/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkJumper_misc_DEFINED #define SkJumper_misc_DEFINED #include "SkJumper.h" // for memcpy() // Miscellany used by SkJumper_stages.cpp and SkJumper_vectors.h. // Every function in this file should be marked static and inline using SI. #if defined(JUMPER_IS_OFFLINE) #define SI __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline #else #define SI static inline #endif template SI T unaligned_load(const P* p) { // const void* would work too, but const P* helps ARMv7 codegen. T v; memcpy(&v, p, sizeof(v)); return v; } template SI void unaligned_store(P* p, T v) { memcpy(p, &v, sizeof(v)); } template SI Dst bit_cast(const Src& src) { static_assert(sizeof(Dst) == sizeof(Src), ""); return unaligned_load(&src); } template SI Dst widen_cast(const Src& src) { static_assert(sizeof(Dst) > sizeof(Src), ""); Dst dst; memcpy(&dst, &src, sizeof(Src)); return dst; } // Our program is an array of void*, either // - 1 void* per stage with no context pointer, the next stage; // - 2 void* per stage with a context pointer, first the context pointer, then the next stage. // load_and_inc() steps the program forward by 1 void*, returning that pointer. SI void* load_and_inc(void**& program) { #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) // If program is in %rsi (we try to make this likely) then this is a single instruction. void* rax; asm("lodsq" : "=a"(rax), "+S"(program)); // Write-only %rax, read-write %rsi. return rax; #else // On ARM *program++ compiles into pretty ideal code without any handholding. return *program++; #endif } // Lazily resolved on first cast. Does nothing if cast to Ctx::None. struct Ctx { struct None {}; void* ptr; void**& program; explicit Ctx(void**& p) : ptr(nullptr), program(p) {} template operator T*() { if (!ptr) { ptr = load_and_inc(program); } return (T*)ptr; } operator None() { return None{}; } }; #endif//SkJumper_misc_DEFINED