) : fDevice(device), fContentEntry(NULL), fXfermode(SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode) { init(draw.fClipStack, *draw.fClip, *draw.fMatrix, paint, hasText); } ScopedContentEntry(SkPDFDevice* device, const SkClipStack* clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint& paint, bool hasText = false) : fDevice(device), fContentEntry(NULL), fXfermode(SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode) { init(clipStack, clipRegion, matrix, paint, hasText); } ~ScopedContentEntry() { if (fContentEntry) { fDevice->finishContentEntry(fXfermode, fDstFormXObject); } SkSafeUnref(fDstFormXObject); } ContentEntry* entry() { return fContentEntry; } private: SkPDFDevice* fDevice; ContentEntry* fContentEntry; SkXfermode::Mode fXfermode; SkPDFFormXObject* fDstFormXObject; void init(const SkClipStack* clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint& paint, bool hasText) { fDstFormXObject = NULL; if (paint.getXfermode()) { paint.getXfermode()->asMode(&fXfermode); } fContentEntry = fDevice->setUpContentEntry(clipStack, clipRegion, matrix, paint, hasText, &fDstFormXObject); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline SkBitmap makeContentBitmap(const SkISize& contentSize, const SkMatrix* initialTransform) { SkBitmap bitmap; if (initialTransform) { // Compute the size of the drawing area. SkVector drawingSize; SkMatrix inverse; drawingSize.set(SkIntToScalar(contentSize.fWidth), SkIntToScalar(contentSize.fHeight)); if (!initialTransform->invert(&inverse)) { // This shouldn't happen, initial transform should be invertible. SkASSERT(false); inverse.reset(); } inverse.mapVectors(&drawingSize, 1); SkISize size = SkSize::Make(drawingSize.fX, drawingSize.fY).toRound(); bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kNo_Config, abs(size.fWidth), abs(size.fHeight)); } else { bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kNo_Config, abs(contentSize.fWidth), abs(contentSize.fHeight)); } return bitmap; } // TODO(vandebo) change pageSize to SkSize. SkPDFDevice::SkPDFDevice(const SkISize& pageSize, const SkISize& contentSize, const SkMatrix& initialTransform) : SkDevice(makeContentBitmap(contentSize, &initialTransform)), fPageSize(pageSize), fContentSize(contentSize), fLastContentEntry(NULL), fLastMarginContentEntry(NULL), fClipStack(NULL) { // Skia generally uses the top left as the origin but PDF natively has the // origin at the bottom left. This matrix corrects for that. But that only // needs to be done once, we don't do it when layering. fInitialTransform.setTranslate(0, SkIntToScalar(pageSize.fHeight)); fInitialTransform.preScale(SK_Scalar1, -SK_Scalar1); fInitialTransform.preConcat(initialTransform); SkIRect existingClip = SkIRect::MakeWH(this->width(), this->height()); fExistingClipRegion.setRect(existingClip); this->init(); } // TODO(vandebo) change layerSize to SkSize. SkPDFDevice::SkPDFDevice(const SkISize& layerSize, const SkClipStack& existingClipStack, const SkRegion& existingClipRegion) : SkDevice(makeContentBitmap(layerSize, NULL)), fPageSize(layerSize), fContentSize(layerSize), fExistingClipStack(existingClipStack), fExistingClipRegion(existingClipRegion), fLastContentEntry(NULL), fLastMarginContentEntry(NULL), fClipStack(NULL) { fInitialTransform.reset(); this->init(); } SkPDFDevice::~SkPDFDevice() { this->cleanUp(true); } void SkPDFDevice::init() { fAnnotations = NULL; fResourceDict = NULL; fContentEntries.reset(); fLastContentEntry = NULL; fMarginContentEntries.reset(); fLastMarginContentEntry = NULL; fDrawingArea = kContent_DrawingArea; if (fFontGlyphUsage == NULL) { fFontGlyphUsage.reset(new SkPDFGlyphSetMap()); } } void SkPDFDevice::cleanUp(bool clearFontUsage) { fGraphicStateResources.unrefAll(); fXObjectResources.unrefAll(); fFontResources.unrefAll(); fShaderResources.unrefAll(); SkSafeUnref(fAnnotations); SkSafeUnref(fResourceDict); if (clearFontUsage) { fFontGlyphUsage->reset(); } } uint32_t SkPDFDevice::getDeviceCapabilities() { return kVector_Capability; } void SkPDFDevice::clear(SkColor color) { this->cleanUp(true); this->init(); SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); SkMatrix identity; identity.reset(); ScopedContentEntry content(this, &fExistingClipStack, fExistingClipRegion, identity, paint); internalDrawPaint(paint, content.entry()); } void SkPDFDevice::drawPaint(const SkDraw& d, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPaint newPaint = paint; newPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); ScopedContentEntry content(this, d, newPaint); internalDrawPaint(newPaint, content.entry()); } void