/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkIntersections.h" #include "SkPathOpsCubic.h" #include "SkPathOpsLine.h" /* Find the interection of a line and cubic by solving for valid t values. Analogous to line-quadratic intersection, solve line-cubic intersection by representing the cubic as: x = a(1-t)^3 + 2b(1-t)^2t + c(1-t)t^2 + dt^3 y = e(1-t)^3 + 2f(1-t)^2t + g(1-t)t^2 + ht^3 and the line as: y = i*x + j (if the line is more horizontal) or: x = i*y + j (if the line is more vertical) Then using Mathematica, solve for the values of t where the cubic intersects the line: (in) Resultant[ a*(1 - t)^3 + 3*b*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*c*(1 - t)*t^2 + d*t^3 - x, e*(1 - t)^3 + 3*f*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*g*(1 - t)*t^2 + h*t^3 - i*x - j, x] (out) -e + j + 3 e t - 3 f t - 3 e t^2 + 6 f t^2 - 3 g t^2 + e t^3 - 3 f t^3 + 3 g t^3 - h t^3 + i ( a - 3 a t + 3 b t + 3 a t^2 - 6 b t^2 + 3 c t^2 - a t^3 + 3 b t^3 - 3 c t^3 + d t^3 ) if i goes to infinity, we can rewrite the line in terms of x. Mathematica: (in) Resultant[ a*(1 - t)^3 + 3*b*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*c*(1 - t)*t^2 + d*t^3 - i*y - j, e*(1 - t)^3 + 3*f*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*g*(1 - t)*t^2 + h*t^3 - y, y] (out) a - j - 3 a t + 3 b t + 3 a t^2 - 6 b t^2 + 3 c t^2 - a t^3 + 3 b t^3 - 3 c t^3 + d t^3 - i ( e - 3 e t + 3 f t + 3 e t^2 - 6 f t^2 + 3 g t^2 - e t^3 + 3 f t^3 - 3 g t^3 + h t^3 ) Solving this with Mathematica produces an expression with hundreds of terms; instead, use Numeric Solutions recipe to solve the cubic. The near-horizontal case, in terms of: Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D == 0 A = (-(-e + 3*f - 3*g + h) + i*(-a + 3*b - 3*c + d) ) B = 3*(-( e - 2*f + g ) + i*( a - 2*b + c ) ) C = 3*(-(-e + f ) + i*(-a + b ) ) D = (-( e ) + i*( a ) + j ) The near-vertical case, in terms of: Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D == 0 A = ( (-a + 3*b - 3*c + d) - i*(-e + 3*f - 3*g + h) ) B = 3*( ( a - 2*b + c ) - i*( e - 2*f + g ) ) C = 3*( (-a + b ) - i*(-e + f ) ) D = ( ( a ) - i*( e ) - j ) For horizontal lines: (in) Resultant[ a*(1 - t)^3 + 3*b*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*c*(1 - t)*t^2 + d*t^3 - j, e*(1 - t)^3 + 3*f*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*g*(1 - t)*t^2 + h*t^3 - y, y] (out) e - j - 3 e t + 3 f t + 3 e t^2 - 6 f t^2 + 3 g t^2 - e t^3 + 3 f t^3 - 3 g t^3 + h t^3 */ class LineCubicIntersections { public: enum PinTPoint { kPointUninitialized, kPointInitialized }; LineCubicIntersections(const SkDCubic& c, const SkDLine& l, SkIntersections* i) : fCubic(c) , fLine(l) , fIntersections(i) , fAllowNear(true) { i->setMax(3); } void allowNear(bool allow) { fAllowNear = allow; } // see parallel routine in line quadratic intersections int intersectRay(double roots[3]) { double adj = fLine[1].fX - fLine[0].fX; double opp = fLine[1].fY - fLine[0].fY; SkDCubic c; for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { c[n].fX = (fCubic[n].fY - fLine[0].fY) * adj - (fCubic[n].fX - fLine[0].fX) * opp; } double A, B, C, D; SkDCubic::Coefficients(&c[0].fX, &A, &B, &C, &D); int count = SkDCubic::RootsValidT(A, B, C, D, roots); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { SkDPoint calcPt = c.ptAtT(roots[index]); if (!approximately_zero(calcPt.fX)) { for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { c[n].fY = (fCubic[n].fY - fLine[0].fY) * opp + (fCubic[n].fX - fLine[0].fX) * adj; } double extremeTs[6]; int extrema = SkDCubic::FindExtrema(c[0].fX, c[1].fX, c[2].fX, c[3].fX, extremeTs); count = c.searchRoots(extremeTs, extrema, 0, SkDCubic::kXAxis, roots); break; } } return count; } int intersect() { addExactEndPoints(); if (fAllowNear) { addNearEndPoints(); } double rootVals[3]; int roots = intersectRay(rootVals); for (int index = 0; index < roots; ++index) { double cubicT = rootVals[index]; double lineT = findLineT(cubicT); SkDPoint pt; if (pinTs(&cubicT, &lineT, &pt, kPointUninitialized)) { #if