/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrGpuGL.h" #include "GrEffect.h" #include "GrGLEffect.h" #include "SkRTConf.h" #include "SkTSearch.h" #ifdef PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS SK_CONF_DECLARE(bool, c_DisplayCache, "gpu.displayCache", false, "Display program cache usage."); #endif typedef GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle UniformHandle; struct GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::Entry { SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT_ROOT(Entry); Entry() : fProgram(NULL), fLRUStamp(0) {} SkAutoTUnref fProgram; unsigned int fLRUStamp; }; struct GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::ProgDescLess { bool operator() (const GrGLProgramDesc& desc, const Entry* entry) { SkASSERT(NULL != entry->fProgram.get()); return GrGLProgramDesc::Less(desc, entry->fProgram->getDesc()); } bool operator() (const Entry* entry, const GrGLProgramDesc& desc) { SkASSERT(NULL != entry->fProgram.get()); return GrGLProgramDesc::Less(entry->fProgram->getDesc(), desc); } }; GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::ProgramCache(GrGpuGL* gpu) : fCount(0) , fCurrLRUStamp(0) , fGpu(gpu) #ifdef PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS , fTotalRequests(0) , fCacheMisses(0) , fHashMisses(0) #endif { for (int i = 0; i < 1 << kHashBits; ++i) { fHashTable[i] = NULL; } } GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::~ProgramCache() { for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i){ SkDELETE(fEntries[i]); } // dump stats #ifdef PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS if (c_DisplayCache) { SkDebugf("--- Program Cache ---\n"); SkDebugf("Total requests: %d\n", fTotalRequests); SkDebugf("Cache misses: %d\n", fCacheMisses); SkDebugf("Cache miss %%: %f\n", (fTotalRequests > 0) ? 100.f * fCacheMisses / fTotalRequests : 0.f); int cacheHits = fTotalRequests - fCacheMisses; SkDebugf("Hash miss %%: %f\n", (cacheHits > 0) ? 100.f * fHashMisses / cacheHits : 0.f); SkDebugf("---------------------\n"); } #endif } void GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::abandon() { for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) { SkASSERT(NULL != fEntries[i]->fProgram.get()); fEntries[i]->fProgram->abandon(); fEntries[i]->fProgram.reset(NULL); } fCount = 0; } int GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::search(const GrGLProgramDesc& desc) const { ProgDescLess less; return SkTSearch(fEntries, fCount, desc, sizeof(Entry*), less); } GrGLProgram* GrGpuGL::ProgramCache::getProgram(const GrGLProgramDesc& desc, const GrEffectStage* colorStages[], const GrEffectStage* coverageStages[]) { #ifdef PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS ++fTotalRequests; #endif Entry* entry = NULL; uint32_t hashIdx = desc.getChecksum(); hashIdx ^= hashIdx >> 16; if (kHashBits <= 8) { hashIdx ^= hashIdx >> 8; } hashIdx &=((1 << kHashBits) - 1); Entry* hashedEntry = fHashTable[hashIdx]; if (NULL != hashedEntry && hashedEntry->fProgram->getDesc() == desc) { SkASSERT(NULL != hashedEntry->fProgram); entry = hashedEntry; } int entryIdx; if (NULL == entry) { entryIdx = this->search(desc); if (entryIdx >= 0) { entry = fEntries[entryIdx]; #ifdef PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS ++fHashMisses; #endif } } if (NULL == entry) { // We have a cache miss #ifdef PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS ++fCacheMisses; #endif GrGLProgram* program = GrGLProgram::Create(fGpu, desc, colorStages, coverageStages); if (NULL == program) { return NULL; } int