/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrStencilAndCoverTextContext.h" #include "GrAtlasTextContext.h" #include "GrContext.h" #include "GrPath.h" #include "GrPathRange.h" #include "GrRenderTargetContext.h" #include "GrResourceProvider.h" #include "GrTextUtils.h" #include "SkAutoKern.h" #include "SkDraw.h" #include "SkDrawFilter.h" #include "SkDrawProcs.h" #include "SkGlyphCache.h" #include "SkGr.h" #include "SkPath.h" #include "SkPointPriv.h" #include "SkTextBlobRunIterator.h" #include "SkTextFormatParams.h" #include "SkTextMapStateProc.h" #include "ops/GrDrawPathOp.h" template static void delete_hash_map_entry(const Key&, Val* val) { SkASSERT(*val); delete *val; } template static void delete_hash_table_entry(T* val) { SkASSERT(*val); delete *val; } GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::GrStencilAndCoverTextContext(GrAtlasTextContext* fallbackTextContext) : fFallbackTextContext(fallbackTextContext) , fCacheSize(0) { } GrStencilAndCoverTextContext* GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::Create(GrAtlasTextContext* fallbackTextContext) { return new GrStencilAndCoverTextContext(fallbackTextContext);; } GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::~GrStencilAndCoverTextContext() { fBlobIdCache.foreach(delete_hash_map_entry); fBlobKeyCache.foreach(delete_hash_table_entry); } bool GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::internalCanDraw(const SkPaint& skPaint) { if (skPaint.getRasterizer()) { return false; } if (skPaint.getMaskFilter()) { return false; } if (SkPathEffect* pe = skPaint.getPathEffect()) { if (pe->asADash(nullptr) != SkPathEffect::kDash_DashType) { return false; } } // No hairlines. They would require new paths with customized strokes for every new draw matrix. return SkPaint::kStroke_Style != skPaint.getStyle() || 0 != skPaint.getStrokeWidth(); } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::drawText(GrContext* context, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc, const GrClip& clip, const SkPaint& skPaint, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkSurfaceProps& props, const char text[], size_t byteLength, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkIRect& clipBounds) { if (context->abandoned()) { return; } else if (this->canDraw(skPaint, viewMatrix)) { if (skPaint.getTextSize() > 0) { TextRun run(skPaint); run.setText(text, byteLength, x, y); run.draw(context, rtc, clip, viewMatrix, props, 0, 0, clipBounds, fFallbackTextContext, skPaint); } return; } fFallbackTextContext->drawText(context, rtc->textTarget(), clip, skPaint, viewMatrix, props, text, byteLength, x, y, clipBounds); } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::drawPosText(GrContext* context, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc, const GrClip& clip, const SkPaint& skPaint, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkSurfaceProps& props, const char text[], size_t byteLength, const SkScalar pos[], int scalarsPerPosition, const SkPoint& offset, const SkIRect& clipBounds) { if (context->abandoned()) { return; } else if (this->canDraw(skPaint, viewMatrix)) { if (skPaint.getTextSize() > 0) { TextRun run(skPaint); run.setPosText(text, byteLength, pos, scalarsPerPosition, offset); run.draw(context, rtc, clip, viewMatrix, props, 0, 0, clipBounds, fFallbackTextContext, skPaint); } return; } fFallbackTextContext->drawPosText(context, rtc->textTarget(), clip, skPaint, viewMatrix, props, text, byteLength, pos, scalarsPerPosition, offset, clipBounds); } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::uncachedDrawTextBlob(GrContext* context, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc, const GrClip& clip, const SkPaint& skPaint, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkSurfaceProps& props, const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkDrawFilter* drawFilter, const