SkPDFDevice::internalDrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint, ContentEntry* contentEntry) { if (!contentEntry) { return; } SkRect bbox = SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(this->width()), SkIntToScalar(this->height())); SkMatrix totalTransform = fInitialTransform; totalTransform.preConcat(contentEntry->fState.fMatrix); SkMatrix inverse; if (!totalTransform.invert(&inverse)) { return; } inverse.mapRect(&bbox); SkPDFUtils::AppendRectangle(bbox, &contentEntry->fContent); SkPDFUtils::PaintPath(paint.getStyle(), SkPath::kWinding_FillType, &contentEntry->fContent); } void SkPDFDevice::drawPoints(const SkDraw& d, SkCanvas::PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint* points, const SkPaint& passedPaint) { if (count == 0) { return; } // SkDraw::drawPoints converts to multiple calls to fDevice->drawPath. // We only use this when there's a path effect because of the overhead // of multiple calls to setUpContentEntry it causes. if (passedPaint.getPathEffect()) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } SkDraw pointDraw(d); pointDraw.fDevice = this; pointDraw.drawPoints(mode, count, points, passedPaint, true); return; } const SkPaint* paint = &passedPaint; SkPaint modifiedPaint; if (mode == SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode && paint->getStrokeCap() != SkPaint::kRound_Cap) { modifiedPaint = *paint; paint = &modifiedPaint; if (paint->getStrokeWidth()) { // PDF won't draw a single point with square/butt caps because the // orientation is ambiguous. Draw a rectangle instead. modifiedPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); SkScalar strokeWidth = paint->getStrokeWidth(); SkScalar halfStroke = SkScalarHalf(strokeWidth); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { SkRect r = SkRect::MakeXYWH(points[i].fX, points[i].fY, 0, 0); r.inset(-halfStroke, -halfStroke); drawRect(d, r, modifiedPaint); } return; } else { modifiedPaint.setStrokeCap(SkPaint::kRound_Cap); } } ScopedContentEntry content(this, d, *paint); if (!content.entry()) { return; } switch (mode) { case SkCanvas::kPolygon_PointMode: SkPDFUtils::MoveTo(points[0].fX, points[0].fY, &content.entry()->fContent); for (size_t i = 1; i < count; i++) { SkPDFUtils::AppendLine(points[i].fX, points[i].fY, &content.entry()->fContent); } SkPDFUtils::StrokePath(&content.entry()->fContent); break; case SkCanvas::kLines_PointMode: for (size_t i = 0; i < count/2; i++) { SkPDFUtils::MoveTo(points[i * 2].fX, points[i * 2].fY, &content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::AppendLine(points[i * 2 + 1].fX, points[i * 2 + 1].fY, &content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::StrokePath(&content.entry()->fContent); } break; case SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode: SkASSERT(paint->getStrokeCap() == SkPaint::kRound_Cap); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { SkPDFUtils::MoveTo(points[i].fX, points[i].fY, &content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::ClosePath(&content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::StrokePath(&content.entry()->fContent); } break; default: SkASSERT(false); } } void SkPDFDevice::drawRect(const SkDraw& d, const SkRect& r, const SkPaint& paint) { if (paint.getPathEffect()) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } SkPath path; path.addRect(r); drawPath(d, path, paint, NULL, true); return; } if (handleAnnotations(r, *d.fMatrix, paint)) { return; } ScopedContentEntry content(this, d, paint); if (!content.entry()) { return; } SkPDFUtils::AppendRectangle(r, &content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::PaintPath(paint.getStyle(), SkPath::kWinding_FillType, &content.entry()->fContent); } void SkPDFDevice::drawPath(const SkDraw& d, const SkPath& origPath, const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix* prePathMatrix, bool pathIsMutable) { SkPath modifiedPath; SkPath* pathPtr = const_cast(&origPath); SkMatrix matrix = *d.fMatrix; if (prePathMatrix) { if (paint.getPathEffect() || paint.getStyle() != SkPaint::kFill_Style) { if (!pathIsMutable) { pathPtr = &modifiedPath; pathIsMutable = true; } origPath.transform(*prePathMatrix, pathPtr); } else { if (!matrix.preConcat(*prePathMatrix)) { return; } } } if (paint.getPathEffect()) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } if (!pathIsMutable) { pathPtr = &modifiedPath; pathIsMutable = true; } bool fill = paint.getFillPath(origPath, pathPtr); SkPaint noEffectPaint(paint); noEffectPaint.setPathEffect(NULL); if (fill) { noEffectPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); } else { noEffectPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); noEffectPaint.setStrokeWidth(0); } drawPath(d, *pathPtr, noEffectPaint, NULL, true); return; } if (handleAnnotations(pathPtr->getBounds(), *d.fMatrix, paint)) { return; } ScopedContentEntry content(this, d, paint); if (!content.entry()) { return; } SkPDFUtils::EmitPath(*pathPtr, paint.getStyle(), &content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::PaintPath(paint.getStyle(), pathPtr->getFillType(), &content.entry()->fContent); } void SkPDFDevice::drawBitmapRect(const SkDraw& draw, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint) { SkMatrix matrix; SkRect bitmapBounds, tmpSrc, tmpDst; SkBitmap tmpBitmap; bitmapBounds.isetWH(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()); // Compute matrix from the two rectangles if (src) { tmpSrc = *src; } else { tmpSrc = bitmapBounds; } matrix.setRectToRect(tmpSrc, dst, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit); const SkBitmap* bitmapPtr = &bitmap; // clip the tmpSrc to the bounds of the bitmap, and recompute dstRect if // needed (if the src was clipped). No check needed if src==null. if (src) { if (!bitmapBounds.contains(*src)) { if (!tmpSrc.intersect(bitmapBounds)) { return; // nothing to draw } // recompute dst, based on the smaller tmpSrc matrix.mapRect(&tmpDst, tmpSrc); } // since we may need to clamp to the borders of the src rect within // the bitmap, we extract a subset. // TODO: make sure this is handled in drawBitmap and remove from here. SkIRect srcIR; tmpSrc.roundOut(&srcIR); if (!bitmap.extractSubset(&tmpBitmap, srcIR)) { return; } bitmapPtr = &tmpBitmap; // Since we did an extract, we need to adjust the matrix accordingly SkScalar dx = 0, dy = 0; if (srcIR.fLeft > 0) { dx = SkIntToScalar(srcIR.fLeft); } if (srcIR.fTop > 0) { dy = SkIntToScalar(srcIR.fTop); } if (dx || dy) { matrix.preTranslate(dx, dy); } } this->drawBitmap(draw, *bitmapPtr, NULL, matrix, paint); } void SkPDFDevice::drawBitmap(const SkDraw& d, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect* srcRect, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint& paint) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } SkMatrix transform = matrix; transform.postConcat(*d.fMatrix); internalDrawBitmap(transform, d.fClipStack, *d.fClip, bitmap, srcRect, paint); } void SkPDFDevice::drawSprite(const SkDraw& d, const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y, const SkPaint& paint) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } SkMatrix matrix; matrix.setTranslate(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y)); internalDrawBitmap(matrix, d.fClipStack, *d.fClip, bitmap, NULL, paint); } void SkPDFDevice::drawText(const SkDraw& d, const void* text, size_t len, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPaint textPaint = calculate_text_paint(paint); ScopedContentEntry content(this, d, textPaint, true); if (!content.entry()) { return; } SkGlyphStorage storage(0); uint16_t* glyphIDs = NULL; size_t numGlyphs = force_glyph_encoding(paint, text, len, &storage, &glyphIDs); textPaint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); SkDrawCacheProc glyphCacheProc = textPaint.getDrawCacheProc(); align_text(glyphCacheProc, textPaint, glyphIDs, numGlyphs, &x, &y); content.entry()->fContent.writeText("BT\n"); set_text_transform(x, y, textPaint.getTextSkewX(), &content.entry()->fContent); size_t consumedGlyphCount = 0; while (numGlyphs > consumedGlyphCount) { updateFont(textPaint, glyphIDs[consumedGlyphCount], content.entry()); SkPDFFont* font = content.entry()->fState.fFont; size_t availableGlyphs = font->glyphsToPDFFontEncoding(glyphIDs + consumedGlyphCount, numGlyphs - consumedGlyphCount); fFontGlyphUsage->noteGlyphUsage(font, glyphIDs + consumedGlyphCount, availableGlyphs); SkString encodedString = SkPDFString::FormatString(glyphIDs + consumedGlyphCount, availableGlyphs, font->multiByteGlyphs()); content.entry()->fContent.writeText(encodedString.c_str()); consumedGlyphCount += availableGlyphs; content.entry()->fContent.writeText(" Tj\n"); } content.entry()->fContent.writeText("ET\n"); } void SkPDFDevice::drawPosText(const SkDraw& d, const void* text, size_t len, const SkScalar pos[], SkScalar constY, int scalarsPerPos, const SkPaint& paint) { SkASSERT(1 == scalarsPerPos || 2 == scalarsPerPos); SkPaint textPaint = calculate_text_paint(paint); ScopedContentEntry content(this, d, textPaint, true); if (!content.entry()) { return; } SkGlyphStorage