purgeIdx = 0; if (fCount < kMaxEntries) { entry = SkNEW(Entry); purgeIdx = fCount++; fEntries[purgeIdx] = entry; } else { SkASSERT(fCount == kMaxEntries); purgeIdx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < kMaxEntries; ++i) { if (fEntries[i]->fLRUStamp < fEntries[purgeIdx]->fLRUStamp) { purgeIdx = i; } } entry = fEntries[purgeIdx]; int purgedHashIdx = entry->fProgram->getDesc().getChecksum() & ((1 << kHashBits) - 1); if (fHashTable[purgedHashIdx] == entry) { fHashTable[purgedHashIdx] = NULL; } } SkASSERT(fEntries[purgeIdx] == entry); entry->fProgram.reset(program); // We need to shift fEntries around so that the entry currently at purgeIdx is placed // just before the entry at ~entryIdx (in order to keep fEntries sorted by descriptor). entryIdx = ~entryIdx; if (entryIdx < purgeIdx) { // Let E and P be the entries at index entryIdx and purgeIdx, respectively. // If the entries array looks like this: // aaaaEbbbbbPccccc // we rearrange it to look like this: // aaaaPEbbbbbccccc size_t copySize = (purgeIdx - entryIdx) * sizeof(Entry*); memmove(fEntries + entryIdx + 1, fEntries + entryIdx, copySize); fEntries[entryIdx] = entry; } else if (purgeIdx < entryIdx) { // If the entries array looks like this: // aaaaPbbbbbEccccc // we rearrange it to look like this: // aaaabbbbbPEccccc size_t copySize = (entryIdx - purgeIdx - 1) * sizeof(Entry*); memmove(fEntries + purgeIdx, fEntries + purgeIdx + 1, copySize); fEntries[entryIdx - 1] = entry; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG SkASSERT(NULL != fEntries[0]->fProgram.get()); for (int i = 0; i < fCount - 1; ++i) { SkASSERT(NULL != fEntries[i + 1]->fProgram.get()); const GrGLProgramDesc& a = fEntries[i]->fProgram->getDesc(); const GrGLProgramDesc& b = fEntries[i + 1]->fProgram->getDesc(); SkASSERT(GrGLProgramDesc::Less(a, b)); SkASSERT(!GrGLProgramDesc::Less(b, a)); } #endif } fHashTable[hashIdx] = entry; entry->fLRUStamp = fCurrLRUStamp; if (SK_MaxU32 == fCurrLRUStamp) { // wrap around! just trash our LRU, one time hit. for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) { fEntries[i]->fLRUStamp = 0; } } ++fCurrLRUStamp; return entry->fProgram; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GrGpuGL::abandonResources(){ INHERITED::abandonResources(); fProgramCache->abandon(); fHWProgramID = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GL_CALL(X) GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), X) bool GrGpuGL::flushGraphicsState(DrawType type, const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy) { const GrDrawState& drawState = this->getDrawState(); // GrGpu::setupClipAndFlushState should have already checked this and bailed if not true. SkASSERT(NULL != drawState.getRenderTarget()); if (kStencilPath_DrawType == type) { const GrRenderTarget* rt = this->getDrawState().getRenderTarget(); SkISize size; size.set(rt->width(), rt->height()); this->setProjectionMatrix(drawState.getViewMatrix(), size, rt->origin()); } else { this->flushMiscFixedFunctionState(); GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff; GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff; GrDrawState::BlendOptFlags blendOpts = drawState.getBlendOpts(false, &srcCoeff, &dstCoeff); if (GrDrawState::kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag & blendOpts) { return false; } SkSTArray<8, const GrEffectStage*, true> colorStages; SkSTArray<8, const GrEffectStage*, true> coverageStages; GrGLProgramDesc