SkIRect& clipBounds) { GrTextUtils::Paint paint(&skPaint, &rtc->colorSpaceInfo()); GrTextUtils::RunPaint runPaint(&paint, drawFilter, props); SkTextBlobRunIterator it(blob); for (;!it.done(); it.next()) { if (!runPaint.modifyForRun(it)) { continue; } size_t textLen = it.glyphCount() * sizeof(uint16_t); const SkPoint& offset = it.offset(); switch (it.positioning()) { case SkTextBlob::kDefault_Positioning: this->drawText(context, rtc, clip, runPaint, viewMatrix, props, (const char*)it.glyphs(), textLen, x + offset.x(), y + offset.y(), clipBounds); break; case SkTextBlob::kHorizontal_Positioning: this->drawPosText(context, rtc, clip, runPaint, viewMatrix, props, (const char*)it.glyphs(), textLen, it.pos(), 1, SkPoint::Make(x, y + offset.y()), clipBounds); break; case SkTextBlob::kFull_Positioning: this->drawPosText(context, rtc, clip, runPaint, viewMatrix, props, (const char*)it.glyphs(), textLen, it.pos(), 2, SkPoint::Make(x, y), clipBounds); break; } } } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::drawTextBlob(GrContext* context, GrRenderTargetContext* rtc, const GrClip& clip, const SkPaint& skPaint, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkSurfaceProps& props, const SkTextBlob* skBlob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkDrawFilter* drawFilter, const SkIRect& clipBounds) { if (context->abandoned()) { return; } if (!this->internalCanDraw(skPaint)) { fFallbackTextContext->drawTextBlob(context, rtc->textTarget(), clip, skPaint, viewMatrix, props, skBlob, x, y, drawFilter, clipBounds); return; } if (drawFilter || skPaint.getPathEffect()) { // This draw can't be cached. this->uncachedDrawTextBlob(context, rtc, clip, skPaint, viewMatrix, props, skBlob, x, y, drawFilter, clipBounds); return; } const TextBlob& blob = this->findOrCreateTextBlob(skBlob, skPaint); TextBlob::Iter iter(blob); for (TextRun *run = iter.get(), *nextRun; run; run = nextRun) { nextRun = iter.next(); run->draw(context, rtc, clip, viewMatrix, props, x, y, clipBounds, fFallbackTextContext, skPaint); run->releaseGlyphCache(); } } static inline int style_key_cnt(const GrStyle& style) { int cnt = GrStyle::KeySize(style, GrStyle::Apply::kPathEffectAndStrokeRec); // We should be able to make a key because we filtered out arbitrary path effects. SkASSERT(cnt > 0); return cnt; } static inline void write_style_key(uint32_t* dst, const GrStyle& style) { // Pass 1 for the scale since the GPU will apply the style not GrStyle::applyToPath(). GrStyle::WriteKey(dst, style, GrStyle::Apply::kPathEffectAndStrokeRec, SK_Scalar1); } const GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextBlob& GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::findOrCreateTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* skBlob, const SkPaint& skPaint) { // The font-related parameters are baked into the text blob and will override this skPaint, so // the only remaining properties that can affect a TextBlob are the ones related to stroke. if (SkPaint::kFill_Style == skPaint.getStyle()) { // Fast path. if (TextBlob** found = fBlobIdCache.find(skBlob->uniqueID())) { fLRUList.remove(*found); fLRUList.addToTail(*found); return **found; } TextBlob* blob = new TextBlob(skBlob->uniqueID(), skBlob, skPaint); this->purgeToFit(*blob); fBlobIdCache.set(skBlob->uniqueID(), blob); fLRUList.addToTail(blob); fCacheSize += blob->cpuMemorySize(); return *blob; } else { GrStyle style(skPaint); SkSTArray<4, uint32_t, true> key; key.reset(1 + style_key_cnt(style)); key[0] = skBlob->uniqueID(); write_style_key(&key[1], style); if (TextBlob** found = fBlobKeyCache.find(key)) { fLRUList.remove(*found); fLRUList.addToTail(*found); return **found; } TextBlob* blob = new