/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrGLCaps_DEFINED #define GrGLCaps_DEFINED #include #include "GrCaps.h" #include "GrGLStencilAttachment.h" #include "GrSwizzle.h" #include "SkChecksum.h" #include "SkTHash.h" #include "SkTArray.h" #include "../private/GrGLSL.h" class GrGLContextInfo; class GrGLRenderTarget; /** * Stores some capabilities of a GL context. Most are determined by the GL * version and the extensions string. It also tracks formats that have passed * the FBO completeness test. */ class GrGLCaps : public GrCaps { public: typedef GrGLStencilAttachment::Format StencilFormat; /** * The type of MSAA for FBOs supported. Different extensions have different * semantics of how / when a resolve is performed. */ enum MSFBOType { /** * no support for MSAA FBOs */ kNone_MSFBOType = 0, /** * OpenGL < 3.0 with GL_EXT_framebuffer_object. Doesn't allow rendering to ALPHA. */ kEXT_MSFBOType, /** * OpenGL 3.0+, OpenGL ES 3.0+, and GL_ARB_framebuffer_object. */ kStandard_MSFBOType, /** * GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample ES extension */ kES_Apple_MSFBOType, /** * GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture. This variation does not have MSAA renderbuffers. * Instead the texture is multisampled when bound to the FBO and then resolved automatically * when read. It also defines an alternate value for GL_MAX_SAMPLES (which we call * GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG). */ kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType, /** * GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture. Same as the IMG one above but uses the standard * GL_MAX_SAMPLES value. */ kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType, /** * GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples. */ kMixedSamples_MSFBOType, kLast_MSFBOType = kMixedSamples_MSFBOType }; enum BlitFramebufferFlags { kNoSupport_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 0, kNoScalingOrMirroring_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 1, kResolveMustBeFull_BlitFrambufferFlag = 1 << 2, kNoMSAADst_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 3, kNoFormatConversion_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 4, kNoFormatConversionForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 5, kRectsMustMatchForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag = 1 << 6, }; enum InvalidateFBType { kNone_InvalidateFBType, kDiscard_InvalidateFBType, //& stencilFormats() const { return fStencilFormats; } /** * Has a stencil format index been found for the config (or we've found that no format works). */ bool hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForConfig(GrPixelConfig config) const { return fConfigTable[config].fStencilFormatIndex != ConfigInfo::kUnknown_StencilIndex; } /** * Gets the stencil format index for the config. This assumes * hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForConfig has already been checked. Returns a value < 0 if * no stencil format is supported with the config. Otherwise, returned index refers to the array * returned by stencilFormats(). */ int getStencilFormatIndexForConfig(GrPixelConfig config) const { SkASSERT(this->hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForConfig(config)); return fConfigTable[config].fStencilFormatIndex; } /** * If index is >= 0 this records an index into stencilFormats() as the best stencil format for * the config. If < 0 it records that the config has no supported stencil format index. */ void setStencilFormatIndexForConfig(GrPixelConfig config, int index) { SkASSERT(!this->hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForConfig(config)); if (index < 0) { fConfigTable[config].fStencilFormatIndex = ConfigInfo::kUnsupported_StencilFormatIndex; } else { fConfigTable[config].fStencilFormatIndex = index; } } /** * Call to note that a color config has been verified as a valid color * attachment. This may save future calls to glCheckFramebufferStatus * using isConfigVerifiedColorAttachment(). */ void markConfigAsValidColorAttachment(GrPixelConfig config) { fConfigTable[config].fFlags |= ConfigInfo::kVerifiedColorAttachment_Flag; } /** * Call to check whether a config has been verified as a valid color * attachment. */ bool isConfigVerifiedColorAttachment(GrPixelConfig config) const { return SkToBool(fConfigTable[config].fFlags & ConfigInfo::kVerifiedColorAttachment_Flag); } /** * Reports the type of MSAA FBO support. */ MSFBOType msFBOType() const { return fMSFBOType; } /** * Does the preferred MSAA FBO extension have MSAA renderbuffers? */ bool usesMSAARenderBuffers() const { return kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType && kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType && kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType && kMixedSamples_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType; } /** * What