storage(0); uint16_t* glyphIDs = NULL; size_t numGlyphs = force_glyph_encoding(paint, text, len, &storage, &glyphIDs); textPaint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); SkDrawCacheProc glyphCacheProc = textPaint.getDrawCacheProc(); content.entry()->fContent.writeText("BT\n"); updateFont(textPaint, glyphIDs[0], content.entry()); for (size_t i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) { SkPDFFont* font = content.entry()->fState.fFont; uint16_t encodedValue = glyphIDs[i]; if (font->glyphsToPDFFontEncoding(&encodedValue, 1) != 1) { updateFont(textPaint, glyphIDs[i], content.entry()); i--; continue; } fFontGlyphUsage->noteGlyphUsage(font, &encodedValue, 1); SkScalar x = pos[i * scalarsPerPos]; SkScalar y = scalarsPerPos == 1 ? constY : pos[i * scalarsPerPos + 1]; align_text(glyphCacheProc, textPaint, glyphIDs + i, 1, &x, &y); set_text_transform(x, y, textPaint.getTextSkewX(), &content.entry()->fContent); SkString encodedString = SkPDFString::FormatString(&encodedValue, 1, font->multiByteGlyphs()); content.entry()->fContent.writeText(encodedString.c_str()); content.entry()->fContent.writeText(" Tj\n"); } content.entry()->fContent.writeText("ET\n"); } void SkPDFDevice::drawTextOnPath(const SkDraw& d, const void* text, size_t len, const SkPath& path, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } d.drawTextOnPath((const char*)text, len, path, matrix, paint); } void SkPDFDevice::drawVertices(const SkDraw& d, SkCanvas::VertexMode, int vertexCount, const SkPoint verts[], const SkPoint texs[], const SkColor colors[], SkXfermode* xmode, const uint16_t indices[], int indexCount, const SkPaint& paint) { if (d.fClip->isEmpty()) { return; } NOT_IMPLEMENTED("drawVerticies", true); } void SkPDFDevice::drawDevice(const SkDraw& d, SkDevice* device, int x, int y, const SkPaint& paint) { if ((device->getDeviceCapabilities() & kVector_Capability) == 0) { // If we somehow get a raster device, do what our parent would do. SkDevice::drawDevice(d, device, x, y, paint); return; } // Assume that a vector capable device means that it's a PDF Device. SkPDFDevice* pdfDevice = static_cast(device); if (pdfDevice->isContentEmpty()) { return; } SkMatrix matrix; matrix.setTranslate(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y)); ScopedContentEntry content(this, d.fClipStack, *d.fClip, matrix, paint); if (!content.entry()) { return; } SkPDFFormXObject* xobject = new SkPDFFormXObject(pdfDevice); fXObjectResources.push(xobject); // Transfer reference. SkPDFUtils::DrawFormXObject(fXObjectResources.count() - 1, &content.entry()->fContent); // Merge glyph sets from the drawn device. fFontGlyphUsage->merge(pdfDevice->getFontGlyphUsage()); } void SkPDFDevice::onAttachToCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas) { INHERITED::onAttachToCanvas(canvas); // Canvas promises that this ptr is valid until onDetachFromCanvas is called fClipStack = canvas->getClipStack(); } void SkPDFDevice::onDetachFromCanvas() { INHERITED::onDetachFromCanvas(); fClipStack = NULL; } ContentEntry* SkPDFDevice::getLastContentEntry() { if (fDrawingArea == kContent_DrawingArea) { return fLastContentEntry; } else { return fLastMarginContentEntry; } } SkTScopedPtr* SkPDFDevice::getContentEntries() { if (fDrawingArea == kContent_DrawingArea) { return &fContentEntries; } else { return &fMarginContentEntries; } } void SkPDFDevice::setLastContentEntry(ContentEntry* contentEntry) { if (fDrawingArea == kContent_DrawingArea) { fLastContentEntry = contentEntry; } else { fLastMarginContentEntry = contentEntry; } } void SkPDFDevice::setDrawingArea(DrawingArea drawingArea) { // A ScopedContentEntry only exists during the course of a draw call, so // this can't be called while a ScopedContentEntry exists. fDrawingArea = drawingArea; } SkPDFDict* SkPDFDevice::getResourceDict() { if (NULL == fResourceDict) { fResourceDict = SkNEW(SkPDFDict); if (fGraphicStateResources.count()) { SkAutoTUnref extGState(new SkPDFDict()); for (int i = 0; i < fGraphicStateResources.count(); i++) { SkString nameString("G"); nameString.appendS32(i); extGState->insert( nameString.c_str(), new SkPDFObjRef(fGraphicStateResources[i]))->unref(); } fResourceDict->insert("ExtGState", extGState.get()); } if (fXObjectResources.count()) { SkAutoTUnref xObjects(new SkPDFDict()); for (int i = 0; i < fXObjectResources.count(); i++) { SkString nameString("X"); nameString.appendS32(i); xObjects->insert( nameString.c_str(), new SkPDFObjRef(fXObjectResources[i]))->unref(); } fResourceDict->insert("XObject", xObjects.get()); } if (fFontResources.count()) { SkAutoTUnref