TextBlob(key, skBlob, skPaint); this->purgeToFit(*blob); fBlobKeyCache.set(blob); fLRUList.addToTail(blob); fCacheSize += blob->cpuMemorySize(); return *blob; } } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::purgeToFit(const TextBlob& blob) { static const size_t maxCacheSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // Allow up to 4 MB for caching text blobs. size_t maxSizeForNewBlob = maxCacheSize - blob.cpuMemorySize(); while (fCacheSize && fCacheSize > maxSizeForNewBlob) { TextBlob* lru = fLRUList.head(); if (1 == lru->key().count()) { // 1-length keys are unterstood to be the blob id. fBlobIdCache.remove(lru->key()[0]); } else { fBlobKeyCache.remove(lru->key()); } fLRUList.remove(lru); fCacheSize -= lru->cpuMemorySize(); delete lru; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextBlob::init(const SkTextBlob* skBlob, const SkPaint& skPaint) { fCpuMemorySize = sizeof(TextBlob); SkPaint runPaint(skPaint); for (SkTextBlobRunIterator iter(skBlob); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { iter.applyFontToPaint(&runPaint); // No need to re-seed the paint. if (runPaint.getTextSize() <= 0) { continue; } TextRun* run = this->addToTail(runPaint); const char* text = reinterpret_cast(iter.glyphs()); size_t byteLength = sizeof(uint16_t) * iter.glyphCount(); const SkPoint& runOffset = iter.offset(); switch (iter.positioning()) { case SkTextBlob::kDefault_Positioning: run->setText(text, byteLength, runOffset.fX, runOffset.fY); break; case SkTextBlob::kHorizontal_Positioning: run->setPosText(text, byteLength, iter.pos(), 1, SkPoint::Make(0, runOffset.fY)); break; case SkTextBlob::kFull_Positioning: run->setPosText(text, byteLength, iter.pos(), 2, SkPoint::Make(0, 0)); break; } fCpuMemorySize += run->computeSizeInCache(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::FallbackBlobBuilder { public: FallbackBlobBuilder() : fBuffIdx(0), fCount(0) {} bool isInitialized() const { return fBuilder != nullptr; } void init(const SkPaint& font, SkScalar textRatio); void appendGlyph(uint16_t glyphId, const SkPoint& pos); sk_sp makeIfNeeded(int* count); private: enum { kWriteBufferSize = 1024 }; void flush(); std::unique_ptr fBuilder; SkPaint fFont; int fBuffIdx; int fCount; uint16_t fGlyphIds[kWriteBufferSize]; SkPoint fPositions[kWriteBufferSize]; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::TextRun(const SkPaint& fontAndStroke) : fStyle(fontAndStroke) , fFont(fontAndStroke) , fTotalGlyphCount(0) , fFallbackGlyphCount(0) , fDetachedGlyphCache(nullptr) , fLastDrawnGlyphsID(SK_InvalidUniqueID) { SkASSERT(fFont.getTextSize() > 0); SkASSERT(!fStyle.hasNonDashPathEffect()); // Arbitrary path effects not supported. SkASSERT(!fStyle.isSimpleHairline()); // Hairlines are not supported. // Setting to "fill" ensures that no strokes get baked into font outlines. (We use the GPU path // rendering API for stroking). fFont.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); if (fFont.isFakeBoldText() && fStyle.isSimpleFill()) { const SkStrokeRec& stroke = fStyle.strokeRec(); // Instead of letting fake bold get baked into the glyph outlines, do it with GPU stroke. SkScalar fakeBoldScale = SkScalarInterpFunc(fFont.getTextSize(), kStdFakeBoldInterpKeys, kStdFakeBoldInterpValues, kStdFakeBoldInterpLength); SkScalar extra = fFont.getTextSize() * fakeBoldScale; SkStrokeRec strokeRec(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle); strokeRec.setStrokeStyle(stroke.needToApply() ? stroke.getWidth() + extra : extra, true /*strokeAndFill*/); fStyle = GrStyle(strokeRec, fStyle.refPathEffect()); fFont.setFakeBoldText(false); } if (!fFont.getPathEffect() && !fStyle.isDashed()) { const SkStrokeRec& stroke = fStyle.strokeRec(); // We can draw the glyphs from canonically sized paths. fTextRatio = fFont.getTextSize() / SkPaint::kCanonicalTextSizeForPaths; fTextInverseRatio = SkPaint::kCanonicalTextSizeForPaths / fFont.getTextSize(); // Compensate for the glyphs being scaled by fTextRatio. if (!fStyle.isSimpleFill()) { SkStrokeRec strokeRec(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle); strokeRec.setStrokeStyle(stroke.getWidth() / fTextRatio, SkStrokeRec::kStrokeAndFill_Style == stroke.getStyle()); fStyle = GrStyle(strokeRec, fStyle.refPathEffect()); } fFont.setLinearText(true); fFont.setLCDRenderText(false); fFont.setAutohinted(false); fFont.setHinting(SkPaint::kNo_Hinting); fFont.setSubpixelText(true); fFont.setTextSize(SkIntToScalar(SkPaint::kCanonicalTextSizeForPaths)); fUsingRawGlyphPaths = SK_Scalar1 == fFont.getTextScaleX() && 0 == fFont.getTextSkewX() && !fFont.isFakeBoldText() && !fFont.isVerticalText(); } else { fTextRatio = fTextInverseRatio = 1.0f; fUsingRawGlyphPaths = false; } // Generate the key that will be used to cache the GPU glyph path objects. if (fUsingRawGlyphPaths && fStyle.isSimpleFill()) { static const GrUniqueKey::Domain kRawFillPathGlyphDomain = GrUniqueKey::GenerateDomain(); const SkTypeface* typeface = fFont.getTypeface(); GrUniqueKey::Builder builder(&fGlyphPathsKey, kRawFillPathGlyphDomain, 1); reinterpret_cast(builder[0]) = typeface ? typeface->uniqueID() : 0; } else { static const GrUniqueKey::Domain kPathGlyphDomain = GrUniqueKey::GenerateDomain(); int styleDataCount = GrStyle::KeySize(fStyle, GrStyle::Apply::kPathEffectAndStrokeRec); // Key should be valid since we opted out of drawing arbitrary path effects. SkASSERT(styleDataCount >= 0); if (fUsingRawGlyphPaths) { const SkTypeface* typeface = fFont.getTypeface(); GrUniqueKey::Builder builder(&fGlyphPathsKey, kPathGlyphDomain, 2 + styleDataCount); reinterpret_cast(builder[0]) = typeface ? typeface->uniqueID() : 0; reinterpret_cast(builder[1]) = styleDataCount; if (styleDataCount) { write_style_key(&builder[2], fStyle); } } else { SkGlyphCache* glyphCache = this->getGlyphCache(); const SkTypeface* typeface = glyphCache->getScalerContext()->getTypeface(); const SkDescriptor* desc = &glyphCache->getDescriptor(); int descDataCount = (desc->getLength() + 3) / 4; GrUniqueKey::Builder builder(&fGlyphPathsKey, kPathGlyphDomain, 2 + styleDataCount + descDataCount); reinterpret_cast(builder[0]) = typeface ? typeface->uniqueID() : 0; reinterpret_cast(builder[1]) = styleDataCount | (descDataCount << 16); if (styleDataCount) { write_style_key(&builder[2], fStyle); } memcpy(&builder[2 + styleDataCount], desc, desc->getLength()); } } } GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::~TextRun() { this->releaseGlyphCache(); } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::setText(const char text[], size_t byteLength, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) { SkASSERT(byteLength == 0 || text != nullptr); SkGlyphCache* glyphCache = this->getGlyphCache(); SkPaint::GlyphCacheProc glyphCacheProc = SkPaint::GetGlyphCacheProc(fFont.getTextEncoding(), fFont.isDevKernText(), true); fTotalGlyphCount = fFont.countText(text, byteLength); fInstanceData.reset(InstanceData::Alloc(GrPathRendering::kTranslate_PathTransformType, fTotalGlyphCount)); const char* stop = text + byteLength; // Measure first if needed. if (fFont.getTextAlign() != SkPaint::kLeft_Align) { SkScalar stopX = 0; SkScalar stopY = 0; const char* textPtr = text; while (textPtr < stop) { // We don't need x, y here, since all subpixel variants will have the // same advance. const SkGlyph& glyph = glyphCacheProc(glyphCache, &textPtr); stopX += SkFloatToScalar(glyph.fAdvanceX); stopY += SkFloatToScalar(glyph.fAdvanceY); } SkASSERT(textPtr == stop); SkScalar alignX = stopX * fTextRatio; SkScalar alignY = stopY * fTextRatio; if (fFont.getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kCenter_Align) { alignX = SkScalarHalf(alignX); alignY = SkScalarHalf(alignY); } x -= alignX; y -= alignY; } SkAutoKern autokern; FallbackBlobBuilder fallback; while (text < stop) { const SkGlyph& glyph = glyphCacheProc(glyphCache, &text); x += autokern.adjust(glyph) * fTextRatio; if (glyph.fWidth) { this->appendGlyph(glyph, SkPoint::Make(x, y), &fallback); } x += SkFloatToScalar(glyph.fAdvanceX) * fTextRatio; y += SkFloatToScalar(glyph.fAdvanceY) * fTextRatio; } fFallbackTextBlob = fallback.makeIfNeeded(&fFallbackGlyphCount); } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::setPosText(const char text[], size_t byteLength, const SkScalar pos[], int scalarsPerPosition, const SkPoint& offset) { SkASSERT(byteLength == 0 || text != nullptr); SkASSERT(1 == scalarsPerPosition || 2 == scalarsPerPosition); SkGlyphCache* glyphCache = this->getGlyphCache(); SkPaint::GlyphCacheProc glyphCacheProc = SkPaint::GetGlyphCacheProc(fFont.getTextEncoding(), fFont.isDevKernText(), true); fTotalGlyphCount = fFont.countText(text, byteLength); fInstanceData.reset(InstanceData::Alloc(GrPathRendering::kTranslate_PathTransformType, fTotalGlyphCount)); const char* stop = text + byteLength; SkTextMapStateProc tmsProc(SkMatrix::I(), offset, scalarsPerPosition); SkTextAlignProc alignProc(fFont.getTextAlign()); FallbackBlobBuilder fallback; while (text < stop) { const SkGlyph& glyph = glyphCacheProc(glyphCache, &text); if (glyph.fWidth) { SkPoint tmsLoc; tmsProc(pos, &tmsLoc); SkPoint loc; alignProc(tmsLoc, glyph, &loc); this->appendGlyph(glyph, loc, &fallback); } pos += scalarsPerPosition; } fFallbackTextBlob = fallback.makeIfNeeded(&fFallbackGlyphCount); } sk_sp GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::createGlyphs( GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider) const { sk_sp glyphs = resourceProvider->findByUniqueKey(fGlyphPathsKey); if (!glyphs) { if (fUsingRawGlyphPaths) { SkScalerContextEffects noeffects; glyphs = resourceProvider->createGlyphs(fFont.getTypeface(), noeffects, nullptr, fStyle); } else { SkGlyphCache* cache = this->getGlyphCache(); glyphs = resourceProvider->createGlyphs(cache->getScalerContext()->getTypeface(), cache->getScalerContext()->getEffects(), &cache->getDescriptor(), fStyle); } resourceProvider->assignUniqueKeyToResource(fGlyphPathsKey, glyphs.get()); } return glyphs; } inline void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::appendGlyph(const SkGlyph& glyph, const SkPoint& pos, FallbackBlobBuilder* fallback) { // Stick the glyphs we can't draw into the fallback text blob. if (SkMask::kARGB32_Format == glyph.fMaskFormat) { if (!fallback->isInitialized()) { fallback->init(fFont, fTextRatio); } fallback->appendGlyph(glyph.getGlyphID(), pos); } else { fInstanceData->append(glyph.getGlyphID(), fTextInverseRatio * pos.x(), fTextInverseRatio * pos.y()); } } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::draw(GrContext* ctx, GrRenderTargetContext* renderTargetContext, const GrClip& clip, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkSurfaceProps& props, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkIRect& clipBounds, GrAtlasTextContext* fallbackTextContext, const SkPaint& originalSkPaint) const { SkASSERT(fInstanceData); if (fInstanceData->count()) { sk_sp glyphs(this->createGlyphs(ctx->resourceProvider())); if (fLastDrawnGlyphsID != glyphs->uniqueID()) { // Either this is the first draw or the glyphs object was purged since last draw. glyphs->loadPathsIfNeeded(fInstanceData->indices(), fInstanceData->count()); fLastDrawnGlyphsID = glyphs->uniqueID(); } GrPaint grPaint; if (!SkPaintToGrPaint(ctx, renderTargetContext->colorSpaceInfo(), originalSkPaint, viewMatrix, &grPaint)) { return; } // Don't compute a bounding box. For dst copy texture, we'll opt instead for it to just copy // the entire dst. Realistically this is a moot point, because