desc; GrGLProgramDesc::Build(this->getDrawState(), type, blendOpts, srcCoeff, dstCoeff, this, dstCopy, &colorStages, &coverageStages, &desc); fCurrentProgram.reset(fProgramCache->getProgram(desc, colorStages.begin(), coverageStages.begin())); if (NULL == fCurrentProgram.get()) { SkDEBUGFAIL("Failed to create program!"); return false; } SkASSERT((kDrawPath_DrawType != type && kDrawPaths_DrawType != type) || !fCurrentProgram->hasVertexShader()); fCurrentProgram.get()->ref(); GrGLuint programID = fCurrentProgram->programID(); if (fHWProgramID != programID) { GL_CALL(UseProgram(programID)); fHWProgramID = programID; } fCurrentProgram->overrideBlend(&srcCoeff, &dstCoeff); this->flushBlend(kDrawLines_DrawType == type, srcCoeff, dstCoeff); fCurrentProgram->setData(blendOpts, colorStages.begin(), coverageStages.begin(), dstCopy, &fSharedGLProgramState); } this->flushStencil(type); this->flushScissor(); this->flushAAState(type); SkIRect* devRect = NULL; SkIRect devClipBounds; if (drawState.isClipState()) { this->getClip()->getConservativeBounds(drawState.getRenderTarget(), &devClipBounds); devRect = &devClipBounds; } // This must come after textures are flushed because a texture may need // to be msaa-resolved (which will modify bound FBO state). this->flushRenderTarget(devRect); return true; } void GrGpuGL::setupGeometry(const DrawInfo& info, size_t* indexOffsetInBytes) { GrGLsizei stride = static_cast(this->getDrawState().getVertexSize()); size_t vertexOffsetInBytes = stride * info.startVertex(); const GeometryPoolState& geoPoolState = this->getGeomPoolState(); GrGLVertexBuffer* vbuf; switch (this->getGeomSrc().fVertexSrc) { case kBuffer_GeometrySrcType: vbuf = (GrGLVertexBuffer*) this->getGeomSrc().fVertexBuffer; break; case kArray_GeometrySrcType: case kReserved_GeometrySrcType: this->finalizeReservedVertices(); vertexOffsetInBytes += geoPoolState.fPoolStartVertex * this->getGeomSrc().fVertexSize; vbuf = (GrGLVertexBuffer*) geoPoolState.fPoolVertexBuffer; break; default: vbuf = NULL; // suppress warning SkFAIL("Unknown geometry src type!"); } SkASSERT(NULL != vbuf); SkASSERT(!vbuf->isMapped()); vertexOffsetInBytes += vbuf->baseOffset(); GrGLIndexBuffer* ibuf = NULL; if (info.isIndexed()) { SkASSERT(NULL != indexOffsetInBytes); switch (this->getGeomSrc().fIndexSrc) { case kBuffer_GeometrySrcType: *indexOffsetInBytes = 0; ibuf = (GrGLIndexBuffer*)this->getGeomSrc().fIndexBuffer; break; case kArray_GeometrySrcType: case kReserved_GeometrySrcType: this->finalizeReservedIndices(); *indexOffsetInBytes = geoPoolState.fPoolStartIndex * sizeof(GrGLushort); ibuf = (GrGLIndexBuffer*) geoPoolState.fPoolIndexBuffer; break; default: ibuf = NULL; // suppress warning SkFAIL("Unknown geometry src type!"); } SkASSERT(NULL != ibuf); SkASSERT(!ibuf->isMapped()); *indexOffsetInBytes += ibuf->baseOffset(); } GrGLAttribArrayState* attribState = fHWGeometryState.bindArrayAndBuffersToDraw(this, vbuf, ibuf); if (fCurrentProgram->hasVertexShader()) { int vertexAttribCount = this->getDrawState().getVertexAttribCount(); uint32_t usedAttribArraysMask = 0; const GrVertexAttrib* vertexAttrib = this->getDrawState().getVertexAttribs(); for (int vertexAttribIndex = 0; vertexAttribIndex < vertexAttribCount; ++vertexAttribIndex, ++vertexAttrib) { usedAttribArraysMask |= (1 << vertexAttribIndex); GrVertexAttribType attribType = vertexAttrib->fType; attribState->set(this, vertexAttribIndex, vbuf, GrGLAttribTypeToLayout(attribType).fCount, GrGLAttribTypeToLayout(attribType).fType, GrGLAttribTypeToLayout(attribType).fNormalized, stride, reinterpret_cast( vertexOffsetInBytes + vertexAttrib->fOffset)); } attribState->disableUnusedArrays(this, usedAttribArraysMask); } }