fonts(new SkPDFDict()); for (int i = 0; i < fFontResources.count(); i++) { SkString nameString("F"); nameString.appendS32(i); fonts->insert(nameString.c_str(), new SkPDFObjRef(fFontResources[i]))->unref(); } fResourceDict->insert("Font", fonts.get()); } if (fShaderResources.count()) { SkAutoTUnref patterns(new SkPDFDict()); for (int i = 0; i < fShaderResources.count(); i++) { SkString nameString("P"); nameString.appendS32(i); patterns->insert(nameString.c_str(), new SkPDFObjRef(fShaderResources[i]))->unref(); } fResourceDict->insert("Pattern", patterns.get()); } // For compatibility, add all proc sets (only used for output to PS // devices). const char procs[][7] = {"PDF", "Text", "ImageB", "ImageC", "ImageI"}; SkAutoTUnref procSets(new SkPDFArray()); procSets->reserve(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(procs)); for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(procs); i++) procSets->appendName(procs[i]); fResourceDict->insert("ProcSet", procSets.get()); } return fResourceDict; } void SkPDFDevice::getResources(SkTDArray* resourceList, bool recursive) const { resourceList->setReserve(resourceList->count() + fGraphicStateResources.count() + fXObjectResources.count() + fFontResources.count() + fShaderResources.count()); for (int i = 0; i < fGraphicStateResources.count(); i++) { resourceList->push(fGraphicStateResources[i]); fGraphicStateResources[i]->ref(); if (recursive) { fGraphicStateResources[i]->getResources(resourceList); } } for (int i = 0; i < fXObjectResources.count(); i++) { resourceList->push(fXObjectResources[i]); fXObjectResources[i]->ref(); if (recursive) { fXObjectResources[i]->getResources(resourceList); } } for (int i = 0; i < fFontResources.count(); i++) { resourceList->push(fFontResources[i]); fFontResources[i]->ref(); if (recursive) { fFontResources[i]->getResources(resourceList); } } for (int i = 0; i < fShaderResources.count(); i++) { resourceList->push(fShaderResources[i]); fShaderResources[i]->ref(); if (recursive) { fShaderResources[i]->getResources(resourceList); } } } const SkTDArray& SkPDFDevice::getFontResources() const { return fFontResources; } SkPDFArray* SkPDFDevice::copyMediaBox() const { // should this be a singleton? SkAutoTUnref zero(SkNEW_ARGS(SkPDFInt, (0))); SkPDFArray* mediaBox = SkNEW(SkPDFArray); mediaBox->reserve(4); mediaBox->append(zero.get()); mediaBox->append(zero.get()); mediaBox->appendInt(fPageSize.fWidth); mediaBox->appendInt(fPageSize.fHeight); return mediaBox; } SkStream* SkPDFDevice::content() const { SkMemoryStream* result = new SkMemoryStream; result->setData(this->copyContentToData())->unref(); return result; } void SkPDFDevice::copyContentEntriesToData(ContentEntry* entry, SkWStream* data) const { // TODO(ctguil): For margins, I'm not sure fExistingClipStack/Region is the // right thing to pass here. GraphicStackState gsState(fExistingClipStack, fExistingClipRegion, data); while (entry != NULL) { SkPoint translation; translation.iset(this->getOrigin()); translation.negate(); gsState.updateClip(entry->fState.fClipStack, entry->fState.fClipRegion, translation); gsState.updateMatrix(entry->fState.fMatrix); gsState.updateDrawingState(entry->fState); SkAutoDataUnref copy(entry->fContent.copyToData()); data->write(copy->data(), copy->size()); entry = entry->fNext.get(); } gsState.drainStack(); } SkData* SkPDFDevice::copyContentToData() const { SkDynamicMemoryWStream data; if (fInitialTransform.getType() != SkMatrix::kIdentity_Mask) { SkPDFUtils::AppendTransform(fInitialTransform, &data); } // TODO(aayushkumar): Apply clip along the margins. Currently, webkit // colors the contentArea white before it starts drawing into it and // that currently acts as our clip. // Also, think about adding a transform here (or assume that the values // sent across account for that) SkPDFDevice::copyContentEntriesToData(fMarginContentEntries.get(), &data); // If the content area is the entire page, then we don't need to clip // the content area (PDF area clips to the page size). Otherwise, // we have to clip to the content area; we've already applied the // initial transform, so just clip to the device size. if (fPageSize != fContentSize) { SkRect r = SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(this->width()), SkIntToScalar(this->height())); emit_clip(NULL, &r, &data); } SkPDFDevice::copyContentEntriesToData(fContentEntries.get(), &data); // potentially we could cache this SkData, and only rebuild it if we // see that our state has changed. return data.copyToData(); } bool SkPDFDevice::handleAnnotations(const