/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkBitmap.h" #include "SkBitmapCache.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkData.h" #include "SkImageEncoder.h" #include "SkImageGenerator.h" #include "SkImagePriv.h" #include "SkImageShader.h" #include "SkImage_Base.h" #include "SkNextID.h" #include "SkPixelRef.h" #include "SkPixelSerializer.h" #include "SkReadPixelsRec.h" #include "SkString.h" #include "SkSurface.h" #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU #include "GrTexture.h" #include "GrContext.h" #include "SkImage_Gpu.h" #endif SkImage::SkImage(int width, int height, uint32_t uniqueID) : fWidth(width) , fHeight(height) , fUniqueID(kNeedNewImageUniqueID == uniqueID ? SkNextID::ImageID() : uniqueID) { SkASSERT(width > 0); SkASSERT(height > 0); } bool SkImage::peekPixels(SkPixmap* pm) const { SkPixmap tmp; if (!pm) { pm = &tmp; } return as_IB(this)->onPeekPixels(pm); } #ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_PEEKPIXELS_PARMS const void* SkImage::peekPixels(SkImageInfo* info, size_t* rowBytes) const { SkPixmap pm; if (this->peekPixels(&pm)) { if (info) { *info = pm.info(); } if (rowBytes) { *rowBytes = pm.rowBytes(); } return pm.addr(); } return nullptr; } #endif bool SkImage::readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY, CachingHint chint) const { SkReadPixelsRec rec(dstInfo, dstPixels, dstRowBytes, srcX, srcY); if (!rec.trim(this->width(), this->height())) { return false; } return as_IB(this)->onReadPixels(rec.fInfo, rec.fPixels, rec.fRowBytes, rec.fX, rec.fY, chint); } bool SkImage::scalePixels(const SkPixmap& dst, SkFilterQuality quality, CachingHint chint) const { if (this->width() == dst.width() && this->height() == dst.height()) { return this->readPixels(dst, 0, 0, chint); } // Idea: If/when SkImageGenerator supports a native-scaling API (where the generator itself // can scale more efficiently) we should take advantage of it here. // SkBitmap bm; if (as_IB(this)->getROPixels(&bm, chint)) { bm.lockPixels(); SkPixmap pmap; // Note: By calling the pixmap scaler, we never cache the final result, so the chint // is (currently) only being applied to the getROPixels. If we get a request to // also attempt to cache the final (scaled) result, we would add that logic here. // return bm.peekPixels(&pmap) && pmap.scalePixels(dst, quality); } return false; } void SkImage::preroll(GrContext* ctx) const { // For now, and to maintain parity w/ previous pixelref behavior, we just force the image // to produce a cached raster-bitmap form, so that drawing to a raster canvas should be fast. // SkBitmap bm; if (as_IB(this)->getROPixels(&bm)) { bm.lockPixels(); bm.unlockPixels(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sk_sp SkImage::makeShader(SkShader::TileMode tileX, SkShader::TileMode tileY, const SkMatrix* localMatrix) const { return SkImageShader::Make(this, tileX, tileY, localMatrix); } #ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_CREATESHADER_PTR SkShader* SkImage::newShader(SkShader::TileMode tileX, SkShader::TileMode tileY, const SkMatrix* localMatrix) const { return this->makeShader(tileX, tileY, localMatrix).release(); } #endif SkData* SkImage::encode(SkImageEncoder::Type type, int quality) const { SkBitmap bm; if (as_IB(this)->getROPixels(&bm)) { return SkImageEncoder::EncodeData(bm, type, quality); } return nullptr; } SkData* SkImage::encode(SkPixelSerializer* serializer) const { SkAutoTUnref defaultSerializer; SkPixelSerializer* effectiveSerializer = serializer; if (!effectiveSerializer) { defaultSerializer.reset(SkImageEncoder::CreatePixelSerializer()); SkASSERT(defaultSerializer.get()); effectiveSerializer = defaultSerializer.get(); } SkAutoTUnref encoded(this->refEncoded()); if (encoded && effectiveSerializer->useEncodedData(encoded->data(), encoded->size())) { return encoded.detach(); } SkBitmap bm; SkAutoPixmapUnlock apu; if (as_IB(this)->getROPixels(&bm) && bm.requestLock(&apu)) { return effectiveSerializer->encode(apu.pixmap()); } return nullptr; } SkData* SkImage::refEncoded() const { GrContext* ctx = nullptr; // should we allow the caller to pass in a ctx? return as_IB(this)->onRefEncoded(ctx); } SkImage* SkImage::NewFromEncoded(SkData* encoded, const SkIRect* subset) { if (nullptr == encoded || 0 == encoded->size()) { return nullptr; } SkImageGenerator* generator = SkImageGenerator::NewFromEncoded(encoded); return generator ? SkImage::NewFromGenerator(generator, subset) : nullptr; } const char* SkImage::toString(SkString* str) const { str->appendf("image: (id:%d (%d, %d) %s)", this->uniqueID(), this->width(), this->height(), this->isOpaque() ? "opaque" : ""); return str->c_str(); } SkImage* SkImage::newSubset(const SkIRect& subset) const { if (subset.