/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ // It is important _not_ to put header guards here. // This file will be intentionally included three times. #include "SkTypes.h" // Keep this before any #ifdef for skbug.com/3362 #if defined(SK2X_PREAMBLE) #include template struct SkScalarToSIMD; template <> struct SkScalarToSIMD< float> { typedef __m128 Type; }; template <> struct SkScalarToSIMD { typedef __m128d Type; }; #elif defined(SK2X_PRIVATE) typename SkScalarToSIMD::Type fVec; /*implicit*/ Sk2x(const typename SkScalarToSIMD::Type vec) { fVec = vec; } #else #define M(...) template <> inline __VA_ARGS__ Sk2x:: M() Sk2x() {} M() Sk2x(float val) { fVec = _mm_set1_ps(val); } M() Sk2x(float a, float b) { fVec = _mm_set_ps(b,a,b,a); } M(Sk2f&) operator=(const Sk2f& o) { fVec = o.fVec; return *this; } M(Sk2f) Load(const float vals[2]) { return _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)vals)); } M(void) store(float vals[2]) const { _mm_storel_pi((__m64*)vals, fVec); } M(Sk2f) add(const Sk2f& o) const { return _mm_add_ps(fVec, o.fVec); } M(Sk2f) subtract(const Sk2f& o) const { return _mm_sub_ps(fVec, o.fVec); } M(Sk2f) multiply(const Sk2f& o) const { return _mm_mul_ps(fVec, o.fVec); } M(Sk2f) Min(const Sk2f& a, const Sk2f& b) { return _mm_min_ps(a.fVec, b.fVec); } M(Sk2f) Max(const Sk2f& a, const Sk2f& b) { return _mm_max_ps(a.fVec, b.fVec); } M(Sk2f) rsqrt() const { return _mm_rsqrt_ps(fVec); } M(Sk2f) sqrt() const { return _mm_sqrt_ps (fVec); } #undef M #define M(...) template <> inline __VA_ARGS__ Sk2x:: M() Sk2x() {} M() Sk2x(double val) { fVec = _mm_set1_pd(val); } M() Sk2x(double a, double b) { fVec = _mm_set_pd(b, a); } M(Sk2d&) operator=(const Sk2d& o) { fVec = o.fVec; return *this; } M(Sk2d) Load(const double vals[2]) { return _mm_loadu_pd(vals); } M(void) store(double vals[2]) const { _mm_storeu_pd(vals, fVec); } M(Sk2d) add(const Sk2d& o) const { return _mm_add_pd(fVec, o.fVec); } M(Sk2d) subtract(const Sk2d& o) const { return _mm_sub_pd(fVec, o.fVec); } M(Sk2d) multiply(const Sk2d& o) const { return _mm_mul_pd(fVec, o.fVec); } M(Sk2d) Min(const Sk2d& a, const Sk2d& b) { return _mm_min_pd(a.fVec, b.fVec); } M(Sk2d) Max(const Sk2d& a, const Sk2d& b) { return _mm_max_pd(a.fVec, b.fVec); } // There is no _mm_rsqrt_pd, so we do Sk2d::rsqrt() in floats. M(Sk2d) rsqrt() const { return _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_rsqrt_ps(_mm_cvtpd_ps(fVec))); } M(Sk2d) sqrt() const { return _mm_sqrt_pd(fVec); } #undef M #endif