functionality is supported by glBlitFramebuffer. */ uint32_t blitFramebufferSupportFlags() const { return fBlitFramebufferFlags; } /** * Is the MSAA FBO extension one where the texture is multisampled when bound to an FBO and * then implicitly resolved when read. */ bool usesImplicitMSAAResolve() const { return kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType || kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType; } InvalidateFBType invalidateFBType() const { return fInvalidateFBType; } /// What type of buffer mapping is supported? MapBufferType mapBufferType() const { return fMapBufferType; } /// What type of transfer buffer is supported? TransferBufferType transferBufferType() const { return fTransferBufferType; } /// The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16). int maxFragmentUniformVectors() const { return fMaxFragmentUniformVectors; } /** * Depending on the ES extensions present the BGRA external format may * correspond to either a BGRA or RGBA internalFormat. On desktop GL it is * RGBA. */ bool bgraIsInternalFormat() const; /// Is there support for GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH bool unpackRowLengthSupport() const { return fUnpackRowLengthSupport; } /// Is there support for GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y bool unpackFlipYSupport() const { return fUnpackFlipYSupport; } /// Is there support for GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH bool packRowLengthSupport() const { return fPackRowLengthSupport; } /// Is there support for GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER bool packFlipYSupport() const { return fPackFlipYSupport; } /// Is there support for texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_USAGE bool textureUsageSupport() const { return fTextureUsageSupport; } /// Is there support for GL_RED and GL_R8 bool textureRedSupport() const { return fTextureRedSupport; } /// Is GL_ARB_IMAGING supported bool imagingSupport() const { return fImagingSupport; } /// Is there support for Vertex Array Objects? bool vertexArrayObjectSupport() const { return fVertexArrayObjectSupport; } /// Is there support for GL_EXT_direct_state_access? bool directStateAccessSupport() const { return fDirectStateAccessSupport; } /// Is there support for GL_KHR_debug? bool debugSupport() const { return fDebugSupport; } /// Is there support for ES2 compatability? bool ES2CompatibilitySupport() const { return fES2CompatibilitySupport; } /// Is there support for glDraw*Instanced? bool drawInstancedSupport() const { return fDrawInstancedSupport; } /// Is there support for glDraw*Indirect? Note that the baseInstance fields of indirect draw /// commands cannot be used unless we have base instance support. bool drawIndirectSupport() const { return fDrawIndirectSupport; } /// Is there support for glMultiDraw*Indirect? Note that the baseInstance fields of indirect /// draw commands cannot be used unless we have base instance support. bool multiDrawIndirectSupport() const { return fMultiDrawIndirectSupport; } /// Is there support for glDrawRangeElements? bool drawRangeElementsSupport() const { return fDrawRangeElementsSupport; } /// Are the baseInstance fields supported in indirect draw commands? bool baseInstanceSupport() const { return fBaseInstanceSupport; } /// Use indices or vertices in CPU arrays rather than VBOs for dynamic content. bool useNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData() const { return fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData; } /// Does ReadPixels support reading readConfig pixels from a FBO that is surfaceConfig? bool readPixelsSupported(GrPixelConfig surfaceConfig, GrPixelConfig readConfig, std::function getIntegerv, std::function bindRenderTarget, std::function unbindRenderTarget) const; bool isCoreProfile() const { return fIsCoreProfile; } bool bindFragDataLocationSupport() const { return fBindFragDataLocationSupport; } bool bindUniformLocationSupport() const { return fBindUniformLocationSupport; } /// Are textures with GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE type supported. bool rectangleTextureSupport() const { return fRectangleTextureSupport; } /// GL_ARB_texture_swizzle bool textureSwizzleSupport() const { return fTextureSwizzleSupport; } bool mipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport() const { return fMipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport; } bool doManualMipmapping() const { return fDoManualMipmapping; } bool srgbDecodeDisableSupport() const { return fSRGBDecodeDisableSupport; } bool srgbDecodeDisableAffectsMipmaps() const { return fSRGBDecodeDisableAffectsMipmaps; } /** * Returns a string containing the caps info. */ SkString dump() const override; bool rgba8888PixelsOpsAreSlow() const { return fRGBA8888PixelsOpsAreSlow; } bool partialFBOReadIsSlow() const { return fPartialFBOReadIsSlow; } bool