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } const SkIRect bounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(this->width(), this->height()); if (!bounds.contains(subset)) { return nullptr; } // optimization : return self if the subset == our bounds if (bounds == subset) { return SkRef(const_cast(this)); } return as_IB(this)->onNewSubset(subset); } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU GrTexture* SkImage::getTexture() const { return as_IB(this)->peekTexture(); } bool SkImage::isTextureBacked() const { return SkToBool(as_IB(this)->peekTexture()); } GrBackendObject SkImage::getTextureHandle(bool flushPendingGrContextIO) const { GrTexture* texture = as_IB(this)->peekTexture(); if (texture) { GrContext* context = texture->getContext(); if (context) { if (flushPendingGrContextIO) { context->prepareSurfaceForExternalIO(texture); } } return texture->getTextureHandle(); } return 0; } #else GrTexture* SkImage::getTexture() const { return nullptr; } bool SkImage::isTextureBacked() const { return false; } GrBackendObject SkImage::getTextureHandle(bool) const { return 0; } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static bool raster_canvas_supports(const SkImageInfo& info) { switch (info.colorType()) { case kN32_SkColorType: return kUnpremul_SkAlphaType != info.alphaType(); case kRGB_565_SkColorType: return true; case kAlpha_8_SkColorType: return true; default: break; } return false; } SkImage_Base::SkImage_Base(int width, int height, uint32_t uniqueID) : INHERITED(width, height, uniqueID) , fAddedToCache(false) {} SkImage_Base::~SkImage_Base() { if (fAddedToCache.load()) { SkNotifyBitmapGenIDIsStale(this->uniqueID()); } } bool SkImage_Base::onReadPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY, CachingHint) const { if (!raster_canvas_supports(dstInfo)) { return false; } SkBitmap bm; bm.installPixels(dstInfo, dstPixels, dstRowBytes); SkCanvas canvas(bm); SkPaint paint; paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode); canvas.drawImage(this, -SkIntToScalar(srcX), -SkIntToScalar(srcY), &paint); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SkImage::readPixels(const SkPixmap& pmap, int srcX, int srcY, CachingHint chint) const { return this->readPixels(pmap.info(), pmap.writable_addr(), pmap.rowBytes(), srcX, srcY, chint); } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU #include "GrTextureToYUVPlanes.h" #endif #include "SkRGBAToYUV.h" bool SkImage::readYUV8Planes(const SkISize sizes[3], void* const planes[3], const size_t rowBytes[3], SkYUVColorSpace colorSpace) const { #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU if (GrTexture* texture = as_IB(this)->peekTexture()) { if (GrTextureToYUVPlanes(texture, sizes, planes, rowBytes, colorSpace)) { return true; } } #endif return SkRGBAToYUV(this, sizes, planes, rowBytes, colorSpace); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkImage* SkImage::NewFromBitmap(const SkBitmap& bm) { SkPixelRef* pr = bm.pixelRef(); if (nullptr == pr) { return nullptr; } #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU if (GrTexture* tex = pr->getTexture()) { SkAutoTUnref unrefCopy; if (!bm.isImmutable()) { tex = GrDeepCopyTexture(tex, SkBudgeted::kNo); if (nullptr == tex) { return nullptr; } unrefCopy.reset(tex); } const SkImageInfo info = bm.info(); return new SkImage_Gpu(info.width(), info.height(), bm.getGenerationID(), info.alphaType(), tex, SkBudgeted::kNo); } #endif // This will check for immutable (share or copy) return SkNewImageFromRasterBitmap(bm); } bool SkImage::asLegacyBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, LegacyBitmapMode mode) const { return as_IB(this)->onAsLegacyBitmap(bitmap, mode); } bool SkImage_Base::onAsLegacyBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, LegacyBitmapMode mode) const { // As the base-class, all we can do is make a copy (regardless of mode). // Subclasses that want to be more optimal should override. SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(this->width(), this->height(), this->isOpaque() ? kOpaque_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType); if (!bitmap->tryAllocPixels(info)) { return false; } if (!this->readPixels(bitmap->info(), bitmap->getPixels(), bitmap->rowBytes(), 0, 0)) { bitmap->reset(); return false; } if (kRO_LegacyBitmapMode == mode) { bitmap->setImmutable(); } return true; } SkImage* SkImage::NewFromPicture(const SkPicture* picture, const SkISize& dimensions, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint* paint) { if (!picture) { return nullptr; } return NewFromGenerator(SkImageGenerator::NewFromPicture(dimensions, picture, matrix, paint)); } bool SkImage::isLazyGenerated() const { return as_IB(this)->onIsLazyGenerated(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !SK_SUPPORT_GPU SkImage* SkImage::NewFromTexture(GrContext*, const GrBackendTextureDesc&, SkAlphaType, TextureReleaseProc, ReleaseContext) { return nullptr; } SkImage* SkImage::NewFromAdoptedTexture(GrContext*, const GrBackendTextureDesc&, SkAlphaType) { return nullptr; } SkImage* SkImage::NewFromTextureCopy(GrContext*, const GrBackendTextureDesc&, SkAlphaType) { return nullptr; } SkImage* SkImage::newTextureImage(GrContext*) const { return nullptr; } #endif