ONE_OFF_DEBUG SkDPoint cPt = fCubic.ptAtT(cubicT); SkDebugf("%s pt=(%1.9g,%1.9g) cPt=(%1.9g,%1.9g)\n", __FUNCTION__, pt.fX, pt.fY, cPt.fX, cPt.fY); #endif for (int inner = 0; inner < fIntersections->used(); ++inner) { if (fIntersections->pt(inner) != pt) { continue; } double existingCubicT = (*fIntersections)[0][inner]; if (cubicT == existingCubicT) { goto skipInsert; } // check if midway on cubic is also same point. If so, discard this double cubicMidT = (existingCubicT + cubicT) / 2; SkDPoint cubicMidPt = fCubic.ptAtT(cubicMidT); if (cubicMidPt.approximatelyEqual(pt)) { goto skipInsert; } } fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, pt); skipInsert: ; } } return fIntersections->used(); } static int HorizontalIntersect(const SkDCubic& c, double axisIntercept, double roots[3]) { double A, B, C, D; SkDCubic::Coefficients(&c[0].fY, &A, &B, &C, &D); D -= axisIntercept; int count = SkDCubic::RootsValidT(A, B, C, D, roots); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { SkDPoint calcPt = c.ptAtT(roots[index]); if (!approximately_equal(calcPt.fY, axisIntercept)) { double extremeTs[6]; int extrema = SkDCubic::FindExtrema(c[0].fY, c[1].fY, c[2].fY, c[3].fY, extremeTs); count = c.searchRoots(extremeTs, extrema, axisIntercept, SkDCubic::kYAxis, roots); break; } } return count; } int horizontalIntersect(double axisIntercept, double left, double right, bool flipped) { addExactHorizontalEndPoints(left, right, axisIntercept); if (fAllowNear) { addNearHorizontalEndPoints(left, right, axisIntercept); } double roots[3]; int count = HorizontalIntersect(fCubic, axisIntercept, roots); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { double cubicT = roots[index]; SkDPoint pt; pt.fX = fCubic.ptAtT(cubicT).fX; pt.fY = axisIntercept; double lineT = (pt.fX - left) / (right - left); if (pinTs(&cubicT, &lineT, &pt, kPointInitialized)) { fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, pt); } } if (flipped) { fIntersections->flip(); } return fIntersections->used(); } static int VerticalIntersect(const SkDCubic& c, double axisIntercept, double roots[3]) { double A, B, C, D; SkDCubic::Coefficients(&c[0].fX, &A, &B, &C, &D); D -= axisIntercept; int count = SkDCubic::RootsValidT(A, B, C, D, roots); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { SkDPoint calcPt = c.ptAtT(roots[index]); if (!approximately_equal(calcPt.fX, axisIntercept)) { double extremeTs[6]; int extrema = SkDCubic::FindExtrema(c[0].fX, c[1].fX, c[2].fX, c[3].fX, extremeTs); count = c.searchRoots(extremeTs, extrema, axisIntercept, SkDCubic::kXAxis, roots); break; } } return count; } int verticalIntersect(double axisIntercept, double top, double bottom, bool flipped) { addExactVerticalEndPoints(top, bottom, axisIntercept); if (fAllowNear) { addNearVerticalEndPoints(top, bottom, axisIntercept); } double roots[3]; int count = VerticalIntersect(fCubic, axisIntercept, roots); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { double cubicT = roots[index]; SkDPoint pt; pt.fX = axisIntercept; pt.fY = fCubic.ptAtT(cubicT).fY; double lineT = (pt.fY - top) / (bottom - top); if (pinTs(&cubicT, &lineT, &pt, kPointInitialized)) { fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, pt); } } if (flipped) { fIntersections->flip(); } return fIntersections->used(); } protected: void addExactEndPoints() { for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < 4; cIndex += 3) { double lineT = fLine.exactPoint(fCubic[cIndex]); if (lineT < 0) { continue; } double cubicT = (double) (cIndex >> 1); fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, fCubic[cIndex]); } } /* Note that this does not look for endpoints of the line that are near the cubic. These points are found later when check ends looks for missing points */ void addNearEndPoints() { for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < 4; cIndex += 3) { double cubicT = (double) (cIndex >> 1); if (fIntersections->hasT(cubicT)) { continue; } double lineT = fLine.nearPoint(fCubic[cIndex], NULL); if (lineT < 