/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "gl/GrGLInterface.h" #include "GrDebugGL.h" #include "GrShaderObj.h" #include "GrProgramObj.h" #include "GrBufferObj.h" #include "GrTextureUnitObj.h" #include "GrTextureObj.h" #include "GrFrameBufferObj.h" #include "GrRenderBufferObj.h" #include "GrVertexArrayObj.h" #include "SkFloatingPoint.h" #include "../GrGLNoOpInterface.h" namespace { // suppress no previous prototype warning //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLActiveTexture(GrGLenum texture) { // Ganesh offsets the texture unit indices texture -= GR_GL_TEXTURE0; GrAlwaysAssert(texture < GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getMaxTextureUnits()); GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setCurTextureUnit(texture); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLAttachShader(GrGLuint programID, GrGLuint shaderID) { GrProgramObj *program = GR_FIND(programID, GrProgramObj, GrDebugGL::kProgram_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(program); GrShaderObj *shader = GR_FIND(shaderID, GrShaderObj, GrDebugGL::kShader_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(shader); program->AttachShader(shader); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBeginQuery(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint id) { } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBindAttribLocation(GrGLuint program, GrGLuint index, const char* name) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBindTexture(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint textureID) { // we don't use cube maps GrAlwaysAssert(target == GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D); // || target == GR_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); // a textureID of 0 is acceptable - it binds to the default texture target GrTextureObj *texture = GR_FIND(textureID, GrTextureObj, GrDebugGL::kTexture_ObjTypes); GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setTexture(texture); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBufferData(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizeiptr size, const GrGLvoid* data, GrGLenum usage) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == target || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == target); GrAlwaysAssert(size >= 0); GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_STREAM_DRAW == usage || GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW == usage || GR_GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW == usage); GrBufferObj *buffer = NULL; switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer(); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer(); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected target to glBufferData"); break; } GrAlwaysAssert(buffer); GrAlwaysAssert(buffer->getBound()); buffer->allocate(size, reinterpret_cast(data)); buffer->setUsage(usage); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLPixelStorei(GrGLenum pname, GrGLint param) { switch (pname) { case GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH: GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setUnPackRowLength(param); break; case GR_GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH: GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setPackRowLength(param); break; case GR_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: break; case GR_GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: GrAlwaysAssert(false); break; default: GrAlwaysAssert(false); break; } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLReadPixels(GrGLint x, GrGLint y, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLenum format, GrGLenum type, GrGLvoid* pixels) { GrGLint pixelsInRow = width; if (0 < GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getPackRowLength()) { pixelsInRow = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getPackRowLength(); } GrGLint componentsPerPixel = 0; switch (format) { case GR_GL_RGBA: // fallthrough case GR_GL_BGRA: componentsPerPixel = 4; break; case GR_GL_RGB: componentsPerPixel = 3; break; case GR_GL_RED: componentsPerPixel = 1; break; default: GrAlwaysAssert(false); break; } GrGLint alignment = 4; // the pack alignment (one of 1, 2, 4 or 8) // Ganesh currently doesn't support setting GR_GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT GrGLint componentSize = 0; // size (in bytes) of a single component switch (type) { case GR_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: componentSize = 1; break; default: GrAlwaysAssert(false); break; } GrGLint rowStride = 0; // number of components (not bytes) to skip if (componentSize >= alignment) { rowStride = componentsPerPixel * pixelsInRow; } else { float fTemp = sk_float_ceil(componentSize * componentsPerPixel * pixelsInRow / static_cast(alignment)); rowStride = static_cast(alignment * fTemp / componentSize); } GrGLchar *scanline = static_cast(pixels); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { memset(scanline, 0, componentsPerPixel * componentSize * width); scanline += rowStride; } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLUseProgram(GrGLuint programID) { // A programID of 0 is legal GrProgramObj *program = GR_FIND(programID, GrProgramObj, GrDebugGL::kProgram_ObjTypes); GrDebugGL::getInstance()->useProgram(program); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBindFramebuffer(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint frameBufferID) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER == target || GR_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER == target || GR_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER); // a frameBufferID of 0 is acceptable - it binds to the default // frame buffer GrFrameBufferObj *frameBuffer = GR_FIND(frameBufferID, GrFrameBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kFrameBuffer_ObjTypes); GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setFrameBuffer(frameBuffer); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBindRenderbuffer(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint renderBufferID) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER == target); // a renderBufferID of 0 is acceptable - it unbinds the bound render buffer GrRenderBufferObj *renderBuffer = GR_FIND(renderBufferID, GrRenderBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kRenderBuffer_ObjTypes); GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setRenderBuffer(renderBuffer); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteTextures(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint* textures) { // first potentially unbind the texture // TODO: move this into GrDebugGL as unBindTexture? for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getMaxTextureUnits(); ++i) { GrTextureUnitObj *pTU = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getTextureUnit(i); if (pTU->getTexture()) { for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { if (textures[j] == pTU->getTexture()->getID()) { // this ID is the current texture - revert the binding to 0 pTU->setTexture(NULL); } } } } // TODO: fuse the following block with DeleteRenderBuffers? // Open GL will remove a deleted render buffer from the active // frame buffer but not from any other frame buffer if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer()) { GrFrameBufferObj *frameBuffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (NULL != frameBuffer->getColor() && textures[i] == frameBuffer->getColor()->getID()) { frameBuffer->setColor(NULL); } if (NULL != frameBuffer->getDepth() && textures[i] == frameBuffer->getDepth()->getID()) { frameBuffer->setDepth(NULL); } if (NULL != frameBuffer->getStencil() && textures[i] == frameBuffer->getStencil()->getID()) { frameBuffer->setStencil(NULL); } } } // then actually "delete" the buffers for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GrTextureObj *buffer = GR_FIND(textures[i], GrTextureObj, GrDebugGL::kTexture_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(buffer); // OpenGL gives no guarantees if a texture is deleted while attached to // something other than the currently bound frame buffer GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getBound()); GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getDeleted()); buffer->deleteAction(); } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteFramebuffers(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint *frameBuffers) { // first potentially unbind the buffers if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer()) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (frameBuffers[i] == GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer()->getID()) { // this ID is the current frame buffer - rebind to the default GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setFrameBuffer(NULL); } } } // then actually "delete" the buffers for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GrFrameBufferObj *buffer = GR_FIND(frameBuffers[i], GrFrameBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kFrameBuffer_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(buffer); GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getDeleted()); buffer->deleteAction(); } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteRenderbuffers(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint *renderBuffers) { // first potentially unbind the buffers if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getRenderBuffer()) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (renderBuffers[i] == GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getRenderBuffer()->getID()) { // this ID is the current render buffer - make no // render buffer be bound GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setRenderBuffer(NULL); } } } // TODO: fuse the following block with DeleteTextures? // Open GL will remove a deleted render buffer from the active frame // buffer but not from any other frame buffer if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer()) { GrFrameBufferObj *frameBuffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (NULL != frameBuffer->getColor() && renderBuffers[i] == frameBuffer->getColor()->getID()) { frameBuffer->setColor(NULL); } if (NULL != frameBuffer->getDepth() && renderBuffers[i] == frameBuffer->getDepth()->getID()) { frameBuffer->setDepth(NULL); } if (NULL != frameBuffer->getStencil() && renderBuffers[i] == frameBuffer->getStencil()->getID()) { frameBuffer->setStencil(NULL); } } } // then actually "delete" the buffers for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GrRenderBufferObj *buffer = GR_FIND(renderBuffers[i], GrRenderBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kRenderBuffer_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(buffer); // OpenGL gives no guarantees if a render buffer is deleted // while attached to something other than