SkRect& r, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint& p) { SkAnnotation* annotationInfo = p.getAnnotation(); if (!annotationInfo) { return false; } SkData* urlData = annotationInfo->find(SkAnnotationKeys::URL_Key()); if (!urlData) { return false; } SkString url(static_cast(urlData->data()), urlData->size() - 1); SkMatrix transform = matrix; transform.postConcat(fInitialTransform); SkRect translatedRect; transform.mapRect(&translatedRect, r); if (NULL == fAnnotations) { fAnnotations = SkNEW(SkPDFArray); } SkAutoTUnref annotation(new SkPDFDict("Annot")); annotation->insertName("Subtype", "Link"); fAnnotations->append(annotation.get()); SkAutoTUnref border(new SkPDFArray); border->reserve(3); border->appendInt(0); // Horizontal corner radius. border->appendInt(0); // Vertical corner radius. border->appendInt(0); // Width, 0 = no border. annotation->insert("Border", border.get()); SkAutoTUnref rect(new SkPDFArray); rect->reserve(4); rect->appendScalar(translatedRect.fLeft); rect->appendScalar(translatedRect.fTop); rect->appendScalar(translatedRect.fRight); rect->appendScalar(translatedRect.fBottom); annotation->insert("Rect", rect.get()); SkAutoTUnref action(new SkPDFDict("Action")); action->insertName("S", "URI"); action->insert("URI", new SkPDFString(url))->unref(); annotation->insert("A", action.get()); return p.isNoDrawAnnotation(); } SkPDFFormXObject* SkPDFDevice::createFormXObjectFromDevice() { SkPDFFormXObject* xobject = SkNEW_ARGS(SkPDFFormXObject, (this)); // We always draw the form xobjects that we create back into the device, so // we simply preserve the font usage instead of pulling it out and merging // it back in later. cleanUp(false); // Reset this device to have no content. init(); return xobject; } void SkPDFDevice::clearClipFromContent(const SkClipStack* clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion) { if (clipRegion.isEmpty() || isContentEmpty()) { return; } SkAutoTUnref curContent(createFormXObjectFromDevice()); // Redraw what we already had, but with the clip as a mask. drawFormXObjectWithClip(curContent, clipStack, clipRegion, true); } void SkPDFDevice::drawFormXObjectWithClip(SkPDFFormXObject* xobject, const SkClipStack* clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, bool invertClip) { if (clipRegion.isEmpty() && !invertClip) { return; } // Create the mask. SkMatrix identity; identity.reset(); SkDraw draw; draw.fMatrix = &identity; draw.fClip = &clipRegion; draw.fClipStack = clipStack; SkPaint stockPaint; this->drawPaint(draw, stockPaint); SkAutoTUnref maskFormXObject(createFormXObjectFromDevice()); SkAutoTUnref sMaskGS( SkPDFGraphicState::GetSMaskGraphicState(maskFormXObject, invertClip)); // Draw the xobject with the clip as a mask. ScopedContentEntry content(this, &fExistingClipStack, fExistingClipRegion, identity, stockPaint); if (!content.entry()) { return; } SkPDFUtils::ApplyGraphicState(addGraphicStateResource(sMaskGS.get()), &content.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::DrawFormXObject(fXObjectResources.count(), &content.entry()->fContent); fXObjectResources.push(xobject); xobject->ref(); sMaskGS.reset(SkPDFGraphicState::GetNoSMaskGraphicState()); SkPDFUtils::ApplyGraphicState(addGraphicStateResource(sMaskGS.get()), &content.entry()->fContent); } ContentEntry* SkPDFDevice::setUpContentEntry(const SkClipStack* clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint& paint, bool hasText, SkPDFFormXObject** dst) { *dst = NULL; if (clipRegion.isEmpty()) { return NULL; } // The clip stack can come from an SkDraw where it is technically optional. SkClipStack synthesizedClipStack; if (clipStack == NULL) { if (clipRegion == fExistingClipRegion) { clipStack = &fExistingClipStack; } else { // GraphicStackState::updateClip expects the clip stack to have // fExistingClip as a prefix, so start there, then set the clip // to the passed region. synthesizedClipStack = fExistingClipStack; SkPath clipPath; clipRegion.getBoundaryPath(&clipPath); synthesizedClipStack.clipDevPath(clipPath, SkRegion::kReplace_Op, false); clipStack = &synthesizedClipStack; } } SkXfermode::Mode xfermode = SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode; if (paint.getXfermode()) { paint.getXfermode()->asMode(&xfermode); } if (xfermode == SkXfermode::kClear_Mode || xfermode == SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode) { this->clearClipFromContent(clipStack, clipRegion); } else if (xfermode == SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode || xfermode == SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode || xfermode == SkXfermode::kSrcOut_Mode || xfermode == SkXfermode::kDstOut_Mode) { // For the following modes, we use both source and destination, but // we use one as a smask for the other, so we have to make form xobjects // out of both of them: SrcIn, DstIn, SrcOut, DstOut. if (isContentEmpty()) { return NULL; } else { *dst = createFormXObjectFromDevice(); } } // TODO(vandebo): Figure out how/if we can handle the following modes: // SrcAtop, DestAtop, Xor, Plus. // These xfer modes don't draw source at all. if (xfermode == SkXfermode::kClear_Mode || xfermode == SkXfermode::kDst_Mode) { return NULL; } ContentEntry* entry; SkTScopedPtr newEntry; ContentEntry* lastContentEntry = getLastContentEntry(); if (lastContentEntry && lastContentEntry->fContent.getOffset() == 0) { entry = lastContentEntry; } else { newEntry.reset(new ContentEntry); entry = newEntry.get(); } populateGraphicStateEntryFromPaint(matrix, *clipStack, clipRegion, paint, hasText, &entry->fState); if (lastContentEntry && xfermode != SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode && entry->fState.compareInitialState(lastContentEntry->fState)) { return lastContentEntry; } SkTScopedPtr* contentEntries = getContentEntries(); if (!lastContentEntry) { contentEntries->reset(entry); setLastContentEntry(entry); } else if (xfermode == SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode) { entry->fNext.reset(contentEntries->release()); contentEntries->reset(entry); } else { lastContentEntry->fNext.reset(entry); setLastContentEntry(entry); } newEntry.release(); return entry; } void SkPDFDevice::finishContentEntry(const SkXfermode::Mode xfermode, SkPDFFormXObject* dst) { if (xfermode != SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode && xfermode != SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode && xfermode != SkXfermode::kSrcOut_Mode && xfermode != SkXfermode::kDstOut_Mode) { SkASSERT(!dst); return; } ContentEntry* contentEntries = getContentEntries()->get(); SkASSERT(dst); SkASSERT(!contentEntries->fNext.get()); // We have to make a copy of these here because changing the current // content into a form xobject will destroy them. SkClipStack clipStack = contentEntries->fState.fClipStack; SkRegion clipRegion = contentEntries->fState.fClipRegion; SkAutoTUnref srcFormXObject; if (!isContentEmpty()) { srcFormXObject.reset(createFormXObjectFromDevice()); } drawFormXObjectWithClip(dst, &clipStack, clipRegion, true); // We've redrawn dst minus the clip area, if there's no src, we're done. if (!srcFormXObject.get()) { return; } SkMatrix identity; identity.reset(); SkPaint stockPaint; ScopedContentEntry inClipContentEntry(this, &fExistingClipStack, fExistingClipRegion, identity, stockPaint); if (!inClipContentEntry.entry()) { return; } SkAutoTUnref sMaskGS; if (xfermode == SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode || xfermode == SkXfermode::kSrcOut_Mode) { sMaskGS.reset(SkPDFGraphicState::GetSMaskGraphicState( dst, xfermode == SkXfermode::kSrcOut_Mode)); fXObjectResources.push(srcFormXObject.get()); srcFormXObject.get()->ref(); } else { sMaskGS.reset(SkPDFGraphicState::GetSMaskGraphicState( srcFormXObject.get(), xfermode == SkXfermode::kDstOut_Mode)); // dst already added to fXObjectResources in drawFormXObjectWithClip. } SkPDFUtils::ApplyGraphicState(addGraphicStateResource(sMaskGS.get()), &inClipContentEntry.entry()->fContent); SkPDFUtils::DrawFormXObject(fXObjectResources.count() - 1, &inClipContentEntry.entry()->fContent); sMaskGS.reset(SkPDFGraphicState::GetNoSMaskGraphicState()); SkPDFUtils::ApplyGraphicState(addGraphicStateResource(sMaskGS.get()), &inClipContentEntry.entry()->fContent); } bool SkPDFDevice::isContentEmpty() { ContentEntry* contentEntries = getContentEntries()->get(); if (!contentEntries || contentEntries->fContent.getOffset() == 0) { SkASSERT(!contentEntries || !contentEntries->fNext.get()); return true; } return false; } void SkPDFDevice::populateGraphicStateEntryFromPaint( const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkClipStack& clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkPaint& paint, bool hasText, GraphicStateEntry* entry) { SkASSERT(paint.getPathEffect() == NULL); NOT_IMPLEMENTED(paint.getMaskFilter() != NULL, false); NOT_IMPLEMENTED(paint.getColorFilter() != NULL, false); entry->fMatrix = matrix; entry->fClipStack = clipStack; entry->fClipRegion = clipRegion; entry->fColor = SkColorSetA(paint.getColor(), 0xFF); entry->fShaderIndex = -1; // PDF treats a shader as a color, so we only set one or the