rgbaToBgraReadbackConversionsAreSlow() const { return fRGBAToBGRAReadbackConversionsAreSlow; } bool initDescForDstCopy(const GrRenderTarget* src, GrSurfaceDesc* desc) const override; private: enum ExternalFormatUsage { kTexImage_ExternalFormatUsage, kOther_ExternalFormatUsage, kLast_ExternalFormatUsage = kOther_ExternalFormatUsage }; static const int kExternalFormatUsageCnt = kLast_ExternalFormatUsage + 1; bool getExternalFormat(GrPixelConfig surfaceConfig, GrPixelConfig memoryConfig, ExternalFormatUsage usage, GrGLenum* externalFormat, GrGLenum* externalType) const; void init(const GrContextOptions&, const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*); void initGLSL(const GrGLContextInfo&); bool hasPathRenderingSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*); void onApplyOptionsOverrides(const GrContextOptions& options) override; void initFSAASupport(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*); void initBlendEqationSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&); void initStencilFormats(const GrGLContextInfo&); // This must be called after initFSAASupport(). void initConfigTable(const GrContextOptions&, const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*, GrShaderCaps*); void initShaderPrecisionTable(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*, GrShaderCaps*); GrGLStandard fStandard; SkTArray fStencilFormats; int fMaxFragmentUniformVectors; MSFBOType fMSFBOType; InvalidateFBType fInvalidateFBType; MapBufferType fMapBufferType; TransferBufferType fTransferBufferType; bool fUnpackRowLengthSupport : 1; bool fUnpackFlipYSupport : 1; bool fPackRowLengthSupport : 1; bool fPackFlipYSupport : 1; bool fTextureUsageSupport : 1; bool fTextureRedSupport : 1; bool fImagingSupport : 1; bool fVertexArrayObjectSupport : 1; bool fDirectStateAccessSupport : 1; bool fDebugSupport : 1; bool fES2CompatibilitySupport : 1; bool fDrawInstancedSupport : 1; bool fDrawIndirectSupport : 1; bool fDrawRangeElementsSupport : 1; bool fMultiDrawIndirectSupport : 1; bool fBaseInstanceSupport : 1; bool fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData : 1; bool fIsCoreProfile : 1; bool fBindFragDataLocationSupport : 1; bool fRGBA8888PixelsOpsAreSlow : 1; bool fPartialFBOReadIsSlow : 1; bool fBindUniformLocationSupport : 1; bool fRectangleTextureSupport : 1; bool fTextureSwizzleSupport : 1; bool fMipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport : 1; bool fRGBAToBGRAReadbackConversionsAreSlow : 1; bool fDoManualMipmapping : 1; bool fSRGBDecodeDisableSupport : 1; bool fSRGBDecodeDisableAffectsMipmaps : 1; uint32_t fBlitFramebufferFlags; /** Number type of the components (with out considering number of bits.) */ enum FormatType { kNormalizedFixedPoint_FormatType, kFloat_FormatType, kInteger_FormatType, }; struct ReadPixelsFormat { ReadPixelsFormat() : fFormat(0), fType(0) {} GrGLenum fFormat; GrGLenum fType; }; struct ConfigFormats { ConfigFormats() { // Inits to known bad GL enum values. memset(this, 0xAB, sizeof(ConfigFormats)); } GrGLenum fBaseInternalFormat; GrGLenum fSizedInternalFormat; /** The external format and type are to be used when uploading/downloading data using this config where both the CPU data and GrSurface are the same config. To get the external format and type when converting between configs while copying to/from memory use getExternalFormat(). The kTexImage external format is usually the same as kOther except for kSRGBA on some GL contexts. */ GrGLenum fExternalFormat[kExternalFormatUsageCnt]; GrGLenum fExternalType; // Either the base or sized internal format depending on the GL and config. GrGLenum fInternalFormatTexImage; GrGLenum fInternalFormatRenderbuffer; }; struct ConfigInfo { ConfigInfo() : fStencilFormatIndex(kUnknown_StencilIndex), fFlags(0) {} ConfigFormats fFormats; FormatType fFormatType; // On ES contexts there are restrictions on type type/format that may be used for // ReadPixels. One is implicitly specified by the current FBO's format. The other is // queryable. This stores the queried option (lazily). ReadPixelsFormat fSecondReadPixelsFormat; enum { // This indicates that a stencil format has not yet been determined for the config. kUnknown_StencilIndex = -1, // This indicates that there is no supported stencil format for the config. kUnsupported_StencilFormatIndex = -2 }; // Index fStencilFormats. int fStencilFormatIndex; enum { kVerifiedColorAttachment_Flag = 0x1, kTextureable_Flag = 0x2, kRenderable_Flag = 0x4, kRenderableWithMSAA_Flag = 0x8, /** kFBOColorAttachment means that even if the config cannot be a GrRenderTarget, we can still attach it to a FBO for blitting or reading pixels. */ kFBOColorAttachment_Flag = 0x10, kCanUseTexStorage_Flag = 0x20, kCanUseWithTexelBuffer_Flag = 0x40, kCanUseAsImageStorage_Flag = 0x80, }; uint32_t fFlags; GrSwizzle fSwizzle; }; ConfigInfo fConfigTable[kGrPixelConfigCnt]; typedef GrCaps INHERITED; }; #endif