the currently // bound frame buffer GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getColorBound()); GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getDepthBound()); // However, at GrContext destroy time we release all GrRsources and so stencil buffers // may get deleted before FBOs that refer to them. //GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getStencilBound()); GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getDeleted()); buffer->deleteAction(); } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLFramebufferRenderbuffer(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum attachment, GrGLenum renderbuffertarget, GrGLuint renderBufferID) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER == target); GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 == attachment || GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT == attachment || GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT == attachment); GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER == renderbuffertarget); GrFrameBufferObj *framebuffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer(); // A render buffer cannot be attached to the default framebuffer GrAlwaysAssert(NULL != framebuffer); // a renderBufferID of 0 is acceptable - it unbinds the current // render buffer GrRenderBufferObj *renderbuffer = GR_FIND(renderBufferID, GrRenderBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kRenderBuffer_ObjTypes); switch (attachment) { case GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: framebuffer->setColor(renderbuffer); break; case GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: framebuffer->setDepth(renderbuffer); break; case GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: framebuffer->setStencil(renderbuffer); break; default: GrAlwaysAssert(false); break; }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLFramebufferTexture2D(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum attachment, GrGLenum textarget, GrGLuint textureID, GrGLint level) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER == target); GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 == attachment || GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT == attachment || GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT == attachment); GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D == textarget); GrFrameBufferObj *framebuffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getFrameBuffer(); // A texture cannot be attached to the default framebuffer GrAlwaysAssert(NULL != framebuffer); // A textureID of 0 is allowed - it unbinds the currently bound texture GrTextureObj *texture = GR_FIND(textureID, GrTextureObj, GrDebugGL::kTexture_ObjTypes); if (texture) { // The texture shouldn't be bound to a texture unit - this // could lead to a feedback loop GrAlwaysAssert(!texture->getBound()); } GrAlwaysAssert(0 == level); switch (attachment) { case GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: framebuffer->setColor(texture); break; case GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: framebuffer->setDepth(texture); break; case GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: framebuffer->setStencil(texture); break; default: GrAlwaysAssert(false); break; }; } GrGLuint GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLCreateProgram() { GrProgramObj *program = GR_CREATE(GrProgramObj, GrDebugGL::kProgram_ObjTypes); return program->getID(); } GrGLuint GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLCreateShader(GrGLenum type) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER == type || GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER == type); GrShaderObj *shader = GR_CREATE(GrShaderObj, GrDebugGL::kShader_ObjTypes); shader->setType(type); return shader->getID(); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteProgram(GrGLuint programID) { GrProgramObj *program = GR_FIND(programID, GrProgramObj, GrDebugGL::kProgram_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(program); if (program->getRefCount()) { // someone is still using this program so we can't delete it here program->setMarkedForDeletion(); } else { program->deleteAction(); } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteShader(GrGLuint shaderID) { GrShaderObj *shader = GR_FIND(shaderID, GrShaderObj, GrDebugGL::kShader_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(shader); if (shader->getRefCount()) { // someone is still using this shader so we can't delete it here shader->setMarkedForDeletion(); } else { shader->deleteAction(); } } GrGLvoid debugGenObjs(GrDebugGL::GrObjTypes type, GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* ids) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GrFakeRefObj *obj = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->createObj(type); GrAlwaysAssert(obj); ids[i] = obj->getID(); } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGenBuffers(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* ids) { debugGenObjs(GrDebugGL::kBuffer_ObjTypes, n, ids); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGenerateMipmap(GrGLenum level) { } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGenFramebuffers(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* ids) { debugGenObjs(GrDebugGL::kFrameBuffer_ObjTypes, n, ids); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGenRenderbuffers(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* ids) { debugGenObjs(GrDebugGL::kRenderBuffer_ObjTypes, n, ids); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGenTextures(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* ids) { debugGenObjs(GrDebugGL::kTexture_ObjTypes, n, ids); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGenVertexArrays(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* ids) { debugGenObjs(GrDebugGL::kVertexArray_ObjTypes, n, ids); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteVertexArrays(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint* ids) { for (GrGLsizei i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GrVertexArrayObj* array = GR_FIND(ids[i], GrVertexArrayObj, GrDebugGL::kVertexArray_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(array); // Deleting the current vertex array binds object 0 if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getVertexArray() == array) { GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setVertexArray(NULL); } if (array->getRefCount()) { // someone is still using this vertex array so we can't delete it here array->setMarkedForDeletion(); } else { array->deleteAction(); } } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBindVertexArray(GrGLuint id) { GrVertexArrayObj* array = GR_FIND(id, GrVertexArrayObj, GrDebugGL::kVertexArray_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert((0 == id) || NULL != array); GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setVertexArray(array); } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLBindBuffer(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint bufferID) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == target || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == target); GrBufferObj *buffer = GR_FIND(bufferID, GrBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kBuffer_ObjTypes); // 0 is a permissible bufferID - it unbinds the current buffer switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setArrayBuffer(buffer); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setElementArrayBuffer(buffer); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected target to glBindBuffer"); break; } } // deleting a bound buffer has the side effect of binding 0 GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLDeleteBuffers(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint* ids) { // first potentially unbind the buffers for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer() && ids[i] == GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer()->getID()) { // this ID is the current array buffer GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setArrayBuffer(NULL); } if (GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer() && ids[i] == GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer()->getID()) { // this ID is the current element array buffer GrDebugGL::getInstance()->setElementArrayBuffer(NULL); } } // then actually "delete" the buffers for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GrBufferObj *buffer = GR_FIND(ids[i], GrBufferObj, GrDebugGL::kBuffer_ObjTypes); GrAlwaysAssert(buffer); GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getDeleted()); buffer->deleteAction(); } } // map a buffer to the caller's address space GrGLvoid* GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLMapBufferRange(GrGLenum target, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr length, GrGLbitfield access) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == target || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == target); // We only expect read access and we expect that the buffer or range is always invalidated. GrAlwaysAssert(!SkToBool(GR_GL_MAP_READ_BIT & access)); GrAlwaysAssert((GR_GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT | GR_GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT) & access); GrBufferObj *buffer = NULL; switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer(); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer(); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected target to glMapBufferRange"); break; } if (NULL != buffer) { GrAlwaysAssert(offset >= 0 && offset + length <= buffer->getSize()); GrAlwaysAssert(!buffer->getMapped()); buffer->setMapped(offset, length); return buffer->getDataPtr() + offset; } GrAlwaysAssert(false); return NULL; // no buffer bound to the target } GrGLvoid* GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLMapBuffer(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum access) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_WRITE_ONLY == access); GrBufferObj *buffer = NULL; switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer(); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer(); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected target to glMapBuffer"); break; } return debugGLMapBufferRange(target, 0, buffer->getSize(), GR_GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GR_GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT); } // remove a buffer from the caller's address space // TODO: check if the "access" method from "glMapBuffer" was honored GrGLboolean GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLUnmapBuffer(GrGLenum target) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == target || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == target); GrBufferObj *buffer = NULL; switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer(); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer(); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected target to glUnmapBuffer"); break; } if (NULL != buffer) { GrAlwaysAssert(buffer->getMapped()); buffer->resetMapped(); return GR_GL_TRUE; } GrAlwaysAssert(false); return GR_GL_FALSE; // GR_GL_INVALID_OPERATION; } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLFlushMappedBufferRange(GrGLenum target, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr length) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == target || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == target); GrBufferObj *buffer = NULL; switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer(); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer(); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected target to glUnmapBuffer"); break; } if (NULL != buffer) { GrAlwaysAssert(buffer->getMapped()); GrAlwaysAssert(offset >= 0 && (offset + length) <= buffer->getMappedLength()); } else { GrAlwaysAssert(false); } } GrGLvoid GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE debugGLGetBufferParameteriv(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum value, GrGLint* params) { GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == target || GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == target); GrAlwaysAssert(GR_GL_BUFFER_SIZE == value || GR_GL_BUFFER_USAGE == value); GrBufferObj *buffer = NULL; switch (target) { case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getArrayBuffer(); break; case GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: buffer = GrDebugGL::getInstance()->getElementArrayBuffer(); break; } GrAlwaysAssert(buffer); switch (value) { case GR_GL_BUFFER_MAPPED: *params = GR_GL_FALSE; if (NULL != buffer) *params = buffer->getMapped() ? GR_GL_TRUE : GR_GL_FALSE; break; case GR_GL_BUFFER_SIZE: *params = 0; if (NULL != buffer) *params = SkToInt(buffer->getSize()); break; case GR_GL_BUFFER_USAGE: *params = GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW; if (NULL != buffer) *params = buffer->getUsage(); break; default: SkFAIL("Unexpected value to glGetBufferParamateriv"); break; } }; } // end of namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct GrDebugGLInterface : public GrGLInterface { public: SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(GrDebugGLInterface) GrDebugGLInterface() : fWrapped(NULL) { GrDebugGL::staticRef(); } virtual ~GrDebugGLInterface() { GrDebugGL::staticUnRef(); } void setWrapped(GrGLInterface *interface) { fWrapped.reset(interface); } // TODO: there are some issues w/ wrapping another GL interface inside the // debug interface: // Since none of the "gl" methods are member functions they don't get // a "this" pointer through which to access "fWrapped" // This could be worked around by having all of them access the // "glInterface" pointer - i.e., treating the debug interface as a // true singleton // // The problem with this is that we also want to handle OpenGL // contexts. The natural way to do this is to have multiple debug // interfaces. Each of which represents a separate context. The // static ID count would still uniquify IDs across all of them. // The problem then is that we couldn't treat the debug GL // interface as a singleton (since there would be one for each // context). // // The solution to this is probably to alter SkDebugGlContext's // "makeCurrent" method to make a call like "makeCurrent(this)" to // the debug GL interface (assuming that the application will create // multiple SkGLContextHelper's) to let it switch between the active // context. Everything in the GrDebugGL object would then need to be // moved to a GrContextObj and the GrDebugGL object would just switch // between them. Note that this approach would also require that // SkDebugGLContext wrap an arbitrary other context // and then pass the wrapped interface to the debug GL interface. protected: private: SkAutoTUnref fWrapped; typedef GrGLInterface INHERITED; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateDebugInterface() { GrGLInterface* interface = SkNEW(GrDebugGLInterface); interface->fStandard = kGL_GrGLStandard; GrGLInterface::Functions* functions = &interface->fFunctions; functions->fActiveTexture = debugGLActiveTexture; functions->fAttachShader = debugGLAttachShader; functions->fBeginQuery = debugGLBeginQuery; functions->fBindAttribLocation = debugGLBindAttribLocation; functions->fBindBuffer = debugGLBindBuffer; functions->fBindFragDataLocation = noOpGLBindFragDataLocation; functions->fBindTexture = debugGLBindTexture; functions->fBindVertexArray = debugGLBindVertexArray; functions->fBlendColor = noOpGLBlendColor; functions->fBlendFunc = noOpGLBlendFunc; functions->fBufferData = debugGLBufferData; functions->fBufferSubData = noOpGLBufferSubData; functions->fClear = noOpGLClear; functions->fClearColor = noOpGLClearColor; functions->fClearStencil = noOpGLClearStencil; functions->fColorMask = noOpGLColorMask; functions->fCompileShader = noOpGLCompileShader; functions->fCompressedTexImage2D = noOpGLCompressedTexImage2D; functions->fCompressedTexSubImage2D = noOpGLCompressedTexSubImage2D; functions->fCopyTexSubImage2D = noOpGLCopyTexSubImage2D; functions->fCreateProgram = debugGLCreateProgram; functions->fCreateShader = debugGLCreateShader; functions->fCullFace = noOpGLCullFace; functions->fDeleteBuffers = debugGLDeleteBuffers; functions->fDeleteProgram = debugGLDeleteProgram; functions->fDeleteQueries = noOpGLDeleteIds; functions->fDeleteShader = debugGLDeleteShader; functions->fDeleteTextures = debugGLDeleteTextures; functions->fDeleteVertexArrays = debugGLDeleteVertexArrays; functions->fDepthMask = noOpGLDepthMask; functions->fDisable = noOpGLDisable; functions->fDisableVertexAttribArray = noOpGLDisableVertexAttribArray; functions->fDrawArrays = noOpGLDrawArrays; functions->fDrawBuffer = noOpGLDrawBuffer; functions->fDrawBuffers = noOpGLDrawBuffers; functions->fDrawElements = noOpGLDrawElements; functions->fEnable = noOpGLEnable; functions->fEnableVertexAttribArray = noOpGLEnableVertexAttribArray; functions->fEndQuery = noOpGLEndQuery; functions->fFinish = noOpGLFinish; functions->fFlush = noOpGLFlush; functions->fFlushMappedBufferRange = debugGLFlushMappedBufferRange; functions->fFrontFace = noOpGLFrontFace; functions->fGenerateMipmap = debugGLGenerateMipmap; functions->fGenBuffers = debugGLGenBuffers; functions->fGenQueries = noOpGLGenIds; functions->fGenTextures = debugGLGenTextures; functions->fGetBufferParameteriv = debugGLGetBufferParameteriv; functions->fGetError = noOpGLGetError; functions->fGetIntegerv = noOpGLGetIntegerv; functions->fGetQueryObjecti64v = noOpGLGetQueryObjecti64v; functions->fGetQueryObjectiv = noOpGLGetQueryObjectiv; functions->fGetQueryObjectui64v = noOpGLGetQueryObjectui64v; functions->fGetQueryObjectuiv = noOpGLGetQueryObjectuiv; functions->fGetQueryiv = noOpGLGetQueryiv; functions->fGetProgramInfoLog = noOpGLGetInfoLog; functions->fGetProgramiv = noOpGLGetShaderOrProgramiv; functions->fGetShaderInfoLog = noOpGLGetInfoLog; functions->fGetShaderiv = noOpGLGetShaderOrProgramiv; functions->fGetString = noOpGLGetString; functions->fGetStringi = noOpGLGetStringi; functions->fGetTexLevelParameteriv = noOpGLGetTexLevelParameteriv; functions->fGetUniformLocation = noOpGLGetUniformLocation; functions->fGenVertexArrays = debugGLGenVertexArrays; functions->fLineWidth = noOpGLLineWidth; functions->fLinkProgram = noOpGLLinkProgram; functions->fMapBuffer = debugGLMapBuffer; functions->fMapBufferRange = debugGLMapBufferRange; functions->fPixelStorei = debugGLPixelStorei; functions->fQueryCounter = noOpGLQueryCounter; functions->fReadBuffer = noOpGLReadBuffer; functions->fReadPixels = debugGLReadPixels; functions->fScissor = noOpGLScissor; functions->fShaderSource = noOpGLShaderSource; functions->fStencilFunc = noOpGLStencilFunc; functions->fStencilFuncSeparate = noOpGLStencilFuncSeparate; functions->fStencilMask = noOpGLStencilMask; functions->fStencilMaskSeparate = noOpGLStencilMaskSeparate; functions->fStencilOp = noOpGLStencilOp; functions->fStencilOpSeparate = noOpGLStencilOpSeparate; functions->fTexImage2D = noOpGLTexImage2D; functions->fTexParameteri = noOpGLTexParameteri; functions->fTexParameteriv = noOpGLTexParameteriv; functions->fTexSubImage2D = noOpGLTexSubImage2D; functions->fTexStorage2D = noOpGLTexStorage2D; functions->fDiscardFramebuffer = noOpGLDiscardFramebuffer; functions->fUniform1f = noOpGLUniform1f; functions->fUniform1i = noOpGLUniform1i; functions->fUniform1fv = noOpGLUniform1fv; functions->fUniform1iv = noOpGLUniform1iv; functions->fUniform2f = noOpGLUniform2f; functions->fUniform2i = noOpGLUniform2i; functions->fUniform2fv = noOpGLUniform2fv; functions->fUniform2iv = noOpGLUniform2iv; functions->fUniform3f = noOpGLUniform3f; functions->fUniform3i = noOpGLUniform3i; functions->fUniform3fv = noOpGLUniform3fv; functions->fUniform3iv = noOpGLUniform3iv; functions->fUniform4f = noOpGLUniform4f; functions->fUniform4i = noOpGLUniform4i; functions->fUniform4fv = noOpGLUniform4fv; functions->fUniform4iv = noOpGLUniform4iv; functions->fUniformMatrix2fv = noOpGLUniformMatrix2fv; functions->fUniformMatrix3fv = noOpGLUniformMatrix3fv; functions->fUniformMatrix4fv = noOpGLUniformMatrix4fv; functions->fUnmapBuffer = debugGLUnmapBuffer; functions->fUseProgram = debugGLUseProgram; functions->fVertexAttrib4fv = noOpGLVertexAttrib4fv; functions->fVertexAttribPointer = noOpGLVertexAttribPointer; functions->fViewport = noOpGLViewport; functions->fBindFramebuffer = debugGLBindFramebuffer; functions->fBindRenderbuffer = debugGLBindRenderbuffer; functions->fCheckFramebufferStatus = noOpGLCheckFramebufferStatus; functions->fDeleteFramebuffers = debugGLDeleteFramebuffers; functions->fDeleteRenderbuffers = debugGLDeleteRenderbuffers; functions->fFramebufferRenderbuffer = debugGLFramebufferRenderbuffer; functions->fFramebufferTexture2D = debugGLFramebufferTexture2D; functions->fGenFramebuffers = debugGLGenFramebuffers; functions->fGenRenderbuffers = debugGLGenRenderbuffers; functions->fGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv = noOpGLGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv; functions->fGetRenderbufferParameteriv = noOpGLGetRenderbufferParameteriv; functions->fRenderbufferStorage = noOpGLRenderbufferStorage; functions->fRenderbufferStorageMultisample = noOpGLRenderbufferStorageMultisample; functions->fBlitFramebuffer = noOpGLBlitFramebuffer; functions->fResolveMultisampleFramebuffer = noOpGLResolveMultisampleFramebuffer; functions->fMatrixLoadf = noOpGLMatrixLoadf; functions->fMatrixLoadIdentity = noOpGLMatrixLoadIdentity; functions->fBindFragDataLocationIndexed = noOpGLBindFragDataLocationIndexed; interface->fExtensions.init(kGL_GrGLStandard, functions->fGetString, functions->fGetStringi, functions->fGetIntegerv); return interface; }