other. SkAutoTUnref pdfShader; const SkShader* shader = paint.getShader(); SkColor color = paint.getColor(); if (shader) { // PDF positions patterns relative to the initial transform, so // we need to apply the current transform to the shader parameters. SkMatrix transform = matrix; transform.postConcat(fInitialTransform); // PDF doesn't support kClamp_TileMode, so we simulate it by making // a pattern the size of the current clip. SkIRect bounds = clipRegion.getBounds(); // We need to apply the initial transform to bounds in order to get // bounds in a consistent coordinate system. SkRect boundsTemp; boundsTemp.set(bounds); fInitialTransform.mapRect(&boundsTemp); boundsTemp.roundOut(&bounds); pdfShader.reset(SkPDFShader::GetPDFShader(*shader, transform, bounds)); if (pdfShader.get()) { // pdfShader has been canonicalized so we can directly compare // pointers. int resourceIndex = fShaderResources.find(pdfShader.get()); if (resourceIndex < 0) { resourceIndex = fShaderResources.count(); fShaderResources.push(pdfShader.get()); pdfShader.get()->ref(); } entry->fShaderIndex = resourceIndex; } else { // A color shader is treated as an invalid shader so we don't have // to set a shader just for a color. SkShader::GradientInfo gradientInfo; SkColor gradientColor; gradientInfo.fColors = &gradientColor; gradientInfo.fColorOffsets = NULL; gradientInfo.fColorCount = 1; if (shader->asAGradient(&gradientInfo) == SkShader::kColor_GradientType) { entry->fColor = SkColorSetA(gradientColor, 0xFF); color = gradientColor; } } } SkAutoTUnref newGraphicState; if (color == paint.getColor()) { newGraphicState.reset( SkPDFGraphicState::GetGraphicStateForPaint(paint)); } else { SkPaint newPaint = paint; newPaint.setColor(color); newGraphicState.reset( SkPDFGraphicState::GetGraphicStateForPaint(newPaint)); } int resourceIndex = addGraphicStateResource(newGraphicState.get()); entry->fGraphicStateIndex = resourceIndex; if (hasText) { entry->fTextScaleX = paint.getTextScaleX(); entry->fTextFill = paint.getStyle(); } else { entry->fTextScaleX = 0; } } int SkPDFDevice::addGraphicStateResource(SkPDFGraphicState* gs) { // Assumes that gs has been canonicalized (so we can directly compare // pointers). int result = fGraphicStateResources.find(gs); if (result < 0) { result = fGraphicStateResources.count(); fGraphicStateResources.push(gs); gs->ref(); } return result; } void SkPDFDevice::updateFont(const SkPaint& paint, uint16_t glyphID, ContentEntry* contentEntry) { SkTypeface* typeface = paint.getTypeface(); if (contentEntry->fState.fFont == NULL || contentEntry->fState.fTextSize != paint.getTextSize() || !contentEntry->fState.fFont->hasGlyph(glyphID)) { int fontIndex = getFontResourceIndex(typeface, glyphID); contentEntry->fContent.writeText("/F"); contentEntry->fContent.writeDecAsText(fontIndex); contentEntry->fContent.writeText(" "); SkPDFScalar::Append(paint.getTextSize(), &contentEntry->fContent); contentEntry->fContent.writeText(" Tf\n"); contentEntry->fState.fFont = fFontResources[fontIndex]; } } int SkPDFDevice::getFontResourceIndex(SkTypeface* typeface, uint16_t glyphID) { SkAutoTUnref newFont(SkPDFFont::GetFontResource(typeface, glyphID)); int resourceIndex = fFontResources.find(newFont.get()); if (resourceIndex < 0) { resourceIndex = fFontResources.count(); fFontResources.push(newFont.get()); newFont.get()->ref(); } return resourceIndex; } void SkPDFDevice::internalDrawBitmap(const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkClipStack* clipStack, const SkRegion& clipRegion, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect* srcRect, const SkPaint& paint) { SkMatrix scaled; // Adjust for origin flip. scaled.setScale(SK_Scalar1, -SK_Scalar1); scaled.postTranslate(0, SK_Scalar1); // Scale the image up from 1x1 to WxH. SkIRect subset = SkIRect::MakeWH(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()); scaled.postScale(SkIntToScalar(subset.width()), SkIntToScalar(subset.height())); scaled.postConcat(matrix); ScopedContentEntry content(this, clipStack, clipRegion, scaled, paint); if (!content.entry()) { return; } if (srcRect && !subset.intersect(*srcRect)) { return; } SkPDFImage* image = SkPDFImage::CreateImage(bitmap, subset, paint); if (!image) { return; } fXObjectResources.push(image); // Transfer reference. SkPDFUtils::DrawFormXObject(fXObjectResources.count() - 1, &content.entry()->fContent); } bool SkPDFDevice::onReadPixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y, SkCanvas::Config8888) { return false; } bool SkPDFDevice::allowImageFilter(SkImageFilter*) { return false; }