0) { continue; } fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, fCubic[cIndex]); } } void addExactHorizontalEndPoints(double left, double right, double y) { for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < 4; cIndex += 3) { double lineT = SkDLine::ExactPointH(fCubic[cIndex], left, right, y); if (lineT < 0) { continue; } double cubicT = (double) (cIndex >> 1); fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, fCubic[cIndex]); } } void addNearHorizontalEndPoints(double left, double right, double y) { for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < 4; cIndex += 3) { double cubicT = (double) (cIndex >> 1); if (fIntersections->hasT(cubicT)) { continue; } double lineT = SkDLine::NearPointH(fCubic[cIndex], left, right, y); if (lineT < 0) { continue; } fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, fCubic[cIndex]); } // FIXME: see if line end is nearly on cubic } void addExactVerticalEndPoints(double top, double bottom, double x) { for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < 4; cIndex += 3) { double lineT = SkDLine::ExactPointV(fCubic[cIndex], top, bottom, x); if (lineT < 0) { continue; } double cubicT = (double) (cIndex >> 1); fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, fCubic[cIndex]); } } void addNearVerticalEndPoints(double top, double bottom, double x) { for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < 4; cIndex += 3) { double cubicT = (double) (cIndex >> 1); if (fIntersections->hasT(cubicT)) { continue; } double lineT = SkDLine::NearPointV(fCubic[cIndex], top, bottom, x); if (lineT < 0) { continue; } fIntersections->insert(cubicT, lineT, fCubic[cIndex]); } // FIXME: see if line end is nearly on cubic } double findLineT(double t) { SkDPoint xy = fCubic.ptAtT(t); double dx = fLine[1].fX - fLine[0].fX; double dy = fLine[1].fY - fLine[0].fY; if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy)) { return (xy.fX - fLine[0].fX) / dx; } return (xy.fY - fLine[0].fY) / dy; } bool pinTs(double* cubicT, double* lineT, SkDPoint* pt, PinTPoint ptSet) { if (!approximately_one_or_less(*lineT)) { return false; } if (!approximately_zero_or_more(*lineT)) { return false; } double cT = *cubicT = SkPinT(*cubicT); double lT = *lineT = SkPinT(*lineT); SkDPoint lPt = fLine.ptAtT(lT); SkDPoint cPt = fCubic.ptAtT(cT); if (!lPt.moreRoughlyEqual(cPt)) { return false; } // FIXME: if points are roughly equal but not approximately equal, need to do // a binary search like quad/quad intersection to find more precise t values if (lT == 0 || lT == 1 || (ptSet == kPointUninitialized && cT != 0 && cT != 1)) { *pt = lPt; } else if (ptSet == kPointUninitialized) { *pt = cPt; } SkPoint gridPt = pt->asSkPoint(); if (gridPt == fLine[0].asSkPoint()) { *lineT = 0; } else if (gridPt == fLine[1].asSkPoint()) { *lineT = 1; } if (gridPt == fCubic[0].asSkPoint() && approximately_equal(*cubicT, 0)) { *cubicT = 0; } else if (gridPt == fCubic[3].asSkPoint() && approximately_equal(*cubicT, 1)) { *cubicT = 1; } return true; } private: const SkDCubic& fCubic; const SkDLine& fLine; SkIntersections* fIntersections; bool fAllowNear; }; int SkIntersections::horizontal(const SkDCubic& cubic, double left, double right, double y, bool flipped) { SkDLine line = {{{ left, y }, { right, y }}}; LineCubicIntersections c(cubic, line, this); return c.horizontalIntersect(y, left, right, flipped); } int SkIntersections::vertical(const SkDCubic& cubic, double top, double bottom, double x, bool flipped) { SkDLine line = {{{ x, top }, { x, bottom }}}; LineCubicIntersections c(cubic, line, this); return c.verticalIntersect(x, top, bottom, flipped); } int SkIntersections::intersect(const SkDCubic& cubic, const SkDLine& line) { LineCubicIntersections c(cubic, line, this); c.allowNear(fAllowNear); return c.intersect(); } int SkIntersections::intersectRay(const SkDCubic& cubic, const SkDLine& line) { LineCubicIntersections c(cubic, line, this); fUsed = c.intersectRay(fT[0]); for (int index = 0; index < fUsed; ++index) { fPt[index] = cubic.ptAtT(fT[0][index]); } return fUsed; }