/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "gl/SkGLContext.h" #include "gl/GrGLUtil.h" SK_DEFINE_INST_COUNT(SkGLContext) SkGLContext::SkGLContext() : fFBO(0) , fColorBufferID(0) , fDepthStencilBufferID(0) , fGL(NULL) { } SkGLContext::~SkGLContext() { if (fGL) { // TODO: determine why DeleteFramebuffers is generating a GL error in tests SK_GL_NOERRCHECK(*this, DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fFBO)); SK_GL_NOERRCHECK(*this, DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &fColorBufferID)); SK_GL_NOERRCHECK(*this, DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &fDepthStencilBufferID)); } SkSafeUnref(fGL); } bool SkGLContext::hasExtension(const char* extensionName) const { return GrGLHasExtensionFromString(extensionName, fExtensionString.c_str()); } bool SkGLContext::init(int width, int height) { if (fGL) { fGL->unref(); this->destroyGLContext(); } fGL = this->createGLContext(); if (fGL) { const GrGLubyte* temp; SK_GL_RET(*this, temp, GetString(GR_GL_EXTENSIONS)); fExtensionString = reinterpret_cast(temp); SK_GL_RET(*this, temp, GetString(GR_GL_VERSION)); const char* versionStr = reinterpret_cast(temp); GrGLVersion version = GrGLGetVersionFromString(versionStr); // clear any existing GL erorrs GrGLenum error; do { SK_GL_RET(*this, error, GetError()); } while (GR_GL_NO_ERROR != error); GrGLBinding bindingInUse = GrGLGetBindingInUse(this->gl()); SK_GL(*this, GenFramebuffers(1, &fFBO)); SK_GL(*this, BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fFBO)); SK_GL(*this, GenRenderbuffers(1, &fColorBufferID)); SK_GL(*this, BindRenderbuffer(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, fColorBufferID)); if (kES2_GrGLBinding == bindingInUse) { SK_GL(*this, RenderbufferStorage(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, GR_GL_RGBA8, width, height)); } else { SK_GL(*this, RenderbufferStorage(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, GR_GL_RGBA, width, height)); } SK_GL(*this, FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, fColorBufferID)); SK_GL(*this, GenRenderbuffers(1, &fDepthStencilBufferID)); SK_GL(*this, BindRenderbuffer(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, fDepthStencilBufferID)); // Some drivers that support packed depth stencil will only succeed // in binding a packed format an FBO. However, we can't rely on packed // depth stencil being available. bool supportsPackedDepthStencil; if (kES2_GrGLBinding == bindingInUse) { supportsPackedDepthStencil = this->hasExtension("GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil"); } else { supportsPackedDepthStencil = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) || this->hasExtension("GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil") || this->hasExtension("GL_ARB_framebuffer_object"); } if (supportsPackedDepthStencil) { // ES2 requires sized internal formats for RenderbufferStorage // On Desktop we let the driver decide. GrGLenum format = kES2_GrGLBinding == bindingInUse ? GR_GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : GR_GL_DEPTH_STENCIL; SK_GL(*this, RenderbufferStorage(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, format, width, height)); SK_GL(*this, FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, fDepthStencilBufferID)); } else { GrGLenum format = kES2_GrGLBinding == bindingInUse ? GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX8 : GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX; SK_GL(*this, RenderbufferStorage(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, format, width, height)); } SK_GL(*this, FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, fDepthStencilBufferID)); SK_GL(*this, Viewport(0, 0, width, height)); SK_GL(*this, ClearStencil(0)); SK_GL(*this, Clear(GR_GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT)); SK_GL_RET(*this, error, GetError()); GrGLenum status; SK_GL_RET(*this, status, CheckFramebufferStatus(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER)); if (GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE != status || GR_GL_NO_ERROR != error) { fFBO = 0; fColorBufferID = 0; fDepthStencilBufferID = 0; fGL->unref(); fGL = NULL; this->destroyGLContext(); return false; } else { return true; } } return false; }