any context that supports // NV_path_rendering will also support NV_blend_equation_advanced. // For clipping we'll just skip any optimizations based on the bounds. This does, however, // hurt GrOp combining. const SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeIWH(renderTargetContext->width(), renderTargetContext->height()); // The run's "font" overrides the anti-aliasing of the passed in SkPaint! GrAAType aaType = GrChooseAAType(this->aa(), renderTargetContext->fsaaType(), GrAllowMixedSamples::kYes, *renderTargetContext->caps()); std::unique_ptr op = GrDrawPathRangeOp::Make( viewMatrix, fTextRatio, fTextInverseRatio * x, fTextInverseRatio * y, std::move(grPaint), GrPathRendering::kWinding_FillType, aaType, glyphs.get(), fInstanceData.get(), bounds); renderTargetContext->addDrawOp(clip, std::move(op)); } if (fFallbackTextBlob) { SkPaint fallbackSkPaint(originalSkPaint); fStyle.strokeRec().applyToPaint(&fallbackSkPaint); if (!fStyle.isSimpleFill()) { fallbackSkPaint.setStrokeWidth(fStyle.strokeRec().getWidth() * fTextRatio); } fallbackTextContext->drawTextBlob(ctx, renderTargetContext->textTarget(), clip, fallbackSkPaint, viewMatrix, props, fFallbackTextBlob.get(), x, y, nullptr, clipBounds); } } SkGlyphCache* GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::getGlyphCache() const { if (!fDetachedGlyphCache) { fDetachedGlyphCache = fFont.detachCache(nullptr, SkPaint::kNone_ScalerContextFlags, nullptr); } return fDetachedGlyphCache; } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::releaseGlyphCache() const { if (fDetachedGlyphCache) { SkGlyphCache::AttachCache(fDetachedGlyphCache); fDetachedGlyphCache = nullptr; } } size_t GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::TextRun::computeSizeInCache() const { size_t size = sizeof(TextRun) + fGlyphPathsKey.size(); // The instance data always reserves enough space for every glyph. size += (fTotalGlyphCount + fFallbackGlyphCount) * (sizeof(uint16_t) + 2 * sizeof(float)); if (fInstanceData) { size += sizeof(InstanceData); } if (fFallbackTextBlob) { size += sizeof(SkTextBlob); } return size; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::FallbackBlobBuilder::init(const SkPaint& font, SkScalar textRatio) { SkASSERT(!this->isInitialized()); fBuilder.reset(new SkTextBlobBuilder); fFont = font; fFont.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kLeft_Align); // The glyph positions will already account for align. fFont.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); // No need for subpixel positioning with bitmap glyphs. TODO: revisit if non-bitmap color glyphs // show up and https://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=4408 gets resolved. fFont.setSubpixelText(false); fFont.setTextSize(fFont.getTextSize() * textRatio); fBuffIdx = 0; } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::FallbackBlobBuilder::appendGlyph(uint16_t glyphId, const SkPoint& pos) { SkASSERT(this->isInitialized()); if (fBuffIdx >= kWriteBufferSize) { this->flush(); } fGlyphIds[fBuffIdx] = glyphId; fPositions[fBuffIdx] = pos; fBuffIdx++; fCount++; } void GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::FallbackBlobBuilder::flush() { SkASSERT(this->isInitialized()); SkASSERT(fBuffIdx <= kWriteBufferSize); if (!fBuffIdx) { return; } // This will automatically merge with previous runs since we use the same font. const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& buff = fBuilder->allocRunPos(fFont, fBuffIdx); memcpy(buff.glyphs, fGlyphIds, fBuffIdx * sizeof(uint16_t)); memcpy(buff.pos, SkPointPriv::AsScalars(fPositions[0]), fBuffIdx * 2 * sizeof(SkScalar)); fBuffIdx = 0; } sk_sp GrStencilAndCoverTextContext::FallbackBlobBuilder::makeIfNeeded(int *count) { *count = fCount; if (fCount) { this->flush(); return fBuilder->make(); } return nullptr; }